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Equity 9 Business Conduct
Section 1. Reserved

Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 2. Reserved

Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 3. Reserved

Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 4. Reserved

Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 5. Reserved

Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 6. Reserved

Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 7. Reserved

Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 8. Reserved


Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 9. Reserved


Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 10. Reserved


Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 11. Reserved


Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 12. Reserved

Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 13. Reserved


Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 14. Reserved


Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 15. Limitations on Members' Trading Because of Customers' Orders

(a) Except as provided in this Rule, no member or member organization shall cause the entry of an order to buy (sell) on the Exchange any security listed or traded on the Exchange for any account in which such member or member organization or any associated person thereof is directly or indirectly interested (a "proprietary order"), if the person responsible for the entry of such order has knowledge of any particular unexecuted customer order to buy (sell) such security which could be executed at the same price.

(b) A member or member organization may enter a proprietary order while representing a customer order which could be executed at the same price, provided the customer's order is not for the account of an individual investor, and the customer has given express permission, including an understanding of the relative price and size-of allocated-execution reports, under the following conditions:

(1) the member or member organization is liquidating a position held in a proprietary facilitation account, and the customer order is for 10,000 shares or more;

(2) the member or member organization is creating a bona fide hedge ("hedge") and (i) the creation of the hedge, whether through one or more transactions, occurs so close in time to the completion of the transaction precipitating such hedge that the hedge is clearly related; (ii) the size of the hedge is commensurate with the risk it offsets; (iii) the risk to be offset is the result of a position acquired in the course of facilitating a customer order; and (iv) the customer order is for 10,000 shares or more;

(3) the member or member organization is modifying an existing hedge and (i) the size of the hedge, as modified, remains commensurate with the risk it offsets; (ii) the hedge was created to offset a position acquired in the course of facilitating a customer order; and (iii) the customer order is for 10,000 shares or more; or

(4) the member or member organization is engaging in bona fide arbitrage or risk arbitrage transaction, and recording such transactions in an account used solely to record arbitrage transactions (an "arbitrage account").

(c) The provisions of this Rule shall not apply to:

(1) any purchase or sale of any security in an amount of less than the unit of trading made by an odd-lot dealer to offset odd-lot orders of customers; 

(2) any purchase or sale of any security upon terms for delivery other than those specified in such unexecuted market or limited price order;

(3) transactions by a member or member organization acting in the capacity of a specialist or market maker in a security listed or traded on the Exchange otherwise than on the Exchange; and

(4) transactions made to correct bona fide errors.

(d) A member or member organization or employee thereof responsible for entering proprietary orders shall be presumed to have knowledge of a particular customer order unless the member organization has implemented a reasonable system of internal policies and procedures to prevent the misuse of information about customer orders by those responsible for entering such proprietary orders.

(e) This Rule shall apply to any agency or proprietary transaction effected on the Exchange if such transaction ("Exchange transaction") is part of a group of related transactions that together have the effects prohibited by this Rule regardless whether (i) one or more of the other related transactions were effected on other market centers; or (ii) the Exchange transaction by itself had such effects.

(f) For purposes of paragraph (b) above, the term "account of an individual investor" shall mean an account covered by Section 11(a)(1)(E) of the Exchange Act. For purposes of paragraph (b)(1) above, the term "proprietary facilitation account" shall mean an account in which a member organization has a direct interest and which is used to record transactions whereby the member organization acquires positions in the course of facilitating customer orders. Only those positions which are recorded in a proprietary facilitation account may be liquidated as provided in paragraph (b)(1). For purposes of paragraph (b)(2) and (b)(4) above, the terms "bona fide hedge", "bona fide arbitrage" and "risk arbitrage" shall have the meaning ascribed to such terms in Securities Exchange Act Release No. 15533, January 29, 1979. All transactions effected pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) above must be recorded in an arbitrage account.

(g) For purposes of paragraph (b)(2) above, a hedge will be deemed to be "clearly related" if either the first or last transaction comprising the hedge is executed on the same trade date as the transaction that precipitates such hedge. A member shall mark all memoranda of orders to identify each transaction creating or modifying a hedge as permitted under this Rule.

Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 16. Successive Transactions by Members

No member, and no firm of which he is a partner, and no partner of such firm, shall execute or cause to be executed on the Exchange the purchase of any security at successively higher prices or the sale of any security at successively lower prices for the purpose of creating or inducing a false, misleading or artificial appearance of activity in such security, or for the purpose of unduly or improperly influencing the market price of such security, or for the purpose of making a price which does not reflect the true state of the market in such security.

Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 17. Short Sales

PSX shall not effect a sell order or sale of any security unless such sell order is effected in compliance with Regulation SHO promulgated under the Exchange Act.

Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 18. Proper and Adequate Margin

(a) No member organization shall effect a transaction or accept or carry an account for a customer, whether a member or non-member of the Exchange, without proper and adequate margin in accordance with the Margin Rules set forth in Options 6C, Section 3 and Regulation T.

(b) A member organization must elect to be bound by the initial and maintenance margin requirements of either the Chicago Board Options Exchange ("CBOE") or New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") as the same may be in effect and amended from time to time.

(1) Such election shall be promptly made in writing by a notice filed with the Exchange.

(2) Upon the filing of such election, a member organization shall be bound to comply with the margin rules of CBOE or NYSE, as applicable, as though said rules were part of the Exchange's Margin Rules.

(A) Upon the filing of such election, a member organization engaged in trading Treasury securities options on the Exchange shall, in respect of such trading, comply with the NYSE initial and maintenance margin rules or CBOE margin rules in Chapter XII (not CBOE Government security option margin rules in Chapter XXI). Provided, however, that short Treasury security options traded on the Exchange shall follow the margin percentage requirements for short equity options in NYSE margin rules or the margin percentage requirements for short equity options in CBOE Chapter XII; and provided that portfolio margin shall not be applicable to Treasury securities options.

(c) The margin requirement for any U.S. dollar-settled foreign currency put or call option listed and traded on the Exchange and issued by a registered clearing corporation shall be calculated as follows: 

(1) The Exchange will review the five day price movements comparing the base currency against the underlying currency over the most recent three-year period for each foreign currency pair underlying options traded on the Exchange and will set margin levels which would have covered the price changes over the review period at least 97.5% of the time ("confidence level").

(2) Subsequent reviews of five day price changes over the most recent three year period will be performed quarterly on the 15th of January, April, July and October of each year.

(3) If the results of subsequent reviews show that the confidence level for any currency pair has fallen below 97%, the Exchange will increase the margin requirement for that currency up to a 98% confidence level. If the results show a confidence level between 97% and 97.5%, the currency pair will be monitored monthly until the confidence level exceeds 97.5% for two consecutive months. If the results of a monthly review show that the confidence level has fallen below 97%, the margin requirement will be increased to a 98% confidence level. If the results of any review show that the confidence level has exceeded 98.5%, the margin level would be reduced to a level which would provide a 98% confidence level.

(4) The Exchange will also review each currency pair for large price movements outside the margin level ("extreme outlier test"). If the results of any review show a price movement, either positive or negative, of greater than two times the current margin level, the margin requirement for that currency pair will be increased to a confidence level of 99%.

(d) The margin requirement for any Alpha Index put or call option listed and traded on the Exchange and issued by a registered clearing corporation shall be the same as the higher of the margin requirements applicable to options on the two individual components of the index.

Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 19. Prohibition on Free-Riding in Cash Accounts

No member organization shall permit a customer (other than a broker/dealer or a "designated account") to make a practice, directly or indirectly, of effecting transactions in a cash account where the cost of securities purchased is met by the sale of the same securities. No member organization shall permit a customer to make a practice of selling securities with them in a cash account which are to be received against payment from another broker/dealer where such securities were purchased and are not yet paid for. A member organization transferring an account which is subject to a Regulation T 90-day freeze to another member organization shall inform the receiving member organization of such 90-day freeze.
The provisions of Section 220.8(c) of Regulation T of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System dictate the prohibitions and exceptions against customers' free riding. Member organizations may apply to the Exchange in writing for waiver of a 90-day freeze not exempted by Regulation T.

Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 20. Financial Responsibility and Reporting

(a) Financial Responsibility Standards.—Each member organization effecting securities transactions shall comply with the capital requirements set forth below:

(i) each member organization subject to SEC rule 15c3-1 shall at all times comply with said rule and the notification provisions of SEC Rule 17a-11;

(ii) each member organization exempt from SEC Rule 15c3-1 shall, at the time of its admission to the Exchange, have a minimum of $25,000 in net liquid assets; 

(iii) each member organization or foreign currency options participant organization exempt from SEC Rule 15c3-1 and whose principal business is as a registered options trader on the Exchange, shall, subject to subparagraph (iv) below, at all times maintain a minimum of $25,000 in net liquid assets;

(iv) each member organization referred to in paragraph (iii) above shall at all times maintain positive net liquid assets and, in its clearing account(s), positive equity, provided that said organization has filed with the Exchange a letter of guarantee issued on its behalf by a clearing member organization of this Exchange which is also a clearing member of The Options Clearing Corporation. In said letter the clearing member organization guarantees the financial responsibilities of said organization for all transactions and balances carried and cleared in the clearing account(s). Such letter of guarantee filed with the Exchange shall remain in effect until a written notice of revocation has been filed with the Exchange by the clearing member organization. A revocation shall in no way relieve a clearing member organization of responsibility for transactions guaranteed prior to the effective date of such revocation.

(v) a member organization shall promptly notify the Exchange if it ceases to be in compliance with the net capital requirements of SEC Rule 15c3-1 and/or the provisions of paragraphs (a)(iii) and (a)(iv) above.

(vi) Each member organization which maintains a joint back office ("JBO" arrangement with a clearing broker-dealer subject to the requirements of Regulation T Section 220.7 of the Federal Reserve System shall comply with the requirements below:

(A) Each JBO participant must be registered as a broker-dealer pursuant to Section 15 of the Exchange Act and subject to SEC Rule 15c3-1(b)(i).

(B) Each JBO participant must meet and maintain a minimum account equity requirements of $1,000,000 the carrying organization must issue a call for additional funds or securities which shall be obtained within five business days. If funds or securities sufficient to eliminate the deficiency are not received within five (5) business days, the carrying organization must margin the account in accordance with the requirements prescribed for a customer in Regulation T and Options 6C, Section 3.

(C) Each JBO participant must meet and maintain the ownership standards.

(D) Each JBO participant must employ or have access to a qualified Series 27 principal.

(vii) Every clearing member organization carrying JBO accounts in accordance with Regulation T, shall comply with Section 220.7 of the Federal Reserve Board. 

(A) Each member organization that carries JBO accounts shall not allow its (i) tentative net to fall below $25 million or in the alternative its (ii) net capital $7 million for a period in excess of three (3) consecutive business days, provided that the broker-dealer has as its primary business the clearance of options market maker accounts and provided that at least 60% of the sum of the gross haircuts calculated for all options market makers and JBO participant accounts, without regard to related account equity or clearing firm net capital charges, is attributable to options market maker transactions. In addition, the firm operating pursuant to (ii) must include the gross deductions calculated for all JBO participant accounts in the clearing firm's ratio of gross options market maker deductions to adjusted net capital in accordance with the provisions of SEC Rule 15c3-1.

(B) Each member organization which maintains JBO accounts shall require and maintain equity of $1,000,000 for each JBO participant, over all related accounts. If equity is below $1,000,000 the carrying organization must issue a call for additional funds or securities which shall be obtained within five business days. If funds or securities are sufficient to eliminate the deficiency are not received within five (5) business days, the carrying organization must margin the account in accordance with the requirements prescribed for a customer in Regulation T and Options 6C, Section 3.

(C) Each member organization which maintains JBO accounts shall adjust its net worth daily by deducting any deficiency between a JBO participant's account equity and the proprietary haircut calculated pursuant to SEC Rule 15c3-1 for the positions maintained in such account.

(D) Each member organization which maintains JBO accounts shall establish and maintain written ownership standards for JBO accounts.

(E) Each member organization which maintains JBO accounts must notify its Designated Examining Authority ("DEA"), in writing of its intention to carry such accounts.

If at any time a clearing member operating pursuant to paragraphs (vii)(A)(i) or (ii) above determines that its tentative net capital or that its net capital, respectively, has fallen below the applicable requirements, such clearing member shall immediately notify the Exchange of such deficiency by telegraphic or facsimile notice; and be subject to the prohibition against withdrawal of equity capital set forth in SEC Rule 15c3-1(e) and to the prohibitions against reduction, prepayment and repayment of subordination agreements set forth in paragraph (b)(1) of the SEC Rule 15c3-1d, as if such broker or dealers' net capital were below the minimum standards specified by each of these paragraphs.

