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  Listing Council Decision 2003-1
Identification Number 679
Rule 4310(c)(4): $1 minimum bid price requirement for continued listing on the SmallCap Market.
Issue: The bid price of the company's common stock was below $1 for more than one year. The company stated it had received board approval for a reverse stock split and had prepared preliminary proxy materials to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Determination: The company was properly delisted for failure to comply with the minimum bid price requirement. The company did not demonstrate the ability to regain compliance in the near term or to maintain compliance over the long term. The company had not filed a preliminary proxy statement seeking shareholder approval for a reverse stock split to cure the bid price deficiency and did not expect to do so until it completed negotiations for the sale of one of its businesses.
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Rule 4310(c)(2): $2,500,000 shareholders' equity requirement, or its alternatives, for continued listing on the SmallCap Market.
Issue: The company no longer satisfied the shareholders' equity requirement. The company planned to regain compliance by disposing of one of its businesses, converting debt to equity and raising additional funds.
Determination: The company was properly delisted for failure to comply with the shareholders' equity requirement. The company did not provide any definitive documentation or timetable to indicate when the company expected to achieve its plan. Furthermore, the company had not filed a proxy statement to obtain shareholder approval for certain debt to equity conversions, as represented by the company during the Panel hearing.
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Rule 4310(c)(13): NASDAQ annual and listing of additional shares fees.
Issue: The company failed to pay NASDAQ annual and listing of additional shares fees.
Determination: The company was properly delisted for failure to pay the requisite annual and listing of additional shares fees. The annual fee was outstanding for more than six months, and the listing of additional shares fee was outstanding for more than one year.
Publication Date*: 7/31/2012 Mailto Link Identification Number: 679
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