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Equity 4 Equity Trading Rules
4110. Use of Nasdaq on a Test Basis

Notwithstanding the listing standards set forth in the Rule 5000 Series, Nasdaq may at any time authorize the use of its systems on a test basis for whatever studies it considers necessary and appropriate.

Adopted Jan. 13, 2006 (SEC Release 34-53128); amended Nov. 23, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-079).

4120. Limit Up-Limit Down Plan and Trading Halts

(a) Authority to Initiate Trading Halts or Pauses

In circumstances in which Nasdaq deems it necessary to protect investors and the public interest, Nasdaq, pursuant to the procedures set forth in paragraph (c):

(1) may halt trading on Nasdaq of a Nasdaq-listed security to permit the dissemination of material news, provided, however, that in the Pre-Market Session (as defined in section 4120(b)(4)) Nasdaq will halt trading for dissemination of news only at the request of an issuer or pursuant to section (a)(2) below; or

(2) may halt trading on Nasdaq of a security listed on another national securities exchange during a trading halt imposed by such exchange to permit the dissemination of material news; or

(3) may halt trading on Nasdaq: (A) in a security listed on another national securities exchange when such exchange imposes a trading halt in that security because of an order imbalance or influx ("operational trading halt"); or (B) Nasdaq market makers in a security listed on Nasdaq, when the security is a derivative or component of a security listed on another national securities exchange and such exchange imposes an operational trading halt in that security. In the event that Nasdaq halts trading, Nasdaq Participants may commence quotations and trading at any time following initiation of operational trading halts, without regard to procedures for resuming trading set forth in paragraph (c); or

(4) may halt trading in an American Depository Receipt ("ADR") or other security listed on Nasdaq, when the Nasdaq-listed security or the security underlying the ADR is listed on or registered with another national or foreign securities exchange or market, and the national or foreign securities exchange or market, or regulatory authority overseeing such exchange or market, halts trading in such security for regulatory reasons; or

(5) may halt trading in a security listed on Nasdaq when Nasdaq requests from the issuer information relating to:

(A) material news;

(B) the issuer's ability to meet Nasdaq listing qualification requirements, as set forth in the Listing Rule 5000 Series; or

(C) any other information which is necessary to protect investors and the public interest.

(6) may halt trading in a security listed on Nasdaq when

(A) extraordinary market activity in the security is occurring, such as the execution of a series of transactions for a significant dollar value at prices substantially unrelated to the current market for the security, as measured by the national best bid and offer, and

(B) Nasdaq determines that such extraordinary market activity is likely to have a material effect on the market for the security; and


(i) Nasdaq believes that such extraordinary market activity is caused by the misuse or malfunction of an electronic quotation, communication, reporting, or execution system operated by, or linked to, Nasdaq;

(ii) After consultation with another national securities exchange trading the security on an unlisted trading privileges basis, Nasdaq believes that such extraordinary market activity is caused by the misuse or malfunction of an electronic quotation, communication, reporting, or execution system operated by, or linked to, such other national securities exchange; or

(iii) After consultation with FINRA regarding a FINRA facility trading the security, Nasdaq believes that such extraordinary market activity is caused by the misuse or malfunction of such FINRA facility or an electronic quotation, communication, reporting, or execution system linked to such FINRA facility.

(7) may halt trading in a security that is the subject of an Initial Public Offering on Nasdaq.

(8) may halt trading in an index warrant on Nasdaq whenever Nasdaq Regulation shall conclude that such action is appropriate in the interests of a fair and orderly market and to protect investors. Among the factors that may be considered are the following:

(A) trading has been halted or suspended in underlying stocks whose weighted value represents 20 or more of the index value;

(B) the current calculation of the index derived from the current market prices of the stocks is not available;

(C) other unusual conditions or circumstances detrimental to the maintenance of a fair and orderly market are present.

(9) may halt trading in a series of Portfolio Depository Receipts, Index Fund Shares (as defined in Rule 5705), Index-Linked Exchangeable Notes, Equity Gold Shares, Trust Certificates, Commodity-Based Trust Shares, Currency Trust Shares, Commodity Index Trust Shares, Commodity Futures Trust Shares, Partnership Units, and Managed Trust Securities (as defined in Rule 5711(a) - (h) and (j), respectively), or NextShares (as defined in Rule 5745) listed on Nasdaq if the Intraday Indicative Value (as defined in Rule 5705), for Portfolio Depository Receipts or Index Fund Shares, for derivative securities as defined in Rule 5711(a), (b), and (d) - (h), Rule 5711(j) for Managed Trust Securities, or Rule 5745 for NextShares) or the index value applicable to that series is not being disseminated as required, during the day in which the interruption to the dissemination of the Intraday Indicative Value or the index value occurs. If the interruption to the dissemination of the Intraday Indicative Value or the index value persists past the trading day in which it occurred, Nasdaq will halt trading no later than the beginning of the trading day following the interruption. Nasdaq may also exercise discretion to halt trading in a series of Portfolio Depository Receipts, Index Fund Shares, Exchange Traded Fund Shares (as defined in Rule 5704), Managed Fund Shares, Index-Linked Exchangeable Notes, Equity Gold Shares, Trust Certificates, Commodity-Based Trust Shares, Currency Trust Shares, Commodity Index Trust Shares, Commodity Futures Trust Shares, Partnership Units, Trust Units (as defined in Rule 5711(i)), Managed Trust Securities, Currency Warrants (as defined in Rule 5711(k)), NextShares, or Proxy Portfolio Shares (as defined in Rule 5750) based on a consideration of the following factors: (A) trading in underlying securities comprising the index or portfolio applicable to that series has been halted in the primary market(s), (B) the extent to which trading has ceased in securities underlying the index or portfolio, or (C) the presence of other unusual conditions or circumstances detrimental to the maintenance of a fair and orderly market.

(10) shall halt trading in Derivative Securities Products (as defined in Rule 4120(b)(4)(A)) for which a net asset value ("NAV") (and in the case of Managed Fund Shares under Rule 5735, a Disclosed Portfolio, in the case of NextShares under Rule 5745, a Composition File, and in the case of Proxy Portfolio Shares, a Proxy Basket, or the Fund Portfolio) is disseminated if Nasdaq becomes aware that the NAV (or in the case of Managed Fund Shares, the Disclosed Portfolio, in the case of NextShares, the Composition File, or in the case of Proxy Portfolio Shares, the Proxy Basket, or the Fund Portfolio) is not being disseminated to all market participants at the same time.

Nasdaq will maintain the trading halt until such time as Nasdaq becomes aware that the NAV (or in the case of Managed Fund Shares, the Disclosed Portfolio, or in the case of NextShares, the Composition File, or in the case of Proxy Portfolio Shares, the Proxy Basket, or the Fund Portfolio as applicable) is available to all market participants or, in the case of Derivative Securities Products traded on Nasdaq pursuant to unlisted trading privileges, until such time trading resumes in the listing market.

(11) shall, between 9:45 a.m. and 3:35 p.m., or in the case of an early scheduled close, 25 minutes before the close of trading, immediately pause trading for 5 minutes in any Nasdaq-listed security not covered by the Limit Up-Limit Down Plan, other than rights and warrants, when the price of such security moves a percentage specified below within a 5-minute period.

(A) The price move shall be 10% or more with respect to securities included in the S&P 500® Index, Russell 1000® Index, and a pilot list of Exchange Traded Products;

 (B) The price move shall be 30% or more with respect to all Tier 2 NMS Stocks with a price equal to or greater than $1; and

 (C) The price move shall be 50% or more with respect to all Tier 2 NMS Stocks with a price less than $1.

The determination that the price of a stock is equal to or greater than $1 under paragraph (a)(11)(B) above or less than $1 under paragraph (a)(11)(C) above shall be based on the last reported closing price on Nasdaq.

At the end of the trading pause, Nasdaq will re-open the security using the Halt Cross process set forth in Nasdaq Rule 4753. In the event of a significant imbalance at the end of a trading pause, Nasdaq may delay the re-opening of a security.

Nasdaq will issue a notification if it cannot resume trading for a reason other than a significant imbalance.

Price moves under this paragraph will be calculated by changes in each consolidated last-sale price disseminated by a network processor over a five minute rolling period measured continuously. Only regular way in-sequence transactions qualify for use in calculations of price moves. Nasdaq can exclude a transaction price from use if it concludes that the transaction price resulted from an erroneous trade.

If a trading pause is triggered under this paragraph, Nasdaq shall immediately notify the single plan processor responsible for consolidation of information for the security pursuant to Rule 603 of Regulation NMS under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. If a primary listing market issues an individual stock trading pause, Nasdaq will pause trading in that security until trading has resumed on the primary listing market or notice has been received from the primary listing market that trading may resume. If the primary listing market does not reopen within 10 minutes of notification of a trading pause, Nasdaq may resume trading the security.

The provisions of this paragraph shall be in effect during a pilot set to end on the earlier of the initial date of operations of the Regulation NMS Plan to Address Extraordinary Market Volatility or February 4, 2014.

Operative as of April 8, 2013

(12) Limit Up-Limit Down Mechanism.

(A) Definitions.

(1) "Plan" means the Plan to Address Extraordinary Market Volatility Submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission Pursuant to Rule 608 of Regulation NMS under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Exhibit A to Securities Exchange Act Release No. 67091 (May 31, 2012), 77 FR 33498 (June 6, 2012).

(2) All capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Rule shall have the meanings set forth in the Plan or Exchange rules, as applicable.

(B) Exchange Participation in the Plan. The Exchange is a Participant in, and subject to the applicable requirements of, the Plan, which establishes procedures to address extraordinary volatility in NMS Stocks.

(C) Member Organization Compliance. Member organizations shall comply with the applicable provisions of the Plan.

(D) Exchange Compliance with the Plan. Exchange systems shall not display or execute buy (sell) interest above (below) the Upper (Lower) Price Bands, unless such interest is specifically exempted under the Plan.

(E) Repricing and Cancellation of Interest. Exchange systems shall reprice and/or cancel buy (sell) interest that is priced or could be executed above (below) the Upper (Lower) Price Band. Any interest that is repriced pursuant to this Rule shall receive a new time stamp and new execution priority.

(1) Market Orders. If a market order with a time in force other than Immediate or Cancel cannot be fully executed at or within the Price Bands, Exchange systems shall post the unexecuted portion of the buy (sell) market order at the Upper (Lower) Price Band.

 (2) Limit-priced Interest. Both displayable and non-displayable incoming limit-priced interest to buy (sell) that is priced above (below) the Upper (Lower) Price Band shall be repriced to the Upper (Lower) Price Band.

 (a) For limit-priced orders entered via the OUCH protocol, which are not assigned a Managed Pegging, Discretionary, or Reserve Order Attribute, the order shall be repriced upon entry only if the Price Bands are such that the price of the limit-priced interest to buy (sell) would be above (below) the upper (lower) Price Band. Once slid:

 (i) if the Price Bands move such that the price of the order to buy (sell) would be below (above) the lower (upper) Price Band, the order will not be re-priced again. Rather, the order will either remain on the book at the same price or be cancelled back to the entering party, depending on how the entering party has configured its order entry port.

 (ii) if the Price Bands move such that the price of the order to buy (sell) would be above (below) the upper (lower) Price Band, the order will not be re-priced again. Rather, the order will be cancelled.

(b) For limit-priced orders entered via RASH or FIX protocols, or via the OUCH protocol if assigned a Managed Pegging, Discretionary, or Reserve Order Attribute, the order shall be eligible to be repriced by the system multiple times if the Price Bands move such that the price of resting limit-priced interest to buy (sell) would be above (below) the upper (lower) Price Band. Once slid, if the Price Bands again move such that the price of resting limit interest to buy (sell) would be below (above) the upper (lower) Price Band the order will continue to be repriced either to its original limit price or to the new price bands, whichever is less aggressive.

(3) IOC Orders. If an IOC order cannot be fully executed at or within the Price Bands, Exchange systems shall cancel any unexecuted portion of the IOC Order.

(4) Routable Orders. With the exception of Directed Orders, and orders submitted using either the DOTI or DOTZ routing strategy, the Exchange systems shall not route buy (sell) interest to an away market displaying a sell (buy) quote that is above (below) the Upper (Lower) Price Band. Orders that are eligible to be routed to away destinations will be price slid before routing if the buy (sell) is priced above (below) the Upper (Lower) Price Band.

(5) Auction Orders. On close or halt auction orders are not price slid or cancelled due to LULD price bands.

(6) Sell Short Orders. During a Short Sale Price Test, as defined in Rule 4763(b), Short Sale Orders priced below the Lower Price Band shall be repriced to the higher of the Lower Price Band or the Permitted Price, as defined in Rule 4763(b).

(F) Trading Pause during a Straddle State. The Exchange may declare a Trading Pause for a NMS Stock listed on the Exchange when (i) the National Best Bid (Offer) is below (above) the Lower (Upper) Price Band and the NMS Stock is not in a Limit State; and (ii) trading in that NMS Stock deviates from normal trading characteristics.

(G) If the Exchange is unable to reopen trading due to a systems or technology issue, it shall notify the Processor immediately.

(H) Re-opening of Trading following a Trading Pause. At the end of the Trading Pause, the Exchange shall re-open the security in a manner similar to the procedures set forth in Rule 4753, provided that following a Trading Pause that exists at or after 3:50 p.m. a stock shall re-open via a LULD Closing Cross pursuant to Rule 4754(b)(6). If a Trading Pause was initiated by another exchange, Nasdaq may resume trading following the Trading Pause upon receipt of the Price Bands from the Processor.

(13) shall halt trading in an Equity Investment Tracking Stock (as defined in Rule 5005) or Subscription Receipt (listed under Rule 5520) whenever Nasdaq halts or suspends trading in a security such Equity Investment Tracking Stock tracks or the common stock into which the Subscription Receipt is exchangeable.

(14) shall halt trading of a security for which Nasdaq is the Primary Listing Market before the end of Post-Market Hours on the day immediately before the market effective date of a reverse stock split.

(b) Trading Halts for Trading of Certain Derivative Securities Products on Nasdaq Pursuant to Unlisted Trading Privileges

(1) During Pre-Market Session. If a Derivative Securities Product begins trading on Nasdaq in the Pre-Market Session and subsequently a temporary interruption occurs in the calculation or wide dissemination of an applicable Required Value, Nasdaq may continue to trade the Derivative Securities Product for the remainder of the Pre-Market Session.

(2) During Regular Market Session. During the Regular Market Session, if a temporary interruption occurs in the calculation or wide dissemination of an applicable Required Value, and the listing market halts trading in the Derivative Securities Product, Nasdaq, upon notification by the listing market of a halt due to such temporary interruption, also shall immediately halt trading in the Derivative Securities Product on Nasdaq.

(3) Post-Market Session and Next Trading Day.

(A) If an applicable Required Value continues not to be calculated or widely disseminated after the close of the Regular Market Session, Nasdaq may trade the Derivative Securities Product in the Post-Market Session only if the listing market traded the Derivative Securities Product until the close of its regular trading session without a halt.

(B) If an applicable Required Value continues not to be calculated or widely disseminated as of the beginning of the Pre-Market Session on the next trading day, Nasdaq shall not commence trading of the Derivative Securities Product in the Pre-Market Session that day. If an interruption in the calculation or wide dissemination of an applicable Required Value continues, Nasdaq may resume trading in the Derivative Securities Product only if calculation and wide dissemination of the applicable Required Value resumes or trading in the Derivative Securities Product resumes in the listing market.

(4) Definitions. For purposes of this Rule:

(A) Derivative Securities Product means a series of Exchange Traded Fund Shares, Portfolio Depository Receipts, Index Fund Shares, Managed Fund Shares, NextShares, Trust Issued Receipts, or Proxy Portfolio Shares (as defined in Rules 5704, 5705, 5735, 5745, 5720, and 5750 respectively), a series of Commodity-Related Securities (as defined in Equity 10, Section 8), securities representing interests in unit investment trusts or investment companies, Index- Linked Exchangeable Notes, Equity Gold Shares, Trust Certificates, Commodity-Based Trust Shares, Currency Trust Shares, Commodity Index Trust Shares, Commodity Futures Trust Shares, Partnership Units, Trust Units, Managed Trust Securities, or Currency Warrants (as defined in Rule 5711(a) - (k)), or any other UTP Derivative Security (as defined in Rule 5740).

(B) Pre-Market Session means the trading session that begins at 4:00 a.m. and continues until 9:30 a.m.

(C) Post-Market Session means the trading session that begins at 4:00 p.m. or 4:15 p.m., and that continues until 8:00 p.m.

(D) Regular Market Session means the trading session from 9:30 am. until 4:00 p.m. or 4:15 p.m.

(E) Required Value shall mean (i) the value of any index or any commodity-related value underlying a Derivative Securities Product, (ii) the indicative optimized portfolio value, intraday indicative value, or other comparable estimate of the value of a share of a Derivative Securities Product updated regularly during the trading day, (iii) a net asset value in the case of a Derivative Securities Product for which a net asset value is disseminated, and (iv) a Disclosed Portfolio in the case of a Derivative Securities Product that is a series of Managed Fund Shares, as defined in Rule 5735, or Managed Trust Securities, as defined in Rule 5711(j), and a Composition File in the case of a Derivative Securities Product that is a series of NextShares, as defined in Rule 5745.

(c) Procedure for Initiating and Terminating a Trading Halt

(1) Nasdaq issuers are required to notify Nasdaq of the release of certain material news prior to the release of such information to the public as required by Rule 5250(b)(1).

(2) Except in emergency situations, notification shall be provided directly to Nasdaq's MarketWatch Department through Nasdaq's electronic disclosure system available at In emergency situations, issuers shall instead provide notification by telephone or facsimile.

(3) Upon receipt of information, from the issuer or other source, Nasdaq will promptly evaluate the information, estimate its potential impact on the market and determine whether a trading halt in the security is appropriate.

(4) (A) Should Nasdaq determine that a basis exists under Rule 4120(a) for initiating a trading halt, the commencement of the trading halt will be effective at the time specified by Nasdaq in a notice posted on a publicly available Nasdaq website. In addition, Nasdaq shall disseminate notice of the commencement of a trading halt through major wire services.

(B) During any trading halt or pause for which a halt cross under Rule 4753 will not occur, orders entered during the trading halt or pause will not be accepted, unless subject to instructions that the order will be directed to another exchange as described in Rule 4758.

(5) Trading in a halted security shall resume at the time specified by Nasdaq in a notice posted on a publicly available Nasdaq website. In addition, Nasdaq shall disseminate notice of the resumption of trading through major wire services.


(A) In the case of a trading halt under Rule 4120(a)(6) based on the misuse or malfunction of an electronic quotation, communication, reporting, or execution system that is not operated by Nasdaq, Nasdaq will promptly contact the operator of the system in question (as well as any national securities exchange or FINRA facility to which such system is linked) to ascertain information that will assist Nasdaq in determining whether a misuse or malfunction has occurred, what effect the misuse or malfunction is having on trading in a security, and what steps are being taken to address the misuse or malfunction. If the operator of the system is unavailable when contacted by Nasdaq, Nasdaq will continue efforts to contact the operator of the system to ascertain information that will assist Nasdaq in determining whether the trading halt should be terminated.

(B) A trading halt initiated under Rule 4120(a)(6) shall be terminated as soon as Nasdaq determines either that the system misuse or malfunction that caused the extraordinary market activity will no longer have a material effect on the market for the security or that system misuse or malfunction is not the cause of the extraordinary market activity.


(A) A trading halt or pause initiated under Rule 4120(a)(1), (4), (5), (6), (9), (10), (11) or (14) shall be terminated when Nasdaq releases the security for trading. For any such security listed on Nasdaq, prior to terminating the halt or pause, there will be a 5-minute Display Only Period during which market participants may enter quotations and orders in that security in Nasdaq systems. In addition, in instances where a trading halt is in effect prior to the commencement of the Display Only Period, market participants may enter orders in a security that is the subject of the trading halt on Nasdaq. Such orders will be accepted and entered into the system.

(B) At the conclusion of the 5-minute Display Only Period, the security will be released for trading unless, at the end of a Display Only Period or during the subsequent process to release the security for trading, Nasdaq detects an order imbalance in the security. In that case, Nasdaq will extend the Display Only Period for an additional 1-minute period. At the conclusion of the Display Only Period, trading shall immediately resume pursuant to Rule 4753.

(C) For purposes of Rule 4120(c)(7), an order imbalance shall be established as follows:

(1) When (i) the last available Current Reference Price, as defined in Rule 4753(a)(2)(A), disseminated immediately prior to the end of the Display Only Period and any of the three preceding Current Reference Prices differ by more than the greater of 5 percent or 50 cents, or (ii) all market orders will not be executed in the cross; or

 (2) If, upon completion of the cross calculation, (i) the calculated price at which the security would be released for trading and any of the three preceding Current Reference Prices disseminated immediately prior to the initiation of the cross calculation differ by more than the greater of 5 percent or 50 cents, or (ii) all market orders would not be executed in the cross.


(A) A trading halt initiated under Rule 4120(a)(7) shall be terminated when Nasdaq releases the security for trading and the conditions described in this rule are satisfied. Prior to terminating the halt, there will be a 10-minute Display Only Period during which market participants may enter quotes and orders in that security in Nasdaq systems. In addition, beginning at 4:00 a.m., market participants may enter orders in a security that is the subject of an Initial Public Offering ("IPO") on Nasdaq. Such orders will be accepted and entered into the system.

After the conclusion of the 10-minute Display Only Period, the security will enter a "Pre-Launch Period" of indeterminate duration. The Pre-Launch Period shall end and the security shall be released for trading by Nasdaq when the conditions described in paragraphs (c)(8)(A)(i), (ii), and (iii) are all met.

(i) Nasdaq receives notice from the underwriter of the IPO that the security is ready to trade. The Nasdaq system will calculate the Current Reference Price at that time (the "Expected Price") and display it to the underwriter. If the underwriter then approves proceeding, the Nasdaq system will conduct the following validation checks:

 (ii) The Nasdaq system must determine that all market orders will be executed in the cross; and

 (iii) the security must pass the price validation test described below in subparagraph (B).

 The failure to satisfy these conditions during the process to release the security for trading will result in a delay of the release for trading of the IPO, and a continuation of the Pre-Launch Period, until all conditions have been satisfied. The underwriter, with concurrence of Nasdaq, may determine at any point during the IPO Halt Cross process up through the conclusion of the Pre-Launch Period to postpone and reschedule the IPO. Market participants may continue to enter orders and order cancellations for participation in the cross auction during the Pre-Launch Period up to the point that the cross auction process commences.

(B) Prior to the conclusion of the Pre-Launch Period, the underwriter shall select price bands for purposes of applying the price validation test. Under the price validation test, the System compares the Expected Price with the actual price calculated by the Cross. If the actual price calculated by the Cross differs from the Expected Price by an amount in excess of the price band selected by the underwriter, the security will not be released for trading and the Pre-Launch Period will continue. The underwriter shall select an upper price band (i.e., an amount by which the actual price may not exceed the Expected Price) and a lower price band (i.e., an amount by which the actual price may not be lower than the Expected Price). If a security does not pass the price validation test, the underwriter may, but is not required to, select different price bands before recommencing the process to release the security for trading. The price bands available for selection shall be in such increments, and at such price points, as may be established from time to time by Nasdaq; the available price bands shall include $0 but shall not be in excess of $0.50. Nasdaq will notify member organizations and the public of changes in available price band or increments through a notice that is widely disseminated at least one week in advance of the change. In selecting available price bands and increments, Nasdaq will consider input from underwriters and other market participants and the results of past usage of price bands to adopt price bands and increments that promote efficiency in the initiation of trading and protect investors and the public interest.


(A) For purposes of this Rule and Rule 4753, the process for halting and initial pricing of a security that is the subject of an initial public offering shall also be available for the initial pricing of any other security that has not been listed on a national securities exchange immediately prior to the initial pricing, provided that a broker-dealer serving in the role of financial advisor to the issuer of the securities being listed is willing to perform the functions under Rule 4120(c)(8) that are performed by an underwriter with respect to an initial public offering. If more than one broker dealer is serving in the role of financial advisor, the issuer must designate one to perform the functions under Rule 4120(c)(8). The financial advisor is reminded that any activities performed under Rules 4120(c)(8) and (c)(9)(A) and (B) are to be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the federal securities laws, including Regulation M and other anti-manipulation requirements.

(B) Direct Listing with a Capital Raise. A “Direct Listing with a Capital Raise” is an offering of securities at the time of effectiveness of a registration statement pursuant to which the Company will sell shares itself in the opening auction on the first day of trading on the Exchange in addition to or instead of facilitating sales by selling shareholders where: (1) the Company registers securities by specifying the quantity of shares registered, as permitted by Securities Act Rule 457(a); and (2) the Company retains an underwriter with respect to the primary sales of shares by the Company and identifies the underwriter in its effective registration statement. Notwithstanding the provisions of Rules 4120(c)(8)(A) and (c)(9)(A), in the case of a Direct Listing with a Capital Raise a trading halt in a security initiated under Rule 4120(a)(7) shall be terminated when the conditions described in paragraphs (i) to (viii) below are satisfied and Nasdaq releases the security for trading.

For the purpose of this paragraph (B), the “Price Range” is the price range established by the issuer in its preliminary prospectus included in the effective registration statement and includes the maximum and the minimum prices of such range. The Price Range must be a bona fide price range in accordance with Item 501(b)(3) of Regulation S-K. The 20% threshold below and the 80% threshold above the Price Range, as described below, will be calculated based on the high end of the price range in the registration statement at the time of effectiveness.

(i) At least one business day prior to the commencement of trading of a security listing in connection with a Direct Listing with a Capital Raise, Nasdaq will distribute an information circular to its members that describes any special characteristics of the offering, and Nasdaq's rules that apply to the initial pricing through the mechanism outlined in Nasdaq Rule 4120(c)(9)(B) and Nasdaq Rule 4753 for the opening auction, as well as the requirement that:

a. members use reasonable diligence in regard to the opening and maintenance of every account, to know (and retain) the essential facts concerning every customer and concerning the authority of each person acting on behalf of such customer;

b. members in recommending transactions for a security subject to a Direct Listing with a Capital Raise have a reasonable basis to believe that: (i) the recommendation is suitable for a customer given reasonable inquiry concerning the customer's investment objectives, financial situation, needs, and any other information known by such members, and (ii) the customer can evaluate the special characteristics, and is able to bear the financial risks, of an investment in such security; and

c. members cannot accept market orders to be executed in the Cross and must provide to a customer, before that customer places an order to be executed in the Cross, a notice describing the mechanics of pricing a security subject to a Direct Listing with a Capital Raise in the Cross, including information regarding the dissemination of the Current Reference Price on a public website, such as, as provided by paragraph (v) below.

(ii) Beginning at 4:00 a.m., market participants may enter orders, which will be accepted and entered into the system. Market participants may not enter market orders to buy or sell securities, except for the Company Direct Listing Order (as defined in Rule 4702(b)(16)(A)). Market orders other than the CDL Order will be rejected by the system.

(iii) After 9:30 a.m., at the time determined by Nasdaq, prior to terminating the halt, Nasdaq will initiate a 10-minute Display Only Period, which shall not begin until after the CDL Order has been entered. During the Display Only Period market participants may continue to enter orders in the security in Nasdaq systems.

(iv) At the beginning of the Display Only Period and continuing through the resumption of trading, Nasdaq shall disseminate by electronic means certain information pursuant to Rule 4753(a)(3), including the Current Reference Price, every second.

(v) After the conclusion of the 10-minute Display Only Period, the security will enter a "Pre-Launch Period" of indeterminate duration. Market participants may continue to enter orders and order cancellations for participation in the Cross during the Pre-Launch Period up to the point when Nasdaq initiates a Post-Pricing Period pursuant to paragraph (viii) below, if applicable, or the security is released for trading. During the Pre-Launch Period, to provide price discovery transparency, Nasdaq will disseminate, free of charge, the Current Reference Price on a public website, such as, and indicate whether it is within the Price Range.

(vi) Prior to the conclusion of the Pre-Launch Period, Nasdaq shall select price bands for purposes of applying the price validation test in paragraph (vii)c. below. Under the price validation test, the System compares the Expected Price with the actual price calculated by the Cross to ascertain that the difference, if any, is within the price bands. Nasdaq shall select an upper price band and a lower price band. The default for an upper and a lower price band is set at zero.

(vii) The Pre-Launch Period shall continue until at least 5 minutes after the Price Volatility Constraint has been satisfied. The Price Volatility Constraint requires that the Current Reference Price has not deviated by 10% or more from any Current Reference Price within the previous 10 minutes of the Pre-Launch Period. The Near Execution Price is the Current Reference Price at the time the Price Volatility Constraint has been satisfied (such time is the Near Execution Time). If the security is not released for trading within 30 minutes from the Near Execution Time and the Current Reference Price at such time (or at any time thereafter) is more than 10% below or more than 10% above the Near Execution Price, the requirements of this paragraph (vii) shall reset and must be satisfied again.

Throughout the Pre-Launch Period, Nasdaq will disseminate information about whether the Price Volatility Constraint has been satisfied in order to provide transparency about whether the security may be ready to trade. Once the Price Volatility Constraint has been satisfied, Nasdaq will also disseminate the Near Execution Price, the Near Execution Time and the 30-minute countdown from such time. The disclosure will indicate that the Near Execution Price and the Near Execution Time may be reset, as described in this paragraph (vii), if the security is not released for trading within 30 minutes of the Near Execution Time and the Current Reference Price at such time (or at any time thereafter) is more than 10% below or more than 10% above the Near Execution Price.

The failure to satisfy The Price Volatility Constraint or the conditions of this paragraph (vii), below, will result in a delay of the release of the security for trading, and a continuation of the Pre-Launch Period, until all conditions have been satisfied. If a security does not pass the price validation test described in paragraph (vi) above, Nasdaq may, but is not required to, select different price bands before recommencing the process to release the security for trading.

The Pre-Launch Period shall end, and the security shall be released for trading (except as provided for by paragraph (viii) below), when Nasdaq, in consultation with the identified underwriter, makes the determination that the security is ready to trade and the following conditions are all met:

a. The Nasdaq system determines that the CDL Order will be executed in full in the Cross;

b. the actual price calculated by the Cross is at or above the price that is 10% below the Near Execution Price and at or below the price that is 10% above the Near Execution Price;

c. the difference between the Expected Price and the actual price calculated by the Cross, if any, is within the price bands previously selected by Nasdaq. The actual price is the Current Reference Price at the time of this test; and

d. 1. the actual price calculated by the Cross is at or within the Price Range;


2. the actual price calculated by the Cross is below the Price Range and at or above the price that is 20% below the lowest price of the Price Range; or is above the Price Range and at or below the price that is 80% above the highest price of the Price Range (“DLCR Price Range”), provided that the Company has initially certified to Nasdaq and publicly disclosed, prior to the beginning of the Display Only Period, that (i) the Company does not expect that a price that is within the DLCR Price Range would materially change the Company’s previous disclosure in its effective registration statement, and (ii) such registration statement contains a sensitivity analysis explaining how the Company’s plans would change if the actual proceeds from the offering are less than or exceed the amount assumed in the Price Range. If the Company’s certification includes an upside limit that is lower than the one imposed through the DLCR Price Range, the DLCR Price Range shall be as defined in the preceding sentence, but subject to the upper limit provided by the Company in its certification.

(viii) a. If the actual price calculated by the Cross is within the Price Range, Nasdaq shall postpone and reschedule the pricing of the securities subject to a Direct Listing with a Capital Raise only if the conditions in paragraphs (vii)a. b. and c., above, are not met.

b. If the actual price calculated by the Cross is at or within the DLCR Price Range but outside the Price Range, and the conditions in paragraphs (vii)a., b., c. and d., above, are met, Nasdaq will initiate a Post-Pricing Period following the calculation of the actual price. During the Post-Pricing Period the issuer must confirm to Nasdaq that no additional disclosures are required under federal securities laws based on the actual price calculated by the Cross. During the Post-Pricing Period no additional orders for the security may be entered in the Cross and no existing orders in the Cross may be modified. The security shall be released for trading immediately following the Post-Pricing Period. If the Company cannot provide the required confirmation then Nasdaq will postpone and reschedule the offering.

c. If the actual price calculated by the Cross is outside the DLCR Price Range, pursuant to paragraph (vii), above, Nasdaq will postpone and reschedule the offering.


(10) A trading pause initiated under Rule 4120(a)(12) shall be terminated when Nasdaq releases the security for trading. For any such security listed on Nasdaq, prior to terminating the pause, there will be a 5-minute "Initial Display Only Period" during which market participants may enter quotations and orders in that security in Nasdaq systems.

(A) Nasdaq will:

(i) establish the "Auction Reference Price", which is determined by:

(a) For a Limit Down triggered pause, the Lower Band price of the LULD Band in place at the time the trading pause was triggered; or

 (b) For a Limit Up triggered pause, the Upper Band price of the LULD Band in place at the time the trading pause was triggered.

(ii) determine the upper and lower "Auction Collar" prices, which are determined by:

(a) For a Limit Down triggered pause, the lower Auction Collar price is derived by subtracting 5% of the Auction Reference Price, rounded to the nearest minimum price increment, or in the case of securities with an Auction Reference Price of $3 or less, $0.15, from the Auction Reference Price, and the upper Auction Collar price is the Upper Band price on the LULD Band in place at the time the trading pause was triggered.

 (b) For a Limit Up triggered pause, the upper Auction Collar price is derived by adding 5% of the Auction Reference Price, rounded to the nearest minimum price increment, or in the case of securities with an Auction Reference Price of $3 or less, $0.15, from the Auction Reference Price, and the lower Auction Collar price is the Lower Band price of the LULD Band in place at the time the trading pause was triggered.

 (B) At the conclusion of the Initial Display Only Period, the security will be released for trading unless, at the end of an Initial Display Only Period, Nasdaq detects an order imbalance in the security. In that case, Nasdaq will extend the Display Only Period for an additional 5-minute period ("Extended Display Only Period"), and the Auction Collar prices will be adjusted as follows:

 (i) If the Display Only Period is extended because the calculated price at which the security would be released for trading is below the lower Auction Collar price or all sell market orders would not be executed in the cross, then the new lower Auction Collar price is derived by subtracting 5% of the initial Auction Reference Price, which was rounded to the nearest minimum price increment, or in the case of securities with an Auction Reference Price of $3 or less, $0.15, from the previous lower Auction Collar price, and the upper Auction Collar price will not be changed.

 (ii) If the Display Only Period is extended because the calculated price at which the security would be released for trading is above the upper Auction Collar price or all buy market orders would not be executed in the cross, then the new upper Auction Collar price is derived by adding 5% of the initial Auction Reference Price, which was rounded to the nearest minimum price increment, or in the case of securities with an Auction Reference Price of $3 or less, $0.15, to the previous upper Auction Collar price, and the lower Auction Collar price will not be changed.