(F) Each member organization which maintains JBO accounts must develop risk analysis standards which are acceptable to the Exchange.

(viii) a member organization shall promptly notify the Exchange if it ceases to be in compliance with the net capital requirements of SEC Rule 15c3-1 and/or the provisions of paragraphs (a)(iii) and (a)(iv) above.

(b) Computation of Net Liquid Assets.—Each member organization subject to this Rule shall compute net liquid assets in accordance with the following.

(i) Net Liquid Assets shall mean Total Assets less Total Liabilities less Non-Allowable Assets plus Exchange-approved Subordinated Liabilities less 2/3 of the value, as defined below. Unless provided otherwise in this rule, assets, liabilities and net worth shall be computed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

(ii) Assets and Non-Allowable Assets shall have the same meaning as set forth in SEC Rule 15c3-1 except as stated in paragraph (b)(i) above;

(iii) Exchange-approved Subordinated Liabilities shall have the same meaning as those liabilities subject to Appendix D to SEC Rule 15c3-1 and shall be executed and maintained in the same manner as defined in said Rule and SEC Rule 17a-11.

(c) Reporting and Recordkeeping.—Member organizations shall make the following reports of their compliance with their pertinent financial responsibility rules:

(i) Organizations designated to the Exchange for financial responsibility pursuant to SEC Rule 17d-1 and subject to SEC Rules 15c3-1 and 17a-5 shall file those periodic and annual reports and annual certified audited statements as prescribed by SEC Rule 17a-5. 

(ii) Each organization designated to the Exchange for financial responsibility pursuant to SEC Rule 17d-1 and acting as a Market Maker and/or option specialist shall, on forms prescribed by the Exchange, file the following reports with the Exchange or its designee:

(A) As of the last business day of each month, a statement of assets, liabilities, net worth and a computation of net capital;

(B) As of the last business day of each calendar quarter, in addition to the information required by subparagraph (c)(ii)(A), a statement of profit or loss for said calendar quarter and, where applicable, changes in retained earnings, partnership capital and subordinated liabilities; and

(C) As of the last business day of each calendar year, in addition to the information required by subparagraph (c)(ii)(A), a statement of profit or loss for said year and where applicable, changes in retained earnings, partnership capital and subordinated liabilities and any other supplemental schedule(s) as may be required by the SEC.

(iii) Each organization designated to the Exchange for financial responsibility pursuant to SEC Rule 17d-1, exempt from SEC Rule 15c3-1 and maintaining net liquid assets in accordance with subparagraph (a)(iii), shall, on forms prescribed by the Exchange, file those reports prescribed in subparagraph (c)(ii)(A), (B), and (C).

(iv) Each organization designated to the Exchange for financial responsibility pursuant to SEC Rule 17d-1, exempt from SEC Rule 15c3-1 and maintaining net liquid assets in accordance with Options 6D, Section 1(a)(iv), shall file only those reports prescribed in Rule subparagraph (c)(ii)(C) as well as those reports prescribed in subparagraph (c)(iv)(A).

(A) As of the last business day of the first half of each calendar year, in addition to the information required by subparagraph (c)(ii)(A), a statement of profit or loss for said first half, and where applicable, changes in retained earnings, partnership capital and subordinated liabilities.

(v) Each organization designated to the Exchange for financial responsibility pursuant to SEC Rule 17d-1 and acting as a broker on the Exchange shall, on forms prescribed by the Exchange, file those reports described in subparagraph (c)(ii)(A), (B), and (C).

(vi) Each member organization whose principal business is acting as a broker on PSX, who is not self-clearing and for which the Exchange is the DEA must establish and maintain an account with a clearing firm for the sole purposes of carrying positions resulting from errors made in the course of its brokerage business. Such an account for options transactions must be maintained with an entity which is also a clearing member of The Options Clearing Corporation. A broker on PSX, prior to effecting any transactions, must file with the Exchange a letter from its clearing member organization stating that this account has been established and that the clearing member organization guarantees the financial responsibilities of the broker on PSX with respect to all orders entrusted on PSX with such broker on PSX as well as all transactions and balances carried within the account. This letter shall remain in effect until the Exchange receives written notice from the clearing member organization of its intent to no longer clear or carry transactions for such broker on PSX. Written notice received at least one-half hour before the normal opening of trading shall take effect on the day of receipt; written notice received less than one-half hour before the opening of trading shall take effect on the opening of the business day following Exchange receipt.

