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Frequently Asked Questions
  What disclosure is required by a Foreign Private Issuer that follows a home country practice in lieu of one or more of the Listing Rules?
Identification Number 160
In the interest of transparency, as set forth in IM-5615-3, a Foreign Private Issuer is required to make appropriate disclosures in its annual filings with the SEC (typically Form 20-F or 40-F), and at the time of the company's original listing in the United States, if that listing is on Nasdaq, in its registration statement (typically Form F-1, 20-F, or 40-F); alternatively, a company that is not required to file an annual report on Form 20-F may provide these disclosures in English on its website in addition to, or instead of, providing these disclosures on its registration statement or annual report. The company must disclose each requirement that it does not follow and include a brief statement of the home country practice the company follows in lieu of Nasdaq's corporate governance requirements. If the disclosure is only available on the website, the annual report and registration statement should so state and provide the web address at which the information may be obtained. Companies that must file annual reports on Form 20-F are encouraged to provide these disclosures on their websites, in addition to the required Form 20-F disclosures, to provide maximum transparency about their practices.
Publication Date*: 7/31/2012 Mailto Link Identification Number: 160
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