 (C) At the conclusion of the Extended Display Only Period, the security will be released for trading unless, at the end of the Extended Display Only Period, Nasdaq detects an order imbalance in the security. In that case, Nasdaq will further extend the Display Only Period, continuing to adjust the Auction Collar prices every five minutes in the manner described in paragraph (B) above until the security is released for trading. Nasdaq shall release the security for trading at the first point there is no order imbalance.

 (D) Notwithstanding paragraphs (A) - (C) above, a Trading Pause that exists at or after 3:50 p.m. in a stock shall re-open via a LULD Closing Cross pursuant to Rule 4754(b)(6).

 (E) For purposes of Rule 4120(c)(10), upon completion of the cross calculation an order imbalance shall be established as follows:

(i) the calculated price at which the security would be released for trading is above (below) the upper (lower) Auction Collar price calculated under paragraphs (A), (B), or (C) above; or

(ii) all market orders would not be executed in the cross.

Adopted Jan. 13, 2006 (SEC Release 34-53128); amended July 28, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-019); amended Oct. 16, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-043); amended Oct. 16, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-001); amended Feb. 9, 2007 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-050); amended Mar. 5, 2007 (SR-NASDAQ-2007-016); amended Aug. 20, 2007 (SR-NASDAQ-2007-073); amended Sep. 4, 2007 (SR-NASDAQ-2007-029); amended June 13, 2008 (SR-NASDAQ-2008-039); amended June 13, 2008 (SR-NASDAQ-2008-054); amended July 7, 2008 (SR-NASDAQ-2008-046); amended Jan. 30, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-004); amended Nov. 23, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-101); amended June 10, 2010 (SR-NASDAQ-2010-061), operative June 7, 2010; amended June 14, 2010 (SR-NASDAQ-2010-072); amended Sep. 10, 2010 (SR-NASDAQ-2010-079); amended Dec. 7, 2010 (SR-NASDAQ-2010-162), operative Dec. 13, 2010; amended Mar. 31, 2011 (SR-NASDAQ-2011-042); amended June 23, 2011 (SR-NASDAQ-2011-067), operative Aug. 8, 2011; Aug. 8, 2011 (SR-NASDAQ-2011-115); amended Nov. 18, 2011 (SR-NASDAQ-2011-154); amended Jan. 11, 2012 (SR-NASDAQ-2012-010); amended Mar. 19, 2012 (SR-NASDAQ-2012-038), operative Apr. 18, 2012; amended July 19, 2012 (SR-NASDAQ-2012-087); amended Jan. 24, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-015); amended Feb. 1, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-026); amended Jan. 31, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-024); amended Mar. 5, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-033), operative Mar. 18, 2013; amended Mar. 11, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-045), operative Apr. 8, 2013; amended Apr. 1, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-061); amended Apr. 29, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-073), operative May 29, 2013; amended May 28, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-076); amended June 14, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-086), operative July 14, 2013; amended June 25, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-092); amended Nov. 14, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-143); amended Dec. 4, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-151); amended Apr. 7, 2014 (SR-NASDAQ-2014-032); amended Feb. 21, 2014 (SR-NASDAQ-2014-004), operative May 12, 2014; amended Oct. 21, 2014 (SR-NASDAQ-2014-081); amended Nov. 7, 2014 (SR-NASDAQ-2014-020); amended Oct. 13, 2015 (SR-NASDAQ-2015-121); amended Mar. 25, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-008); amended Jan. 25, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-131), operative Nov. 20, 2017; amended June 8, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-058), operative July 8, 2017; amended Oct. 18, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-111); amended Dec. 8, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-129), operative Jan. 7, 2018; amended Apr. 11, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-029); amended Aug. 3, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-059), operative Sept. 3, 2018; amended Aug. 21, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-066), operative Sept. 20, 2019; amended Jan. 30, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-060); April 3, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-090); May 14, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-019); amended Nov. 23, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-079); amended November 19, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-078), operative December 19, 2020; amended May 19, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-057); amended Nov. 14, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2022-065); amended Dec. 2, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2022-027); amended Nov. 7, 2023 (SR-NASDAQ-2023-036); amended Sep. 9, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2022-051), operative Feb. 12, 2024.

4121. Trading Halts Due to Extraordinary Market Volatility

(a) The Exchange shall halt trading in all stocks and shall not reopen for the time periods specified in this Rule if there is a Level 1, 2, or 3 Market Decline.

(i) For purposes of this Rule, a Market Decline means a decline in price of the S&P 500® Index between 9:30 a.m. EST and 4:00 p.m. EST on a trading day as compared to the closing price of the S&P 500® Index for the immediately preceding trading day. The Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 Market Declines that will be applicable for the trading day will be publicly disseminated before 9:30 a.m. EST.

(ii) A "Level 1 Market Decline" means a Market Decline of 7%.

(iii) A "Level 2 Market Decline" means a Market Decline of 13%.

(iv) A "Level 3 Market Decline" means a Market Decline of 20%.

(b) Halts in Trading.

(i) If a Level 1 Market Decline or a Level 2 Market Decline occurs after 9:30 a.m. EST and up to and including 3:25 p.m, EST or in the case of an early scheduled close, 12:25 p.m. EST the Exchange shall halt trading in all stocks for 15 minutes after a Level 1 or Level 2 Market Decline. The Exchange shall halt trading based on a Level 1 or Level 2 Market Decline only once per trading day. The Exchange will not halt trading if a Level 1 Market Decline or a Level 2 Market Decline occurs after 3:25 p.m. EST or in the case of an early scheduled close, 12:25 p.m. EST.

(ii) If a Level 3 Market Decline occurs at any time during the trading day, the Exchange shall halt trading in all stocks for the remainder of the trading day.

(c) Re-opening of Trading

(i) The re-opening of trading following a Level 1 or 2 trading halt shall follow the procedures set forth in 4121(d) below.

(ii) If the primary listing market halts trading in all stocks, the Exchange will halt trading in those stocks until trading has resumed on the primary listing market or notice has been received from the primary listing market that trading may resume. If the primary listing market does not reopen a security within 15 minutes following the end of the 15-minute halt period, the Exchange may resume trading in that security.

(d) Re-opening of Trading.  A Level 1 or Level 2 trading halt initiated under this Rule ("MWCB Halt") shall be terminated when Nasdaq releases the security for trading. For any such security listed on Nasdaq, prior to terminating the MWCB Halt, there will be a 15-minute "Initial Display Only Period" during which market participants may enter quotations and orders in that security in Nasdaq systems.

(1) Nasdaq will:

(A) establish the "Auction Reference Price", which shall mean the Nasdaq last sale price (either round or odd lot) after 9:15 a.m. ET but prior to the MWCB Halt and, if none, the prior trading day’s Nasdaq Official Closing Price ("NOCP").

(B) determine the upper and lower "MWCB Auction Collar" prices, as follows:

(i) The lower MWCB Auction Collar price is derived by subtracting 5% of the Auction Reference Price, rounded to the nearest minimum price increment, or in the case of securities with an Auction Reference Price of $3 or less, $0.15, from the Auction Reference Price.

(ii) The upper MWCB Auction Collar price is derived by adding 5% of the Auction Reference Price, rounded to the nearest minimum price increment, or in the case of securities with an Auction Reference Price of $3 or less, $0.15, to the Auction Reference Price.

(2) At the conclusion of the Initial Display Only Period, the security will be released for trading unless, at the end of the Initial Display Only Period, Nasdaq detects an order imbalance in the security. In that case, Nasdaq will extend the Display Only Period for an additional 5-minute period ("Extended Display Only Period"), and the MWCB Auction Collar prices will be adjusted as follows:

(A) If the Display Only Period is extended because the calculated price at which the security would be released for trading is below the lower MWCB Auction Collar price or all sell market orders would not be executed in the cross, then the new lower MWCB Auction Collar price is derived by subtracting 5% of the Auction Reference Price, which was rounded to the nearest minimum price increment, or in the case of securities with an Auction Reference Price of $3 or less, $0.15, from the previous lower MWCB Auction Collar price, and the upper MWCB Auction Collar price will not be changed.

(B) If the Display Only Period is extended because the calculated price at which the security would be released for trading is above the upper MWCB Auction Collar price or all buy market orders would not be executed in the cross, then the new upper MWCB Auction Collar price is derived by adding 5% of the Auction Reference Price, which was rounded to the nearest minimum price increment, or in the case of securities with an Auction Reference Price of $3 or less, $0.15, to the previous upper MWCB Auction Collar price, and the lower MWCB Auction Collar price will not be changed.

(3) At the conclusion of the Extended Display Only Period, the security will be released for trading unless, at the end of the Extended Display Only Period, Nasdaq detects an order imbalance in the security. In that case, Nasdaq will further extend the Display Only Period, continuing to adjust the MWCB Auction Collar prices every five minutes in the manner described in paragraph (2) above until the security is released for trading.  During any additional Extended Display Only Period after the first Extended Display Only Period, Nasdaq shall release the security for trading at the first point there is no order imbalance.

(4) For purposes of this Rule, upon completion of the cross calculation an order imbalance shall be established as follows:

(A) the calculated price at which the security would be released for trading is above (below) the upper (lower) MWCB Auction Collar price calculated under paragraphs (1), (2), or (3) above; or

(B) all market orders would not be executed in the cross.

(5) In the event of a Level 2 Market Decline while a security is in a Level 1 MWCB Halt and has not been released for trading, Nasdaq will recalculate the lower and upper MWCB Auction Collar prices in the particular security in accordance with paragraph (1)(B) above.

(e) Publication of Halt Auction Information.  At the beginning of the Initial Display Only Period and continuing through the resumption of trading, Nasdaq will disseminate by electronic means an Order Imbalance Indicator (as defined in Rule 4753(a)(3)) every second.

(f) Nothing in this Rule 4121 should be construed to limit the ability of the Exchange to otherwise halt, suspend, or pause the trading in any stock or stocks traded on the Exchange pursuant to any other Exchange rule or policy.

(g) Market-Wide Circuit Breaker ("MWCB") Testing

(1) The Exchange will participate in all industry-wide tests of the MWCB mechanism. Members designated pursuant to General 2, Section 12(a) to participate in Exchange Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery testing are required to participate in at least one industry-wide MWCB test each year and to verify their participation in that test by attesting that they are able to or have attempted to:

(A) receive and process MWCB halt messages from the securities information processors ("SIPs");

(B) receive and process resume messages from the SIPs following a MWCB halt;

(C) receive and process market data from the SIPs relevant to MWCB halts; and

(D) send orders following a Level 1 or Level 2 MWCB halt in a manner consistent with their usual trading behavior.

(2) To the extent that a member participating in a MWCB test is unable to receive and process any of the messages identified in paragraph (g)(1)(A)-(D) of this Rule, its attestation should notify the Exchange which messages it was unable to process and if known, why.

(3) Members not designated pursuant to standards established in General 2, Section 12(a) are permitted to participate in any MWCB test.

(h) In the event that a halt is triggered under this Rule following a Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 Market Decline, the Exchange, together with other SROs and industry representatives (the "MWCB Working Group"), will review such event. The MWCB Working Group will prepare a report that documents its analysis and recommendations and will provide that report to the Commission within 6 months of the event.

(i) In the event that there is (1) a Market Decline of more than 5%, or (2) an SRO implements a rule that changes its reopening process following a MWCB Halt, the Exchange, together with the MWCB Working Group, will review such event and consider whether any modifications should be made to this Rule. If the MWCB Working Group recommends that a modification should be made to this Rule, the MWCB Working Group will prepare a report that documents its analysis and recommendations and provide that report to the Commission.

Adopted Jan. 13, 2006 (SEC Release 34-53128); amended May 31, 2012 (SR-NASDAQ-2011-131), operative Apr. 8, 2013; amended Jan. 28, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-021); amended Apr. 8, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-027); amended Sept. 5, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-072), operative Oct. 5, 2019; amended Mar. 11, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-003); amended May 1, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-023); amended March 12, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-012), operative July 20, 2020; amended October 7, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-068); amended Nov. 23, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-079); amended October 6, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-079); amended Mar. 10, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2022-026); amended Apr. 12, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2022-031).

4370. Additional Requirements for Nasdaq-Listed Securities Issued by Nasdaq or its Affiliates

(a) For purposes of this Rule, the terms below are defined as follows:

(1) "Nasdaq Affiliate" means The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. and any entity that directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc., where "control" means that the one entity possesses, directly or indirectly, voting control of the other entity either through ownership of capital stock or other equity securities or through majority representation on the board of directors or other management body of such entity.

(2) "Affiliate Security" means any security issued by a Nasdaq Affiliate or any Exchange-listed option on any such security, with the exception of Portfolio Depository Receipts as defined in Rule 5705(a)(1)(A) and Index Fund Shares as defined in Rule 5705(b)(1)(A).

(b) Upon initial and throughout continued listing and trading of the Affiliate Security on The Nasdaq Stock Market, Nasdaq shall:

(1) provide a quarterly report to Nasdaq's Regulatory Oversight Committee detailing Nasdaq's monitoring of:

(A) the Nasdaq Affiliate's compliance with the listing requirements contained in the Rule 5000, 5100, 5200, 5300, 5400, 5500, and 5600 Series; and

(B) the trading of the Affiliate Security, which shall include summaries of all related surveillance alerts, complaints, regulatory referrals, trades cancelled or adjusted pursuant to Rule 11890, investigations, examinations, formal and informal disciplinary actions, exception reports and trading data of such security.

(2) engage an independent accounting firm once a year to review and prepare a report on the Affiliate Security to ensure that the Nasdaq Affiliate is in compliance with the listing requirements contained in the Rule 5000, 5100, 5200, 5300, 5400, 5500, and 5600 Series and promptly provide Nasdaq's Regulatory Oversight Committee with a copy of the report prepared by the independent accounting firm.

(c) In the event that Nasdaq determines that the Nasdaq Affiliate is not in compliance with any of the listing requirements contained in the Rule 5000, 5100, 5200, 5300, 5400, 5500, and 5600 Series, Nasdaq shall file a report with the Commission within five business days of providing notice to the Nasdaq Affiliate of its non-compliance. The report shall identify the date of non-compliance, type of non-compliance and any other material information conveyed to the Nasdaq Affiliate in the notice of non-compliance. Within five business days of receipt of a plan of compliance from the Nasdaq Affiliate, Nasdaq shall notify the Commission of such receipt, whether the plan of compliance was accepted by Nasdaq or what other action was taken with respect to the plan and the time period provided to regain compliance with the Rule 5000, 5100, 5200, 5300, 5400, 5500, and 5600 Series, if any.

Adopted Jan. 13, 2006 (SEC Release 34-53128); amended Sept. 28, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-039); amended Mar. 12, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-018); amended Mar. 9, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-020), operative Apr. 8, 2018; amended Nov. 23, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-079).

4702. Order Types

(a) Participants may express their trading interest in the Nasdaq Market Center by entering Orders. The Nasdaq Market Center offers a range of Order Types that behave in the manner specified for each particular Order Type. Each Order Type may be assigned certain Order Attributes that further define its behavior. All Order Types and Order Attributes operate in a manner that is reasonably designed to comply with the requirements of Rules 610 and 611 under Regulation NMS. Each Order must designate whether it is to effect a buy, a long sale, a short sale, or an exempt short sale.

Nasdaq maintains several communications protocols for Participants to use in entering Orders and sending other messages to the Nasdaq Market Center:

• OUCH is a Nasdaq proprietary protocol.

• RASH is a Nasdaq proprietary protocol.

• QIX is a Nasdaq proprietary protocol.

• FLITE is a Nasdaq proprietary protocol.

• FIX is a non-proprietary protocol.

Except where otherwise stated, all protocols are available for all Order Types and Order Attributes.

Upon entry, an Order is processed to determine whether it may execute against any contra-side Orders on the Nasdaq Book in accordance with the parameters applicable to the Order Type and Order Attributes selected by the Participant and in accordance with the priority for Orders on the Nasdaq Book provided in Rule 4757. In addition, the Order may have its price adjusted in accordance with applicable parameters and may be routed to other market centers for potential execution if designated as Routable. The Order may then be posted to the Nasdaq Book if consistent with the parameters of the Order Type and Order Attributes selected by the Participant. Thereafter, as detailed in Rules 4702, 4703, and 4758, there are numerous circumstances in which the Order on the Nasdaq Book may be modified and receive a new timestamp. The sole instances in which the modification of an Order on the Nasdaq Book will not result in a new timestamp are: (i) a decrease in the size of the Order due to execution or modification by the Participant or by the System, and (ii) a redesignation of a sell Order as a long sale, a short sale, or an exempt short sale. Whenever an Order receives a new timestamp for any reason, it is processed by the System as a new Order with respect to potential execution against Orders on the Nasdaq Book, price adjustment, routing, reposting to the Nasdaq Book, and subsequent execution against incoming Orders, except where otherwise stated.

All Orders are also subject to cancellation and/or repricing and reentry onto the Nasdaq Book in the circumstances described in Rule 4120(a)(12) (providing for compliance with Plan to Address Extraordinary Market Volatility) and Rule 4763 (providing for compliance with Regulation SHO). In all circumstances where an Order is repriced pursuant to those provisions, it is processed by the System as a new Order with respect to potential execution against Orders on the Nasdaq Book, price adjustment, routing, reposting to the Nasdaq Book, and subsequent execution against incoming Orders. If multiple Orders at a given price are repriced, the Order in which they are reentered is random, based on the respective processing time for each such Order; provided, however, that in the case of Price to Comply Orders and Post-Only Orders that have their prices adjusted upon entry because they lock a Protected Quotation but that are subsequently displayed at their original entered limit price as provided in Rules 4702(b)(1)(B) and (4)(B), they are processed in accordance with the time priority under which they were previously ranked on the Nasdaq Book.

(b) Except where stated otherwise, the following Order Types are available to all Participants:

(1) (A) A "Price to Comply Order" is an Order Type designed to comply with Rule 610(d) under Regulation NMS by avoiding the display of quotations that lock or cross any Protected Quotation in a System Security during Market Hours. The Price to Comply Order is also designed to provide potential price improvement.

When a Price to Comply Order is entered, the Price to Comply Order will be executed against previously posted Orders on the Nasdaq Book that are priced equal to or better than the price of the Price to Comply Order, up to the full amount of such previously posted Orders, unless such executions would trade through a Protected Quotation. Any portion of the Order that cannot be executed in this manner will be posted on the Nasdaq Book (and/or routed if it has been designated as Routable).

During Market Hours, the price at which a Price to Comply Order is posted is determined in the following manner. If the entered limit price of the Price to Comply Order would lock or cross a Protected Quotation and the Price to Comply Order could not execute against an Order on the Nasdaq Book at a price equal to or better than the price of the Protected Quotation, the Price to Comply Order will be displayed on the Nasdaq Book at a price one minimum price increment lower than the current Best Offer (for a Price to Comply Order to buy) or higher than the current Best Bid (for a Price to Comply Order to sell) but will also be ranked on the Nasdaq Book with a non-displayed price equal to the current Best Offer (for a Price to Comply Order to buy) or to the current Best Bid (for a Price to Comply Order to sell). For example, if a Price to Comply Order to buy at $11 would lock a Protected Offer of $11, the Price to Comply Order will be ranked at a non-displayed price of $11 but will be displayed at $10.99. An incoming Order to sell at a price of $11 or lower would execute against the Price to Comply Order at $11 (unless the incoming Order was an Order Type that was not immediately executable, in which case the incoming Order would behave in the manner specified for that Order Type).

During Pre-Market Hours and Post-Market Hours, a Price to Comply Order will be ranked and displayed at its entered limit price without adjustment.

(B) If a Price to Comply Order is entered through RASH, QIX, or FIX, during Market Hours the price of the Price to Comply Order will be adjusted in the following manner after initial entry and posting to the Nasdaq Book (unless the Order is assigned a Routing Order Attribute that would cause it to be routed to another market center rather than remaining on the Nasdaq Book):

• If the entered limit price of the Price to Comply Order locked or crossed a Protected Quotation and the NBBO changes, the displayed and non-displayed price of the Price to Comply Order will be adjusted repeatedly in accordance with changes to the NBBO; provided, however, that if the quotation of another market center moves in a manner that would lock or cross the displayed price of a Price to Comply Order, the prices of the Price to Comply Order will not be adjusted. For example, if a Price to Comply Order to buy at $11.02 would cross a Protected Offer of $11, the Order will be ranked at non-displayed price of $11 but will be displayed at $10.99. If the Best Offer then moves to $11.01, the displayed price will be changed to $11 and the Order will be ranked at a non-displayed price of $11.01. However, if another market center then displays an offer of $11 (thereby locking the previously displayed price of the Price to Comply Order, notwithstanding Rule 610(d) under Regulation NMS), the price of the Price to Comply Order will not be changed. The Order may be repriced repeatedly until such time as the Price to Comply Order is able to be ranked and displayed at its original entered limit price ($11.02 in the example). The Price to Comply Order receives a new timestamp each time its price is changed.

• If the original entered limit price of the Price to Comply Order would no longer lock or cross a Protected Quotation, the Price to Comply Order will be ranked and displayed at that price and will receive a new timestamp, and will not thereafter be adjusted under this paragraph (B).

If a Price to Comply Order is entered through OUCH or FLITE, during Market Hours the price of the Price to Comply Order may be adjusted in the following manner after initial entry and posting to the Nasdaq Book:

• If the entered limit price of the Price to Comply Order crossed a Protected Quotation and the NBBO changes so that the Price to Comply Order could be displayed at a price at or closer to its entered limit price without locking or crossing a Protected Quotation, the Price to Comply Order may either remain on the Nasdaq Book unchanged or may be cancelled back to the Participant, depending on its choice. For example, if a Price to Comply Order to buy at $11.02 would cross a Protected Offer of $11, the Order will be ranked at a non-displayed price of $11 but will be displayed at $10.99. If the Best Offer changes to $11.01, the Order will not be repriced, but rather will either remain with a displayed price of $10.99 but ranked at a non-displayed price of $11 or be cancelled back to the Participant, depending on its choice. A Participant's choice with regard to maintaining the Price to Comply Order or cancelling it is set in advance for each port through which the Participant enters Orders.

• If the entered limit price of the Price to Comply Order locked a Protected Quotation, the price of the Price to Comply Order will be adjusted after initial entry only as follows. If the entered limit price would no longer lock a Protected Quotation, the Price to Comply Order may either remain on the Nasdaq Book unchanged, may be cancelled back to the Participant, or may be ranked and displayed at its original entered limit price, depending on the Participant's choice. For example, if a Price to Comply Order to buy at $11 would lock a Protected Offer of $11, the Price to Comply Order will be ranked at a non-displayed price of $11 but will be displayed at $10.99. If the Best Offer changes to $11.01, the Price to Comply Order may either remain with a displayed price of $10.99 but ranked at a non-displayed price of $11, be cancelled back to the Participant, or be ranked and displayed at $11, depending on the Participant's choice. A Participant's choice with regard to maintaining the Price to Comply Order, cancelling it, or allowing it to be displayed is set in advance for each port through which the Participant enters Orders. If the Price to Comply Order is ranked and displayed at its original entered limit price, it will receive a new timestamp, and will not thereafter be adjusted under this paragraph (B).

(C) The following Order Attributes may be assigned to a Price to Comply Order:

• Price. As described above, the price of the Order may be adjusted to avoid locking or crossing a Protected Quotation, and may include a displayed price as well as a non-displayed price.

• Size.

• Reserve Size (available through OUCH, RASH, FIX and QIX only).

• A Time-in-Force other than IOC. (A Price to Comply Order entered with a Time-in-Force of IOC would be processed as a Non-Displayed Order with a Time-in-Force of IOC).

• Designation as an ISO. In accordance with Regulation NMS, a Price to Comply Order designated as an ISO would be processed at its entered limit price, since such a designation reflects a representation by the Participant that it has simultaneously routed one or more additional limit orders, as necessary, to execute against the full displayed size of any Protected Quotations that the Price to Comply Order would lock or cross.

• Routing (available through RASH, FIX and QIX only).

• Primary Pegging and Market Pegging (available through OUCH, RASH, FIX, and QIX only).

• Discretion (available through OUCH, RASH, FIX and QIX only).

• Participation in the Nasdaq Opening Cross, Nasdaq Halt Cross and/or the Nasdaq Closing Cross.

• Display. A Price to Comply Order is always displayed, although, as provided above, it may also have a non-displayed price and/or Reserve Size.

• Trade Now (available through OUCH, RASH, FLITE and FIX).

(2) (A) A "Price to Display Order" is an Order Type designed to comply with Rule 610(d) under Regulation NMS by avoiding the display of quotations that lock or cross any Protected Quotation in a System Security during Market Hours. Price to Display Orders are available solely to Participants that are Market Makers.

When a Price to Display Order is entered, if its entered limit price would lock or cross a Protected Quotation, the Price to Display Order will be repriced to one minimum price increment lower than the current Best Offer (for a Price to Display Order to buy) or higher than the current Best Bid (for a Price to Display Order to sell). For example, if a Price to Display Order to buy at $11 would cross a Protected Offer of $10.99, the Price to Display Order will be repriced to $10.98. The Price to Display Order (whether repriced or not repriced) will then be executed against previously posted Orders on the Nasdaq Book that are priced equal to or better than the adjusted price of the Price to Display Order, up to the full amount of such previously posted Orders, unless such executions would trade through a Protected Quotation. Any portion of the Order that cannot be executed in this manner will be posted on the Nasdaq Book (and/or routed if it has been designated as Routable).

During Market Hours, the price at which a Price to Display Order is displayed and ranked on the Nasdaq Book will be its entered limit price if the Price to Display Order was not repriced upon entry, or the adjusted price if the Price to Display Order was repriced upon entry, such that the price will not lock or cross a Protected Quotation.

During Pre-Market Hours and Post-Market Hours, a Price to Display Order will be displayed and ranked at its entered limit price without adjustment.

(B) If a Price to Display Order is entered through RASH, QIX, or FIX, during Market Hours the Price to Display Order may be adjusted in the following manner after initial entry and posting to the Nasdaq Book (unless the Order is assigned a Routing Order Attribute that would cause it to be routed to another market center rather than remaining on the Nasdaq Book):

• If the entered limit price of the Price to Display Order locked or crossed a Protected Quotation and the NBBO changes, the price of the Order will be adjusted repeatedly in accordance with changes to the NBBO; provided, however, that if the quotation of another market center moves in a manner that would lock or cross the price of a Price to Display Order, the price of the Price to Display Order will not be adjusted. For example, if a Price to Display Order to buy at $11.02 would cross a Protected Offer of $11, the Order will be displayed and ranked at $10.99. If the Best Offer then moves to $11.01, the displayed/ranked price will be changed to $11. However, if another market center then displays an offer of $11 (thereby locking the previously displayed price of the Price to Display Order, notwithstanding Rule 610(d) under Regulation NMS), the price of the Price to Display Order will not be changed. The Order may be repriced repeatedly until such time as the Price to Display Order is able to be displayed and ranked at its original entered limit price ($11.02 in the example). The Price to Display Order receives a new timestamp each time its price is changed.

• If the original entered limit price of the Price to Display Order would no longer lock or cross a Protected Quotation, the Price to Display Order will be displayed and ranked at that price and will receive a new timestamp, and will not thereafter be adjusted under this paragraph (B).

If a Price to Display Order is entered through OUCH or FLITE, during Market Hours the Price to Display Order may be adjusted in the following manner after initial entry and posting to the Nasdaq Book:

• If the entered limit price of the Price to Display Order locked or crossed a Protected Quotation and the NBBO changes so that the Price to Display Order could be ranked and displayed at a price at or closer to its original entered limit price without locking or crossing a Protected Quotation, the Price to Display Order may either remain on the Nasdaq Book unchanged or may be cancelled back to the Participant, depending on the Participant's choice. For example, if a Price to Display Order to buy at $11.02 would cross a Protected Offer of $11, the Order will be ranked and displayed at $10.99. If the Best Offer changes to $11.01, the Price to Display Order will not be repriced, but rather will either remain at its current price or be cancelled back to the Participant, depending on its choice. A Participant's choice with regard to maintaining the Price to Display Order or cancelling it is set in advance for each port through which the Participant enters Orders.

(C) The following Order Attributes may be assigned to a Price to Display Order:

• Price. As described above, the price of the Order may be adjusted to avoid locking or crossing a Protected Quotation.

• Size.

• Reserve Size (available through OUCH, RASH, FIX and QIX only).

• A Time-in-Force other than IOC. (A Price to Display Order entered with a Time-in-Force of IOC would be processed as a Non-Displayed Order with a Time-in-Force of IOC).

• Designation as an ISO. In accordance with Regulation NMS, a Price to Display Order designated as an ISO would be processed at its entered limit price, since such a designation reflects a representation by the Participant that it has simultaneously routed one or more additional limit orders, as necessary, to execute against the full displayed size of any Protected Quotations that the Price to Display Order would lock or cross.

• Routing (available through RASH, FIX and QIX only).

• Primary Pegging and Market Pegging (available through OUCH, RASH, FIX, and QIX only).

• Discretion (available through OUCH, RASH, FIX and QIX only).

• Participation in the Nasdaq Opening Cross, Nasdaq Halt Cross and/or the Nasdaq Closing Cross.

• Attribution. All Price to Display Orders are Attributable Orders.

• Display. A Price to Display Order is always displayed (but may also have Reserve Size).

(3) (A) A "Non-Displayed Order" is an Order Type that is not displayed to other Participants, but nevertheless remains available for potential execution against incoming Orders until executed in full or cancelled. In addition to the Non-Displayed Order Type, there are other Order Types that are not displayed on the Nasdaq Book. Thus, "Non- Display" is both a specific Order Type and an Order Attribute of certain other Order Types.

When a Non-Displayed Order is entered, the Non-Displayed Order will be executed against previously posted Orders on the Nasdaq Book that are priced equal to or better than the price of the Non-Displayed Order, up to the full amount of such previously posted Orders, unless such executions would trade through a Protected Quotation. Any portion of the Non-Displayed Order that cannot be executed in this manner will be posted to the Nasdaq Book (unless the Non-Displayed Order has a Time-in-Force of IOC) and/or routed if it has been designated as Routable.

During Market Hours, the price at which a Non-Displayed Order is posted is determined in the following manner. If the entered limit price of the Non-Displayed Order would lock a Protected Quotation, the Non-Displayed Order will be placed on the Nasdaq Book at the locking price. If the Non-Displayed Order would cross a Protected Quotation, the Non-Displayed Order will be repriced to a price that would lock the Protected Quotation and will be placed on the Nasdaq Book at that price. For example, if a Non-Displayed Order to buy at $11 would cross a Protected Offer of $10.99, the Non-Displayed Order will be repriced and posted at $10.99. A Non-Displayed Order to buy at $10.99 would also be posted at $10.99.

During Pre-Market Hours and Post-Market Hours, a Non-Displayed Order will be posted at its entered limit price without adjustment.

(B) If a Non-Displayed Order is entered through RASH, QIX, or FIX, during Market Hours the Non-Displayed Order may be adjusted in the following manner after initial entry and posting to the Nasdaq Book (unless the Order is assigned a Routing Order Attribute that would cause it to be routed to another market center rather than remaining on the Nasdaq Book):

• If the original entered limit price of a Non-Displayed Order is higher than the Best Offer (for an Order to buy) or lower than the Best Bid (for an Order to sell) and the NBBO moves toward the original entered limit price of the Non-Displayed Order, the price of the Non-Displayed Order will be adjusted repeatedly in accordance with changes to the NBBO. For example, if a Non-Displayed Order to buy at $11.02 would cross a Protected Offer of $11, the Non-Displayed Order will be priced and posted at $11. If the Best Offer then changes to $11.01, the price of the Non-Displayed Order will be changed to $11.01. The Order may be repriced repeatedly in this manner, receiving a new timestamp each time its price is changed, until the Non-Displayed Order is posted at its original entered limit price. The Non-Displayed Order will not thereafter be repriced under this paragraph (B), except as provided below with respect to crossing a Protected Quotation.

• If, after being posted to the Nasdaq Book, the NBBO changes so that the Non- Displayed Order would cross a Protected Quotation, the Non-Displayed Order will be repriced at a price that would lock the new NBBO and receive a new timestamp. For example, if a Non-Displayed Order to buy at $11 would lock a Protected Offer of $11, the Non-Displayed Order will be posted at $11. If the Best Offer then changes to $10.99, the Non-Displayed Order will be repriced at $10.99, receiving a new timestamp. The Non-Displayed Order may be repriced and receive a new timestamp repeatedly.

If a Non-Displayed Order is entered through OUCH or FLITE, during Market Hours the Non-Displayed Order may be adjusted in the following manner after initial entry and posting to the Nasdaq Book:

• If the original entered limit price of the Non-Displayed Order locked or crossed a Protected Quotation and the NBBO changes so that the Non-Displayed Order could be posted at a price at or closer to its original entered limit price without crossing a Protected Quotation, the Non-Displayed Order may either remain on the Nasdaq Book unchanged or may be cancelled back to the Participant, depending on its choice. For example, if a Non-Displayed Order to buy at $11.02 would cross a Protected Offer of $11, the Order will be priced at $11. If the Best Offer changes to $11.01, the Order will not be repriced, but rather will either remain at its current $11 price or be cancelled back to the Participant, depending on its choice. A Participant's choice with regard to maintaining the Non- Displayed Order or cancelling it is set in advance for each port through which the Participant enters Orders.

• If, after a Non-Displayed Order is posted to the Nasdaq Book, the NBBO changes so that the Non-Displayed Order would cross a Protected Quotation, the Non- Displayed Order will be cancelled back to the Participant. For example, if a Non- Displayed Order to buy at $11 would lock a Protected Offer of $11, the Non- Displayed Order will be posted at $11. If the Best Offer then changes to $10.99, the Non-Displayed Order will be cancelled back to the Participant.

(C) The following Order Attributes may be assigned to a Non-Displayed Order:

• Price. As described above, the price of the Order may be adjusted to avoid crossing a Protected Quotation.

• Size.

• Minimum Quantity.

• Time-in-Force.

• Designation as an ISO. In accordance with Regulation NMS, a Non-Displayed Order designated as an ISO would be processed at its entered limit price, since such a designation reflects a representation by the Participant that it has simultaneously routed one or more additional limit orders, as necessary, to execute against the full displayed size of any Protected Quotations that the Non- Displayed Order would cross. As discussed above, a Non-Displayed Order would be accepted at a price that locked a Protected Quotation, even if the Order was not designated as an ISO, because the non-displayed nature of the Order allows it to lock a Protected Quotation under Regulation NMS. Accordingly, the System would not interpret receipt of a Non-Displayed Order marked ISO that locked a Protected Quotation as the basis for determining that the Protected Quotation had been executed for purposes of accepting additional Orders at that price level.