(d) The Exchange may at any time or from time to time with respect to a particular member organization, prescribe more frequent filing of reports or greater net liquid asset requirements than those prescribed under this Rule, including more stringent treatment of items in computing net liquid assets.

(e) Due Dates; Fees for Late Filing.—Each financial report required by paragraph (c) shall be filed with the Exchange within seventeen business days after the conclusion of the reporting period. Reports shall be deemed to have been filed on the date which they have been postmarked; if such reports have not been postmarked, they shall be deemed to have been filed when received by the Exchange. A request for an extension of time to file any such report must be received by the Exchange no later than the business day before the due date for the required report. Unless such an extension has been granted, a member organization shall pay a late fee as set forth below for each week or any part thereof that the report has not been filed.

(i) $100 per week for the first late filing in a twelve-month period;

(ii) $300 per week for the second late filing during a twelve-month period; and

(iii) $1,000 per week for the third late filing, and subsequent late filings, during a twelvemonth period.

The twelve-month period is calculated based on report due dates. Delinquencies will be calculated based on a running twelve-month period.

(f) Filings with The Exchange.—All letters, reports, extension requests and other items required to be filed with the Exchange by any provision of this Rule shall be filed with the Exchange or its designee.

(g) JBO participants shall not be considered self-clearing for any purpose other than the extension of credit under Options 6C, Section 3 or under the comparable rules of another self-regulatory organization.

(h) Organizations designated to the Exchange for financial responsibility pursuant to SEC Rule 17d-1 and subject to SEC Rules 15c3-1 and 17a-5 or exempt from SEC Rule 15c3-1 and maintaining net liquid assets in accordance with paragraph (a), must file electronically with the Exchange or its designee, utilizing such method as required by the Exchange, FOCUS Reports and filings required by SEC Rule 17a-5(a) and (b) and paragraphs 703(c), (d) and (f). Exchange members are still obligated to submit such filings to the Securities and Exchange Commission as specified in the Exchange Act ("Act"), as amended, and the rules promulgated under the Act.

Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 21. Automated Submission of Trading Data

A member or member organization shall submit such of the following trade data elements specified below in such automated format as may be prescribed by the Exchange from time to time, in regard to such transaction or transactions as may be subject of a particular request for information made by the Exchange:

(a) If the transaction was a proprietary transaction effected or caused to be effected by the member or member organization for any account in which such member or member organization, or any member, allied member, approved person, partner, officer, director, or employee thereof, is directly or indirectly interested, such member or member organization shall submit or cause to be submitted the following information:

(1) Clearing house number, or alpha symbol as used by the member or the member organization submitting the data;

(2) Clearing house number(s), or alpha symbol(s) as may be used from time to time, of the member(s) or member organization(s) on the opposite side of the transaction;

(3) Identifying symbol assigned to the security; 

(4) Date transaction was executed;

(5) Number of shares, or quantity of bonds or options contracts for each specific transaction and whether each transaction was a purchase, sale, short sale, and if an options contract whether open long or short or close long or short;

(6) Transaction price;

(7) Account number; and

(8) Market center where transaction was executed.

(b) If the transaction was effected or caused to be effected by the member or member organization for any customer account, such member organization shall submit or cause to be submitted the following information:

(1) Data elements (1) through (8) as contained in paragraph (a) above; and

(2) Customer name, address(es), branch office number, registered representative number, whether order was solicited or unsolicited, date account opened and employer name and the tax identification number(s).

(3) If transaction was effected from a member broker-dealer customer, whether the broker-dealer was acting as principal or agent on the transaction or transactions that are the subject of the Exchange's request.

(c) In addition to the above trade data elements, a member or member organization shall submit such other information in such automated format as may be prescribed by the Exchange, as may from time to time be required.

