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  Listing Council Decision 2003-4
Identification Number 676
Rule 4310(c)(2): $2,500,000 shareholders' equity requirement, or its alternatives, for continued listing on the SmallCap Market.
Issue: The company no longer satisfied the shareholders' equity requirement. The company asserted that it would regain compliance after it received financing in connection with a transaction with a potential partner. The company expected to consummate the transaction within three months. The company also planned to raise financing through a placement agent.
Determination: The company was properly delisted for failure to comply with the shareholders' equity requirement. The company had been deficient for approximately eight months and had not provided sufficient evidence to indicate that its proposed transaction would occur in the near term. There was no evidence in the record, and the company had not filed any reports on Form 8-K or issued any press releases, announcing that it received a term sheet or entered into a definitive agreement with the potential partner. In addition, the company had not provided any evidence or publicly announced that it raised any financing through its placement agent.
* * *
Rule 4310(c)(4): $1 minimum bid price requirement for continued listing on the SmallCap Market.
Issue: The bid price of the company's common stock was below $1. The company believed its common stock price would increase after it received financing in connection with its proposed transaction. Even though the company had been non-compliant with the bid price requirement for one year, it indicated that it would only implement a reverse stock split if its plan did not improve its bid price.
Determination: The company was properly delisted for failure to comply with the minimum bid price requirement. The company had been deficient for approximately one year. Anticipated favorable market reaction is not a definitive plan to regain compliance with the minimum bid price requirement. Furthermore, the company had not filed a preliminary proxy statement to effect a reverse stock split.
Publication Date*: 7/31/2012 Mailto Link Identification Number: 676
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