• Routing (available through RASH, FIX and QIX only).

• Primary Pegging and Market Pegging (available through OUCH, RASH, FIX, and QIX only).

• Pegging to the Midpoint (see Rule 4703(d) with respect to differences in behavior that occur in various scenarios involving Non-Displayed Orders with Midpoint Pegging).

• Discretion (available through OUCH, RASH, FIX and QIX only).

• Participation in the Nasdaq Opening Cross, Nasdaq Halt Cross and/or the Nasdaq Closing Cross.

• Trade Now (available through OUCH, RASH, FLITE and FIX).

(4) (A) A "Post-Only Order" is an Order Type designed to have its price adjusted as needed to post to the Nasdaq Book in compliance with Rule 610(d) under Regulation NMS by avoiding the display of quotations that lock or cross any Protected Quotation in a System Security during Market Hours, or to execute against locking or crossing quotations in circumstances where economically beneficial to the Participant entering the Post-Only Order.

During Market Hours, a Post-Only Order is evaluated at the time of entry with respect to locking or crossing other Orders on the Nasdaq Book, Protected Quotations, and potential execution as follows:

• If a Post-Only Order would lock or cross a Protected Quotation, the Post Only Order may either be adjusted or be cancelled back to the Participant, depending on the Participant's choice; provided, however, the Post-Only Order will execute if (i) it is priced below $1.00 and the value of price improvement associated with executing against an Order on the Nasdaq Book (as measured against the original limit price of the Order) equals or exceeds the sum of fees charged for such execution and the value of any rebate that would be provided if the Order posted to the Nasdaq Book and subsequently provided liquidity, or (ii) it is priced at $1.00 or more and the value of price improvement associated with executing against an Order on the Nasdaq Book (as measured against the original limit price of the Order) equals or exceeds $0.01 per share. If the Participant elects to have the Post Only Order adjusted, the price of the Order will first be adjusted. If the Order is Attributable, its adjusted price will be one minimum price increment lower than the current Best Offer (for bids) or higher than the current Best Bid (for offers). If the Order is not Attributable, its adjusted price will be equal to the current Best Offer (for bids) or the current Best Bid (for offers). However, the Order will not post or execute until the Order, as adjusted, is evaluated with respect to Orders on the Nasdaq Book.

— If the adjusted price of the Post-Only Order would not lock or cross a Order on the Nasdaq Book, the Order will be posted in the same manner as a Price to Comply Order (if it is not Attributable) or a Price to Display Order (if it is Attributable). Specifically, if the Post-Only Order is not Attributable, it will be displayed on the Nasdaq Book at a price one minimum price increment lower than the current Best Offer (for bids) or higher than the current Best Bid (for offers) but will be ranked on the Nasdaq Book with a non-displayed price equal to the current Best Offer (for bids) or to the current Best Bid (for offers). For example, if a Post- Only Order to buy at $11 would lock a Protected Offer of $11, the Order will be ranked at a non-displayed price of $11 but will be displayed at $10.99. If the Post-Only Order is Attributable, it will be ranked and displayed on the Nasdaq Book at a price one minimum increment lower than the current Best Offer (for bids) or higher than the current Best Bid (for offers). Thus, in the preceding example, the Post-Only Order to buy would be ranked and displayed at $10.99.

— If the adjusted price of the Post-Only Order would lock or cross a displayed Order at its displayed price on the Nasdaq Book, the Post Only Order may either be adjusted or be cancelled back to the Participant, depending on the Participant's choice; provided, however, the Post-Only Order will execute if (i) it is priced below $1.00 and the value of price improvement associated with executing against an Order on the Nasdaq Book (as measured against the original limit price of the Order) equals or exceeds the sum of fees charged for such execution and the value of any rebate that would be provided if the Order posted to the Nasdaq Book and subsequently provided liquidity, or (ii) it is priced at $1.00 or more and the value of price improvement associated with executing against an Order on the Nasdaq Book (as measured against the original limit price of the Order) equals or exceeds $0.01 per share. If the Participant elects to have the Post Only Order adjusted, the Post Only Order will be repriced, ranked, and displayed at one minimum price increment below the current best displayed price to sell on the Nasdaq Book (for bids) or above the current best displayed price to buy on the Nasdaq Book (for offers); provided, however, the Post-Only Order will execute if it meets the criteria above. For example, if a Participant entered a Non-Attributable Post-Only Order to buy at $11.01, another market center is displaying a Protected Offer at $11, and there is an Order on the Nasdaq Book to sell at $11, the adjusted price of the Post- Only Order will be $11. However, because the Post-Only Order would be executable against the Order on the Nasdaq Book and would receive $0.01 price improvement (as measured against the original $11.01 price of the Post- Only Order), the Post-Only Order would execute.

— If the adjusted price of the Post-Only Order would lock or cross a non-displayed price on the Nasdaq Book, the Post-Only Order will be posted in the same manner as a Price to Comply Order; provided, however, the Post-Only Order will execute if (i) it is priced below $1.00 and the value of price improvement associated with executing against an Order on the Nasdaq Book (as measured against the original limit price of the Order) equals or exceeds the sum of fees charged for such execution and the value of any rebate that would be provided if the Order posted to the Nasdaq Book and subsequently provided liquidity, or (ii) it is priced at $1.00 or more and the value of price improvement associated with executing against an Order on the Nasdaq Book (as measured against the original limit price of the Order) equals or exceeds $0.01 per share. For example, if a Participant entered a Non-Attributable Post-Only Order to buy at $11.01, another market center is displaying a Protected Offer at $11, and there is a Non-Displayed Order on the Nasdaq Book to sell at $11, the adjusted price of the Post-Only Order will be $11. However, because the Post-Only Order would be executable against the Non-Displayed Order on the Nasdaq Book and would receive $0.01 price improvement (as measured against the original $11.01 price of the Post-Only Order), the Post-Only Order would execute.

• If the Post-Only Order would not lock or cross a Protected Quotation but would lock or cross a displayed Order at its displayed price on the Nasdaq Book, the Post Only Order may either be adjusted or be cancelled back to the Participant, depending on the Participant's choice; provided, however, the Post-Only Order will execute if (i) it is priced below $1.00 and the value of price improvement associated with executing against an Order on the Nasdaq Book (as measured against the original limit price of the Order) equals or exceeds the sum of fees charged for such execution and the value of any rebate that would be provided if the Order posted to the Nasdaq Book and subsequently provided liquidity, or (ii) it is priced at $1.00 or more and the value of price improvement associated with executing against an Order on the Nasdaq Book (as measured against the original limit price of the Order) equals or exceeds $0.01 per share. If the Participant elects to have the Post Only Order adjusted, the Post Only Order will be repriced, ranked, and displayed at one minimum price increment below the current best-priced Order to sell on the Nasdaq Book (for bids) or above the current best-priced Order to buy on the Nasdaq Book (for offers); provided, however, the Post-Only Order will execute if it meets the criteria above. For example, if a Participant entered a Post-Only Order to buy at $11.02, the Best Offer on an away exchange was $11.04, and there was a Displayed Order on the Nasdaq Book to sell at $11.02, the Post-Only Order would be ranked and displayed at $11.01. However, if a Participant entered a Post-Only Order to buy at $11.03, the Order would execute against the Order on the Nasdaq Book at $11.02, receiving $0.01 per share price improvement.

• If the Post-Only Order would not lock or cross a Protected Quotation but would lock or cross a non-displayed Order on the Nasdaq Book, the Post-Only Order will be posted, ranked, and displayed at its limit price; provided, however, the Post-Only Order will execute if (i) it is priced below $1.00 and the value of price improvement associated with executing against an Order on the Nasdaq Book equals or exceeds the sum of fees charged for such execution and the value of any rebate that would be provided if the Order posted to the Nasdaq Book and subsequently provided liquidity, or (ii) it is priced at $1.00 or more and the value of price improvement associated with executing against an Order on the Nasdaq Book equals or exceeds $0.01 per share. For example, if a Participant entered a Post-Only Order to buy at $11.02, the Best Offer was $11.04, and there was a Non-Displayed Order on the Nasdaq Book to sell at $11.02, the Post-Only Order would be ranked and displayed at $11.02. However, if a Participant entered a Post-Only Order to buy at $11.03, the Order would execute against the Order on the Nasdaq Book at $11.02, receiving $0.01 per share price improvement.

• If a Post-Only Order is entered with a Time-in-Force of IOC, the Order will be evaluated for possible execution in the same manner as any other Post-Only Order but will be cancelled rather than posted if the Order cannot execute.

• If a Post-Only Order would not lock or cross an Order on the Nasdaq Book or any Protected Quotation, it will be posted on the Nasdaq Book at its entered limit price.

During Pre-Market and Post-Market Hours, a Post-Only Order will be processed in a manner identical to Market Hours with respect to locking or crossing Orders on the Nasdaq Book, but will not be cancelled or have its price adjusted with respect to locking or crossing the quotations of other market centers.

(B) If a Post-Only Order is entered through RASH, QIX, or FIX, during System Hours the Post-Only Order may be adjusted in the following manner after initial entry and posting to the Nasdaq Book:

• If the original entered limit price of the Post-Only Order is not being displayed, the displayed price (and non-displayed price, if any) of the Order will be adjusted repeatedly in accordance with changes to the NBBO or the best price on the Nasdaq Book, as applicable; provided, however, that if the quotation of another market center moves in a manner that would lock or cross the displayed price of a Post-Only Order, the price(s) of the Post-Only Order will not be adjusted. For example, if a Non-Attributable Post-Only Order to buy at $11.02 would cross a Protected Offer of $11, the Order will be ranked at a non-displayed price of $11 but will be displayed at $10.99. If the Best Offer then moves to $11.01, the displayed price will be changed to $11 and the non-displayed price at which the Order is ranked will be changed to $11.01. However, if another market center then displays an offer of $11 (thereby locking the previously displayed price of the Post-Only Order notwithstanding Rule 610(d) under Regulation NMS), the price of the Post-Only Order will not be changed. The Order may be repriced repeatedly until such time as the Post-Only Order is able to be displayed at its original entered limit price ($11.02 in the example). The Post-Only Order receives a new timestamp each time its price is changed.

• If the original entered limit price of the Post-Only Order would no longer lock or cross a Protected Quotation or a displayed Order on the Nasdaq Book, the Post-Only Order will be ranked and displayed at that price and will receive a new timestamp, and will not thereafter be adjusted under this paragraph (B).

If a Post-Only Order is entered through OUCH or FLITE, the Post-Only Order may be adjusted in the following manner after initial entry and posting to the Nasdaq Book:

• During Market Hours, if the original entered limit price of the Post-Only Order locked or crossed a Protected Quotation, the Post-Only Order may be adjusted after initial entry in the same manner as a Price to Comply Order (or a Price to Display Order, if it is Attributable). Thus, in the case of a Non-Attributable Post- Only Order that crossed a Protected Quotation, if the NBBO changed so that the Post-Only Order could be ranked and displayed at a price at or closer to its original entered limit price without locking or crossing a Protected Quotation, the Post-Only Order may either remain on the Nasdaq Book unchanged or may be cancelled back to the Participant, depending on its choice. In the case of a Non- Attributable Post-Only Order that locked a Protected Quotation, if the limit price would no longer lock a Protected Quotation, the Post-Only Order may either remain on the Nasdaq Book unchanged, may be cancelled back to the Participant, or may be ranked and displayed at its original entered limit price, depending on the Participant's choice, and will not thereafter be adjusted under this paragraph (B). If the Post-Only Order is displayed at its original entered limit price, it will receive a new timestamp. Finally, in the case of an Attributable Post-Only Order that locked or crossed a Protected Quotation, if the NBBO changed so that the Post-Only Order could be ranked and displayed at a price at or closer to its original entered limit price without locking or crossing a Protected Quotation, the Post-Only Order may either remain on the Nasdaq Book unchanged or may be cancelled back to the Participant, depending on the Participant's choice. A Participant's choice with regard to adjustment of Post-Only Orders is set in advance for each port through which the Participant enters Orders.

• During System Hours, if the original entered limit price of the Post-Only Order locked or crossed a displayed Order on the Nasdaq Book and the Nasdaq Book changes so that the original entered limit price would no longer lock or cross an Order on the Nasdaq Book, the Post-Only Order may either remain on the Nasdaq Book unchanged or may be cancelled back to the Participant, depending on the Participant's choice. For example, if a Post-Only Order to buy at $11 would lock a displayed Order on the Nasdaq Book priced at $11, the Post-Only Order will be ranked and displayed at $10.99. If the Order at $11 is cancelled or executed, the Post- Only Order may either remain with a displayed price of $10.99 or be cancelled back to the Participant, depending on the Participant's choice. A Participant's choice with regard to maintaining the Post-Only Order or cancelling it is set in advance for each port through which the Participant enters Orders.

(C) The following Order Attributes may be assigned to a Post-Only Order:

• Price. As described above, the price of the Order may be adjusted to avoid locking or crossing a Protected Quotation, and may include a displayed price as well as a non-displayed price.

• Size.

• Time-in-Force; provided, however, that a Post-Only Order with a Time-in-Force of IOC may not be entered through RASH, QIX, or FIX.

• Designation as an ISO. In accordance with Regulation NMS, a Post-Only Order designated as an ISO that locked or crossed a Protected Quotation would be processed at its entered limit price, since such a designation reflects a representation by the Participant that it has simultaneously routed one or more additional limit orders, as necessary, to execute against the full displayed size of any Protected Quotations that the Post-Only Order would lock or cross. However, as described above, a Post-Only Order designated as an ISO that locked or crossed an Order on the Nasdaq Book would either execute at time of entry, post at its limit price, or would have its price adjusted prior to posting. Accordingly, the System would not interpret receipt of a Post-Only Order marked ISO that had its price adjusted prior to posting as the basis for determining that any Protected Quotation at the Order's original entered limit price level had been executed for purposes of accepting additional Orders at that price level. However, if the Post-Only Order is ranked and displayed at its adjusted price, the System would consider the adjusted price level to be open for purposes of accepting additional Orders at that price level. For example, assume that there is a Protected Offer at $11 and a Participant enters a Post-Only Order marked ISO to buy at $11. If there are no Orders to sell at $11 on the Nasdaq Book, the Order to buy will be displayed and ranked at $11, since the designation of the Order as an ISO reflects the Participant's representation that it has routed one or more additional limit orders, as necessary, to execute against the full displayed size of any Protected Quotations that the Post-Only Order would lock or cross. However, if there was also a displayed Order to sell at $11 on the Nasdaq Book, the Post-Only Order will be repriced, ranked, and displayed at $10.99. In that case, the mere fact that the Post-Only Order was designated as an ISO would not allow Nasdaq to conclude that the $11 price level was "open" for receiving orders to buy at that price; the $11 price level would be considered open only if market data received by the System demonstrated that the Protected Offer at $11 had been removed or if a subsequent Displayed Order marked ISO was received and ranked at that price.

• Attribution.

• Participation in the Nasdaq Opening Cross, Nasdaq Halt Cross and/or the Nasdaq Closing Cross.

• Display. A Post-Only Order is always displayed, although as provided above, may also have a non-displayed price.

(5) (A) A "Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order" is an Order Type with a Non-Display Order Attribute that is priced at the midpoint between the NBBO and that will execute upon entry only in circumstances where economically beneficial to the party entering the Order. The Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order is available during Market Hours only.  As described below, a Midpoint Peg Post Only Order may be “Fixed” or “Managed.”

A Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order must be assigned a limit price. When a Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order is entered, it will be priced at the midpoint between the NBBO, unless such midpoint is higher than (lower than) the limit price of an Order to buy (sell), in which case the Order will be priced at its limit price. If the NBBO is locked, the Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order will be priced at the locking price, if the NBBO is crossed or if there is no NBBO, the Order will not be accepted. The Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order will post to the Nasdaq Book unless it is a buy (sell) Order that is priced higher than (lower than) a sell (buy) Order on the Nasdaq Book, in which case it will execute at the price of the Order on the Nasdaq Book; provided, however, that if the Order has a Time-in-Force of IOC, the Order will be cancelled after determining whether it can be executed. For example, if the Best Bid was $11 and the Best Offer was $11.06, the price of the Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order would be $11.03. If there was a Non-Displayed Order (or another Order with a Non-Display Order Attribute) on the Nasdaq Book to sell at $11.02, the incoming Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order to buy would execute against it at $11.02. However, if there was a Non-Displayed Order (or another Order with a Non-Display Order Attribute) to sell at $11.03, the Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order to buy would post at $11.03. While a Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order that posts to the Nasdaq Book is locking a preexisting Order at its displayed price, the Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order will execute against an incoming Order only if the price of the incoming sell (buy) Order is lower (higher) than the displayed price of the preexisting Order. For example, if the NBBO is locked at $11.03 and a Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order to buy at $11.03 locks a displayed Order to sell at $11.03, the Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order could execute only against an incoming Order to sell priced at less than $11.03.

A Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order that would be assigned a price of $1 or less per share will not be accepted.

(B) A Managed Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order may be adjusted in the following manner after initial entry and posting to the Nasdaq Book:

• The price of the Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order will be updated repeatedly to equal the midpoint between the NBBO; provided, however, that the Order will not be priced higher (lower) than the limit price of an Order to buy (sell). In the event that the midpoint between the NBBO becomes higher than (lower than) the limit price of an Order to buy (sell), the price of the Order will stop updating and the Order will post (with a Non-Display Attribute) at its limit price, but will resume updating if the midpoint becomes lower than (higher than) the limit price of an Order to buy (sell). Similarly, if a Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order is on the Nasdaq Book and subsequently the NBBO is crossed, or if there is no NBBO, the Order will be removed from the Nasdaq Book and will be re-entered at the new midpoint once there is a valid NBBO that is not crossed. The Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order receives a new timestamp each time its price is changed.

A Fixed Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order may be adjusted in the following manner after initial entry and posting to the Nasdaq Book:

• The price at which the Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order is ranked on the Nasdaq Book is the midpoint between the NBBO, unless the Order has a limit price that is lower than the midpoint between the NBBO for an Order to buy (higher than the midpoint between the NBBO for an Order to sell), in which case the Order will be ranked on the Nasdaq Book at its limit price. The price of the Order will not thereafter be adjusted based on changes to the NBBO. However, a Fixed Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order will be cancelled back to the Participant after initial entry and posting to the Nasdaq Book if any of the following conditions are met:

• There is no National Best Bid and/or National Best Offer;

• The Order to buy (sell) is entered with a limit price above (below) the Midpoint of the NBBO and is ranked at the Midpoint of the NBBO; thereafter, the NBBO changes so that the Midpoint changes and the Order is no longer at the NBBO Midpoint;

• The Order to buy (sell) is entered at a limit price that is equal to or less than (greater than) the Midpoint of the NBBO and is ranked at its limit price; thereafter, the NBBO changes so that the Midpoint of the NBBO is lower (higher) than the limit price of the Order;

• The Order to buy (sell) is entered at a limit price that is equal to or less than (greater than) the Midpoint of the NBBO and is ranked at its limit price, thereafter the NBBO becomes crossed, such that the Midpoint of the crossed NBBO remains equal to or higher (lower) than the limit price of the Order, and then a new sell (buy) Order is received at a price that locks or crosses the limit price of the resting Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order; or

• The Order to buy (sell) is entered at a limit price that is greater than (less than) the Midpoint of the NBBO and is therefore ranked at the Midpoint of the NBBO, thereafter the NBBO becomes crossed but the Midpoint does not change, and then a new sell (buy) Order is received at a price that locks or crosses the Midpoint of the NBBO.

(C) The following Order Attributes may be assigned to a Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order:

• Price of more than $1 per share.

• Size.

• Time-in-Force; provided, however, that a Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order with a Time-in-Force of IOC may not be entered through RASH, QIX or FIX, and provided further that regardless of the Time-in-Force entered, a Midpoint Post-Only Order may not be active outside of Market Hours. Midpoint Peg Post-Only Orders may not participate in the Nasdaq Opening Cross, Nasdaq Halt Cross, or the Nasdaq Closing Cross. A Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order entered prior to the beginning of Market Hours will be rejected. Midpoint Peg Post-Only Orders will be cancelled by the System when a trading halt is declared, and any Midpoint Peg Post-Only Orders entered during a trading halt will be rejected. A Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order remaining on the Nasdaq Book at 4:00 p.m. ET will be cancelled by the System.

• Pegging to the midpoint is required for Managed Midpoint Peg Post-Only Orders. As discussed above, the price of a Fixed Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order will be pegged to the midpoint upon entry and not adjusted thereafter.

• Minimum Quantity.

• Non-Display. All Midpoint Peg Post-Only Orders are Non-Displayed.

(6) (A) A "Supplemental Order" is an Order Type with a Non-Display Order Attribute that is held on the Nasdaq Book in order to provide liquidity at the NBBO through a special execution process described in Rule 4757(a)(1)(D). A Supplemental Order may be entered through the OUCH protocol only.

Upon entry, a Supplemental Order will always post to the Nasdaq Book at a price equal to the Best Bid (for buys) or the Best Offer (for sells). Thereafter, the Supplemental Order may execute against an Order that is designated as eligible for routing, after the Order has executed against all other liquidity on the Nasdaq Book but before routing. An Order will execute against a Supplemental Order(s) only at the NBBO, only if the NBBO is not locked or crossed, and only if the Order can be executed in full. If a Supplemental Order is not executed in full, the remaining portion of the Supplemental Order shall remain on the Nasdaq Book as a Supplemental Order until the Supplemental Order is fully executed, the Supplemental Order is cancelled by the Participant that entered the Supplemental Order, or the size of the Supplemental Order is reduced to less than one normal unit of trading (in which case the Supplemental Order will be cancelled automatically).

(B) The following Order Attributes may be assigned to a Supplemental Order:

• Price. The Price of a Supplemental Order to buy is always equal to the Best Bid, and the price of a Supplemental Order to sell is always equal to the Best Offer.

• Size. All Supplemental Orders must be entered with a size of one or more normal units of trading. When a Supplemental Order is reduced to less than one normal unit of trading, the remainder of the Supplemental Order will be cancelled automatically.

• A Time-in-Force other than IOC. A Supplemental Order may be entered at any time during Pre-Market Hours or Market Hours, but is available for potential execution only during Market Hours. Any Supplemental Orders still on the Nasdaq Book at the conclusion of Market Hours will be cancelled. Supplemental Orders may not participate in the Nasdaq Opening Cross or the Nasdaq Closing Cross.

• Primary Pegging. A Supplemental Order is not pegged to the NBBO through the regular Primary Pegging Order Attribute, and therefore does not have its price adjusted continually. However, if an incoming Order is potentially executable against a Supplemental Order, the System will set the price of the Supplemental Order at the NBBO on the same side of the market, with no offset. As a result, a Supplemental Order may only execute at the NBBO.

• Non-Display. All Supplemental Orders are Non-Displayed.

(7) (A) A "Market Maker Peg Order" is an Order Type designed to allow a Market Maker to maintain a continuous two-sided quotation at a displayed price that is compliant with the quotation requirements for Market Makers set forth in Equity 2, Section 5(a)(2). The displayed price of the Market Maker Peg Order is set with reference to a "Reference Price" in order to keep the displayed price of the Market Maker Peg Order within a bounded price range. A Market Maker Peg Order may be entered through OUCH, RASH, FIX or QIX only. A Market Maker Peg Order must be entered with a limit price beyond which the Order may not be priced. The Reference Price for a Market Maker Peg Order to buy (sell) is the then-current National Best Bid (National Best Offer) (including Nasdaq), or if no such National Best Bid or National Best Offer, the most recent reported last-sale eligible trade from the responsible single plan processor for that day, or if none, the previous closing price of the security as adjusted to reflect any corporate actions (e.g., dividends or stock splits) in the security.

Upon entry, the displayed price of a Market Maker Peg Order to buy (sell) is automatically set by the System at the Designated Percentage (as defined in Equity 2, Section 5) away from the Reference Price in order to comply with the quotation requirements for Market Makers set forth in Equity 2, Section 5(a)(2). For example, if the National Best Bid is $10 and the Designated Percentage for the security is 8%, the displayed price of a Market Marker Peg Order to buy would be $9.20. If the limit price of the Order is not within the Designated Percentage, the Order will be sent back to the Participant.

Once a Market Maker Peg Order has posted to the Nasdaq Book, it is repriced if needed as the Reference Price changes. Specifically, if as a result of a change to the Reference Price, the difference between the displayed price of the Market Maker Peg Order and the Reference Price exceeds the Defined Limit (as defined in Equity 2, Section 5), a Market Maker Peg Order to buy (sell) will be repriced to the Designated Percentage away from the Reference Price. In the foregoing example, if the Defined Limit is 9.5% and the National Best Bid increased to $10.17, such that the displayed price of the Market Maker Peg Order would be more than 9.5% away, the Order will be repriced to $9.36, or 8% away from the National Best Bid. Note that prices will be rounded in a manner to ensure that they are calculated and displayed at a level that is consistent with the Designated Percentage and the permissible minimum increment of $0.01 or $0.0001, as applicable. If the limit price of the Order is not within the Designated Percentage, the Order will be sent back to the Participant.

Similarly, if as a result of a change to the Reference Price, the displayed price of a Market Maker Peg Order to buy (sell) is at least one minimum price variation more than (less than) a price that is 4% less than (more than) the Reference Price, rounded up (down), then the Market Maker Peg Order to buy (sell) will be repriced to the Designated Percentage away from the Reference Price. For example, if the National Best Bid is $10 and the Designated Percentage for the security is 8%, the displayed price of a Market Marker Peg Order to buy would initially be $9.20. If the National Best Bid then moved to $9.57, such that the displayed price of the Market Maker Peg Order would be a minimum of $0.01 more than a price that is 4% less than the National Best Bid, rounded up (i.e. $9.57 - ($9.57 x 0.04) = $9.1872, rounding up to $9.19), the Order will be repriced to $8.81, or 8% away from the National Best Bid.

Market Maker Peg Orders entered with a pegging offset will not be accepted.

A new timestamp is created for a Market Maker Peg Order each time that it is repriced. In the absence of a Reference Price, a Market Maker Peg Order will be cancelled (if on the Nasdaq Book) or rejected (if it is an incoming Order). If, after entry, a Market Maker Peg Order has a displayed price based on a Reference Price other than the NBBO and such Market Maker Peg Order is established as the National Best Bid or National Best Offer, the Market Maker Peg Order will not be subsequently repriced in accordance with this rule until a new Reference Price is established. Additionally, if after entry, a Market Maker Peg Order of round lot size has a displayed price based on the NBBO, and the NBBO subsequently shifts such that the displayed price of the Market Maker Peg Order to buy (sell) is equal to or greater (less) than the National Best Bid (or National Best Offer), the Market Maker Peg Order will not be subsequently repriced in accordance with this Rule until a new Reference Price is established that is more aggressive than the displayed price of the Market Maker Peg Order. In such cases, the new Reference Price may be established by a change in the NBBO based on another market center's quotation or by the entry into the System of any Displayed Order with a price better than the displayed price of the Market Maker Peg Order, whether the new Order is at a price that is lower than, higher than or equal to the prior Reference Price.

Notwithstanding the availability of Market Maker Peg Order functionality, a Market Maker remains responsible for entering, monitoring, and resubmitting, as applicable, quotations that meet the requirements of Equity 2, Section 5.

(B) The following Order Attributes may be assigned to a Market Maker Peg Order:

• Price. As discussed above, the displayed price of Market Maker Peg Order is established by the Nasdaq Market Center based on the Reference Price, the Designated Percentage, the Defined Limit, and the 4% minimum difference from the Reference Price.

• Size.

• A Time-in-Force other than IOC or GTC.

• Participation in the Nasdaq Opening Cross, Nasdaq Halt Cross and/or the Nasdaq Closing Cross.

• Attribution. All Market Maker Peg Orders are Attributable.

• Display. Market Marker Peg Orders are always Displayed.

(8) (A) A "Market On Open Order" or "MOO Order" is an Order Type entered without a price that may be executed only during the Nasdaq Opening Cross. Subject to the qualifications provided below, MOO Orders may be entered between 4 a.m. ET and immediately prior to 9:28 a.m. ET. An MOO Order may be cancelled or modified until immediately prior to 9:25 a.m. ET. An MOO Order shall execute only at the price determined by the Nasdaq Opening Cross.

(B) The following Order Attributes may be assigned to a Market On Open Order:

• Price. An MOO Order is entered without a price and shall execute only at the price determined by the Nasdaq Opening Cross.

• Size.

• Time-in-Force. An MOO Order may execute only in the Nasdaq Opening Cross. However, a Participant may designate the Time-in-Force for an MOO Order either by designating a Time-in-Force of "On Open" or by entering another Order Type with a Market Pegging Attribute and flagging the Order to participate in the Nasdaq Opening Cross. An MOO Order entered through RASH or FIX with a Time-in-Force of IOC and flagged to participate in the Nasdaq Opening Cross that is entered after the time of the Nasdaq Opening Cross will be accepted but will be converted into a Non-Displayed Order with a Time-in-Force of IOC and a price established using the Market Pegging Order Attribute. An Order with a Routing Attribute and a Time-in-Force other than IOC that is flagged to participate in the Nasdaq Opening Cross and entered at or after 9:28 a.m. will be held and entered into the System after the completion of the Nasdaq Opening Cross. All other MOO Orders entered at or after 9:28 a.m. will be rejected.

• Participation in the Nasdaq Opening Cross is required for this Order Type.

(9) (A) A "Limit On Open Order" or "LOO Order" is an Order Type entered with a price that may be executed only in the Nasdaq Opening Cross, and only if the price determined by the Nasdaq Opening Cross is equal to or better than the price at which the LOO Order was entered. Subject to the qualifications provided below, LOO Orders may be entered between 4 a.m. ET and immediately prior to 9:28 a.m. ET but may not be cancelled or modified at or after 9:25 a.m. ET. Between 9:28 a.m. ET and 9:29:30 a.m. ET, an LOO Order may be entered, provided that there is a First Opening Reference Price or a Second Opening Reference Price. An LOO Order entered after 9:29:30 a.m. ET that is designated as an IOC will be rejected. An LOO Order entered between 9:28 a.m. ET and 9:29:30 a.m. ET will be accepted at its limit price, unless its limit price is higher (lower) than the higher (lower) of the First Opening Reference Price and the Second Opening Reference Price for an LOO Order to buy (sell), in which case the LOO Order will be handled consistent with the Participant's instruction that the LOO Order is to be: (1) rejected; or (2) re-priced to the higher (lower) of the First Opening Reference Price and the Second Opening Reference Price, provided that if either the First Opening Reference Price or the Second Opening Reference Price is not at a permissible minimum increment, the First Opening Reference Price or the Second Opening Reference Price, as applicable, will be rounded (i) to the nearest permitted minimum increment (with midpoint prices being rounded up) if there is no imbalance, (ii) up if there is a buy imbalance, or (iii) down if there is a sell imbalance. The default configuration for Participants that do not specify otherwise will be to have such LOO Orders re-priced rather than rejected.

(B) The following Order Attributes may be assigned to a Limit On Open Order:

• Price.

• Size.

• Time-in-Force. In general, an LOO Order may execute only in the Nasdaq Opening Cross. However, a Participant may designate the Time-in-Force for an LOO Order either by designating a Time-in-Force of "On Open," in which case the Order will execute solely in the Nasdaq Opening Cross, or by entering another Order Type and Time-in-Force and flagging the Order to participate in the Nasdaq Opening Cross. In the latter case, if the Participant designates a Time-in-Force of IOC, the Order will participate solely in the Nasdaq Opening Cross. If the Participant enters a Time-in-Force that continues after the time of the Nasdaq Opening Cross, the Order will participate in the Nasdaq Opening Cross like an LOO Order, while operating thereafter in accordance with its designated Order Type and Order Attributes (if not executed in full in the Nasdaq Opening Cross). Such an Order may be referred to as an "Opening Cross/Market Hours Order." If such an Order has a Time-in-Force that continues until at least the time of the Nasdaq Closing Cross, the Order may be referred to as a "Cross to Cross Order."

Following the Nasdaq Opening Cross, an Opening Cross/Market Hours Order may not operate as a Post-Only Order, Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order, a Supplemental Order, a Retail Order, or an RPI Order. In the case of a Market Maker Peg Order entered prior to 9:28 a.m. ET that is also designated to participate in the Nasdaq Opening Cross, the price of the Order for purposes of operating as an LOO Order will be established on entry and will not thereafter be pegged until after the completion of the Nasdaq Opening Cross. An Opening Cross/Market Hours Order that has a Time-in-Force other than IOC and is entered between 9:29:30 a.m. ET and the time of the Nasdaq Opening Cross will be (i) held and entered into the System after the completion of the Nasdaq Opening Cross if it has been assigned a Routing Attribute, (ii) treated as an Opening Imbalance Only Order and entered into the System after the completion of the Nasdaq Opening Cross if entered through RASH, QIX, or FIX but not assigned a Routing Attribute, or (iii) treated as an Opening Imbalance Only Order and cancelled after the Nasdaq Opening Cross if entered through OUCH or FLITE. An Opening Cross/Market Hours Order entered through RASH or FIX after the time of the Nasdaq Opening Cross will be accepted but the Nasdaq Opening Cross flag will be ignored. All other Opening Cross/Market Hours Orders entered at or after 9:28 a.m. will be rejected with the exception of certain LOO Orders discussed in subparagraph (A) above.

• Participation in the Nasdaq Opening Cross is required for this Order Type.

(10) (A) An "Opening Imbalance Only Order" or "OIO Order" is an Order Type entered with a price that may be executed only in the Nasdaq Opening Cross and only against MOO Orders, LOO Orders, or Early Market Hours Orders (as defined in Rule 4752). OIO Orders may be entered between 4:00 a.m. ET until the time of execution of the Nasdaq Opening Cross, but may not be cancelled or modified at or after 9:25 a.m. ET. If the entered price of an OIO Order to buy (sell) is higher than (lower than) the highest bid (lowest offer) on the Nasdaq Book, the price of the OIO Order will be modified repeatedly to equal the highest bid (lowest offer) on the Nasdaq Book; provided, however, that the price of the Order will not be moved beyond its stated limit price. Thus, for example, if an OIO Order to buy was entered with a price of $11 and the current highest bid on the Nasdaq Book was $10.99, the OIO Order would be priced at $10.99. If the highest bid subsequently became $10.98, the OIO Order would again be repriced. However, if the highest bid moved to $11.01, the OIO Order would not be repriced.

(B) The following Order Attributes may be assigned to an Opening Imbalance Only Order:

• Price.

• Size.

• Time-in-Force. An OIO Order may execute only in the Nasdaq Opening Cross. An OIO Order entered after the time of the execution of the Nasdaq Opening Cross will be rejected.

• Participation in the Nasdaq Opening Cross is required for this Order Type.