(d) The Exchange may grant exceptions, in such cases and for such time periods as it deems appropriate, from the requirement that the data elements prescribed in paragraphs (a) and (b) above be submitted to the Exchange in an automated format.

Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 22. Restrictions on Pledge of Customers' Securities

(a) No agreement between a member organization and a customer authorizing the member organization to pledge securities carried for the account of the customer either alone or with other securities, either for the amount due thereon or for a greater amount, or to lend such securities, shall justify the member organization in pledging or lending more of such securities than is fair and reasonable in view of the indebtedness of said customer to said member organization, except as provided in paragraph (d) of this Rule.

Agreements for use of customers' securities

(b) No member organization shall lend, either to itself as broker or to others, securities held on margin for a customer and which may be pledged or loaned under paragraph (a) hereof, unless such member organization shall first have obtained a separate written authorization from such customer permitting the lending of such securities by such member organization.

Restrictions on delivery of customers' securities

(c) No general agreement between a member organization and a customer shall justify the member organization in delivering securities carried for the customer on sales made by the member organization for any account in which such member organization or any partner thereof or stockholder therein is directly or indirectly interested.

Free or excess margin securities

(d) No securities held by a member organization for the account of a customer, whether free or representing excess margin, may be loaned to itself as broker, or to others, or delivered on sales made by the member organization for any account in which the organization or any partner or stockholder has a direct or indirect interest unless a specific written agreement designating the particular securities to be loaned is first obtained from the customer.

Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

Section 23. Independent Audit

(a) Each member organization doing any business with the public shall at least once each calendar year cause to be made an audit of its affairs, conducted in accordance with applicable audit requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission and such other requirements as deemed appropriate by the Exchange, by independent public accountants and shall have such accountants prepare an answer to the financial questionnaire of the Exchange based upon such audit.

(b) Pursuant to Rule 17a-5(d), promulgated under the Exchange Act, all broker-dealers are required to file annually audited financial statements ("Annual Audits") with their Designated Examining Authority and the SEC, no more than 60 days after the date of the year end financial statements. A member organization unable to meet the filing deadline for its Annual Audit as a result of exceptional circumstances may request an extension of time, in writing, prior to the filing due date. Annual Audits not received by the Exchange by the due date, or revised due date if an extension has been granted, will be subject to a late fee as set forth below for each week or any part thereof that the Annual Audit has not been filed, as calculated based on the due date or revised due date for filing the Annual Audit. (Implemented on a running three-year basis.)

(i) $100 per week for the first late filing in a three-year period.

(ii) $300 per week for the second late filing in a three-year period.

(iii) $1,000 per week for the third late filing in a three-year period.

••• Supplementary Material: ----------

The Exchange has adopted the following directive:

Annual audit 

While the new rule eliminates the requirement for a surprise audit it is still required that an audit be conducted. The annual audit may be done on a surprise basis but the rule also allows for the audit to be conducted on a calendar year basis, fiscal year basis or any other regular basis approved by the Exchange.

The agreement between the member organization and the accountant, required to be filed with the Membership Department under directive of the Exchange, shall read substantially as follows, although additional provisions, not inconsistent with the following, may also be included in the agreement:

••• Supplementary Material: ----------


(Not for filing) 

To be typed on Accountants Letterhead 


(Name of Member Organization)


You have selected us (me) to make an audit of your affairs and to prepare an answer to the financial questionnaire required to be filed with Nasdaq PHLX LLC based upon such audit.

We (I) Agree

(1) To make an audit of the affairs of your firm in accordance with the audit regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and Nasdaq PHLX LLC. Such audit shall be conducted as of, 20. In the event the audit is to be conducted on a "surprise" basis, do not fill in date called for above and state that "the audit will be made without prior notice to your firm."

(2) to notify promptly the Membership Department that the audit has been commenced;

(3) to prepare an answer to the financial questionnaire required to be filed with the Membership Department, based upon such audit;

(4) to submit to the Membership Department a copy of such answer accompanied by an attestation, in the prescribed form, signed by the general partners (officers) of the member firm (corporation) and ourselves (myself);

(5) to submit to the Membership Department a copy of our (my) report in accordance with the special instructions which appear in the financial questionnaire.

Yours very truly,


Signature of Independent 

Public Accountant


Adopted Jan. 22, 2021 (SR-Phlx-2021-04).

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