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Frequently Asked Questions
  Where should fee payments be sent?
Identification Number 419

For wire payments sent through either Federal Reserve Wire or American Clearing House, please use the following instructions:

Bank Name: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

Bank Address: 420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94101

ABA Number: 121000248

Bank Account Number: 2000031405177


Beneficiary: Nasdaq, Inc.

For Further Credit to: The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC

 Reference: Please include the following Reference information with the wire, as applicable:

 For Listing Application Fee payments  please include the following information: GL2100625, the listing company’s name and security symbol, and note that the payment is for Application Fees.

 For Listing Entry Fee payments please include the following information: GL2100625, the listing company’s name and security symbol, and note that the payment is for Entry Fees.

 For Annual Listing Fee payments please include the following information: The company’s billing account number and invoice number (as shown on the invoice).

 For Hearing or Appeal Fee payments please include the following information: GL5550010, company name and security symbol, and note whether the payment is for a Hearing or an Appeal Request.

Nasdaq is not responsible for costs associated with the wire transfer of fees.  Please be sure to include a sufficient amount to cover any applicable bank fees and do not indicate that the beneficiary will pay costs.

Publication Date*: 3/4/2024 Mailto Link Identification Number: 419
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