(11) (A) A "Market On Close Order" or "MOC Order" is an Order Type entered without a price that may be executed only during the Nasdaq Closing Cross. Subject to the qualifications provided below, MOC Orders may be entered between 4 a.m. ET and immediately prior to 3:55 p.m. ET. MOC Orders may be cancelled and/or modified between 4 a.m. ET and immediately prior to 3:50 p.m. ET. Between 3:50 p.m. ET and immediately prior to 3:58 p.m. ET, an MOC Order can be cancelled and/or modified only if the Participant requests that Nasdaq correct a legitimate error in the Order (e.g., Side, Size, Symbol, or Price, or duplication of an Order). MOC Orders cannot be cancelled or modified at or after 3:58 p.m. ET for any reason. An MOC Order shall execute only at the price determined by the Nasdaq Closing Cross.

(B) The following Order Attributes may be assigned to a Market On Close Order:

• Price. An MOC Order is entered without a price and shall execute only at the price determined by the Nasdaq Closing Cross.

• Size.

• Time-in-Force. An MOC Order may execute only in the Nasdaq Closing Cross. However, a Participant may designate the Time-in-Force for an MOC Order either by designating a Time-in-Force of "On Close" or by entering a Time-in-Force of IOC and flagging the Order to participate in the Nasdaq Closing Cross. All MOC Orders entered at or after 3:55 p.m. ET will be rejected. Participation in the Nasdaq Closing Cross is required for this Order Type.

(12) (A) A "Limit On Close Order" or "LOC Order" is an Order Type entered with a price that may be executed only in the Nasdaq Closing Cross or the LULD Closing Cross (except as provided herein), and only if the price determined by the Nasdaq Closing Cross or the LULD Closing Cross (except as provided herein) is equal to or better than the price at which the LOC Order was entered. Subject to the qualifications provided below, LOC Orders may be entered, cancelled, and/or modified between 4 a.m. ET and immediately prior to 3:50 p.m. ET. Between 3:50 p.m. ET and immediately prior to 3:55 p.m. ET, LOC Orders may be entered but can only be cancelled and/or modified if the Participant requests that Nasdaq correct a legitimate error in the Order (e.g., Side, Size, Symbol, or Price, or duplication of an Order). Between 3:55 p.m. ET and immediately prior to 3:58 p.m. ET, an LOC Order may be entered provided that there is a First Reference Price or a Second Reference Price. Between 3:55 p.m. ET and immediately prior to 3:58 p.m. ET, an LOC Order can only be cancelled and/or modified if the Participant requests that Nasdaq correct a legitimate error in the Order (e.g., Side, Size, Symbol, or Price, or duplication of an Order). LOC Orders cannot be cancelled or modified at or after 3:58 p.m.

An LOC Order entered between 3:55 p.m. ET and immediately prior to 3:58 p.m. ET will be accepted at its limit price, unless its limit price is higher (lower) than the higher (lower) of the First Reference Price and the Second Reference Price for an LOC Order to buy (sell), in which case the LOC Order will be handled consistent with the Participant's instruction that the LOC Order is to be: (1) rejected; or (2) re-priced to the higher (lower) of the First Reference Price and the Second Reference Price, provided that if either the First Reference Price or the Second Reference Price is not at a permissible minimum increment, the First Reference Price or the Second Reference Price, as applicable, will be rounded (i) to the nearest permitted minimum increment (with midpoint prices being rounded up) if there is no imbalance, (ii) up if there is a buy imbalance, or (iii) down if there is a sell imbalance. The default configuration for Participants that do not specify otherwise will be to have such LOC Orders re-priced rather than rejected.

If an LOC Order for a Nasdaq-listed security entered through RASH or FIX does not execute in full during the Nasdaq Closing Cross or the LULD Closing Cross, as applicable, the Order will participate in the Extended Trading Close (“ETC Eligible LOC Order”) if the Nasdaq Official Closing Price, as determined by the Nasdaq Closing Cross or the LULD Closing Cross, is at or within the limit price of the Order.  Alternatively, a Participant may opt to disable an LOC Order from participating in the Extended Trading Close, in which case, the System will cancel back to the Participant any shares of its LOC Order that remain unexecuted after the Closing Cross occurs.  An ETC Eligible LOC Order may only execute against other ETC Eligible LOC Orders and ETC Orders.  If an ETC Eligible LOC Order has not been executed fully at the conclusion of the Extended Trading Close, then any unexecuted portion of the Order will be canceled.  At any time during the Extended Trading Close, any unexecuted portion of an ETC Eligible LOC Order may be canceled or modified by the Participant.

(B) The following Order Attributes may be assigned to a Limit On Close Order:

• Price.

• Size.

• Time-in-Force. In general, an LOC Order may execute only in the Nasdaq Closing Cross or LULD Closing Cross and, depending upon a Participant’s choice, in the Extended Trading Close, to the extent that it is an ETC Eligible LOC Order. A Participant may designate the Time-in-Force for an LOC Order either by designating a Time-in-Force of "On Close," in which case the Order will execute solely in the Nasdaq Closing Cross or the LULD Closing Cross (and/or in the Extended Trading Close if it is an ETC Eligible LOC Order entered through RASH or FIX, and provided that the Participant has not opted to disable ETC eligibility for the Order), or by entering another Order Type and Time-in-Force and flagging the Order to participate in the Nasdaq Closing Cross or the LULD Closing Cross, or the Extended Trading Close.

In the latter case, if the Participant designates a Time-in-Force of IOC, the Order will participate solely in the Nasdaq Closing Cross or the LULD Closing Cross (except as provided herein) (and/or in the Extended Trading Close if it is an ETC Eligible LOC Order entered through RASH or FIX, and provided that the Participant has not opted to disable ETC eligibility for the Order). A Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order, Supplemental Order, or Market Maker Peg Order may not be flagged to solely participate in the Nasdaq Closing Cross, the LULD Closing Cross.

If the Participant enters a Time-in-Force that continues after the time of the Nasdaq Closing Cross or the LULD Closing Cross, the Order will participate in the Nasdaq Closing Cross or the LULD Closing Cross like an LOC Order, while operating thereafter in accordance with its designated Order Type and Order Attributes (if not executed in full in the Nasdaq Closing Cross or the LULD Closing Cross). Such an Order may be referred to as a "Closing Cross/Extended Hours Order." Closing Cross/Extended Hours Orders will bypass the Extended Trading Close.

A Post-Only Order, Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order, Supplemental Order, or Market Maker Peg Order may not operate as a Closing Cross/Extend Hours Order. A Closing Cross/Extended Hours Order will be rejected if it has been assigned a Pegging Attribute. A Closing Cross/Extended Hours Order entered through OUCH, FLITE, RASH, or FIX with a Time-in-Force other than IOC after the time of the Nasdaq Closing Cross will be accepted but the Nasdaq Closing Cross flag will be ignored. All other LOC Orders and Closing Cross/Extended Hours Orders entered at or after 3:58 p.m. ET will be rejected.

• Participation in the Nasdaq Closing Cross is required for this Order Type.

(13) (A) An "Imbalance Only Order" or "IO Order" is an Order entered with a price that may be executed only in the Nasdaq Closing Cross and only against MOC Orders or LOC Orders. IO Orders may be entered between 4:00 a.m. ET until the time of execution of the Nasdaq Closing Cross, but may not be cancelled or modified at or after 3:50 p.m. ET. Between 3:50 p.m. ET and immediately prior to 3:58 p.m. ET, however, an IO Order can be cancelled and/or modified if the Participant requests that Nasdaq correct a legitimate error in the Order (e.g., Side, Size, Symbol, or Price, or duplication of an Order). IO Orders cannot be cancelled or modified at or after 3:58 p.m. ET for any reason.

If the price of an IO Order to buy (sell) is higher than (lower than) the highest bid (lowest offer) on the Nasdaq Book, the price of the IO Order will be modified repeatedly to equal the highest bid (lowest offer) on the Nasdaq Book; provided, however, that the price of the Order will not be moved beyond its stated limit price. Thus, for example, if an IO Order to buy was entered with a price of $11 and the current highest bid on the Nasdaq Book was $10.99, the IO Order would be priced at $10.99. If the highest bid subsequently became $10.98, the IO Order would again be repriced. However, if the highest bid moved to $11.01, the IO Order would not be repriced.

(B) The following Order Attributes may be assigned to an Imbalance Only Order:

• Price.

• Size.

• Time-in-Force. An IO Order may execute only in the Nasdaq Closing Cross. An IO Order entered after the time of the Nasdaq Closing Cross will be rejected.

• Participation in the Nasdaq Closing Cross is required for this Order Type.

(14) (A) A "Midpoint Extended Life Order" is an Order Type with a Non-Display Order Attribute that is priced at the midpoint between the NBBO and that will not be eligible to execute until a minimum time period ("Holding Period") has passed after acceptance of the Order by the System. Eligible Midpoint Extended Life Orders may only execute against other eligible Midpoint Extended Life Orders and M-ELO+CB Orders. Buy (sell) Midpoint Extended Life Orders will be ranked in time order at the midpoint among other Buy (Sell) Midpoint Extended Life Orders and buy (sell) MELO+ CB Orders. A Midpoint Extended Life Order may be cancelled at any time. If a Midpoint Extended Life Order is modified by a member (other than to decrease the size of the Order or to modify the marking of a sell Order as long, short, or short exempt) during the Holding Period, the System will restart the Holding Period. If a Midpoint Extended Life Order is modified by a member (other than to decrease the size of the Order or to modify the marking of a sell Order as long, short, or short exempt) after it is eligible to execute, the Order will have to satisfy a new Holding Period to become eligible to execute.

At the commencement of Market Hours, the initial Holding Period for a Midpoint Extended Life Order in a particular symbol will be 1.25 milliseconds.  However, the System may, based upon its proprietary assessment of market conditions for that symbol, decide to vary the default Holding Period of all Midpoint Extended Life Orders in a symbol in increments of 0.25 or 0.50 milliseconds, and within an overall range of between 0.25 and 2.50 milliseconds during normal market conditions (described below), beginning 30 seconds after Market Hours commences and then at 30 second intervals thereafter until Market Hours conclude (“Change Events”).  Whenever a Midpoint Extended Life Order in a symbol enters the Exchange Book during Market Hours, it will adopt the then-prevailing Holding Period that the System chose for all Midpoint Extended Life Orders in that symbol as of the immediately preceding Change Event.  The Holding Period for the Midpoint Extended Life Order will not be eligible for modification until the next scheduled Change Event occurs for all Midpoint Extended Life Orders in that symbol, at which point all pending Midpoint Extended Life Orders in a symbol with unexpired Holding Periods will adopt the modifications that the System then makes to the Holding Period (retroactive to the time of acceptance of the Midpoint Extended Life Orders).

For purposes of this rule, the phrase “proprietary assessment of market conditions” refers to the Exchange’s evaluation of prevailing market conditions for a given symbol using an algorithm programmed to set a Holding Period duration which, at each Change Event, achieves an optimal blend of two objectives: maximization of M-ELO fill rates; and minimization of M-ELO mark-out rates.  For this purpose, the algorithm ingests and analyzes 142 data points, which the Exchange identifies and describes in Exhibit 3b of SR-NASDAQ-2022-079 Amendment 2, which is available on the Exchange’s website.  The Exchange derives these data from a combination of public data and M-ELO data feeds.  Furthermore, the Exchange conducts weekly re-trainings of the algorithm, outside of Market Hours, to improve its performance relative to the immediately preceding period (in terms of the two aforementioned objectives).  The Exchange deploys a retrained version of the algorithm only if it determines that doing so will, in fact, improve its performance relative to the immediately preceding period.  The Exchange provides further information about the algorithm and the retraining process in a White Paper attached as Exhibit 3a to SR-NASDAQ-2022-079 Amendment 2, which is available on the Exchange’s website.

Notwithstanding the above, whenever the System determines that market conditions for a symbol have become extraordinarily unstable (including in between Change Events), the System will activate a stability protection mechanism.  The stability protection mechanism will override the prevailing Holding Period for a Midpoint Extended Life Order in a symbol experiencing extraordinary instability and immediately increase the duration of the Holding Period to 12 milliseconds for a period of at least 750 milliseconds (the “Stability Protected Period”). The System may activate the stability protection mechanism even between Change Events. The System will evaluate, at each NBBO update, whether market conditions remain extraordinarily unstable and, if so, it will restart the 750ms Stability Protected Period and maintain the 12ms Holding Period until conditions stabilize. Once the System determines that market conditions have stabilized (i.e., all measurements for the symbol are at or below the threshold value throughout the duration of the prevailing Stability Protected Period), the System will revert the duration of the Holding Periods to that which prevailed as of the Change Event that occurred immediately prior to the activation of the stability protection mechanism or, if the stability protection mechanism was active when a Change Event occurred, to the duration selected at the immediately preceding Change Event.  The System will then proceed to reevaluate the duration of the Holding Periods as per the regular schedule of Change Events.  For purposes of this Rule, the System determines that “extraordinary instability” for a symbol exists through observations it makes following every change in the NBBO for that symbol that occurs during the trading day.  When the NBBO changes, the System looks back at the prior three seconds of trading and measures the difference between the highest and the lowest NBBO midpoint values that occurred during that period, and then it compares that measurement to a threshold value for the symbol.  The System concludes that extraordinary instability exists for a symbol if the measurement exceeds the threshold value. The threshold value for a symbol, in turn, is the difference between the highest and the lowest NBBO midpoint values for the symbol that, if applied to its trading activity during the prior trading day, would have caused the System to deem trading in the symbol to be extraordinarily unstable for as close to one percent of that day as possible.

If a limit price is assigned to a Midpoint Extended Life Order, the Order will be: (1) eligible for execution in time priority if upon acceptance of the Order by the System, the midpoint price is within the limit set by the participant; or (2) held until the midpoint falls within the limit set by the participant at which time the Holding Period will commence and thereafter the System will make the Order eligible for execution in time priority. For example, if the Best Bid was $11 and the Best Offer was $11.06, the price of the Midpoint Extended Life Order would be $11.03. If a participant enters a Midpoint Extended Life Order to buy with a limit of $11.02, the Holding Period would not begin until the midpoint price reached $11.02. If a Midpoint Extended Life Order has met the Holding Period requirement but the midpoint is no longer within its limit, it will nonetheless be ranked in time priority among other Midpoint Extended Life Orders and M-ELO+CBs if the NBBO later moves such that it is within the Order's limit price. Midpoint Extended Life Orders will not execute if there is a resting non-displayed Order priced more aggressively than the midpoint between the NBBO, and will be held for execution until the resting non-displayed Order is no longer on the Nasdaq Book or the midpoint of the NBBO matches the price of the resting non-displayed Order.

Midpoint Extended Life Orders in existence at the time a halt is initiated will be ineligible to execute and held by the System until trading has resumed and the NBBO has been received by Nasdaq. Upon resumption of trading in a halted symbol, any new Midpoint Extended Life Order in that symbol and any pending Midpoint Extended Life Order in that symbol with an unexpired Holding Period will be subject to a 12 milliseconds Holding Period (running from the time when trading resumes) until the next scheduled Change Event, at which point the System may determine to adjust that Holding Period to a duration within the range applicable under normal market conditions.  If, however, the System determines that extraordinary instability in the symbol exists, it may instead determine to activate the stability protection mechanism and maintain the duration of the Holding Period at 12 milliseconds for another 750 milliseconds.  Prior to commencement of a new 12 millisecond Holding Period for a new or pending M-ELO or M-ELO+CB following a Halt, the System will first determine whether the M-ELO or M-ELO+CB is or remains eligible for execution.  That is, the Holding Period will commence only if, upon commencement of trading following the Halt, the midpoint price for the Order is within the limit set by the participant.  If not, the System will hold the Order until the midpoint falls within the limit set by the participant, at which time the 12 millisecond Holding Period will commence.

Nasdaq will publish on weekly aggregated number of shares and transactions of Midpoint Extended Life Orders executed on Nasdaq by security. The weekly aggregated data would be published with a delay of two weeks for NMS stocks in Tier 1 of the NMS Plan to Address Extraordinary Market Volatility, and four weeks for all other NMS stocks. Nasdaq will also publish on monthly aggregated block-sized trading statistics of total shares and total transactions of Midpoint Extended Life Orders executed on Nasdaq. A transaction would be considered "block-sized" if it meets any of the following categories of criteria: (1) 10,000 or more shares; (2) $200,000 or more in value; (3) 10,000 or more shares and $200,000 or more in value; (4) 2,000 to 9,999 shares; (5) $100,000 to $199,999 in value; or (6) 2,000 to 9,999 shares and $100,000 to $199,999 in value. For each of these categories, Nasdaq will publish monthly transaction count and share executed volume information. The data will be published no earlier than one month following the end of the month for which trading was aggregated.

(B) The following Order Attributes may be assigned to a Midpoint Extended Life Order:

• Minimum Quantity.

• Size.

• Time-in-Force. Regardless of the Time-in-Force entered, a Midpoint Extended Life Order may not be active outside of Market Hours. A Midpoint Extended Life Order entered during Pre-Market Hours will be held by the System in time priority until Market Hours. Midpoint Extended Life Orders entered during Post-Market Hours will not be accepted by the System. A Midpoint Extended Life Order remaining unexecuted after 4:00 p.m. ET will be cancelled by the System. If a Midpoint Extended Life Order is entered with a Time-In-Force of IOC, it will execute against available eligible resting interest immediately upon the expiration of the Holding Period; if no such resting interest is available, or shares of the Order remain unexecuted after executing against eligible resting interest, then the System will automatically cancel the Order or the remaining shares of the Order, as applicable; if the Order is ineligible to begin the Holding Period upon entry, then the System will cancel it immediately.

• Non-Display. All Midpoint Extended Life Orders are Non-Displayed.

(15) A "Midpoint Extended Life Order Plus Continuous Book" or "M-ELO+CB" is an Order Type that has all of the characteristics and attributes of a Midpoint Extended Life Order, as set forth above in subparagraph (14), except as follows:

• A M-ELO+CB that satisfies the Holding Period shall be eligible to execute (at the midpoint of the NBBO) against other eligible M-ELO+CBs, eligible Midpoint Extended Life Orders, and as described below, Non-Displayed Orders with Midpoint Pegging("Midpoint Pegging Orders") resting on the Exchange's Continuous Book. A M-ELO+CB shall be eligible to execute against a Midpoint Pegging Order if: (i) the Midpoint Pegging Order has the Trade Now Attribute enabled; (ii) no other order is resting on the Continuous Book that has a more aggressive price than the current midpoint of the NBBO; (iii) the Midpoint Pegging Order has rested on the Exchange's Continuous Book for a minimum of the duration of the Holding Period then applicable to a M-ELO+CB in that symbol after the NBBO midpoint falls within the limit set by the participant; and (iv) the Midpoint Pegging Order satisfies any minimum quantity requirement of the M-ELO+CB. A buy (sell) MELO+ CB will be ranked in time order at the midpoint among other buy (sell) MELO+ CBs, buy (sell) Midpoint Extended Life Orders, and buy (sell) Midpoint Pegging Orders, as of the time when such Orders become eligible to execute.

• QIX is not available for the entry of a M-ELO+CB.

• Nasdaq will include M-ELO+CB executions in the statistical information it publishes on for M-ELOs.

(16) (A) A “Company Direct Listing Order” or “CDL Order” is a “market order” entered without a price that may be executed only in the Nasdaq Halt Cross for a Direct Listing with a Capital Raise (as defined in Listing Rule IM-5315-2). The price of the CDL Order will be set in accordance with the requirements of Rule 4120(c)(9)(B). A CDL Order may be entered only on behalf of the issuer and only by one member. A CDL Order must be executed in full in the Nasdaq Halt Cross. A CDL Order may not be cancelled or modified.

(B) The following Order Attributes must be assigned to a CDL Order:

• Price. A CDL Order is entered without a price and shall execute only at the price determined by the Nasdaq Halt Cross for a Direct Listing with a Capital Raise (as defined in Listing Rule IM-5315-2).

• Size. The CDL Order must be for the quantity of shares offered by the issuer, as disclosed in an effective registration statement for the offering.

• Time-in-Force. A CDL Order may execute only in the Nasdaq Halt Cross.

(17) (A) An "Extended Trading Close" Order or "ETC Order" is an Order Type applicable to Nasdaq-listed securities that may be executed only during the Extended Trading Close and only at the Nasdaq Official Closing Price, as determined by the Nasdaq Closing Cross or the LULD Closing Cross.  The System will not accept an ETC Order entered on any day when insufficient interest exists in the System to conduct a Closing Cross for that security or when the Exchange invokes contingency procedures due to a disruption that prevents execution of the Closing Cross.  An ETC Order may only execute against other ETC Orders and ETC Eligible LOC Orders.  ETC Orders may be entered, cancelled and/or modified between the time when the Extended Trading Close commences and ends.  The System will reject an ETC Order that is submitted prior to the commencement of the Extended Trading Close. If an ETC Order has not been fully executed at the conclusion of the Extended Trading Close, then any unexecuted portion of the Order will be canceled.

(B) The following Order Attributes may be assigned to an ETC Order:

• Minimum Quantity.  For an ETC Order, a minimum quantity condition may be satisfied only by execution against one or more Orders, each of which must have a size that satisfies the minimum quantity condition. If no Orders in the ETC  satisfy a minimum quantity condition for an ETC Order, then the ETC Order with a minimum quantity condition will rest on the Nasdaq Book in time priority unless and until there is an Order that can satisfy the minimum quantity condition to allow for execution of the ETC Order.  If no such Order is present in the ETC at its conclusion, then the ETC Order will cancel.

• Price. The price of an ETC Order shall be the Nasdaq Official Closing price, as determined by the Nasdaq Closing Cross or the LULD Closing Cross.

• Size.

• Time-in-Force is ETC.

Adopted June 22, 2015 (SR-NASDAQ-2015-024); amended Mar. 16, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-039), operative Apr. 15, 2016; amended Nov. 8, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-156); amended Nov. 10, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-111), operative Mar. 13, 2017; amended Feb. 3, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-013); amended Nov. 8, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-156), operative Mar. 31, 2017; amended Apr. 21, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-042), operative May 31, 2017; amended Apr. 26, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-043), operative June 12, 2017; amended Sept. 8, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-061), operative Oct. 2, 2017; amended Oct. 9, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-107), operative Oct. 10, 2017; amended Mar. 7, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-074); amended Nov. 9, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-122), operative Mar. 30, 2018; amended Apr. 18, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-031); amended June 8, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-046), operative July 9, 2018; amended Nov. 8, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-089); amended Oct. 19, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-068), operative Oct. 29, 2018; amended Nov. 9, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-090), operative April 8, 2019; amended Dec. 19, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-106); amended Mar. 28, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-019), operative Mar. 19, 2019; amended Aug. 2, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-065), operative Sept. 1, 2019; amended July 19, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-044), operative Aug, 19, 2019; amended Sept. 5, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-073); amended Sept. 11, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-048), operative Sept. 26, 2019; amended Oct. 2, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-064), operative Nov. 4, 2019; amended April 24, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-011), operative May 11, 2020; amended Oct. 29, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-071), operative Feb 4, 2021; amended Nov. 23, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-079); amended May 3, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-038); amended April 2, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-004), operative May 17, 2021; amended May 19, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-057); amended Mar. 16, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2022-006); amended Jan. 24, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-040), operative Mar. 7, 2022; amended Nov. 14, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2022-065); amended Sep. 9, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2022-051), operative Feb. 12, 2024; amended Aug. 16, 2023 (SR-NASDAQ-2023-030), operative Mar. 6, 2024; amended Sep. 7, 2023 (SR-NASDAQ-2022-079), operative Mar. 25, 2024; amended Jun. 4, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-044), operative Apr. 1, 2024; amended Mar. 18, 2024 (SR-NASDAQ-2024-014), operative Oct. 7, 2024.

4703. Order Attributes

As described in Rule 4702, the following Order Attributes may be assigned to those Order Types for which they are available.

(a) Time-in-Force

The "Time-in-Force" assigned to an Order means the period of time that the Nasdaq Market Center will hold the Order for potential execution. Participants specify an Order's Time-in-Force by designating a time at which the Order will become active and a time at which the Order will cease to be active. The available times for activating Orders are:

• The time of the Order's receipt by the Nasdaq Market Center;

• the Nasdaq Opening Cross (or 9:30 a.m. ET in the case of a security for which no Nasdaq Opening Cross occurs);

• Market Hours, beginning after the completion of the Nasdaq Opening Cross (or at 9:30 a.m. ET in the case of a security for which no Nasdaq Opening Cross occurs);

• the Nasdaq Closing Cross (or the end of Market Hours in the case of a security for which no Nasdaq Closing Cross occurs);

• 7:00 a.m. ET, in the case of an Order using the SCAN or RFTY routing strategy that is entered prior to 7:00 a.m. ET;

• 8:00 a.m. ET, in the case of an Order using the SCAN or RFTY routing strategy that is entered prior to 8:00 a.m. ET

• the beginning of the Display-Only Period, in the case of a security that is the subject of a trading halt and for which trading will resume pursuant to a halt cross; and

• the resumption of trading, in the case of a security that is the subject of a trading halt and for which trading resumes without a halt cross.

The available times for deactivating Orders are:

• "Immediate" (i.e., immediately after determining whether the Order is marketable);

• the end of Market Hours;

• the end of System Hours;

• one year after entry; or

• a specific time identified by the Participant; provided, however, that an Order specifying an expire time beyond the current trading day will be cancelled at the end of the current trading day.

Notwithstanding the Time-in-Force originally designated for an Order, a Participant may always cancel an Order after it is entered.

The following Times-in-Force are referenced elsewhere in Nasdaq's Rules by the designations noted below:

(1) An Order that is designated to deactivate immediately after determining whether the Order is marketable may be referred to as having a Time in Force of "Immediate or Cancel" or "IOC". Except as provided in Rule 4702 with respect to Opening Cross/Market Hours Orders and Closing Cross/Extended Hours Orders, MOO, LOO, OIO, MOC, LOC and OI Orders all have a Time in Force of IOC, because they are designated for execution in the Nasdaq Opening Cross or the Nasdaq Closing Cross, as applicable, and are cancelled after determining whether they are executable in such cross. Such an Order may also be referred to as having a Time-in-Force of "On Open" or "On Close", respectively. An MOO, LOO, OIO, MOC, LOC or IO Order, or any other Order with a Time-in-Force of IOC entered between 9:30 a.m. ET and 4:00 p.m. ET, may be referred to as having a Time-in-Force of "Market Hours Immediate or Cancel" or "MIOC". For IOC Orders for halted securities, see Rule 4753(e).

(2) An Order that is designated to deactivate at 8:00 p.m. may be referred to as having a Time in Force of "System Hours Day" or "SDAY".

(3) An Order that is designated to deactivate one year after entry may be referred to as a "Good-till-Cancelled" or "GTC" Order. If a GTC Order is designated as eligible for execution during Market Hours only, it may be referred to as having a Time in Force of "Market Hours Good-till-Cancelled" or "MGTC". If a GTC is designated as eligible for execution during System Hours, it may be referred to as having a Time in Force of "System Hours Good-till-Cancelled" or "SGTC".

(4) An Order that is designated to deactivate at the time specified in advance by the entering Participant may be referred to as having a Time-in-Force of "System Hours Expire Time" or "SHEX".

(5) An Order that is designated to activate at any time during Market Hours and deactivate at the completion of the Nasdaq Closing Cross may be referred to as having a Time-in-Force of "Market Hours Day" or "MDAY". An Order entered with a Time-in- Force of MDAY after the completion of the Nasdaq Closing Cross will be rejected.

(6) An Order that is designated to activate when entered and deactivate at the completion of the Nasdaq Closing Cross may be referred to as having a Time in Force of "Good-till- Market Close" or "GTMC". GTMC Orders entered after 4:00 p.m. ET will be rejected.

(7) A Participant entering an Order using the SCAN or RFTY routing strategy may designate the Order to activate upon entry, at 7:00 a.m. ET if entered prior to 7:00 a.m. ET on the same day, or at 8:00 a.m. ET if entered prior to 8:00 a.m. ET on the same day.

(8) An Order that is designated to activate upon the commencement of the Extended Trading Close and deactivate upon the conclusion of the Extended Trading Close may be referred to as having a Time in Force of “ETC.”

(b) Size. Except as otherwise provided, an Order may be entered in any whole share size between one share and 999,999 shares. Orders for fractional shares are not permitted. The following terms may be used to describe particular Order sizes:

(1) "normal unit of trading" or "round lot" means the size generally employed by traders when trading a particular security, which is 100 shares in most instances;

(2) "mixed lot" means a size of more than one normal unit of trading but not a multiple thereof; and

(3) "odd lot" means a size of less than one normal unit of trading.

(c) Price. With limited exceptions, all Orders must have a price, such that they will execute only if the price available is equal to or better than the price of the Order. The maximum price that the System will accept is $199,999.99. MOO and MOC Orders are not assigned a price by the entering party and execute at the price of the Nasdaq Opening Cross and Nasdaq Closing Cross, respectively. Moreover, certain Orders have a price that is determined by the Nasdaq Market Center based on the NBBO or other reference prices, rather than by the Participant. As described below with respect to the Pegging Order Attribute, an Order may have a price that is pegged to the opposite side of the market, in which case the Order will behave like a "market order" or "unpriced order" (i.e., an Order that executes against accessible liquidity on the opposite side of the market, regardless of its price).

(d) Pegging. Pegging is an Order Attribute that allows an Order to have its price automatically set with reference to the NBBO; provided, however, that if Nasdaq is the sole market center at the Best Bid or Best Offer (as applicable), then the price of any Displayed Order with Primary Pegging (as defined below) will be set with reference to the highest bid or lowest offer disseminated by a market center other than Nasdaq. An Order with a Pegging Order Attribute may be referred to as a "Pegged Order." For purposes of this rule, the price to which an Order is pegged will be referred to as the Inside Quotation, the Inside Bid, or the Inside Offer, as appropriate. There are three varieties of Pegging:

• Primary Pegging means Pegging with reference to the Inside Quotation on the same side of the market. For example, if the Inside Bid was $11, an Order to buy with Primary Pegging would be priced at $11.

• Market Pegging means Pegging with reference to the Inside Quotation on the opposite side of the market. For example, if the Inside Offer was $11.06, an Order to buy with Market Pegging would be priced at $11.06.

• Midpoint Pegging means Pegging with reference to the midpoint between the Inside Bid and the Inside Offer (the "Midpoint"). Thus, if the Inside Bid was $11 and the Inside Offer was $11.06, an Order with Midpoint Pegging would be priced at $11.03. An Order with Midpoint Pegging is not displayed. An Order with Midpoint Pegging may be executed in sub-pennies if necessary to obtain a midpoint price. Participants may specify two alternative forms of Midpoint Pegging when entering an Order: “Managed Midpoint” Orders, which the System may update in response to changes to the Midpoint; and “Fixed Midpoint” Orders, which the System will cancel in response to changes to the Midpoint, as set forth below.

Pegging is available only during Market Hours. The System will cancel a Peg Managed Order that is designated for extended hours trading if that Order remains unexecuted upon completion of the Nasdaq Closing Cross, whereas for a Fixed Midpoint Order in the same scenario, the System will deactivate the Pegging Attribute for the Order once extend hours trading commences. An Order with Pegging may specify a limit price beyond which the Order may not be executed; provided, however, that if an Order has been assigned a Pegging Order Attribute and a Discretion Order Attribute, the Order may execute at any price within the discretionary price range, even if beyond the limit price specified with respect to the Pegging Order Attribute. If an Order with Pegging is priced at its limit price, the price of the Order may nevertheless be changed to a less aggressive price based on changes to the Inside Quotation. In addition, an Order with Primary Pegging or Market Pegging may specify an Offset Amount, such that the price of the Order will vary from the Inside Quotation by the selected Offset Amount. The Offset Amount may be either aggressive or passive. Thus, for example, if a Participant entered an Order to buy with Primary Pegging and a passive Offset Amount of $0.05 and the Inside Bid was $11, the Order would be priced at $10.95. If the Participant selected an aggressive Offset Amount of $0.02, however, the Order would be priced at $11.02. An Order with Primary Pegging and an Offset Amount will not be Displayed, unless the Order is Attributable. An Order with Midpoint Pegging will not be Displayed. An Order with Market Pegging and no Offset behaves as a "market order" with respect to any liquidity on the Nasdaq Book at the Inside Quotation on the opposite side of the market because it is immediately executable at that price.

Primary Pegged, Market Pegged, and Managed Midpoint Orders (collectively, “Peg Managed Orders”) are available through OUCH, RASH, QIX, and FIX only.

If, at the time of entry, there is no price to which a Peg Managed Order, that has not been assigned a Routing Order Attribute or a Time in Force of IOC, can be pegged or pegging would lead to a price at which the Order cannot be posted, or in the case of a Managed Midpoint Order, the Inside Bid and Inside Offer are crossed, the Order will not be immediately available on the Nasdaq Book and will be entered once there is a permissible price; provided, however, that the System will cancel the Pegged Order if no permissible pegging price becomes available within one second after Order entry (the Exchange may, in the exercise of its discretion, modify the length of this one second time period by posting advance notice of the applicable time period on its website).

For a Peg Managed Order that has been assigned a Routing Order Attribute, if there is no permissible price to which the Order can be pegged at the time of entry, pegging would lead to a price at which the Order cannot be posted, or in the case of a Managed Midpoint Order, the Inside Bid and Inside Offer are crossed, the Order will be rejected; provided, however, that a Displayed Order that has Market Pegging, or an Order with a Non-Display Attribute that has Primary Pegging or Market Pegging, will be accepted at its limit price.

A Midpoint Pegging Order will have its price set upon initial entry to the Midpoint, unless the Order has a limit price, and that limit price is lower than the Midpoint for an Order to buy (higher than the Midpoint for an Order to sell), in which case the Order will be ranked on the Nasdaq Book at its limit price. In the case of an Order with Midpoint Pegging, if the Inside Bid and Inside Offer are locked, the Order will be priced at the locking price; and for Orders with Midpoint Pegging entered through OUCH or FLITE, if the Inside Bid and Inside Offer are crossed or if there is no Inside Bid and/or Inside Offer, the Order will not be accepted. However, even if the Inside Bid and Inside Offer are locked, an Order with Midpoint Pegging that locked an Order on the Nasdaq Book would execute (provided, however, that a Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order would execute or post as described in Rule 4702(b)(5)(A)).

After posting to the Nasdaq Book, the price of a Fixed Midpoint Order will not thereafter be adjusted based on changes to the Inside Bid or Offer. However, a Fixed Midpoint Order will be cancelled back to the Participant after initial entry and posting to the Nasdaq Book if any of following conditions are met:

• There is no Inside Bid and/or Inside Offer;

• The Order to buy (sell) is entered with a limit price above (below) the Midpoint and is ranked at the Midpoint; thereafter the Inside Bid and/or Inside Offer change so that the Midpoint changes and the Order is no longer at the Midpoint;

• The Order to buy (sell) is entered at a limit price that is equal to or less than (greater than) the Midpoint and is ranked at its limit price; thereafter, the Inside Bid and/or Inside Offer change so that the Midpoint is lower (higher) than the limit price of the Order;

• The Order to buy (sell) is entered at a limit price that is equal to or less than (greater than) the Midpoint and is ranked at its limit price,;thereafter the Inside Bid and Inside Offer become crossed, such that the Midpoint of the crossed Quotation remains equal to or higher (lower) than the limit price of the Order, and then a new sell (buy) Order is received at a price that locks or crosses the limit price of the resting Order marked for Midpoint Pegging; or

• The Order to buy (sell) is entered at a limit price that is greater than (less than) the Midpoint and is therefore ranked at the Midpoint; thereafter the Inside Bid and Inside Offer become crossed but the Midpoint does not change, and then a new sell (buy) Order is received at a price that locks or crosses the Midpoint of the Inside Bid and Inside Offer.

An Order entered through RASH, QIX or FIX with Pegging will have its price set upon initial entry and will thereafter have its price reset in accordance with changes to the relevant Inside Quotation. An Order with Pegging receives a new timestamp whenever its price is updated and therefore will be evaluated with respect to possible execution (and routing, if it has been assigned a Routing Order Attribute) in the same manner as a newly entered Order. If the price to which an Order is pegged becomes unavailable, pegging would lead to a price at which the Order cannot be posted, the Order will be rejected if assigned a Routing Order Attribute; if the Order is not assigned a Routing Order Attribute, the Order will be removed from the Nasdaq Book and will be re-entered once there is a permissible price, provided however, that the System will cancel the Pegged Order if no permissible pegging price becomes available within one second after the Order was removed and no longer available on the Nasdaq Book (the Exchange may, in the exercise of its discretion modify the length of this one second time period by posting advance notice of the applicable time period on its website). For an Order with Midpoint Pegging, if the Inside Bid and Inside Offer become crossed or if there is no Inside Bid and/or Inside Offer, the Order will be removed from the Nasdaq Book and will be re-entered at the new midpoint once there is a valid Inside Bid and Inside Offer that is not crossed; provided, however, that the System will cancel the Order with Midpoint Pegging if no permissible price becomes available within one second after the Order was removed and no longer available on the Nasdaq Book (the Exchange may, in the exercise of its discretion modify the length of this one second time period by posting advance notice of the applicable time period on its website).

Pegging Orders are subject to a collar. Any portion of a Pegging Order that could execute, either on the Exchange or when routed to another market center, at a price of more than $0.25 or 5 percent worse than the NBBO at the time when the order reaches the System, whichever is greater, will be cancelled.

Orders with Midpoint Pegging will be cancelled by the System when a trading halt is declared, and any Orders with Midpoint Pegging entered during a trading halt will be rejected.

(e) Minimum Quantity. Minimum Quantity is an Order Attribute that allows a Participant to provide that an Order will not execute unless a specified minimum quantity of shares can be obtained. An Order with a Minimum Quantity Order Attribute may be referred to as a "Minimum Quantity Order." For example, a Participant could enter an Order with a Size of 1000 shares and specify a Minimum Quantity of 500 shares.

A Participant may specify two alternatives with respect to the processing of a Minimum Quantity Order at time of entry:

• First, the Participant may specify that the minimum quantity condition may be satisfied by execution against multiple Orders. In that case, upon entry, the System would determine whether there were one or more posted Orders executable against the incoming Order with an aggregate size of at least the minimum quantity (500 shares in the above example). If there were not, the Order would post on the Nasdaq Book in accordance with the characteristics of its underlying Order Type.

• Second, the Participant may specify that the minimum quantity condition must be satisfied by execution against one or more Orders, each of which must have a size that satisfies the minimum quantity condition. If there are such Orders but there are also other Orders that do not satisfy the minimum quantity condition, the Minimum Quantity Order will execute against Orders on the Nasdaq Book in accordance with Rule 4757 (pertaining to execution priority) until it reaches an Order that does not satisfy the minimum quantity condition, and then the remainder of the Order will be cancelled. For example, if a Participant entered an Order to buy at $11 with a size of 1,500 shares and a minimum quantity condition of 500 shares, and there were three Orders to sell at $11 on the Nasdaq Book, two with a size of 500 shares each and one with a size of 200 shares, with the 200 share Order ranked in time priority between the 500 share Orders, the 500 share Order with the first time priority would execute and the remainder of the Minimum Quantity Order would be cancelled. Alternatively, if the Order would lock or cross Orders on the Nasdaq Book but none of the resting Orders would satisfy the minimum quantity condition, an Order with a minimum quantity condition to buy (sell) will be repriced to one minimum price increment lower than (higher than) the lowest price (highest price) of such Orders. For example, if there was an Order to buy at $11 with a minimum quantity condition of 500 shares, and there were resting Orders on the Nasdaq Book to sell 200 shares at $10.99 and 300 shares at $11, the Order would be repriced to $10.98 and ranked at that price.

Once posted to the Nasdaq Book, a Minimum Quantity Order retains its Minimum Quantity Order Attribute, such that the Order may execute only against incoming Orders with a size of at least the minimum quantity condition. An Order that has a Minimum Quantity Order Attribute and that posts to the Nasdaq Book will not be displayed.

Upon entry, an Order with a Minimum Quantity Order Attribute must have a size of at least one round lot. An Order entered through OUCH or FLITE may have a minimum quantity condition of any size of at least one round lot. An Order entered through RASH, QIX or FIX must have a minimum quantity of one round lot or any multiple thereof, and a mixed lot minimum quantity condition will be rounded down to the nearest round lot. In the event that the shares remaining in the size of an Order with a Minimum Quantity Order Attribute following a partial execution thereof are less than the minimum quantity specified by the Participant entering the Order, the minimum quantity value of the Order will be reduced to the number of shares remaining, unless otherwise noted in these rules. An Order with a Minimum Quantity Order Attribute may not be displayed; if a Participant marks an Order with both a Minimum Quantity Order Attribute and a Display Order Attribute, the System will accept the Order but will give a Time-in-Force of IOC, regardless of the Time-in-Force marked by the Participant. An Order marked with a Minimum Quantity Order Attribute and a Routing Order Attribute will be rejected, unless otherwise noted in these rules. An Order with a Minimum Quantity Order Attribute is ineligible to participate in the Nasdaq Opening, Halt or Closing Crosses, and is not included in the calculation of the Cross price.

(f) Routing. Routing is an Order Attribute that allows a Participant to designate an Order to employ one of several Routing Strategies offered by Nasdaq, as described in Rule 4758; such an Order may be referred to as a "Routable Order." Upon receipt of an Order with the Routing Order Attribute, the System will process the Order in accordance with the applicable Routing Strategy. In the case of a limited number of Routing Strategies, the Order will be sent directly to other market centers for potential execution. For most other Routing Strategies, the Order will attempt to access liquidity available on Nasdaq in the manner specified for the underlying Order Type and will then be routed in accordance with the applicable Routing Strategy. Shares of the Order that cannot be executed are then returned to Nasdaq, where they will (i) again attempt to access liquidity available on Nasdaq and (ii) post to the Nasdaq Book or be cancelled, depending on the Time-in- Force of the Order. Under certain Routing Strategies, the Order may be routed again if the System observes an accessible quotation of another market center, and returned to Nasdaq again for potential execution and/or posting to the Nasdaq Book. In connection with the trading of securities governed by Regulation NMS, all Orders shall be routed for potential execution in compliance with Regulation NMS. Where appropriate, Routable Orders will be marked as Intermarket Sweep Orders.

(g) Discretion. Discretion is an Order Attribute under which an Order has a non-displayed discretionary price range within which the entering Participant is willing to trade; such an Order may be referred to as a "Discretionary Order." Thus, an Order with Discretion has both a price (for example, buy at $11) and a discretionary price range (for example, buy up to $11.03). Depending on the Order Type used, the price may be displayed (for example, a Price to Display Order) or non-displayed (for example, a Non-Displayed Order). The discretionary price range is always non-displayed. In addition, it should be noted that the Discretion Order Attribute may be combined with the Pegging Order Attribute, in which case either the price of the Order or the discretionary price range or both may be pegged in the ways described in Rule 4702(d) with respect to the Pegging Order Attribute. For example, an Order with Discretion to buy might be pegged to the Best Bid with a $0.05 passive Offset and might have a discretionary price range pegged to the Best Bid with a $0.02 passive Offset. In that case, if the Best Bid was $11, the price of the Order would be $10.95, with a discretionary price range up to $10.98. If the Best Bid moved to $10.99, the price of the Order would then be $10.94, with a discretionary price range up to $10.97. Alternatively, if the price of the Order was pegged but the discretionary price range was not, the price of the Order would be $10.94, but the discretionary price range would continue to range up to $10.98. Likewise, if the discretionary price range was pegged but the price of the Order was not, the Order would remain priced at $10.95 but with a discretionary price range of up to $10.97. A Participant may also specify a limit on the discretionary price range of an Order that is entered with a Discretionary Pegging Attribute, beyond which the discretionary pegged price may not extend.

The Nasdaq Market Center processes an Order with Discretion as follows. First, upon entry of an Order with Discretion, the Exchange will execute the Order against any previously posted Orders on the Nasdaq Book that are priced equal to or better than the limit price of the Order with Discretion.  If, however, an Order with Discretion has a Time-in-Force of IOC upon entry, then the Order will immediately attempt to execute against available liquidity in the discretionary range without first posting to the Nasdaq Book. Second, any portion of the Order with Discretion that cannot be executed immediately will post to the Nasdaq Book, in accordance with the parameters of the underlying Order Type. Third, once the Order with Discretion posts to the Nasdaq Book and thereafter, the Nasdaq Market Center will examine all Orders (including Orders that are not Displayed) on the Nasdaq Book to determine whether at any time there is liquidity available within the discretionary price range against which the Order with Discretion could execute. Fourth, if the Nasdaq Market Center observes liquidity available within the discretionary price range, it will generate a Non-Displayed Order with a Time-in-Force of IOC (a "Discretionary IOC"), with a price equal to the highest price for the Order with Discretion to buy (lowest price for the Order with Discretion to sell) within the discretionary price range and a size equal to the applicable size of the available liquidity on the Nasdaq Book, which will attempt to access that liquidity. The Discretionary IOC will not be permitted to execute, however, if the price of the execution would trade through a Protected Quotation. Fifth, if the available liquidity does not fully exhaust the Discretionary IOC, then the Nasdaq Market Center will remove any remaining shares of the Order with Discretion from the Nasdaq Book, combine them with the unexecuted portion of the Discretionary IOC, and post the Discretionary Order back to the Nasdaq Book with a new timestamp. Thus, for example, if a Participant enters a Price to Display Order to buy 500 shares at $11 with a discretionary price range of up to $11.03, then upon entry, the Nasdaq Market Center will first execute the Order against any orders resting on the Nasdaq Book that are priced equal to or better than the limit price of the Discretionary Order. Assuming that no such resting orders exist, the Nasdaq Market Center will post the full size of the Price to Display Order to the Nasdaq Book in accordance with its parameters. If there is an Order on the Nasdaq Book to sell 200 shares priced at $11.03, the Nasdaq Market Center will generate a Discretionary IOC to buy priced at $11.03 to execute against the Order on the Nasdaq Book, so long as an execution at $11.03 would not trade through a Protected Quotation; the remaining 300 shares of the original Order with Discretion will remain posted on the Nasdaq Book.

Notwithstanding the above, the following process shall apply to an Order that has been assigned both Discretion and Routing Order Attributes. For those routing strategies that first examine the Nasdaq Book for available liquidity, upon entry of the Order, the Nasdaq Market Center will examine all Orders (including Orders that are not Displayed) on the Nasdaq Book to determine if there is liquidity available within the discretionary price range against which the Order with Discretion could execute. If the Nasdaq Market Center System observes such liquidity, it will generate a Discretionary IOC with a price equal to the highest price for the Order with Discretion to buy (lowest price for the Order with Discretion to sell) within the discretionary price range and a size equal to the applicable size of the available liquidity on the Nasdaq Book. If existing liquidity on the Nasdaq Book does not exhaust the full size of the Order with Discretion, or if the selected routing strategy does not examine the Nasdaq Book for available liquidity before routing, the Nasdaq Market Center System will determine if there are any accessible quotations with prices that are within the discretionary price range at destinations on the applicable routing table for the selected routing strategy. If there are such quotations, the Nasdaq Market Center System will generate one or more Discretionary IOCs to route to such destinations, in accordance with the applicable routing strategy, with a price that matches the price of the market center's quotation and a size determined by the router to maximize execution opportunities. If necessary to maximize execution opportunities and comply with Regulation NMS, the System may mark such Discretionary IOCs as Intermarket Sweep Orders. If the routed Discretionary IOC(s) do not exhaust the full size of the Order with Discretion, the remaining size of the Order with Discretion will examine the Nasdaq Book for available liquidity at any time and/or post to the Nasdaq Book in accordance with the parameters that apply to the underlying Order Type. Thereafter, if the Order with Discretion uses a reactive routing strategy (i.e., a strategy that seeks routing opportunities after posting to the Nasdaq Book), the Nasdaq Market Center System will generate and route one or more additional Discretionary IOCs in response to new away market quotations within the discretionary price range according to the routing strategy assigned to the Discretionary Order, with a price that matches the price of the away market quotation and a size determined by the router to maximize execution opportunities. If the Order with Discretion uses a passive routing strategy (i.e., a strategy that does not seek routing opportunities after posting to the Nasdaq Book), the Nasdaq Market Center System will not generate additional Discretionary IOC orders in response to new away market quotations within the discretionary price range unless the Order is updated in a manner that causes it to receive a new timestamp, in which case the Order will behave in the same manner as a newly entered Discretionary Order. Whenever a Discretionary IOC is generated in response to quotations as set forth in this paragraph, the underlying Order with Discretion will be withheld (if not yet booked) or removed (if already booked) from the Nasdaq Book; if execution against the Discretionary IOC does not exhaust the full size of the underlying Order with Discretion, the remaining shares will be routed again in accordance with the applicable routing strategy, with a price that matches the price of the away market quotation and a size determined by the router to maximize execution opportunities, and/or placed on the Nasdaq Book, with a price determined by the underlying Order Type and Order Attributes selected by the Participant. Furthermore, if a new quotation satisfies conditions that would cause the simultaneous generation of a Discretionary IOC for more than one Order with Discretion that have been assigned a Routing Order Attribute, the order in which such Discretionary IOCs are presented for execution is random, based on the respective processing time for each such Order.

(h) Reserve Size. Reserve Size is an Order Attribute that permits a Participant to stipulate that an Order Type that is displayed may have its displayed size replenished from additional non-displayed size. An Order with Reserve Size may be referred to as a "Reserve Order." At the time of entry, the displayed size of such an Order selected by the Participant must be one or more normal units of trading; an Order with a displayed size of a mixed lot will be rounded down to the nearest round lot. A Reserve Order with displayed size of an odd lot: (i) entered using OUCH will be rejected; or (ii) entered using RASH or FIX will be accepted but with the full size of the Order displayed. Reserve Size is not available for Orders that are not displayed; provided, however, that if a Participant enters Reserve Size for a Non-Displayed Order, the full size of the Order, including Reserve Size, will be processed as a Non- Displayed Order.

Whenever a Participant enters an Order with Reserve Size, the full size of the Order will be presented for potential execution in compliance with Regulation NMS; thereafter, unexecuted portions of the Order will be processed as two Orders: a Displayed Order (with the characteristics of its selected Order Type) and a Non-Displayed Order. For example, a Participant might enter a Price to Display Order with 200 shares displayed and an additional 3,000 shares non-displayed. Upon entry, the Order would attempt to execute against available liquidity on the Nasdaq Book, up to 3,200 shares. Thereafter, unexecuted portions of the Order would post to the Nasdaq Book as a Displayed Price to Display Order and a Non-Displayed Order; provided, however, that if the remaining total size is less than the display size stipulated by the Participant, the Displayed Order will post without Reserve Size. Thus, if 3,050 shares executed upon entry, the Price to Display Order would post with a size of 150 shares and no Reserve Size.

When an Order with Reserve Size is posted, if there is an execution against the Displayed Order that causes its size to decrease below a normal unit of trading, another Displayed Order will be entered at the limit price and size stipulated by the Participant while the size of the Non- Displayed Order will be reduced by the same amount. Any remaining size of the original Displayed Order will remain on the Nasdaq Book. The new Displayed Order will receive a new timestamp, but the Non-Displayed Order (and the original Displayed Order, if any) will not; although the new Displayed Order will be processed by the System as a new Order in most respects at that time, if it was designated as Routable, the System will not automatically route it upon reentry. If the new Displayed Order would lock an Order that posted to the Nasdaq Book before replenishment can occur, the Displayed Order will post at the locking price if the resting Order is Non-Display or will be repriced, ranked, and displayed at one minimum price increment lower (higher) than the locking price if the resting order to sell (buy) is Displayed. For example, if a Price to Comply Order with Reserve Size posted with a Displayed Size of 200 shares, along with a Non- Displayed Order of 3,000 and 150 shares of the Displayed Order was executed, the remaining 50 shares of the original Price to Comply Order would remain, a new Price to Comply Order would post with a size of 200 shares and a new timestamp, and the Non- Displayed Order would be decremented to 2,800 shares. Because a new Displayed Order is entered and the Non-Displayed Order is not reentered, there are circumstances in which the Displayed Order may receive a different price than the Non-Displayed Order. For example, if, upon reentry, a Price to Display Order would lock or cross a newly posted Protected Quotation, the price of the Order will be adjusted but its associated Non- Displayed Order would not be adjusted. In that circumstance, it would be possible for the better priced Non-Displayed Order to execute prior to the Price to Display Order.

In addition, the Participant may stipulate that the original and subsequent displayed size will be an amount randomly determined based on factors selected by the Participant (a “Random Reserve”). When a Participant stipulates use of a Random Reserve, the Participant would select both (i) a nominal displayed size and (ii) a range size, which may be any share amount less than the nominal displayed size. The actual displayed size will then be randomly determined by the System from a range of normal trading units in which the minimum size is the nominal displayed size minus the range size, and the maximum size is (i) the minimum size plus (ii) an amount that is two times the range size minus one round lot. For example, if the nominal displayed size is 600 shares and the range size is 500, the minimum displayed size will be 100 shares (600-500), and the maximum size will be 1,000 shares ((600-500) + ((2 x 500) - 100)).

When the Displayed Order with Reserve Size is executed and replenished, applicable market data disseminated by Nasdaq will show the execution and decrementation of the Displayed Order, followed by replenishment of the Displayed Order.

(i) Attribution. Attribution is an Order Attribute that permits a Participant to designate that the price and size of the Order will be displayed next to the Participant's MPID in market data disseminated by Nasdaq. An Order with Attribution is referred to as an "Attributable Order" and an Order without attribution is referred to as a "Non- Attributable Order."

(j) Intermarket Sweep Order. Designation of an Order as an Intermarket Sweep Order, or ISO, is an Order Attribute that allows the Order to be executed within the Nasdaq Market Center by Participants at multiple price levels without respect to Protected Quotations of other market centers within the meaning of Rule 600(b) under Regulation NMS. ISOs are immediately executable within the Nasdaq Market Center against Orders against which they are marketable. An Order designated as an ISO may not be assigned a Routing Order Attribute; provided, however, that an Order using the Directed Order strategy may be designated as an ISO with respect to the market center to which it is directed. In connection with the trading of securities governed by Regulation NMS, Intermarket Sweep Orders shall be executed exclusively within the System and the entering Participant shall be responsible for compliance with Rules 610 and 611 under Regulation NMS with respect to order protection and locked and crossed markets with respect to such Orders. Orders eligible for execution outside the System shall be processed in compliance with Regulation NMS, including accessing Protected Quotations and resolving locked and crossed markets, as instructed.

Simultaneously with the routing of an ISO to the System, one or more additional limit orders, as necessary, are routed by the entering Participant to execute against the full displayed size of any Protected Quotation with a price that is superior to the price of the Order identified as an Intermarket Sweep Order (as defined in Rule 600(b) under Regulation NMS). These additional routed orders must be identified as Intermarket Sweep Orders.

Upon receipt of an ISO, the System will consider the stated price of the ISO to be available for other Orders to be entered at that price, unless the ISO is not itself accepted at that price level (for example, a Post-Only Order that has its price adjusted to avoid executing against an Order on the Nasdaq Book) or the ISO is not Displayed.

In addition, as described with respect to various Order Types, such as the Price to Comply Order, Orders on the Nasdaq Book that had their price adjusted may be eligible to be reentered at the stated price of the ISO. For example, if a Price to Comply Order to buy at $11 would lock a Protected Offer at $11, the Price to Comply Order will be posted with a non-displayed price of $11 and a displayed price of $10.99. If the System then receives an ISO to buy at $11, the ISO will be posted at $11 and the Price to Comply Order will be reentered at $11 (if the Participant opted to have its Orders reentered). The respective priority of such reentered Orders will be maintained among multiple repriced Orders; however, other new Orders may also be received after receipt of the ISO but before the repricing of the Price to Comply Order is complete; accordingly, the priority of an Order on the Nasdaq Book vis-à-vis a newly entered Order is not guaranteed.

(k) Display. Display is an Order Attribute that allows the price and size of an Order to be displayed to market participants via market data feeds. All Orders that are Attributable are also displayed, but an Order may be displayed without being Attributable. As discussed in Rule 4702, a Non-Displayed Order is a specific Order Type, but other Order Types may also be non-displayed if they are not assigned a Display Order Attribute; however, depending on context, all Orders that are not displayed may be referred to as "Non-Displayed Orders." An Order with a Display Order Attribute may be referred to as a "Displayed Order."

(l) Participation in the Nasdaq Opening Cross or the Nasdaq Closing Cross. All Order Types except Midpoint Peg Post-Only Orders and Supplemental Orders and Midpoint Extended Life Orders and M-ELO+CBs participate in the Nasdaq Opening Cross and/or the Nasdaq Closing Cross if the Order has a Time-in-Force that would cause the Order to be in effect at the time of the Nasdaq Opening Cross and/or Nasdaq Closing Cross. MOO Orders, LOO Orders, and IOI Orders participate in the Nasdaq Opening Cross in the manner specified in Rule 4752. Other Order Types eligible to participate in the Nasdaq Opening Cross operate as "Market Hours Orders" or "Open Eligible Interest" as specified in Rule 4752. MOC Orders, LOC Orders and IO Orders participate in the Nasdaq Closing Cross in the manner specified in Rule 4754. Other Order Types eligible to participate in the Nasdaq Closing Cross operate as "Close Eligible Interest" in the manner specified in Rule 4754. For purposes of the Nasdaq Opening Cross or Closing Cross, an Order to buy (sell) that is locked or crossed at its non-displayed price by a Post-Only Order on the Nasdaq Book shall be deemed to have a price at one minimum price increment below (above) the price of the Post-Only Order.

(m) Trade Now. Trade Now is an Order Attribute that allows: (i) a resting Order that is locked or crossed, as applicable, at its non-displayed price by the posted price of an incoming Displayed Order or a Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order or another Order or Orders (where such locking or crossing Order(s) or the order with Trade Now satisfies a Minimum Quantity condition) to execute against a locking or crossing Order(s) as a liquidity taker automatically when such Orders become marketable; and (ii) a Non-Displayed Order with Midpoint Pegging to execute against a M-ELO+CB automatically, subject to the eligibility requirements set forth below. Any remaining shares of the resting Order will remain posted on the Nasdaq Book with the same priority.

• When entered through RASH or FIX protocol, the Trade Now Order Attribute may be enabled on an order-by-order or a port-level basis. When entered through OUCH or FLITE, the Trade Now Order Attribute may be enabled on a port-level basis for all Order Types that support it, and for the Non-Displayed Order Type, also on an order-by-order basis.

• If there is a resting Order on the Nasdaq Book without the Trade Now Attribute that is locked at its non-displayed price by a Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order, new incoming Orders (with or without the Trade Now Attribute, as applicable) will be able to execute against the Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order at the locking price. The resting Order will remain on the Nasdaq Book and will retain its priority relative to other resting orders on the same side of the market after the subsequent Order has executed against the Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order.

• When a participant enables the Trade Now Attribute for a Midpoint Order, then the Midpoint Order will also be eligible to execute against a M-ELO+CB after the Midpoint Order rests on the Continuous Book for a minimum of one-half second after the NBBO midpoint falls within the limit set by the participant and provided that the Midpoint Order satisfies any minimum quantity requirement of the M-ELO+CB.

• If there is a resting Midpoint Order on the Nasdaq Book without the Trade Now Attribute, a new incoming Midpoint Order with the Trade Now Attribute will be able to execute against a MELO+CB. The resting Midpoint Order will remain on the Nasdaq Book and will retain its priority relative to other resting orders on the same side of the market after the subsequent Midpoint Order with Trade Now has executed against the M-ELO+CB.

Adopted June 22, 2015 (SR-NASDAQ-2015-024); amended Mar. 16, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-039), operative Apr. 15, 2016; amended May 4, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-066), operative June 3, 2016; amended Nov. 8, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-156); amended Nov. 10, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-111); amended Nov. 4, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-155); amended Feb. 3, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-013); amended Mar. 8, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-028), operative Mar. 13, 2017; amended Nov. 8, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-156), operative Mar. 31, 2017; amended Mar. 17, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-031); amended Apr. 21, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-042), operative May 31, 2017; amended Sept. 8, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-061), operative Oct. 2, 2017; amended Oct. 18, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-111); amended Mar. 7, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-074); amended Nov. 9, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-122), operative Mar. 30, 2018; amended Apr. 27, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-088); amended Apr. 18, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-031); amended Sept. 19, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-077); amended Nov. 9, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-090), operative April 8, 2019; amended Dec. 19, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-106); amended Mar. 28, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-019), operative Mar. 19, 2019; amended Mar. 28, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-014), operative Mar. 6, 2019; amended June 3, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-050); amended Aug. 2, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-065), operative Sept. 1, 2019; amended May 20, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-004), operative Sept. 3, 2019; amended Sept. 5, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-073); amended Sept. 11, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-048), operative Sept. 26, 2019; amended Oct. 29, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-071), operative Feb 4, 2021; amended Nov. 23, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-079); amended Feb. 11, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-090); amended Jan. 24, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-040), operative Mar. 7, 2022; amended Nov. 14, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2022-065); amended Nov. 25, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2022-069); amended Dec. 26, 2023 (SR-NASDAQ-2023-057); amended Sep. 9, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2022-051), operative Feb. 12, 2024; amended Aug. 16, 2023 (SR-NASDAQ-2023-030), operative Mar. 6, 2024; amended Sep. 23, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-075), operative Oct. 31, 2023; amended Jun. 4, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-044), operative Apr. 1, 2024; amended Mar. 18, 2024 (SR-NASDAQ-2024-014), operative Oct. 7, 2024.

4752. Opening Process

(a) Definitions. For the purposes of this rule the term:

(1) “Early Opening Order Imbalance Indicator” shall mean a message disseminated by electronic means containing the same information as the Order Imbalance Indicator, except that it will exclude information about indicative prices, as set forth in subparagraph (a)(3)(E) herein.

(2) "Imbalance" shall mean the number of shares of buy or sell MOO, LOO or Early Market Hours orders that may not be matched with other MOO, LOO, Early Market Hours, or OIO order shares at a particular price at any given time.

(3) "Order Imbalance Indicator" shall mean a message disseminated by electronic means containing information about MOO, LOO, OIO, and Early Market Hours orders and the price at which those orders would execute at the time of dissemination. The Order Imbalance Indicator shall disseminate the following information:

(A) "Current Reference Price" shall mean:

(i) The single price that is at or within the current Nasdaq Market Center best bid and offer at which the maximum number of shares of MOO, LOO, OIO, and Early Market Hours orders can be paired.

(ii) If more than one price exists under subparagraph (i), the Current Reference Price shall mean the price that minimizes any Imbalance.

(iii) If more than one price exists under subparagraph (ii). the Current Reference Price shall mean the entered price at which shares will remain unexecuted in the cross.

(iv) If more than one price exists under subparagraph (iii), the Current Reference Price shall mean the price that minimizes the distance from the bid-ask midpoint of the inside quotation prevailing at the time of the order imbalance indicator dissemination.

(B) the number of shares represented by MOO, LOO, OIO, and Early Market Hours orders that are paired at the Current Reference Price;

(C) the size of any Imbalance;

(D) the buy/sell direction of any Imbalance; and

(E) indicative prices at which the Nasdaq Opening Cross would occur if the Nasdaq Opening Cross were to occur at that time and the percent by which the indicative prices are outside the then current Nasdaq Market Center best bid or best offer, whichever is closer. The indicative prices shall be:

(i) "Near Clearing Price" which shall mean the price at which the MOO, LOO, OIO, and Early Market Hours orders and Open Eligible Interest in the Nasdaq Market Center would execute, and

(ii) "Far Clearing Price" which shall mean the price at which the MOO, LOO, OIO, and Early Market Hours orders in the Nasdaq Opening Book would execute.

(iii) If marketable buy (sell) shares would remain unexecuted above (below) the Near Clearing Price or Far Clearing Price, Nasdaq shall disseminate an indicator for "market buy" or "market sell".

(4) "Limit On Open Order" or "LOO" shall have the meaning provided in Rule 4702.

(5) "Market on Open Order" or "MOO" shall have the meaning provided in Rule 4702.

(6) "Nasdaq Opening Cross" shall mean the process for determining the price at which orders shall be executed at the open and for executing those orders.

(7) "Opening Imbalance Only Order" or "OIO" shall have the meaning provided in Rule 4702.

(8) “First Opening Reference Price” shall mean the previous day’s Nasdaq Official Closing Price of the security for Nasdaq-listed securities or the consolidated closing price otherwise. For new Exchange Traded Products that do not have a Nasdaq Official Closing Price or a consolidated closing price, the First Opening Reference Price will be the offering price.

(9) “Second Opening Reference Price” shall mean the Current Reference Price in the Order Imbalance Indicator disseminated at 9:28 a.m. ET.

(10) "Market Hours Orders" shall mean any order that may be entered into the System and designated with a time-in-force of MIOC, MDAY, MGTC. Market Hours Orders shall be designated as "Early Market Hours Orders" if entered into the System prior to 9:28 a.m. and shall be treated as MOO and LOO, as appropriate, for the purposes of the Nasdaq Opening Cross. Orders entered into the System at 9:29:30 a.m. ET or after with a Time-in-Force other than an IOC shall be designated as "Late Market Hours Orders" and shall be treated as imbalance-only orders for the purposes of the cross. Beginning at 9:25 a.m., requests to cancel or modify Market Hours Orders shall be suspended until after completion of the Opening Cross at which time such requests shall be processed, to the extent that such orders remain available within the System.

(11) "Open Eligible Interest" shall mean any quotation or any order that may be entered into the system and designated with a time-in-force of SDAY, SGTC, SHEX, or GTMC.

(12) "Nasdaq Order Imbalance Snapshot" shall mean a message disseminated by electronic means containing a subset of information contained in the Order Imbalance Indicator using a format optimized for newswire services.

(b) Trading Prior To Normal Market Hours. The system shall process all eligible Quotes/Orders at 4:00 a.m.:

(1) At 4:00 a.m., the system shall add in time priority all eligible Orders in accordance with each order's defined characteristics.

(2) No earlier than between 9:25 a.m. and 9:30 a.m., the system shall open all remaining unopened Quotes in accordance with each firm's instructions.

(3) Nasdaq Quoting Market Participants may instruct Nasdaq to open their Quotes as follows:

(A) At the price of the firm's quote when the quote was closed by the participant during the previous trading day with a normal unit of trading displayed size;

(B) At a price and size entered by the participant between 4:00 a.m. and 9:24:59 a.m.

(4) All trades executed prior to 9:30 shall be automatically appended with the ".T" modifier

(c) System securities in which no Nasdaq Opening Cross occurs shall begin trading at 9:30 a.m. by integrating Market Hours orders into the book in time priority and executing in accordance with market hours rules.

(d) Processing of Nasdaq Opening Cross. For System securities, the Nasdaq Opening Cross shall occur at 9:30, and market hours trading shall commence when the Nasdaq Opening Cross concludes.

(1) Early Order Imbalance Indicator and Order Imbalance Indicator.

(A) Beginning at 9:25 a.m., Nasdaq shall disseminate by electronic means an early Order Imbalance Indicator every 10 seconds until the Order Imbalance Indicator begins to disseminate.

(B) Beginning at 9:28 a.m., Nasdaq shall disseminate by electronic means an Order Imbalance Indicator every second until market open.

(2) (A) The Nasdaq Opening Cross shall occur at the price that maximizes the number of shares of MOO, LOO, OIO, Early Market Hours orders, and executable quotes and orders in the Nasdaq Market Center to be executed.

(B) If more than one price exists under subparagraph (A), the Nasdaq Opening Cross shall occur at the price that minimizes the number of shares of buy or sell MOO, LOO or Early Market Hours orders that may not be matched with other MOO, LOO, Early Market Hours, Open Eligible Interest, or OIO order shares.

(C) If more than one price exists under subparagraph (B), the Nasdaq Opening Cross shall occur at the entered price at which shares will remain unexecuted in the cross.

(D) If more than one price exists under subparagraph (C), the Nasdaq Opening Cross shall occur at the price that minimizes the distance from the bid-ask midpoint of the inside quotation prevailing at 9:30 a.m.

(E) If the Nasdaq Opening Cross price established by subparagraphs (A) through (D) is outside the benchmarks established by Nasdaq by a threshold amount, the Nasdaq Opening Cross shall occur at a price within the threshold amounts that best satisfies the conditions of subparagraphs (A) through (D). Nasdaq management shall set and modify such benchmarks and thresholds from time to time upon prior notice to market participants.

(F) Opening Cross Eligibility: In addition to the Nasdaq Opening Cross price process of subparagraphs (A) through (E), each security in the Nasdaq Opening Cross must also pass one of the Opening Cross Price Tests in subparagraphs (i) through (iii) below or all MOO, LOO, OIO, and Early Market Hours orders in the Nasdaq Opening Cross in the security will be cancelled back to Participants, no Nasdaq Opening Cross in that security will occur, and the security will open for regular market hours trading consistent with paragraph (c) above. Each Opening Cross Price Test applies a price range within which the Opening Cross Price, as calculated by subparagraphs (A) through (E) above, must fall to pass the individual Opening Cross Price Test. For each Opening Cross Price Test, Nasdaq will calculate the price range by using a threshold applied to the unique measures under each test. Nasdaq will establish and publish the thresholds used in the Opening Cross Price Tests below. Nasdaq management shall set and modify the Opening Cross Price Test thresholds from time to time upon prior notice to market participants.

(i) Opening Cross Price Test A. For Nasdaq listed securities, the Opening Cross price range for Test A is established by adding and subtracting the Opening Cross Price Test A threshold from the Nasdaq Official Closing Price of the security for the previous trading day. For non-Nasdaq listed securities, the Opening Cross price range for Test A is established by adding and subtracting the Opening Cross Price Test A threshold from the consolidated closing price of the security for the previous trading day. For new Exchange Traded Products that do not have a Nasdaq Official Closing Price, the Opening Cross price range is established by adding and subtracting the Opening Cross Price Test A threshold from the offering price. For securities subject to a corporate action where the Exchange can calculate a derived price based on the terms of the corporate action, the Opening Cross price range for Test A is established by adding and subtracting the Opening Cross Price Test A threshold from such derived price. If the Nasdaq Opening Cross price is higher or lower than the Opening Cross price range established by this subparagraph or the security does not have a Nasdaq Official Closing Price or consolidated closing price for the previous trading day, offering price, or derived price, as applicable, Opening Cross Price Test B will be performed.

(ii) Opening Cross Price Test B. The Opening Cross price range for Test B is established by adding and subtracting the Opening Cross Price Test B threshold from the Nasdaq last sale (either round or odd lot) after 9:15 a.m. ET but prior to the Opening Cross. If the Nasdaq Opening Cross price is higher or lower than the Opening Cross price range established by this subparagraph or if there is no Nasdaq last sale, Opening Cross Price Test C will be performed.

(iii) Opening Cross Price Test C. The Opening Cross price range for Test C is established by adding to and subtracting the Opening Cross Price Test C threshold from the Nasdaq best bid (for Opening Cross prices that would be higher than the price used under subparagraph (i) above) or Nasdaq best offer (for Opening Cross prices that would be lower than the price used under subparagraph (i) above). For purposes of this test, if a security does not have a Nasdaq Official Closing Price or consolidated closing price for the previous trading day, offering price, or derived price, as applicable, Nasdaq will use a price of $0. If the Nasdaq Opening Cross price is higher or lower than the Opening Cross price range established by this subparagraph all Orders in the Opening Cross will be cancelled back to Participants, no Opening Cross will occur, and the security will open for regular market hours trading consistent with paragraph (c) above.

(G) If the Nasdaq Opening Cross price established by subparagraphs (A) through (F) would result in the partial execution of a buy (sell) Order that was deemed to have a price at one minimum price increment below (above) the price of a Post-Only Order (pursuant to Rule 4703(l)), then the Nasdaq Opening Cross will occur at the price of the Order's original ranked price.

(3) If the Nasdaq Opening Cross price is selected and fewer than all shares of MOO, LOO, OIO and Early Market Hours Orders that are available in the Nasdaq Market Center would be executed, all Quotes and Orders shall be executed at the Nasdaq Opening Cross price in the following priority:

(A) MOO and Early Market Hours market peg orders, with time as the secondary priority;

(B) Displayed Orders, with price as the primary priority, and then within each price level, with time as the secondary priority, including the following: LOOs; OIOs; Limit Orders; the Displayed size of Reserve Orders; other Displayed interests and all Orders with TIFs designated to execute in the Opening Cross and not immediately rebook, unaltered, into the continuous market;

(C) Non-Displayed Orders, including LOOs, Limit Orders, and the Non-Displayed size of Reserve Orders, with price as the primary priority and then within each price level, time as the secondary priority; and

An Order to buy (sell) that is locked or crossed at its non-displayed price by a Post-Only Order on the Nasdaq Book in Early Market Hours, and which has been deemed to have a price at one minimum price increment below (above) the price of the Post-Only Order, shall be ranked in time priority behind all orders at the price at which the Order was posted to the Nasdaq Book.

(4) All Quotes and Orders executed in the Nasdaq Opening Cross shall be executed at the Nasdaq Opening Cross price, trade reported anonymously, and disseminated via a national market system plan. The Nasdaq Opening Cross price shall be the Nasdaq Official Opening Price for stocks that participate in the Nasdaq Opening Cross.

Adopted Oct. 16, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-001); amended Feb. 12, 2007 (SR-NASDAQ-2007-008); amended May 1, 2007 (SR-NASDAQ-2007-047); amended Dec. 3, 2010 (SR-NASDAQ-2010-158); amended Feb. 23, 2011 (SR-NASDAQ-2011-031), operative Mar. 25, 2011; amended Mar. 5, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-033), operative Mar. 18, 2013; amended June 22, 2015 (SR-NASDAQ-2015-024); amended Feb. 25, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2015-159); amended Mar. 17, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-031); amended Aug. 18, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-085), operative Sept. 17, 2017; amended Sept. 8, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-061), operative Oct. 2, 2017; amended Apr. 18, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-031); amended Oct. 19, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-068), operative Oct. 29, 2018; amended Dec. 19, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-106); amended Sept. 5, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-073); amended Nov. 23, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-079); amended May 3, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-038); amended April 2, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-004), operative May 17, 2021; amended Jul. 19, 2023 (SR-NASDAQ-2023-024).

4753. Nasdaq Halt Cross

(a) Definitions.

For the purposes of this rule the term:

(1) "Imbalance" shall mean the number of shares of Eligible Interest that may not be matched with other order shares at a particular price at any given time.

(2) "Market Order Imbalance" shall mean the number of shares of Eligible Interest entered through market orders that would not be matched with other order shares at the time of the dissemination of an Order Imbalance Indicator.

(3) "Order Imbalance Indicator" shall mean a message disseminated by electronic means containing information about Eligible Interest and the price at which such interest would execute at the time of dissemination. The Order Imbalance Indicator shall disseminate the following information:

(A) "Current Reference Price" shall mean:

(i) The single price at which the maximum number of shares of Eligible Interest can be paired.

(ii) If more than one price exists under subparagraph (i), the Current Reference Price shall mean the price that minimizes any Imbalance.

(iii) If more than one price exists under subparagraph (ii), the Current Reference Price shall mean the entered price at which shares will remain unexecuted in the cross.

(iv) If more than one price exists under subparagraph (iii), the Current Reference Price shall mean:

a. In the case of an IPO, the price that is closest to the Issuer's Initial Public Offering Price;

b. In the case of the initial pricing of a security listing under Listing Rules IM-5315-1, IM-5405-1, or IM-5505-1, for a security that has had recent sustained trading in a Private Placement Market (as defined in Rule 5005(a)(34)) prior to listing, the most recent transaction price in that market or, if none, a price determined by the Exchange in consultation with the financial advisor to the issuer identified pursuant to Rule 4120(c)(9).

c. In the case of the initial pricing of a security listing under Listing Rule IM-5315-2, the price that is closest to the price that is 20% below (calculated as provided for in Listing Rule IM-5315-2) the lowest price of the price range disclosed by the issuer in its effective registration statement;

d. In the case of another halt type in which the security has already traded during normal market hours on that trading day, the price that is closest to the last Nasdaq execution prior to the trading halt;

e. In the case of another halt type in which the security has not already traded during normal market hours on that trading day, the price that is closest to the previous Nasdaq Official Closing Price; and

f. In the case of the initial pricing of a security that traded in the over-the-counter market pursuant to FINRA Form 211 immediately prior to the initial pricing, the price that is closest to the most recent transaction price in that market.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Order Imbalance Indicator will not include the Current Reference Price if there is a Market Order Imbalance.

(B) the number of shares of Eligible Interest that are paired at the Current Reference Price;

(C) the size of any Imbalance or Market Order Imbalance, as applicable;

(D) the buy/sell direction of any Imbalance or Market Order Imbalance, as applicable; and

(E) indicative prices at which the Nasdaq Halt Cross would occur if the Nasdaq Halt Cross were to occur at that time. The indicative prices shall be:

(i) The Far Clearing Price which shall be the same as the Current Reference Price, and

(ii) The Near Clearing Price which shall be the same as the Current Reference Price.

(F) For purposes of a Trading Pause initiated pursuant to Rule 4120(a)(12), "Order Imbalance Indicator" will include Auction Reference Prices and Auction Collars, as defined in Rule 4120(c)(10)(A).

(G) For purposes of a MWCB Halt initiated pursuant to Rule 4121, "Order Imbalance Indicator" will include Auction Reference Prices and MWCB Auction Collars, as defined in Rule 4121(d).

(4) "Nasdaq Halt Cross" shall mean the process for determining the price at which Eligible Interest shall be executed at the open of trading for a halted security and for executing that Eligible Interest.

(5) "Eligible Interest" shall mean any quotation or any order that has been entered into the system and designated with a time-in-force that would allow the order to be in force at the time of the Halt Cross.

(6) "Nasdaq Order Imbalance Snapshot" shall mean a message disseminated by electronic means containing a subset of information contained in the Order Imbalance Indicator using a format optimized for newswire services.

(b) Processing of Nasdaq Halt Cross. For Nasdaq-listed securities that are the subject of a trading halt or pause initiated pursuant to Rule 4120(a)(1), (4), (5), (6), (7), (11) or (14) the Nasdaq Halt Cross shall occur at the time specified by Nasdaq pursuant to Rule 4120, and Market hours trading shall commence when the Nasdaq Halt Cross concludes.

(1) At the beginning of the Display Only Period and continuing through the resumption of trading, Nasdaq shall disseminate by electronic means an Order Imbalance Indicator every second.

(2) (A) The Nasdaq Halt Cross shall occur at the price that maximizes the number of shares of Eligible Interest in the Nasdaq Market Center to be executed.

(B) If more than one price exists under subparagraph (A), the Nasdaq Halt Cross shall occur at the price that minimizes any Imbalance.

(C) If more than one price exists under subparagraph (B), the Nasdaq Halt Cross shall occur at the entered price at which shares will remain unexecuted in the cross.

(D) If more than one price exists under subparagraph (C), the Nasdaq Halt Cross shall occur at:

(i) In the case of an IPO, the price that is closest to the Issuer's Initial Public Offering Price;

(ii) In the case of the initial pricing of a security listing under Listing Rules IM-5315-1, IM-5405-1, or IM-5505-1, for a security that has had recent sustained trading in a Private Placement Market (as defined in Rule 5005(a)(34)) prior to listing, the most recent transaction price in that market or, if none, a price determined by the Exchange in consultation with the financial advisor to the issuer identified pursuant to Rule 4120(c)(9).

(iii) In the case of the initial pricing of a security listing under Listing Rule IM-5315-2, the price that is closest to the price that is 20% below (calculated as provided for in Listing Rule IM-5315-2) the lowest price of the price range disclosed by the issuer in its effective registration statement;

(iv) In the case of another halt type in which the security has already traded during normal market hours on that trading day, the price that is closest to the last Nasdaq execution prior to the trading halt;

(v) In the case of another halt type in which the security has not already traded during normal market hours on that trading day, the price that is closest to the previous Nasdaq Official Closing Price; and

(vi) In the case of the initial pricing of a security that traded in the over-the-counter market pursuant to FINRA Form 211 immediately prior to the initial pricing, the price that is closest to the most recent transaction price in that market.

(E) If the Nasdaq Halt Cross price established by subparagraphs (A) through (D) would result in the partial execution of a buy (sell) Order that was deemed to have a price at one minimum price increment below (above) the price of a Post-Only Order (pursuant to Rule 4703(l)), then the Nasdaq Halt Cross will occur at the price of the Order's original ranked price.

(3) If the Nasdaq Halt Cross price is selected and fewer than all shares of Eligible Interest that are available in the Nasdaq Market Center would be executed, all Eligible Interest shall be executed at the Nasdaq Halt Cross price in price/display/time priority. Displayed Eligible Interest and Orders with IOC shall be ranked in time priority ahead of Non-Displayed Eligible Interest with the same prices. An Order to buy (sell) that is locked or crossed at its non-displayed price by a Post-Only Order on the Nasdaq Book, and which has been deemed to have a price at one minimum price increment below (above) the price of the Post-Only Order, shall be ranked in time priority ahead of all orders one minimum price increment below (above) the price of the Post-Only Order but behind all orders at the price at which the Order was posted to the Nasdaq Book.

(4) All Eligible Interest executed in the Nasdaq Halt Cross shall be executed at the Nasdaq Halt Cross price, trade reported anonymously, and disseminated via a national market system plan. The Nasdaq Halt Cross price shall be the Nasdaq Official Opening Price for stocks that participate in the Nasdaq Halt Cross unless the stock has already been traded during normal market hours on that trading day.

(c) Nasdaq-listed securities that are the subject of a trading halt initiated pursuant to Rule 4120(a) and in which no Halt Cross occurs, shall open for trading at the time specified by Nasdaq pursuant to Rule 4120 in the following manner:

(1) Orders shall be added to the book in time priority.

(2) The Nasdaq Official Opening Price for such securities shall be the first Nasdaq market center execution following trade resumption unless the security has already traded during Market hours on that trading day.

(d) For purposes of the Nasdaq Halt Cross, an Order to buy (sell) that is locked or crossed at its non-displayed price by a Post-Only Order on the Nasdaq Book prior to the trading halt shall be deemed to have a price at one minimum price increment below (above) the price of the Post-Only Order.

(e) Any IOC Order for a halted security that is entered prior to the Nasdaq Closing Cross and for which the halt remains in effect at the commencement of the Nasdaq Closing Cross, shall be cancelled immediately after the Nasdaq Closing Cross. Any IOC Order for a halted security that is entered after the Nasdaq Closing Cross and for which the halt remains in effect at 8:00 p.m. ET (or 5:00 p.m. ET in the event of a Scheduled Early Close), shall be cancelled at 8:00 p.m. ET (or 5:00 p.m. ET in the event of a Scheduled Early Close).

Adopted Oct. 16, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-001); amended Aug. 19, 2008 (SR-NASDAQ-2007-067); amended June 10, 2010 (SR-NASDAQ-2010-061), operative June 7, 2010; amended Feb. 23, 2011 (SR-NASDAQ-2011-031), operative Mar. 25, 2011; amended Mar. 11, 2011 (SR-NASDAQ-2010-074); amended Apr. 7, 2011 (SR-NASDAQ-2011-051); amended Aug. 12, 2011 (SR-NASDAQ-2011-117), operative Sept. 11, 2011; amended Jan. 27, 2012 (SR-NASDAQ-2012-019); amended Aug. 3, 2012 (SR-NASDAQ-2012-094), operative Sept. 2, 2012; amended July 22, 2014 (SR-NASDAQ-2014-075); amended Aug. 28, 2014 (SR-NASDAQ-2014-088), operative Oct. 1, 2014; amended Jan. 25, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-131), operative Nov. 20, 2017; amended Mar. 8, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-028), operative Mar. 13, 2017; amended Mar. 17, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-031); amended Oct. 19, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-068), operative Oct. 29, 2018; amended Dec. 19, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-106); amended Feb. 13, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-001); amended Sept. 5, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-073); amended Dec. 3, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-059); amended Jan. 30, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-060); amended Mar. 12, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-012), operative July 20, 2020; amended Nov. 23, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-079); amended May 19, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-057); amended Nov. 25, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2022-069); amended Dec. 2, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2022-027); amended Jul. 19, 2023 (SR-NASDAQ-2023-024); amended Nov. 7, 2023 (SR-NASDAQ-2023-036).

4754. Nasdaq Closing Cross

(a) Definitions. For the purposes of this rule the term:

(1) "Close Eligible Interest" shall mean any quotation or any order that may be entered into the system and designated with a time-in-force of SDAY, SGTC, MDAY, MGTC, SHEX, or GTMC. The System will delay processing any full cancellation request for Close Eligible Interest made during the Nasdaq Closing Cross until such time as the Nasdaq Closing Cross concludes, except for securities in a halt or pause.  During a halt or pause, the System will process any full or partial cancellation request for Close Eligible Interest made for such halted or paused security during the Nasdaq Closing Cross.

(2) "Imbalance" shall mean the number of shares of buy or sell MOC or LOC orders that cannot be matched with other MOC or LOC, or IO order shares at a particular price at any given time.

(3) "Imbalance Only Order" or "IO" shall have the meaning provided in Rule 4702.

(4) "Limit On Close Order" or "LOC" shall have the meaning provided in Rule 4702.

(5) "Market on Close Order or MOC" shall have the meaning provided in Rule 4702.

(6) "Nasdaq Closing Cross" shall mean the process for determining the price at which orders shall be executed at the close and for executing those orders.

(7) "Order Imbalance Indicator" shall mean a message disseminated by electronic means containing information about MOC, LOC, IO, and Close Eligible Interest and the price at which those orders would execute at the time of dissemination. The Order Imbalance Indicator shall disseminate the following information:

(A) "Current Reference Price" shall mean:

(i) The single price that is at or within the current Nasdaq Market Center best bid and offer at which the maximum number of shares of MOC, LOC, and IO orders can be paired.

(ii) If more than one price exists under subparagraph (i), the Current Reference Price shall mean the price that minimizes any Imbalance.

(iii) If more than one price exists under subparagraph (ii), the Current Reference Price shall mean the entered price at which shares will remain unexecuted in the cross.

(iv) If more than one price exists under subparagraph (iii), the Current Reference Price shall mean the price that minimizes the distance from the bid-ask midpoint of the inside quotation prevailing at the time of the order imbalance indicator dissemination.

(B) the number of shares represented by MOC, LOC, and IO orders that are paired at the Current Reference Price;

(C) the size of any Imbalance;

(D) the buy/sell direction of any Imbalance; and

(E) indicative prices at which the Nasdaq Closing Cross would occur if the Nasdaq Closing Cross were to occur at that time and the percent by which the indicative prices are outside the then current Nasdaq Market Center best bid or best offer, whichever is closer. The indicative prices shall be:

(i) "Far Clearing Price" which shall mean the price at which the MOC, LOC, and IO orders would execute, and

(ii) "Near Clearing Price" which shall mean the price at which the MOC, LOC, IO, and Close Eligible Interest would execute.

(iii) If marketable buy (sell) shares would remain unexecuted above (below) the Near Clearing Price or Far Clearing Price, Nasdaq shall disseminate an indicator for "market buy" or "market sell".

(8) "Nasdaq Order Imbalance Snapshot" shall mean a message disseminated by electronic means containing a subset of information contained in the Order Imbalance Indicator using a format optimized for newswire services.

(9) "First Reference Price" shall mean the Current Reference Price in the Early Order Imbalance Indicator disseminated at 3:50 p.m. ET, or 10 minutes prior to the early closing time on a day when Nasdaq closes early.

(10) "Early Order Imbalance Indicator" shall mean a message disseminated by electronic means containing the same information as the Order Imbalance Indicator, except that it will exclude information about indicative prices, as set forth in subparagraph (a)(7)(E) herein.

(11) "Second Reference Price" shall mean the Current Reference Price in the Order Imbalance Indicator disseminated at 3:55 p.m. ET, or five minutes prior to the early closing time on a day when Nasdaq closes early.

(b) Processing of Nasdaq Closing Cross. The Nasdaq Closing Cross will begin at 4:00:00 p.m. EST, and post-market hours trading will commence when the Nasdaq Closing Cross concludes.

(1) Early Order Imbalance Indicator and Order Imbalance Indicator.

(A) Beginning at 3:50 p.m., or 10 minutes prior to the early closing time on a day when Nasdaq closes early, Nasdaq shall disseminate by electronic means an Early Order Imbalance Indicator every 10 seconds until the Order Imbalance Indicator begins to disseminate.

(B) Beginning at 3:55 p.m., or five minutes prior to the early closing time on a day when Nasdaq closes early, Nasdaq shall disseminate by electronic means an Order Imbalance Indicator every second until market close.

(2) (A) The Nasdaq Closing Cross will occur at the price that maximizes the number of shares of Eligible Interest in the Nasdaq Market Center to be executed.

(B) If more than one price exists under subparagraph (A), the Nasdaq Closing Cross shall occur at the price that minimizes the number of shares of buy or sell MOC or LOC orders that cannot be matched with other MOC or LOC, Close Eligible interest, or IO order shares.

(C) If more than one price exists under subparagraph (B), the Nasdaq Closing Cross shall occur at the entered price at which shares will remain unexecuted in the cross.

(D) If more than one price exists under subparagraph (C), the Nasdaq Closing Cross shall occur at: a price that minimizes the distance from the System bid-ask midpoint at the time of the Nasdaq Closing Cross.

(E) If the Nasdaq Closing Cross price established by subparagraphs (A) through (D) above is outside the benchmarks established by Nasdaq by a threshold amount, the Nasdaq Closing Cross will occur at a price within the threshold amounts that best satisfies the conditions of subparagraphs (A) through (D) above. Nasdaq management shall set and modify such benchmarks and thresholds from time to time upon prior notice to market participants.

(F) If the Nasdaq Closing Cross price established by subparagraphs (A) through (E) would result in the partial execution of a buy (sell) Order that was deemed to have a price at one minimum price increment below (above) the price of a Post-Only Order (pursuant to Rule 4703(l)), then the Nasdaq Closing Cross will occur at the price of the Order's original ranked price.

(3) If the Nasdaq Closing Cross price is selected and fewer than all MOC, LOC IO and Close Eligible Interest would be executed, orders will be executed at the Nasdaq Closing Cross price in the following priority:

(A) MOC orders, with time as the secondary priority;

(B) Displayed Orders, with price as the primary priority, and then within each price level, with time as the secondary priority, including the following: LOCs; IOs; Limit orders; the Displayed size of Reserve Orders; other Displayed interest; and all Orders with TIFs designated to execute in the Nasdaq Closing Cross and not immediately rebook, unaltered, into the continuous market after Regular Market Hours;

(C) Non-Displayed Orders, including LOCs, Limit orders and the Non-Displayed size of Reserve Orders, with price as the primary priority and time as the secondary priority; and

An Order to buy (sell) that is locked or crossed at its non-displayed price by a Post-Only Order on the Nasdaq Book, and which has been deemed to have a price at one minimum price increment below (above) the price of the Post-Only Order, shall be ranked in time priority behind all orders at the price at which the Order was posted to the Nasdaq Book.

(4) All orders executed in the Nasdaq Closing Cross will be executed at the Nasdaq Closing Cross price, trade reported anonymously, and disseminated via the consolidated tape. The Nasdaq Closing Cross price will be the Nasdaq Official Closing Price for stocks that participate in the Nasdaq Closing Cross. Fifteen minutes after the close of trading, Nasdaq will disseminate via the network processor a trade message setting the Nasdaq Official Closing Price as the official Consolidated Last Sale Price in each Nasdaq-listed security in which one round lot or more is executed in the Nasdaq Closing Cross where the closing price differs from the Consolidated Last Sale Price.

(A) If a Nasdaq-listed security that is an exchange-traded product (",b>ETP" and as defined below in (vii) for purposes of this rule) does not have a closing cross then the time-weighted average midpoint ("T-WAM") of the NBBO will be used as the Nasdaq Official Closing Price with the following parameters:

(i) The T-WAM price will be a time-weighted average midpoint value calculation that uses eligible quotes during the time period 3:58:00 p.m. - 3:59:55 p.m. based on quotes observed each second.

(ii) In cases where the T-WAM is reflected as the Nasdaq Official Closing Price, the T-WAM calculation will only use eligible quotes that meet the following validation logic: An eligible quote is defined as a quote whose spread is no greater than a value of 10% of the midpoint price. All quoted spreads within the TWAM's stated time period in Rule 4754(b)(4)(A)(i) above that are greater than 10% of the midpoint would be excluded from the T-WAM calculation. The TWAM will also exclude crossed NBBO markets.

(iii) If there are no eligible quotes within the price validation logic or if the ETP is halted, then Nasdaq will use the Consolidated Last Sale price prior to 4:00:00 p.m. as the Nasdaq Official Closing Price.

(iv) For an ETP that is already listed on Nasdaq and does not have any eligible quotes for the T-WAM methodology or any Consolidated Last Sale prices that day, the Nasdaq Official Closing Price will be the prior day's Nasdaq Official Closing Price.

(v) For an ETP that has transferred its listing to Nasdaq and does not have any eligible quotes for the T-WAM methodology or any Consolidated Last Sale prices that day, the Nasdaq Official Closing Price will be the prior day's closing price as disseminated by the primary listing market that previously listed the ETP.

(vi) For an ETP that is a new Nasdaq listing and it does not have any eligible quotes for the T-WAM methodology or any Consolidated Last Sale prices that day, the Nasdaq Official Closing Price will not be disseminated.

(vii) Exchange-Traded Product for purposes of this rule means a series of Portfolio Depository Receipts, Index Fund Shares, Managed Fund Shares, or Trust Issued Receipts (as defined in Nasdaq Rules 5705(a), 5705(b), 5735, and 5720, respectively); securities linked to the performance of indexes and commodities (including currencies) (as defined in Nasdaq Rule 5710); Index-Linked Exchangeable Notes, Equity Gold Shares, Trust Certificates, Commodity-Based Trust Shares, Currency Trust Shares, Commodity Index Trust Shares, Commodity Futures Trust Shares, Partnership Units, Trust Units, Managed Trust Securities, or Currency Warrants (as defined in Rule 5711(a) - (k)).

(5) Auxiliary Procedures. When significant trading volume is expected at the close of Market hours, Nasdaq may apply auxiliary procedures for the Closing Cross to ensure a fair and orderly market. The determination to implement auxiliary procedures for the Closing Cross shall be made by the President of Nasdaq or any Executive Vice President designated by the President. Nasdaq shall inform market participants of such auxiliary procedures as far in advance as practicable. Auxiliary procedures shall include:

(A) Setting an earlier time or times for the end of the order entry periods set forth in paragraph (a) for IO, MOC, and LOC orders. Nasdaq may end the order entry period as early as 3:40 p.m.

(B) Setting an earlier time for the order modification and cancellation periods in paragraph (a) for IO, MOC, and LOC orders. Nasdaq may end the order modification and cancellation periods as early as 3:40 p.m.

(C) Setting an earlier time for the dissemination times and frequencies set forth in paragraph (b) for the Order Imbalance Indicator. Nasdaq may begin disseminating the Order Imbalance Indicator as early as 3:40 p.m. and may increase or decrease the frequency with which the Order Imbalance Indicator is disseminated.

(D) Adjusting the threshold values set forth in subparagraph (b)(2)(E) to no greater than 20 percent.

(6) LULD Closing Cross Following Limit-Up-Limit-Down Trading Pause. When a Trading Pause pursuant to Rule 4120(a)(12) exists at or after 3:50 p.m. and before 4:00 p.m., the Nasdaq-listed security shall resume trading via a modified Nasdaq Closing Cross ("LULD Closing Cross"). The LULD Closing Cross shall operate as defined in this rule with the following exceptions:

(A) Definitions. For purposes of this Rule 4754(b)(6), the term:

(i) "Eligible Interest" shall have the same meaning as "Close Eligible Interest" in Rule 4754(a), with the addition of any new orders, with an eligible underlying Order Type and Attribute, entered during the Trading Pause.

(ii) "Imbalance" shall mean the number of shares of buy or sell MOC or LOC orders or Eligible Interest that cannot be matched with other MOC, LOC, or IO order shares or Eligible Interest at a particular price at any given time.

(B)(i) For Trading Pauses existing at or after 3:50 and before 4:00 p.m., the LULD Closing Cross shall occur at 4:00 p.m. After Hours Trading shall commence after the LULD Closing Cross executes.

(ii) If there is insufficient trading interest in the Nasdaq system to execute a LULD Closing Cross, Nasdaq will not conduct a Cross in that security and shall instead use the last sale on Nasdaq as the Nasdaq Official Closing Price in that security for that trading day. After Hours Trading shall commence after Nasdaq publishes the Nasdaq Official Closing Price.

(C) Nasdaq shall continue disseminating the EOII and the NOII pursuant to Rule 4754(b)(1) until After Hours Trading begins. The Near Clearing Price and Reference Prices contained in the EOII and the NOII, as applicable, will represent the price at which the LULD Closing Cross would execute should the cross conclude at that time, and the Far Clearing Price will represent the price at which Eligible Interest, MOC, LOC, and IO orders would execute. If marketable buy (sell) shares would remain unexecuted above (below) the Near Clearing Price or Far Clearing Price, Nasdaq shall disseminate an indicator for "market buy" or "market sell".

(D)(i) The LULD Closing Cross will occur at the price within the benchmark prices established pursuant to paragraph (E) below ("Benchmark Prices" that maximizes the number of shares of Eligible Interest, MOC, LOC, and IO orders in the Nasdaq Market Center to be executed.

(ii) If more than one price exists under subparagraph (i), the LULD Closing Cross shall occur at the price within the Benchmark Prices that minimizes any Imbalance.

(iii) If more than one price exists under subparagraph (ii), the LULD Closing Cross shall occur at the entered price within the Benchmark Prices at which shares will remain unexecuted in the cross.

(iv) If there is no price within the Benchmark Prices that satisfies the above conditions, then the LULD Closing Cross shall occur at:

(a) if an Imbalance exists, a price equal to the upper (lower) Benchmark Price for a buy (sell) Imbalance; or

(b) if no Imbalance exists, a price that minimizes the distance from the last published Upper Band (Lower Band) for a Limit Up (Limit Down) Trading Pause.

(E) The Benchmark Prices within which the LULD Closing Cross price must fall are established as follows:

(i) The upper (lower) Benchmark Price is established by adding (subtracting) a threshold amount to the upper (or from the lower) Auction Collar that was last updated for any security that entered a Trading Pause that was extended prior to 3:50 p.m. ET, rounded to the nearest minimum price increment (with midpoint prices being rounded up), and the lower (upper) Benchmark Price is the lower (upper) Auction Collar that was last updated with the upper (lower) Auction Collar used to calculate the upper (lower) Benchmark Price;

(ii) The upper (lower) Benchmark Price is established by adding (subtracting) a threshold amount to the upper Auction Collar for a Limit Up triggered pause (or from the lower Auction Collar for a Limit Down triggered pause) for any security that entered a Trading Pause that was not extended prior to 3:50 p.m. ET, rounded to the nearest minimum price increment (with midpoint prices being rounded up), and the lower (upper) Benchmark Price is the lower (upper) Auction Collar disseminated with the upper (lower) Auction Collar used to calculate the upper (lower) Benchmark Price; or

(iii) The upper (lower) Benchmark Price is established by adding (subtracting) a threshold amount to the Upper Band for a Limit Up triggered pause (or from the Lower Band for a Limit Down triggered pause) for any security that entered a Trading Pause at or after 3:50 p.m. ET, rounded to the nearest minimum price increment (with midpoint prices being rounded up), and the lower (upper) Benchmark Price is the Lower (Upper) Band in place at the time the Trading Pause was triggered.

Nasdaq management shall set and modify such thresholds from time to time upon prior notice to market participants.

(F) Orders eligible to participate:

(i) All orders entered into the system and placed on the continuous book prior to the LULD pause will remain on the book to participate in the LULD Closing Cross. Such orders may be modified or cancelled up until the time of the LULD Closing Cross.

(ii) During the pause and prior to 4:00 pm, new orders may be entered, modified, and cancelled and may participate in the LULD Closing Cross. MOC, LOC and IO orders may be entered, modified, and cancelled pursuant to Rules 4702(b)(11), 4702(b)(12), and 4702(b)(13). With respect to LOC orders entered between 3:55 p.m. ET and immediately prior to 3:58 p.m. ET (hereinafter, “late LOC orders”), the System will handle such orders in the LULD Closing Cross as follows:

(a) If the security entered a Trading Pause prior and up to 3:50 p.m., the System will not accept late LOC orders.

(b) If the security entered a Trading Pause after 3:50 p.m. and up to 3:55 p.m., the System will accept late LOC orders, provided that there is a First Reference Price. Such orders may then be subject to re-pricing in accordance with Rule 4702(b)(12) or rejected, in either case consistent with the Participant’s instructions.

(c) If the security entered a Trading Pause after 3:55 p.m., the System will accept late LOC orders, provided that there is a First Reference Price or a Second Reference Price. Such orders may then be subject to re-pricing in accordance with Rule 4702(b)(12) or rejected, in either case consistent with the Participant’s instructions.

(iii) For purposes of LULD Closing Cross price selection, buy (sell) IO orders are re-priced to one minimum price increment below (above) the LULD Band that triggered the Trading Pause.

(G) Orders participating in the LULD Closing Cross shall be executed in price/time priority order rather than the priority set forth in subsection (b)(3) above. For purposes of determining priority, eligible IO orders will be priced to the closing price and executed in time priority with other orders at that price. Any order not executed in the LULD Closing Cross will be processed according to the entering firm's instructions.

(7) Contingency Procedures. When a disruption occurs that prevents the execution of the Closing Cross as set forth above, Nasdaq shall apply the Contingency Procedures pursuant to this paragraph (7).

Nasdaq will employ the Contingency Procedures only if it determines that the standard procedures are unavailable.

The determination to implement the Contingency Procedures shall be made by the President of Nasdaq or any Senior Executive designated by the President. If such disruption occurs, Nasdaq shall publicly announce at the earliest possible time the initiation of the Contingency Procedures via system status alerts, Equity Trader Alerts, and email notification directories. If Nasdaq determines to initiate the Contingency Procedures, the following provisions shall apply.

(A) If Nasdaq determines to follow the Contingency Procedures for one or more securities at or before 3:00 p.m., Nasdaq will designate an alternate exchange and the Nasdaq Official Closing Price for those securities will be:

(i) the official closing price established for such security under the rules of the designated alternate exchange; or

(ii) if there is no official closing price in a security on the designated alternate exchange, the Nasdaq Official Closing Price will be the volume-weighted average price ("VWAP") of the consolidated last-sale eligible prices of the last five minutes of trading during regular trading hours, including any closing transactions on an exchange and any trade breaks or corrections up to the time the VWAP is processed; or

(iii) if there were no consolidated last-sale eligible trades in the last five minutes of trading during regular trading hours, the Nasdaq Official Closing Price of such security will be the last consolidated last-sale eligible trade for such security during regular trading hours on that trading day; or

(iv) if there were no consolidated last-sale eligible trades the Nasdaq Official Closing Price of such security will be the prior day's Nasdaq Official Closing Price; or

(v) If no Nasdaq Official Closing Price for a security can be determined under subsections (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv) above, the Exchange would not publish an Official Closing Price for such security.

(B) If Nasdaq determines to follow the Contingency Procedures for one or more securities after 3:00 p.m., the Nasdaq Official Closing Price for those securities will be:

(i) the VWAP of the consolidated last-sale eligible prices of the last five minutes of trading during regular trading hours, including any closing transactions on an exchange and any trade breaks or corrections up to the time the VWAP is processed; or

(ii) if there were no consolidated last-sale eligible trades in the last five minutes of trading during regular trading hours, the Nasdaq Official Closing Price of such security will be the last consolidated last-sale eligible trade for such security during regular trading hours on that trading day; or

(iii) if there were no consolidated last-sale eligible trades on the day in question, the Nasdaq Official Closing Price of such security will be the prior day's Nasdaq Official Closing Price; or

(iv) If no Nasdaq Official Closing Price for a security can be determined under subsections (i), (ii) or (iii) above, the Exchange would not publish an Official Closing Price for such security.

(C) Nasdaq shall cancel all open interest designated for the Nasdaq close residing in Nasdaq systems to give members the opportunity to route their orders to alternative execution venues.

(D) After hours trading shall begin either as scheduled at 4:00 p.m. or upon resolution of the disruption that triggered Nasdaq to operate the Contingency Procedures.

Adopted Oct. 16, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-001); amended Feb. 23, 2011 (SR-NASDAQ-2011-031), operative Mar. 25, 2011; amended Mar. 5, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-033), operative Mar. 18, 2013; amended June 20, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-090); amended Feb. 21, 2014 (SR-NASDAQ-2014-004), operative May 12, 2014; amended Apr. 19, 2014 (SR-NASDAQ-2014-036), operative May 12, 2014; amended July 28, 2014 (SR-NASDAQ-2014-076), operative Aug. 25, 2014; amended Dec. 16, 2014 (SR-NASDAQ-2014-123), operative Apr. 13, 2015; amended Feb. 11, 2015 (SR-NASDAQ-2015-014); amended Apr. 13, 2015 (SR-NASDAQ-2015-038); amended June 22, 2015 (SR-NASDAQ-2015-024); amended June 8, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-035); amended Jan. 25, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-131); operative Nov. 20, 2017; amended Mar. 17, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-031); amended Sept. 8, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-061), operative Oct. 2, 2017; amended Oct. 18, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-111); amended Apr. 18, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-031); amended Oct. 19, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-068), operative Oct. 29, 2018; amended Dec. 19, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-106); amended Feb. 27, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-010), operative Nov. 4, 2019; amended Apr. 16, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-032); amended April 26, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-035); amended Sept. 5, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-073); amended Sept. 17, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-075); amended Oct. 2, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-064), operative Nov. 4, 2019; amended Nov. 7, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-061), operative Nov. 18, 2019; amended Nov. 23, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-079); amended Sep. 29, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-077); amended December 23, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-105); amended May. 28, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-009), operative Apr. 25, 2022; amended Feb. 17, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-101), operative Apr. 25, 2022; amended Dec. 12, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2022-076), operative Jan. 18, 2023; amended Jul. 19, 2023 (SR-NASDAQ-2023-024).

4755. Extended Trading Close

(a) Definitions. For the purposes of this rule, the terms:

(1) “After Hours Trading” shall mean trading in a Nasdaq-listed security that commences immediately following the conclusion of the Nasdaq Closing Cross or the LULD Closing Cross, during Post-Market Hours, as that term is defined in Equity 1, Section 1(a)(9).

(2) An “ETC Eligible LOC Order” shall have the meaning set forth in Rule 4702(b)(12)(A).

(3) “ETC Eligible Order(s)” shall mean ETC Order(s) and ETC Eligible LOC Order(s).

(4) "ETC Imbalance" shall mean the number of shares of buy or sell ETC Eligible Orders that have not been matched during the Extended Trading Close.

(5) The “Extended Trading Close” or “ETC” shall mean the process, described in Rule 4755, during which ETC Eligible Orders may match and execute at the Nasdaq Official Closing Price, as determined by the Nasdaq Closing Cross or the LULD Closing Cross, for a five minute period immediately following the Nasdaq Closing Cross or the LULD Closing Cross.

(6) "Limit On Close Order" or "LOC" shall have the meaning provided in Rule 4702.

(7) "Nasdaq Closing Cross" shall mean the process for determining the price at which orders shall be executed at the close and for executing those orders.

(8) "ETC Order Imbalance Indicator" shall mean a message disseminated by electronic means containing ETC Imbalance information. The ETC Order Imbalance Indicator shall disseminate the following information:

(A) symbol;

(B) the number of shares of ETC Eligible Orders that have been matched and executed at the Nasdaq Official Closing Price during the Extended Trading Close as of the time of dissemination of the ETC Order Imbalance Indicator;

(C) the size of any ETC Imbalance (exclusive of Orders with Minimum Quantity instructions); and

(D) the buy/sell direction of any ETC Imbalance.

(b) Processing of the Extended Trading Close. The Extended Trading Close will commence upon the conclusion of the Nasdaq Closing Cross or the LULD Closing Cross and it will end at 4:05 PM (or 1:05 PM on a day when Nasdaq closes early).  The Extended Trading Close will not occur on any day when insufficient interest exists in the System to conduct a Closing Cross for that security or when the Exchange invokes contingency procedures due to a disruption that prevents execution of the Closing Cross.  The Exchange will cancel executions in a security that occur in the Extended Trading Close to the extent that the Exchange nullifies the Closing Cross in that security pursuant to the rules governing clearly erroneous transactions, as set forth in Rule 11890.

(1) ETC Order Imbalance Indicator.  Beginning at 4:00:05 PM (or 1:00:05 PM on a day when Nasdaq closes early), Nasdaq shall disseminate by electronic means an ETC Order Imbalance Indicator every 5 seconds until the Extended Trading Close concludes.

(2) The System will match and execute ETC Eligible Orders continuously throughout the Extended Trading Close, in time priority order (based on the time the system received each order into the Extended Trading Close) and at the Nasdaq Official Closing Price, as determined by the Nasdaq Closing Cross or the LULD Closing Cross.

(3) During the Extended Trading Close, the System will suspend execution of an ETC Eligible Order in a security whenever it detects: (i) an Order in that same security resting on the Nasdaq Continuous Book in After Hours Trading with a bid (offer) price that is higher than (lower than) the Nasdaq Official Closing Price for that security, as determined by the Nasdaq Closing Cross or the LULD Closing Cross; or (ii) the After Hours Trading last sale price, or the best After Hours Trading bid (offer) price, of the security other than on the Nasdaq Continuous Book is either more than 0.5% or $0.01 higher than (lower than) the Nasdaq Official Closing Price for that security, whichever is greater, as determined by the Nasdaq Closing Cross or the LULD Closing Cross.  The System will resume execution of an ETC Eligible Order in a security in scenario (i) of this paragraph, above, if and when the System determines, during the pendency of the Extended Trading Close, that the Nasdaq Continuous Book in After Hours Trading is clear of resting Orders in that security with a bid (offer) price that is higher than (lower than) the Nasdaq Official Closing Price for that security, as determined by the Nasdaq Closing Cross or the LULD Closing Cross.  The System will resume execution of an ETC Eligible Order in a security in scenario (ii) of this paragraph, above, if and when the After Hours Trading last sale price or the best After Hours Trading bid (offer) price of the underlying security other than on the Nasdaq Continuous Book returns to within the greater of 0.5%/$0.01 thresholds during the Extended Trading Close.  If execution of an ETC Eligible Order remains suspended as of the conclusion of the Extended Trading Close, then the System will cancel any remaining unexecuted ETC Eligible Orders in that security.

(4) If at the conclusion of the Extended Trading Close, fewer than all shares of ETC Eligible Orders are executed, then the System will cancel any unexecuted portions of such Orders.

(5) All ETC Eligible Orders executed in the Extended Trading Close will be trade reported anonymously and disseminated via the consolidated tape.

Amended Jan. 24, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-040), operative Mar. 7, 2022.

4756. Entry and Display of Quotes and Orders

(a) Entry of Orders—Participants can enter orders into the System, subject to the following requirements and conditions:

(1) Participants shall be permitted to transmit to the System multiple orders at a single as well as multiple price levels. Each order shall indicate the amount of Reserve Size (if applicable).

(2) The System shall time-stamp an order which shall determine the time ranking of the order for purposes of processing the order.

(3) Orders can be entered into the System (or previously entered Orders cancelled or modified) from 4:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. ET. Participants may modify a previously entered Order without cancelling it or affecting the priority of the Order on the Nasdaq Book solely for the purpose of modifying the marking of a sell Order as long, short, or short exempt; provided, however, that such a modification may be made only with respect to Orders entered through OUCH or FLITE; and provided further, that if an Order is redesignated as short, a Short Sale Period is in effect under Rule 4763, and the Order is not priced at a Permitted Price or higher under Rule 4763(e), the Order will be cancelled. In addition, a partial cancellation of an Order to reduce its share size will not affect the priority of the Order on the book. Except as provided in Rule 4761, all other modifications of orders will result in the replacement of the original order with a new order with a new time stamp.

(4) Each Order is subject to a daily limit on the number of changes that may occur with respect to the Order; if the daily limit is reached, the Order will be cancelled. The number of permissible changes may vary by Order Type or Order Attribute and may change from time to time. Nasdaq will post on its website what is considered a change for a particular Order Type and Order Attribute, and the current limits on the number of such changes.

(b) Entry of Quotes—Nasdaq Market Makers and Nasdaq ECNs can enter Quotes into the System from 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Quotes will be processed as Attributable Orders, with such time-in-force designation as the Nasdaq Market Maker or Nasdaq ECN may assign. Entry of Quotes will be subject to the requirements and conditions set forth in section (a) above.

(c) Display of Quotes and Orders—The System will display quotes and orders submitted to the System as follows:

(1) System Book Feed—quotes and orders resident in the System available for execution will be displayed via the System Book Feed.

(2) Best Priced Order Display - Pursuant to Rule 602 of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act, Nasdaq will transmit for display to the appropriate network processor for each System Security:

(i) the highest price to buy wherein the aggregate size of all displayed buy interest in the System greater than or equal to that price is one round lot or greater;

(ii) the aggregate size of all displayed buy interest in the System greater than or equal to the price in (i), rounded down to the nearest round lot;

(iii) the lowest price to sell wherein the aggregate size of all displayed sell interest in the System less than or equal to that price is one round lot or greater; and

(iv) the aggregate size of all displayed sell interest in the System less than or equal to the price in (iii), rounded down to the nearest round lot.

(3) Exceptions—The following exceptions shall apply to the display parameters set forth in paragraphs (1) and (2) above:

(A) Reserve Size—Reserve Size shall not be displayed in the System, but shall be accessible as described in Rule 4757.

(B) Discretionary Orders—The discretionary portion of Discretionary Orders shall not be displayed but shall be made available for execution only upon the appearance of contra-side marketable trading interest, and shall be executed pursuant to Rule 4703(g) and Rule 4757.

(C) Non-Displayed Orders—Non-Displayed Orders are not displayed in the System, and have lower priority within the System than an equally priced Displayed Order, regardless of time stamp, and shall be executed pursuant to Rule 4757.

(4) Beginning March 5, 2007, in connection with the trading of securities governed by Regulation NMS, pursuant to Rule 600(b)(4) of Regulation NMS under the Act, Nasdaq has implemented such systems, procedures, and rules as are necessary to render it capable of meeting the requirements for automated quotations, as defined in Rule 600(b)(3) of Regulation NMS under the Act; and immediately to identify its quotations as manual whenever it has reason to believe it is not capable of displaying automated quotations. Nasdaq has adopted policies and procedures for notifying members and other trading centers that it has reason to believe it is not capable of displaying automated quotations or, once manual, that it has restored the ability to display automated quotations and is preparing to identify its quotation as automated. In addition, Nasdaq has adopted policies and procedures for responding to notices that it receives from other trading centers indicating that they have elected to use the "self-help" exception of Rule 611(b)(1) of Regulation NMS under the Act.

Adopted Oct. 16, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-001); amended Aug. 2, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-027); amended Feb. 5, 2007 (SR-NASDAQ-2007-005); amended June 13, 2008 (SR-NASDAQ-2008-054); amended Jan. 18, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-012), operative Feb. 17, 2013; amended Mar. 5, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-033), operative Mar. 18, 2013; amended Apr. 17, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-068), operative May 17, 2013; amended July 22, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-096), operative Aug. 21, 2013; amended June 22, 2015 (SR-NASDAQ-2015-024); amended Mar. 16, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-039), operative Apr. 15, 2016; amended Nov. 16, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-096), operative Feb. 11, 2019; amended Nov. 23, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-079); amended Sep. 29, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-077); amended December 23, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-105); amended May. 28, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-009), operative Apr. 25, 2022; amended Mar. 11, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2022-020), operative Aug. 22, 2022.

4757. Book Processing

(a) Orders on the Nasdaq Book shall be presented for execution against incoming Orders in the order set forth below:

(1) Price/Display/Time Execution Algorithm. The System shall present Orders on the Nasdaq Book for execution against incoming Order in accordance with a price/display/time algorithm:

(A) Price. Better priced Orders will be presented for execution first. For example, an Order on the Nasdaq Book to buy at $10.00 will be ranked ahead of an Order to buy at $9.99.

(B) Display and Time. Equally priced Orders with a Display Attribute will be ranked in time priority.

(C) Non-Display and Time. Orders with a Non-Display Attribute, including the Non-Displayed portion of an Order with Reserve Size, will be ranked in time priority.

(D) Supplemental Orders in accordance with the following process: Between 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., an Order with a Routing Attribute that has not been fully executed pursuant Rule 4757(a)(1)(A) - (C) shall be matched against posted Supplemental Orders in price/time priority among such Orders. An Order will be matched against Supplemental Order(s) only at the NBBO, and only if the size of the Order is less than or equal to the aggregate size of Supplemental Order interest available at the price of the Order. In addition, a Supplemental Order will not execute if the NBBO is locked or crossed.

(2) Decrementation - Upon execution, an order shall be reduced by an amount equal to the size of that execution.

(3) Price Improvement - Any potential price improvement resulting from an execution in the System shall accrue to the taker of liquidity.


Buy order resides on Nasdaq book at 10.

Incoming order to sell priced at 9 comes into the System

Order executes at 10 (seller get $1 price improvement)

(4) Exception: Anti-Internalization - Market participants may direct that quotes/orders entered into the System not execute against either quotes/orders entered under the same MPID or quotes/orders entered across MPIDs under Common Ownership.* In addition, market participants using the OUCH order entry protocol may assign to orders entered through a specific order entry port a unique group identification modifier that will prevent quotes/orders with such modifier from executing against each other. In such a case, a market participant may elect from the following options:

(i) if the interacting quotes/orders are equivalent in size, both quotes/orders will be cancelled back to their entering parties. If the interacting quotes/orders are not equivalent in size, share amounts equal to size of the smaller of the two quotes/orders will be cancelled back to their originating parties with the remainder of the larger quote/order being retained by the System for potential execution;

(ii) regardless of the size of the interacting quotes/orders, cancelling the oldest of them in full; or

(iii) regardless of the size of the interacting quotes/orders, cancelling the most recent of them in full.

The foregoing options may be applied to all orders entered under the same MPID, across MPIDs under Common Ownership,* or, in the case of market participants using the OUCH order entry protocol, may be applied to all orders entered through a specific order entry port.

(b) Market Access. In addition to the Exchange Rules regarding routing to away trading centers, Nasdaq Execution Services, as defined in Rule 4758(b), has, pursuant to Rule 15c3-5 under the Act, implemented certain tests designed to mitigate risks associated with providing the Exchange's Members with access to such away trading centers. Pursuant to the policies and procedures developed by Nasdaq Execution Services to comply with Rule 15c3-5, if an order or series of orders are deemed to be violative of applicable pre-trade requirements of Rule 15c3-5, the order will be rejected prior to routing and/or NES will seek to cancel the order if it has been routed.

(c) Limit Order Protection ("LOP"). LOP is a feature of the Nasdaq Market Center that prevents certain Limit Orders at prices outside of pre-set standard limits ("LOP Limit") from being accepted by the System.

(i) Applicability. LOP applies to all Quotes and Orders, including Quotes and Orders that have been modified, where the modification results in a new timestamp and priority. LOP does not apply to Orders with Market and Primary Pegging, Market Maker Peg Orders or Intermarket Sweep Orders. A Midpoint Pegging Order with a discretion price would not be subject to LOP. LOP is operational each trading day, except for orders designated for opening, reopening and closing crosses and initial public offerings. LOP is not operational during trading halts and pauses. LOP would not apply in the event there is no established LOP Reference Price or the National Best Bid, when used as the LOP Reference Price, is equal to or less than $0.50.

(ii) LOP Limit. The LOP Limit shall be the greater of 10% of the LOP Reference Price or $0.50 for all securities across all trading sessions.

(iii) LOP Reference Price. The LOP Reference Price shall be the current National Best Bid or Best Offer, the bid for sell orders and the offer for buy orders.

(iv) LOP Reference Threshold. The LOP Reference Threshold for buy orders will be the LOP Reference Price (offer) plus the applicable LOP Limit. The LOP Reference Threshold for sell orders will be the LOP Reference Price (bid) minus the applicable LOP Limit.

(v) Acceptance of Orders. LOP will reject incoming Limit Orders that exceed the LOP Reference Threshold. Limit Orders will be rejected if the price of the Limit Order is greater than the LOP Reference Threshold for a buy Limit Order. Limit Orders will be rejected if the price of the Limit Order is less than the LOP Reference Threshold for a sell Limit Order.

*For purposes of Equity 4, Rule 4757, the term "Common Ownership" shall mean participants under 75% common ownership or control.

Adopted Oct. 16, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-001); amended June 23, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-057); amended July 22, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-071); amended Oct. 14, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-089), operative Nov. 2, 2009; amended July 13, 2011 (SR-NASDAQ-2011-097); amended Nov. 22, 2011 (SR-NASDAQ-2011-158); amended Feb. 27, 2012 (SR-NASDAQ-2012-031), operative Mar. 28, 2012; amended Aug. 16, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-109); amended June 22, 2015 (SR-NASDAQ-2015-024); amended Aug. 24, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-067), operative Mar. 31, 2017; amended Nov. 4, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-155); amended Dec. 20, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-179), operative Jan. 19, 2017; amended Oct. 18, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-111); amended Dec. 19, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-106); amended Nov. 23, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-079); amended Oct. 31, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2022-060), operative Nov. 5, 2022; amended Oct. 6, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2022-056), operative Dec. 12, 2022.

4758. Order Routing

(a) Order Routing Process

(1) The Order Routing Process shall be available to Participants during System Hours, unless otherwise noted in these rules, and shall route orders as described below. All routing of orders shall comply with Rule 611 of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act.

(A) The System provides a variety of routing options. Routing options may be combined with all available Order Types and Times-in-Force, with the exception of Order Types and Times-in-Force whose terms are inconsistent with the terms of a particular routing option. The System will consider the quotations only of accessible markets. The term "System routing table" refers to the proprietary process for determining the specific trading venues to which the System routes Orders and the Order in which it routes them. Nasdaq reserves the right to maintain a different System routing table for different routing options and to modify the System routing table at any time without notice. The System routing options are:

(i) DOT is a routing option for orders that the entering firm wishes to designate for participation in the NYSE or NYSE American opening or closing processes. DOT orders are routed directly to NYSE or NYSE American, as appropriate. A DOT order may be designated to participate in the opening or closing only (as provided in the specifications of the destination market) or to remain in force after the opening or closing, as applicable. If a DOT order has been designated to participate in the opening only and is entered after the security has opened, the order will nevertheless be routed to NYSE or NYSE American; based on its designation as opening only, such an order would be expected to be rejected by the destination market, and would also be cancelled by Nasdaq if returned by the destination market. If a DOT order has been designated to participate in the closing only and is entered at 3:45 p.m. Eastern Time or later (or in the case of an early closing, is entered 15 minutes prior to the close or later), the order will be rejected. After attempting to execute in the opening or closing process, if applicable, DOT orders that are not designated opening or closing only and that have not been fully executed, rejected, or cancelled by the market to which they were routed thereafter check the System for available shares and are converted into SCAN or STGY orders, depending on the designation of the entering firm. DOT orders that are not designated as opening or closing only orders but that are entered after the time of the opening or closing, as applicable, will also be converted into SCAN or STGY orders, depending on the designation of the entering firm. DOT orders that are designated to participate in an opening process and that are received by Nasdaq before the destination market can receive them will be held until such time as the destination market can receive them. DOT orders entered in non-NYSE or NYSE American securities will be treated as SCAN or STGY orders depending on the designation of the firm.

(ii) a. DOTI is a routing option for orders that the entering firm wishes to direct to the NYSE or NYSE American without returning to the Nasdaq Market Center. DOTI orders check the System for available shares and then are sent to destinations on the System routing table before being sent to NYSE or NYSE American, as appropriate. DOTI orders do not return to the Nasdaq Market Center book after routing. A DOTI order may be designated to participate in the opening or closing only (as provided in the specifications of the destination market) or to remain in force after the opening or closing, as applicable. If a DOTI order has been designated to participate in the opening only and is entered after the security has opened, the order will nevertheless be routed to NYSE or NYSE American; based on its designation as opening only, such an order would be expected to be rejected by the destination market, and would also be cancelled by Nasdaq if returned by the destination market. If a DOTI order has been designated to participate in the closing only and is entered at 3:45 p.m. Eastern Time or later (or in the case of an early closing, is entered 15 minutes prior to the close or later), the order will be rejected.

b. The entering firm may alternatively elect to have DOTI orders check the System for available shares and thereafter be directly sent to NYSE or NYSE American as appropriate.

c. DOTI orders that are designated to participate in an opening process and that are received by Nasdaq before the destination market can receive them will be held until such time as the destination market can receive them.

(iii) STGY is a routing option under which orders check the System for available shares and simultaneously route the remaining shares to destinations on the System routing table. If shares remain un-executed after routing, they are posted on the book. Once on the book, should the order subsequently be locked or crossed by another accessible market center, the System shall route the order to the locking or crossing market center. SKNY is a form of STGY in which the entering firm instructs the System to bypass any market centers included in the STGY System routing table that are not posting Protected Quotations within the meaning of Regulation NMS.

(iv) SCAN is a routing option under which orders check the System for available shares and simultaneously route the remaining shares to destinations on the System routing table. If shares remain un-executed after routing, they are posted on the book. Once on the book, should the order subsequently be locked or crossed by another market center, the System will not route the order to the locking or crossing market center. SKIP is a form of SCAN in which the entering firm instructs the System to bypass any market centers included in the SCAN System routing table that are not posting Protected Quotations within the meaning of Regulation NMS.

(v) a. TFTY is a routing option under which orders check the System for available shares only if so instructed by the entering firm and are thereafter routed to destinations on the System routing table. If shares remain un-executed after routing, they are posted to the book. Once on the book, should the order subsequently be locked or crossed by another market center, the System will not route the order to the locking or crossing market center.

b. RFTY is a routing option available for an order that qualifies as a Designated Retail Order under which orders check the System for available shares only if so instructed by the entering firm and are thereafter routed to destinations on the System routing table. If shares remain unexecuted after routing, they are posted to the book. Once on the book, should the order subsequently be locked or crossed by another market center, the System will not route the order to the locking or crossing market center. RFTY is designed to allow orders to participate in the opening, reopening and closing process of the primary listing market for a security.

(vi) MOPP is a routing option under which orders route only to Protected Quotations and only for displayed size. If shares remain unexecuted after routing, they are posted to the book. Once on the book, should the order subsequently be locked or crossed by another market center, the System will not route the order to the locking or crossing market center.

(vii) SAVE is a routing option under which orders may either (i) route to the Nasdaq Equities Market and Nasdaq PSX, check the System, and then route to other destinations on the System routing table, or (ii) may check the System first and then route to destinations on the System routing table. If shares remain un-executed after routing, they are posted to the book. Once on the book, should the order subsequently be locked or crossed by another market center, the System will not route the order to the locking or crossing market center.

(viii) SOLV is a routing option under which orders may either (i) route to the Nasdaq BX Equities Market and Nasdaq PSX, check the System, and then route to other destinations on the System routing table, or (ii) may check the System first and then route to destinations on the System routing table. If shares remain un-executed after routing, they are posted to the book. Once on the book, should the order subsequently be locked or crossed by another accessible market center, the System shall route the order to the locking or crossing market center.

(ix) A "Directed Order" is an Order designed to use a routing strategy under which the Order is directed to an automated trading center (as defined in Regulation NMS) other than Nasdaq, as directed by the entering party, without checking the Nasdaq Book. If unexecuted, the order (or unexecuted portion thereof) shall be returned to the entering party. A Directed Order is not an Order Type, but rather than Order using the Directed Order routing strategy.

Directed Orders may be designated as Intermarket Sweep Orders by the entering party to execute against the full displayed size of any Protected Bid or Protected Offer (as defined in Rule 600(b) of Regulation NMS under the Act). A broker-dealer that designates an order as an Intermarket Sweep Order has the responsibility of complying with Rules 610 and 611 of Regulation NMS.

Directed Orders may not be directed to a facility of an exchange that is an affiliate of Nasdaq except for Directed Orders directed to the Nasdaq BX Equities Market or to the Nasdaq PSX facility of Nasdaq PHLX.

(x) a. LIST is a routing option designed to allow orders to participate in the opening and/or closing process of the primary listing market for a security, and to follow additional routing logic as described below. A LIST order received before the security has opened on its primary listing market will be routed to the primary listing market for participation in that market's opening process. A LIST order may be designated to participate in the opening or closing only (as provided in the specifications of the destination market) or to remain in force after the opening or closing, as applicable. If a LIST order has been designated to participate in the opening only and is entered after the security has opened, the order will nevertheless be routed to the primary listing market; based on its designation as opening only, such an order would be expected to be rejected by the destination market, and would also be cancelled by Nasdaq if returned by the destination market. If a LIST order is received by Nasdaq before the destination market is able to receive orders for its opening process, the order will be held until such time as the destination market can receive it.

b. LSTY is a routing option that is a variation of the LIST routing option and shares all the existing functionality with the exception that after an order is booked, if the order is subsequently locked or crossed by another market center, the System will route the order to the locking or crossing market center. The System will only route an order to the locking or crossing market center after the security has opened on the primary listing market and prior to two minutes before market close.

After the security has opened on its primary listing market, a LIST order that has not been designated opening only and that has not been fully executed, rejected, or cancelled by the market to which it was routed will be returned to the Nasdaq system. Thereafter, the order will check the System for available shares and simultaneously route the remaining shares to destinations on the System routing table. Any remaining shares will be posted on the book. In addition, if a LIST order is entered after the security has opened on the primary listing market (but before a time that is two minutes before market close) and the order has not been designated to participate in the opening only, Nasdaq will check the System for available shares and simultaneously route the remaining shares to destinations on the System routing table, with remaining shares posted on the book. Once on the book, if the order is subsequently locked or crossed by another market center, the System will not route the order to the locking or crossing market center. Two minutes before market close, all LIST orders on the book will begin routing to the security's primary listing market for participation in its closing process. If a LIST order is received at or after a time that is two minutes before market close but before market close, Nasdaq will check the System for available shares and simultaneously route the remaining shares to destinations on the System routing table; remaining shares will be routed to the security's primary listing market to participate in its closing process. After the security has closed on the primary listing market, a LIST order that has not been designated as a closing only or MDAY order and that has not been fully executed, rejected, or cancelled by the market to which it was routed will be returned to the Nasdaq System and shares unexecuted in the closing process will be posted to the Nasdaq book. If a LIST order has been designated to participate in the closing only and is entered after the security has closed, the order will nevertheless be routed to the primary listing market unless the primary market for the security is NYSE or NYSE American; based on its designation as closing only, such an order would be expected to be rejected by the destination market, and would also be cancelled by Nasdaq if returned by the destination market. For NYSE and NYSE American securities, if a LIST order has been designated to participate in the closing only and is entered at 3:45 p.m. Eastern Time or later (or in the case of an early closing, is entered 15 minutes prior to the close or later), the order will be rejected. LIST orders received after market close that have not been designated as closing only and are eligible, based on the orders' time-in-force, to participate in the after-hours market will check the System for available shares and simultaneously route the remaining shares to destinations on the System routing table. Any remaining shares will be posted to the Nasdaq book.

If trading in the security is stopped across all markets, LIST orders will be sent to the primary listing market to participate in the re-opening process. When normal trading resumes, unexecuted shares will be removed from the primary listing market and posted on the Nasdaq book.

(xi) CART is a routing option under which orders route to the Nasdaq BX Equities Market and Nasdaq PSX and then check the System. If shares remain un-executed, they are posted to the book or cancelled. Once on the book, should the order subsequently be locked or crossed by another market center, the System will not route the order to the locking or crossing market center.

(xii) QDRK is a routing option under which orders check the System for available shares and simultaneously route the remaining shares to destinations on the System routing table that are not posting Protected Quotations within the meaning of Regulation NMS. If shares remain un-executed after routing, they are posted on the book. Once on the book, should the order subsequently be locked or crossed by another market center, the System will not route the order to the locking or crossing market center.

(xiii) QCST is a routing option under which orders check the System for available shares and simultaneously route the remaining shares to destinations on the System routing table that are not posting Protected Quotations within the meaning of Regulation NMS and to certain, but not all, exchanges. If shares remain un-executed after routing, they are posted on the book. Once on the book, should the order subsequently be locked or crossed by another market center, the System will not route the order to the locking or crossing market center.

Orders that do not check the System for available shares prior to routing may not be sent to a facility of an exchange that is an affiliate of Nasdaq, except for orders that are sent to the Nasdaq BX Equities Market or to the Nasdaq PSX facility of Nasdaq PHLX.

(xiv) MOPB is a routing option under which orders route only to Protected Quotations and only for displayed size. If shares remain unexecuted after routing, they will be immediately cancelled. The entire MOPB order will be cancelled immediately if, at the time of entry, there is an insufficient share quantity in the MOPB order to fulfill the displayed size of all Protected Quotations.

(xv) SCAR is a routing option under which orders will check the System for available shares and simultaneously route to the Nasdaq BX Equities Market and Nasdaq PSX in accordance with the System routing table. If shares remain unexecuted after routing, they are posted on the book or cancelled. Once on the book, should the order subsequently be locked or crossed by another market center, the System will not route the order to the locking or crossing market center.

(xvi) MIDP is a routing option under which a Non-Displayed Order to buy (sell) with a Midpoint Pegging Order Attribute will check the System for available shares and then route to destinations on the System routing table that support midpoint eligible orders with a limit price that is at the lesser (greater) of: (1) the current NBO (NBB); or (2) the Order's entered limit price (if applicable). If shares remain unexecuted after routing, the Order will check the System for available shares with remaining shares posted on the Nasdaq Book (unless an IOC Order) as a Non-Displayed Order with a Midpoint Pegging Order Attribute. If the entered limit price of a buy (sell) Order entered with MIDP is less (greater) than the current Midpoint price, the Order will not be routed but will instead be posted on the Nasdaq Book as a Non-Displayed Order with a Midpoint Peg Order Attribute, unless the Order has a Time-in-Force of IOC, in which case the Order will be cancelled. If the NBBO updates so that a resting Order with MIDP should be updated to a new midpoint price, it will be routed again and if shares remain unexecuted after routing, the Order will check the System for available shares with remaining shares reposted to the Nasdaq Book. A member may specify a Minimum Quantity Order Attribute on a MIDP Order. If upon entry the Order size is less than the Minimum Quantity designated by the member, the Order will be rejected. If at any point during the routing process, but prior to the Order returning to post on the Nasdaq Book, the remaining size of the Order becomes less than the specified Minimum Quantity, the Order will be cancelled back to the member. If shares remain unexecuted after routing, the Order will check the System for available shares with remaining shares posted on the Nasdaq Book (unless an IOC Order) as a Non-Displayed Order with a Midpoint Pegging Order Attribute with the minimum quantity condition specified by the member upon entry of the Order. An Order with the MIDP routing option will only be accepted with a Time-in-Force of Market Hours DAY or IOC. Unexecuted shares of an Order with the MIDP routing option will check the System for available shares with remaining shares cancelled after routing if the Order has a Time-in-Force of IOC. An Order with the MIDP routing option may not be flagged to participate in any of the Nasdaq Crosses.

(B) Priority of Routed Orders. Regardless of the routing option selected, orders sent by the System to other markets do not retain time priority with respect to other orders in the System and the System shall continue to execute other orders while routed orders are away at another market center. Once routed by the System, an order becomes subject to the rules and procedures of the destination market including, but not limited to, order cancellation. If a routed order is subsequently returned, in whole or in part, that order, or its remainder, shall receive a new time stamp reflecting the time of its return to the System.

(b) Routing Broker

(1) All routing by the System shall be performed by The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC's affiliated broker-dealer, Nasdaq Execution Services, LLC ("NES"), which, in turn, shall route orders to other market centers as directed by The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC either directly or through one or more third-party unaffiliated routing broker-dealers. The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC will determine the logic that provides when, how, and where orders are routed away to other exchanges. Except as provided in subparagraph (8) below, the routing broker(s) cannot change the terms of an order or the routing instructions, nor does the routing broker have any discretion about where to route an order.

(2) NES will not engage in any business other than: (a) as an outbound router for The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC and (b) any other activities it may engage in as approved by the Commission

(3) NES shall operate as a facility, as defined in Section 3(a)(2) of the Act, of The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC.

(4) For purposes of SEC Rule 17d-1, the designated examining authority of NES shall be a self-regulatory organization unaffiliated with The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC or any of its affiliates. The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC and NES may not use a routing broker for which the Exchange or any affiliate of the Exchange is the designated examining authority.

(5) The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC shall be responsible for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission rule changes related to the operation of, and fees for services provided by, NES and NES shall be subject to exchange non-discrimination requirements.

(6) The books, records, premises, officers, agents, directors and employees of NES as a facility of The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC shall be deemed to be the books, records, premises, officers, agents, directors and employees of The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC for purposes of, and subject to oversight pursuant to, the Exchange Act. The books and records of NES as a facility of the Nasdaq Stock market LLC shall be subject at all times to inspection and copying by the Commission.

(7) Use of NES to route orders to other market centers will be optional. Parties that do not desire to use NES must enter orders into The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC as immediate-or-cancel orders or any other order-type available through The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC that is ineligible for routing.

(8) NES shall establish and maintain procedures and internal controls reasonably designed to adequately restrict the flow of confidential and proprietary information between The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC and its facilities (including NES as its routing facility) and any other entity; or, where there is a routing broker, the Exchange, the Routing Facility and any routing broker, and any other entity, including any affiliate of the routing broker (and if the routing broker or any of its affiliates engages in any other business activities other than providing routing services to the Exchange, between the segment of the routing broker or affiliate that provides the other business activities and the segment of the routing broker that provides the routing services).

(c) Market Access. In addition to the Exchange Rules regarding routing to away trading centers, NES has, pursuant to Rule 15c3-5 under the Act, implemented certain tests designed to mitigate risks associated with providing the Exchange's Members with access to such away trading centers. Pursuant to the policies and procedures developed by NES to comply with Rule 15c3-5, if an order or series of orders are deemed to be violative of applicable pre-trade requirements under Rule 15c3-5, the order will be rejected prior to routing and/or NES will seek to cancel the order if it has been routed.

(d) Cancellation of Orders and Error Account

(1) Nasdaq or NES may cancel orders as either deems to be necessary to maintain fair and orderly markets if a technical or systems issue occurs at Nasdaq, NES, or a routing destination. Nasdaq or NES shall provide notice of the cancellation to affected members as soon as practicable.

(2) NES shall maintain an error account for the purpose of addressing positions that result from a technical or systems issue at NES, Nasdaq, a routing destination, or a non-affiliate third-party Routing Broker that affects one or more orders ("error positions").

(A) For purposes of this Rule 4758(d), an error position shall not include any position that results from an order submitted by a member to Nasdaq that is executed on Nasdaq and automatically processed for clearance and settlement on a locked-in basis.

(B) Except as provided in Rule 4758(d)(2)(C), NES shall not (i) accept any positions in its error account from an account of a member, or (ii) permit any member to transfer any positions from the member's account to NES's error account.

(C) If a technical or systems issue results in Nasdaq not having valid clearing instructions for a member to a trade, NES may assume that member's side of the trade so that the trade can be automatically processed for clearance and settlement on a locked-in basis.

(3) In connection with a particular technical or systems issue, NES or Nasdaq shall either (i) assign all resulting error positions to members in accordance with subparagraph (A) below, or (ii) have all resulting error positions liquidated in accordance with subparagraph (B) below. Any determination to assign or liquidate error positions, as well as any resulting assignments, shall be made in a nondiscriminatory fashion.

(A) NES or Nasdaq shall assign all error positions resulting from a particular technical or systems issue to the members affected by that technical or systems issue if NES or Nasdaq:

(i) determines that it has accurate and sufficient information (including valid clearing information) to assign the positions to all of the members affected by that technical or systems issue;

(ii) determines that it has sufficient time pursuant to normal clearance and settlement deadlines to evaluate the information necessary to assign the positions to all of the members affected by that technical or systems issue; and

(iii) has not determined to cancel all orders affected by that technical or systems issue in accordance with subparagraph (d)(1) above.

(B) If NES or Nasdaq is unable to assign all error positions resulting from a particular technical or systems issue to all of the affected members in accordance with subparagraph (A) above, or if NES or Nasdaq determines to cancel all orders affected by the technical or systems issue in accordance with subparagraph (d)(1) above, then NES shall liquidate the error positions as soon as practicable. NES shall:

(i) provide complete time and price discretion for the trading to liquidate the error positions to a third-party broker-dealer and shall not attempt to exercise any influence or control over the timing or methods of such trading; and

(ii) establish and enforce policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to restrict the flow of confidential and proprietary information between the third-party broker-dealer and NES/Nasdaq associated with the liquidation of the error positions.

(4) NES and Nasdaq shall make and keep records to document all determinations to treat positions as error positions and all determinations for the assignment of error positions to members or the liquidation of error positions, as well as records associated with the liquidation of error positions through the third-party broker-dealer.

(xvii) User Specific. User Specific is a routing option that can be applied to the RFTY routing strategy, where the routing process will be based on the RFTY routing strategy and allows for the User to elect to designate or exclude one or more destinations in the System routing table and elect the sequence in which destinations are accessed, including the option to not post to the book. The User may also elect the price and peg instructions with which to route on a per venue basis. The User may not elect to route the order to locking or crossing market centers once an order is on the book.

Adopted Oct. 16, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-001); amended Aug. 2, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-027); amended Oct. 10, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-043); amended Feb. 5, 2007 (SR-NASDAQ-2007-005); amended Sep. 7, 2007 (SR-NASDAQ-2007-078); amended Oct. 15, 2007 (SR-NASDAQ-2007-065); amended June 13, 2008 (SR-NASDAQ-2008-054); amended Sep. 26, 2008 (SR-NASDAQ-2008-079); amended Dec. 23, 2008 (SR-NASDAQ-2008-098); amended Apr. 17, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-036); amended Apr. 30, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-043); amended May 21, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-050); amended Aug. 21, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-079), operative Sept. 1, 2009; amended Jan. 29, 2010 (SR-NASDAQ-2010-018), operative Feb. 1, 2010; amended Mar. 1, 2010 (SR-NASDAQ-2010-030); amended Oct. 1, 2010 (SR-NASDAQ-2010-126), operative Oct. 8, 2010; amended Oct. 1, 2010 (SR-NASDAQ-2010-127), operative Oct. 8, 2010; amended Jan. 24, 2011 (SR-NASDAQ-2011-004), operative Feb. 7, 2011; amended Feb. 4, 2011 (SR-NASDAQ-2011-023), operative Feb. 14, 2011; amended Feb. 10, 2011 (SR-NASDAQ-2011-026), operative Feb. 22, 2011; amended July 13, 2011 (SR-NASDAQ-2011-097); amended June 27, 2012 (SR-NASDAQ-2012-057); amended Aug. 10, 2012 (SR-NASDAQ-2012-071); amended Jan. 23, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-014), operative Feb. 22, 2013; amended Mar. 5, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-033), operative Mar. 18, 2013; amended May 15. 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-078), operative June 3. 2013; amended Jan. 15, 2014 (SR-NASDAQ-2014-007), operative Feb. 14, 2014; amended Mar. 11, 2014 (SR-NASDAQ-2014-025), operative Apr. 10, 2014; amended Apr. 14, 2014 (SR-NASDAQ-2014-042); amended Mar. 30, 2015 (SR-NASDAQ-2015-031), operative Apr. 29, 2015; amended June 22, 2015 (SR-NASDAQ-2015-024); amended Nov. 2, 2015 (SR-NASDAQ-2015-135), operative Dec. 2, 2015; amended Dec. 21, 2015 (SR-NASDAQ-2015-112); amended Oct. 18, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-111); amended Feb. 14, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-014); amended Mar. 6, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-013), operative Apr. 8, 2019; amended June 3, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-050); amended May 20, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-004), operative Sept. 3, 2019; amended Nov. 23, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-079); amended Nov. 16, 2023 (SR-NASDAQ-2023-049), operative Nov. 30, 2023; amended Dec. 26, 2023 (SR-NASDAQ-2023-057).

4759. Data Feeds Utilized

(a) The Nasdaq System consumes quotation data from the below proprietary and network processor feeds for the handling, routing, and execution of orders, as well as for the regulatory compliance processes related to those functions. The Primary Source of data is used unless it is delayed by a configurable amount compared to the Secondary Source of data. The Exchange will revert to the Primary Source of data once the delay has been resolved. The configurable amount described in this rule will be made available to members via Equity Trader Alert.




Market Center

Primary Source Quotes

Secondary Source Quotes

A - NYSE American

Direct Feed


B - Nasdaq BX

Direct Feed


C - NYSE National

Direct Feed





H – MIAX Pearl

Direct Feed



Direct Feed



Direct Feed





M - NYSE Chicago

Direct Feed



Direct Feed


P - NYSE Arca

Direct Feed


T/Q - Nasdaq

Direct Feed



Direct Feed



Direct Feed


X - Nasdaq PSX

Direct Feed



Direct Feed



Direct Feed


(b) SIP Trade and Administrative Data. The SIP is the Primary Source of trade and administrative messages such as limit-up limit-down price bands, market-wide circuit breaker decline and status messages, Regulation SHO state messages, halts and resumes, and last sale information. Where available, the Direct Feeds are the Secondary Source of such information.

Adopted Oct. 16, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-001); amended Oct. 10, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-043); amended Feb. 20, 2007 (SR-NASDAQ-2007-009); amended Oct. 15, 2007 (SR-NASDAQ-2007-065); reserved June 13, 2008 (SR-NASDAQ-2008-054). Adopted July 15, 2014 (SR-NASDAQ-2014-072); amended Apr. 2, 2015 (SR-NASDAQ-2015-033); amended Aug. 5, 2015 (SR-NASDAQ-2015-093); amended Apr. 26, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-060), operative May 25, 2016; amended July 12, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-099); amended Aug. 2, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-082); amended Oct. 18, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-111); amended Nov. 28, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-121); amended Nov. 1, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-088), operative Nov. 4, 2019; amended Apr. 3, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-015), operative May 3, 2020; amended August 5, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-043); amended August 6, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-051), operative November 16, 2020; amended Nov. 23, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-079); amended February 3, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-008), operative March 5, 2021; amended June 8, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-049).

4760. Anonymity

(a) Transactions executed in the System shall be cleared and settled anonymously. The transaction reports produced by the System will indicate the details of the transactions, and shall not reveal contra party identities.

(b) Nasdaq shall reveal a Participant's identity in the following circumstances:

(1) when a registered clearing agency ceases to act for a participant, or the Participant's clearing firm, and the registered clearing agency determines not to guarantee the settlement of the Participant's trades;

(2) for regulatory purposes or to comply with an order of an arbitrator or court;

(3) if both Participants to the transaction consent;

(4) Unless otherwise instructed by a member, Nasdaq will reveal to a member, no later than the end of the day on the date an anonymous trade was executed, when the member's Quote or Order has been decremented by another Quote or Order submitted by that same member.

Adopted Oct. 16, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-001); amended Nov. 23, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-079).

(a) Except as provided below, the Nasdaq Market Center will automatically cancel open quotes and/or orders in all Nasdaq Market Center eligible securities resident in the system in response to issuer corporate actions, including any dividend (whether payable in cash or securities or both), payment, distribution, forward or reverse stock split, symbol change, or change in primary listing venue, immediately prior to the opening of the System at 4:00 a.m. on the ex-date of such actions.

(b) A member may designate that all orders with a time-in-force of good-till-cancelled that are entered through one or more order entry ports specified by the member will be processed in the following manner in the event of certain issuer corporate actions as specified below. The member may opt for the processing provided in this paragraph (b) on a port-by-port basis, but all of the provisions of this paragraph shall apply to all good-till-cancelled orders entered through a port that has been specified by the member hereunder.

(1) Cash Dividend. If an issuer is paying a cash dividend, the price of an order to buy will be reduced by the amount of the sum of all dividends payable, rounded up to the nearest whole cent; provided, however, that there will be no adjustment if the sum of all dividends is less than $0.01. For example, if the sum of all dividends is $0.381, the price of the order will be reduced by $0.39. An order to sell will be retained but will receive no price adjustment.

(2) Forward Stock Split or Stock Dividend. If an issuer is implementing a forward stock split or a stock dividend (i.e., a corporate action in which additional shares are issued to holders), the order will be cancelled if its size is less than one round lot. If the order's size is greater than one round lot, (i) the size of the order will be multiplied by the ratio of post-action shares to pre-action shares, with the result rounded downward to the nearest whole share, and (ii) the price of the order will be multiplied by the ratio of pre-action shares to post-action shares, with the result rounded down to the nearest whole penny in the case of orders to buy and rounded up to the nearest whole penny in the case of orders to sell. For example, if a member has entered a good-till-cancelled order to buy 375 shares at $10.95 per share and the issuer implemented a split or dividend under which an additional 1.25 shares would be issued for each share outstanding, the size of the order would be adjusted to 843 shares (375 x 2.25/1 = 843.75, rounded down to 843) and the price of the order would be adjusted to $4.86 per share ($10.95 per share x 1/2.25 = $4.8667 per share, rounded down to $4.86 per share). An order to sell at the same price and size would be adjusted to 843 shares with a price of $4.87 per share.

(3) Combination of Cash Dividend and Forward Stock Split or Stock Dividend. If an issuer is implementing a cash dividend and a forward stock split or stock dividend on the same date, the adjustments described above will both be applied, in the order described in the notice of the corporate actions received by Nasdaq.

(4) For other corporate actions, including symbol changes, changes in primary listing venue, reverse stock splits, and dividends payable in either cash or securities at the option of the stockholder, the order will be cancelled.

(5) All of the foregoing changes will be effected immediately prior to the opening of the System at 4:00 a.m. on the ex-date of the applicable corporate action. Open orders that are retained will be re-entered by the System (as adjusted above) immediately prior to the opening of the System, such that they will retain time priority over new orders entered at or after 4:00 a.m.

Adopted Oct. 16, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-001); amended Oct. 10, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-043); amended June 13, 2008 (SR-NASDAQ-2008-054); amended Apr. 17, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-068), operative May 17, 2013; amended July 22, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-096), operative Aug. 21, 2013; amended Dec. 18, 2014 (SR-NASDAQ-2014-126), operative Jan. 17, 2015; amended Oct. 18, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-111); amended Nov. 23, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-079).

4762. Clearly Erroneous Transactions

All matters related to clearly erroneous transactions executed in the System shall be initiated and adjudicated pursuant to Rule 11890.

Adopted Oct. 16, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-001); amended Nov. 23, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-079).

4763. Short Sale Price Test Pursuant to Rule 201 of Regulation SHO

(a) Definitions. For purposes of this Rule, the terms "covered security", "listing market", and "national best bid" shall have the same meaning as in Rule 201 of Regulation SHO.

(b) Short Sale Price Test. The System (as defined in Equity 1, Section (1)(a)(3) shall not execute or display a short sale order with respect to a covered security at a price that is less than or equal to the current national best bid if the price of that security decreases by 10% or more, as determined by the listing market for the security, from the security's closing price on the listing market as of the end of regular trading hours on the prior day ("Trigger Price").

(c) Determination of Trigger Price. For covered securities for which the Exchange is the listing market, the System shall determine whether a transaction in a covered security has occurred at a Trigger Price and shall immediately notify the single plan processor.

(1) The System will not calculate the Trigger Price of a covered security until:

(A) after the completion of the Nasdaq Opening Cross pursuant to Rule 4752(d), for securities in which a Nasdaq Opening Cross occurs, or

(B) after the System begins trading pursuant to Rule 4752(c) for securities in which no Nasdaq Opening Cross occurs.

(2) If a covered security did not trade on the Exchange on the prior trading day (due to a trading halt, trading suspension, or otherwise), the Exchange's determination of the Trigger Price shall be based on the last sale price on the Exchange for that security on the most recent day on which the security traded.

(d) Duration of Short Sale Price Test. If the Short Sale Price Test is triggered by the listing market with respect to a covered security, the Short Sale Price Test shall remain in effect until the close of trading on the next trading day, as provided for in Regulation SHO Rule 201(b)(1)(ii) (the "Short Sale Period").

(1) If the Exchange determines pursuant to Rule 4762 that the Short Sale Price Test for a covered security was triggered because of a clearly erroneous execution, the Exchange may lift the Short Sale Price Test before the Short Sale Period ends for securities for which the Exchange is the listing market or, for securities listed on another market, notify the other market of the Exchange's determination that the triggering transaction was a clearly erroneous execution. The Exchange may also lift the Short Sale Price Test before the Short Sale Period ends, for a covered security for which the Exchange is the listing market, if the Exchange has been informed by another exchange or a self-regulatory organization ("SRO") that a transaction in the covered security that occurred at the Trigger Price was a clearly erroneous execution, as determined by the rules of that exchange or SRO.

(2) If the Exchange determines that the prior day's closing price for a listed security is incorrect in the System and resulted in an incorrect determination of the Trigger Price, the Exchange may correct the prior day's closing price and lift the Short Sale Price Test before the Short Sale Period ends.

(e) Re-pricing of Orders during Short Sale Period. Except as provided below, during the Short Sale Period, short sale orders that are limited to the national best bid or lower and short sale market orders will be re-priced by the System one minimum allowable price increment above the current national best bid ("Permitted Price"). To reflect declines in the national best bid, the Exchange will continue to re-price a short sale order at the lowest Permitted Price down to the order's original limit price, or if a market order, until the order is filled. Non-displayed orders between the Nasdaq bid and offer at the time of receipt will also be re-priced upward to a Permitted Price to correspond with a rise in the national best bid.

(1) During the Short Sale Period, immediate or cancel ("IOC") orders requiring that all or part of the order be executed immediately will be executed to the extent possible at a Permitted Price and higher and then cancelled, and will not be re-priced. Inter-market sweep orders not marked "short exempt" will be handled in the same manner as IOC orders.

(2) During the Short Sale Period, short sale orders that are Limit-on-Open and Marketon- Open Orders defined in Nasdaq Rule 4752(a)(3) and (a)(4) and Limit-on-Close and Market-on-Close Orders defined in Nasdaq Rule 4754(a)(4) and (a)(5) shall be re-priced as described above, unless the spread between the national best bid and offer is $0.01 and there is no resting non-displayed Order that is locked or crossed at its non-displayed price by a Post-Only Order on the Nasdaq Book that is subject to be price adjusted at the time of the Nasdaq Opening Cross or the Nasdaq Closing Cross pursuant to Rule 4703(l). In that case, such orders shall be converted to Mid-Point Peg Orders defined in Nasdaq Rule 4703(d). Once converted, such orders will be priced at the midpoint of the national best bid and offer and may execute in subpennies if necessary to obtain a midpoint price.

(3) During the Short Sale Period, if an order was entered as a long sale order or a short sale exempt order but is subsequently marked pursuant to Nasdaq Rule 4756(a)(3) as a short sale order, the System will cancel the order unless it is priced at a Permitted Price or higher.

(f) Execution of Permissible Orders during the Short Sale Period. During the Short Sale Period, the System will execute and display a short sale order without regard to whether the order is at a Permitted Price or higher if, at the time of initial display of the short sale order, the order was at a price above the then current national best bid. Short sale orders that are entered into the Exchange prior to the Short Sale Period but are not displayed will be re-priced as described in (e) above.

(g) Short Exempt Orders. During the Short Sale Period, the System will execute and display orders marked "short exempt" without regard to whether the order is at a Permitted Price or higher. The System will accept orders marked "short exempt" at any time when the System is open for order entry, regardless of whether the Short Sale Price Test has been triggered.

Adopted Feb. 22, 2011 (SR-NASDAQ-2011-030); amended June 15, 2011 (SR-NASDAQ-2011-084); amended Jan. 18, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-012), operative Feb. 17, 2013; amended Apr. 24, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-071); amended Oct. 18, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-111); amended Sept. 5, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-073); amended Nov. 23, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-079); amended Sep. 29, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-077); amended December 23, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-105); amended May. 28, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-009), operative Apr. 25, 2022.

4770. Compliance with Regulation NMS Plan to Implement a Tick Size Pilot

(a) Tick Size Pilot Program

(1) Definitions.

(A) "Plan" means the Tick Size Pilot Plan Submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission Pursuant to Rule 608(a)(3) of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act.

(B) "Pilot Test Groups" means the three test groups established under the Plan, consisting of 400 Pilot Securities each, which satisfy the respective criteria established by the Plan for each such test group.

(C) Reserved.

(D) "Trade-at Intermarket Sweep Order" means a limit order for a Pilot Security that meets the following requirements:

(i) When routed to a Trading Center, the limit order is identified as a Trade-at Intermarket Sweep Order; and

(ii) Simultaneously with the routing of the limit order identified as a Trade-at Intermarket Sweep Order, one or more additional limit orders, as necessary, are routed to execute against the full size of any protected bid, in the case of a limit order to sell, or the full displayed size of any protected offer, in the case of a limit order to buy, for the Pilot Security with a price that is better than or equal to the limit price of the limit order identified as a Trade-at Intermarket Sweep Order. These additional routed orders also must be marked as Trade-at Intermarket Sweep Orders or Intermarket Sweep Orders.

(E) All capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Rule shall have the meanings set forth in the Plan, Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act, or Exchange rules, as applicable.

(2) Exchange Participation in the Plan. The Exchange is a Participant in, and subject to the applicable requirements of, the Plan, which establishes a Tick Size Pilot Program that will allow the Securities and Exchange Commission, market participants, and the public to study and assess the impact of increment conventions on the liquidity and trading of the common stocks of small capitalization companies.

(3) Member Compliance. Members shall establish, maintain and enforce written policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to comply with the applicable requirements of the Plan.

(4) Exchange Compliance with the Plan. Exchange systems will not display, quote or trade in violation of the applicable quoting and trading requirements for a Pilot Security specified in the Plan and this Rule, unless such quotation or transaction is specifically exempted under the Plan.

(5) Pilot Securities That Drop Below $1.00 during the Pilot Period. If the price of a Pilot Security drops below $1.00 during regular trading on any given business day, such Pilot Security will continue to be subject to the Plan and the requirements enumerated in (c)(1)-(3) below and will continue to trade in accordance with such Rules as if the price of the Pilot Security had not dropped below $1.00. However, if the Closing Price of a Pilot Security on any given business day is below $1.00, such Pilot Security will be moved out of its respective Pilot Test Group into the Control Group, and may then be quoted and traded at any price increment that is currently permitted by Exchange rules for the remainder of the Pilot Period. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, at all times during the Pilot Period, Pilot Securities (whether in the Control Group or any Pilot Test Group) will continue to be subject to the requirements contained in Paragraph (b).

(b) Compliance with Data Collection Requirements

(1) Policies and Procedures Requirement. A Member that operates a Trading Center shall establish, maintain and enforce written policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to comply with the data collection and transmission requirements of Items I and II of Appendix B of the Plan, and a Member that is a Market Maker shall establish, maintain and enforce written policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to comply with the data collection and transmission requirements of Item IV of Appendix B of the Plan and Item I of Appendix C of the Plan.

(2) The Exchange shall collect and transmit to the SEC the data described in Items I and II of Appendix B of the Plan relating to trading activity in Pre-Pilot Securities and Pilot Securities on a Trading Center operated by the Exchange. The Exchange shall transmit such data to the SEC in a pipe delimited format, on a disaggregated basis by Trading Center, within 30 calendar days following month end for:

(A) Each Pre-Pilot Data Collection Security for the period beginning six months prior to the Pilot Period through thirty-one days prior to the first day of the Pilot Period; and

(B) Each Pilot Security for the period beginning thirty days prior to the first day of the Pilot Period through six months after the end of the Pilot Period. The Exchange also shall make such data publicly available on the Exchange web site within 120 calendar days following month end at no charge and shall not identify the Member that generated the data.

(3) Daily Market Maker Participation Statistics Requirement

(A) A Member that is a Market Maker shall collect and transmit to their DEA data relating to Item IV of Appendix B of the Plan, with respect to activity conducted on any Trading Center in Pre-Pilot Securities and Pilot Securities in furtherance of its status as a Market Maker, including a Trading Center that executes trades otherwise than on a national securities exchange, for transactions that have settled or reached settlement date. Market Makers shall transmit such data in a format required by their DEA by 12:00 p.m. EST on T+4:

(i) For transactions in each Pre-Pilot Data Collection Security for the period beginning six months prior to the Pilot Period through thirty-one days prior to the first day of the Pilot Period; and

(ii) For transactions in each Pilot Security for the period beginning thirty days prior to the first day of the Pilot Period through six months after the end of the Pilot Period.

(B) A Member that is a Market Maker whose DEA is not a Participant to the Plan shall transmit the data collected pursuant to paragraph (3)(A) above to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. ("FINRA"). Market Makers shall transmit such data in a format required by FINRA by 12:00 p.m. EST on T+4 in accordance with paragraphs (3)(A)(i) and (ii) above.

(C) The Exchange shall transmit the data collected by the DEA or FINRA pursuant to paragraphs (3)(A) and (B) above relating to Market Maker activity on a Trading Center operated by the Exchange to the SEC in a pipe delimited format within 30 calendar days following month end. The Exchange shall also make such data publicly available on the Exchange web site within 120 calendar days following month end at no charge and shall not identify the Trading Center that generated the data.

(4) Market Maker Profitability

(A) A Member that is a Market Maker shall collect and transmit to their DEA the data described in Item I of Appendix C of the Plan with respect to executions on any Trading Center that have settled or reached settlement date. Market Makers shall transmit such data in a format required by their DEA by 12:00 p.m. EST on T+4 for executions during and outside of Regular Trading Hours in each:

(i) Pre-Pilot Data Collection Security for the period beginning six months prior to the Pilot Period through thirty-one days prior to the first day of the Pilot Period; and

(ii) Pilot Security for the period beginning thirty days prior to the first day of the Pilot Period through six months after the end of the Pilot Period.

(B) A Member that is a Market Maker whose DEA is not a Participant to the Plan shall transmit the data collected pursuant to paragraph (4)(A) above to FINRA. Market Makers shall transmit such data in a format required by FINRA by 12:00 p.m. EST on T+4 for executions during and outside of Regular Trading Hours in accordance with paragraphs (4)(A)(i) and (ii) above.

(5) Market Maker Registration Statistics. The Exchange shall collect and transmit to the SEC the data described in Item III of Appendix B of the Plan relating to daily Market Maker registration statistics in a pipe delimited format within 30 calendar days following month end for:

(A) For transactions in each Pre-Pilot Data Collection Security for the period beginning six months prior to the Pilot Period through the trading day immediately preceding the Pilot Period; and

(B) For transactions in each Pilot Security for the period beginning on the first day of the Pilot Period through six months after the end of the Pilot Period.

The Exchange also shall make such data publicly available on the Exchange web site within 120 calendar days following month end at no charge.

(c) Compliance with Quoting and Trading Restrictions

(1) Pilot Securities in Test Group One will be subject to the following requirement: No member may display, rank, or accept from any person any displayable or non-displayable bids or offers, orders, or indications of interest in increments other than $0.05. However, orders priced to trade at the midpoint of the national best bid and national best offer ("NBBO") or best protected bid and best protected offer ("PBBO") and orders entered in a Participant-operated retail liquidity program may be ranked and accepted in increments of less than $0.05. Pilot Securities in Test Group One may continue to trade at any price increment that is currently permitted by Equity 1, Section 1(a)(13).

(2) Pilot Securities in Test Group Two shall be subject to the following requirements:

(A) No member may display, rank, or accept from any person any displayable or non-displayable bids or offers, orders, or indications of interest in increments other than $0.05. However, orders priced to trade at the midpoint of the NBBO or PBBO and orders entered in a Participant-operated retail liquidity program may be ranked and accepted in increments of less than $0.05.

(B) Absent any of the exceptions listed in (C) below, no member may execute orders in any Pilot Security in Test Group Two in price increments other than $0.05. The $0.05 trading increment will apply to all trades, including Brokered Cross Trades.

(C) Pilot Securities in Test Group Two may trade in increments less than $0.05 under the following circumstances:

(i) Trading may occur at the midpoint between the NBBO or the PBBO;

(ii) Retail Investor Orders may be provided with price improvement that is at least $0.005 better than the PBBO;

(iii) Negotiated Trades may trade in increments less than $0.05; and

(iv) Execution of a customer order to comply with Rule 5320A following the execution of a proprietary trade by the member at an increment other than $0.05, where such proprietary trade was permissible pursuant to an exception under the Plan.

(3) Pilot Securities in Test Group Three shall be subject to the following requirements:

(A) No member may display, rank, or accept from any person any displayable or non-displayable bids or offers, orders, or indications of interest in increments other than $0.05. However, orders priced to trade at the midpoint of the NBBO or PBBO and orders entered in a Participant-operated retail liquidity program may be ranked and accepted in increments of less than $0.05.

(B) Absent any of the exceptions listed in (C) below, no member may execute orders in any Pilot Security in Test Group Three in price increments other than $0.05. The $0.05 trading increment will apply to all trades, including Brokered Cross Trades.

(C) Pilot Securities in Test Group Three may trade in increments less than $0.05 under the following circumstances:

(i) Trading may occur at the midpoint between the NBBO or PBBO;

(ii) Retail Investor Orders may be provided with price improvement that is at least $0.005 better than the Best Protected Bid or the Best Protected Offer;

(iii) Negotiated Trades may trade in increments less than $0.05; and

(iv) Execution of a customer order to comply with Rule 5320A following the execution of a proprietary trade by the member at an increment other than $0.05, where such proprietary trade was permissible pursuant to an exception under the Plan.

(D) Pilot Securities in Test Group Three will be subject to the following Trade-at Prohibition:

(i) "Trade-at Prohibition" means the prohibition against executions by a Trading Center of a sell order for a Pilot Security at the price of a Protected Bid or the execution of a buy order for a Pilot Security at the price of a Protected Offer during regular trading hours.

(ii) Absent any of the exceptions listed in (iii) below, no member may execute a sell order for a Pilot Security in Test Group Three at the price of a Protected Bid or execute a buy order for a Pilot Security in Test Group Three at the price of a Protected Offer.

(iii) Members may execute a sell order for a Pilot Security in Test Group Three at the price of a Protected Bid or execute a buy order for a Pilot Security in Test Group Three at the price of a Protected Offer if any of the following circumstances exist:

(a) The order is executed as agent or riskless principal by an independent trading unit, as defined under Rule 200(f) of Regulation SHO, of a Trading Center within a member that has a displayed quotation as agent or riskless principal, via either a processor or an SRO Quotation Feed, at a price equal to the traded-at Protected Quotation, that was displayed before the order was received, but only up to the full displayed size of that independent trading unit's previously displayed quote;

(b) The order is executed by an independent trading unit, as defined under Rule 200(f) of Regulation SHO, of a Trading Center within a member that has a displayed quotation for the account of that Trading Center on a principal (excluding riskless principal) basis, via either a processor or an SRO Quotation Feed, at a price equal to the traded-at Protected Quotation, that was displayed before the order was received, but only up to the full displayed size of that independent trading unit's previously displayed quote;

(c) The order is of Block Size at the time of origin and may not be:

(A) an aggregation of non-block orders; or

(B) broken into orders smaller than Block Size prior to submitting the order to a Trading Center for execution;

(d) The order is a Retail Investor Order executed with at least $0.005 price improvement;

(e) The order is executed when the Trading Center displaying the Protected Quotation that was traded at was experiencing a failure, material delay, or malfunction of its systems or equipment;

(f) The order is executed as part of a transaction that was not a "regular way" contract;

(g) The order is executed as part of a single-priced opening, reopening, or closing transaction on the Exchange;

(h) The order is executed when a Protected Bid was priced higher than a Protected Offer in the Pilot Security;

(i) The order is identified as a Trade-at Intermarket Sweep Order;

(j) The order is executed by a Trading Center that simultaneously routed Trade-at Intermarket Sweep Orders or Intermarket Sweep Orders to execute against the full displayed size of the Protected Quotation that was traded at;

(k) The order is executed as part of a Negotiated Trade;

(l) The order is executed when the Trading Center displaying the Protected Quotation that was traded at had displayed, within one second prior to execution of the transaction that constituted the Trade-at, a Best Protected Bid or Best Protected Offer, as applicable, for the Pilot Security with a price that was inferior to the price of the Trade-at transaction;

(m) The order is executed by a Trading Center which, at the time of order receipt, the Trading Center had guaranteed an execution at no worse than a specified price (a "stopped order"), where:

(A) The stopped order was for the account of a customer;

(B) The customer agreed to the specified price on an order-by-order basis; and

(C) The price of the Trade-at transaction was, for a stopped buy order, equal to or less than the National Best Bid in the Pilot Security at the time of execution or, for a stopped sell order, equal to or greater than the National Best Offer in the Pilot Security at the time of execution, as long as such order is priced at an acceptable increment;

(n) The order is for a fractional share of a Pilot Security, provided that such fractional share order was not the result of breaking an order for one or more whole shares of a Pilot Security into orders for fractional shares or was not otherwise effected to evade the requirements of the Trade-at Prohibition or any other provisions of the Plan; or

(o) The order is to correct a bona fide error, which is recorded by the Trading Center in its error account. A bona fide error is defined as:

(A) The inaccurate conveyance or execution of any term of an order including, but not limited to, price, number of shares or other unit of trading; identification of the security; identification of the account for which securities are purchased or sold; lost or otherwise misplaced order tickets; short sales that were instead sold long or vice versa; or the execution of an order on the wrong side of a market;

(B) The unauthorized or unintended purchase, sale, or allocation of securities, or the failure to follow specific client instructions;

(C) The incorrect entry of data into relevant systems, including reliance on incorrect cash positions, withdrawals, or securities positions reflected in an account; or

(D) A delay, outage, or failure of a communication system used to transmit market data prices or to facilitate the delivery or execution of an order.

(iv) No member shall break an order into smaller orders or otherwise effect or execute an order to evade the requirements of the Trade-at Prohibition of this Rule or any other provisions of the Plan.

(d) Operation of Order Types and Order Attributes

This section sets forth Nasdaq's specific procedures for handling, executing, re-pricing and displaying of certain Order Types and Order Attributes applicable to Pilot Securities. Unless otherwise indicated, this section applies to orders in all three Test Group Pilot Securities.

(1) All Order Types. Any Order Type in a security of any of the Test Groups that requires a price and does not otherwise qualify for an exception, will not be accepted if it is in a minimum price increment other than $0.05. This minimum price increment applies to repricing and rounding by the System, unless otherwise noted below.

Subject to the provisions below, if the entered limit price of an Order in a Test Group Three Pilot Security, entered through RASH, QIX, or FIX, locked or crossed a Protected Quotation and the NBBO changes so that the Order can be ranked closer to its original entered limit price, the price of the Order will be adjusted repeatedly in accordance with changes to the NBBO.

(2) Price to Comply Order. A Price to Comply Order in a Test Group Pilot Security will operate as described in Rule 4702(b)(1) except as provided under this paragraph. If a Price to Comply Order for a Test Group Three Pilot Security is partially executed upon entry and the remainder would lock a Protected Quotation of another market center, the unexecuted portion of the Order will be cancelled. If the Order is not executable against any previously posted orders on the Nasdaq Book, and the limit price of a buy (sell) Price to Comply Order in a Test Group Three Pilot Security would lock or cross a Protected Quotation of another market center, the Order will display at one minimum price increment below (above) the Protected Quotation, and the Order will be ranked on the Nasdaq Book at the current midpoint of the NBBO.

A Price to Comply Order in a Test Group Three Pilot Security entered through OUCH or FLITE may be adjusted in the following manner after initial entry and posting to the Nasdaq Book:

• If entered at a price that locked a Protected Quotation, and if the NBBO changes such that it can be ranked and displayed at the price of the Protected Quotation that it locked, the Price to Comply Order will be adjusted to rank and display at its original entered limit price.

• If entered at a price that crossed a Protected Quotation, and if the NBBO changes such that it can be ranked at the price of the Protected Quotation it crossed, the Price to Comply Order, based on the participant's choice, may either be (i) cancelled or (ii) adjusted to rank at the price of the Protected Quotation it crossed upon entry with its displayed price remaining unchanged.

• If, after being posted on the Nasdaq Book, the non-displayed price of a Price to Comply Order becomes locked or crossed by a Protected Quotation due to a change in the NBBO, or if the Price to Comply Order is at an impermissible price under Regulation NMS or the Plan and it cannot otherwise be adjusted as above, the Price to Comply Order will be cancelled.

(3) Non-Displayed Order. A Non-Displayed Order in a Test Group Pilot Security will operate as described in Rule 4702(b)(3) except as provided under this paragraph. A resting Non-Displayed Order in a Test Group Three Pilot security cannot execute at the price of a Protected Quotation of another market center unless the incoming Order otherwise qualifies for an exception to the Trade-at prohibition provided under Rule 4770(c)(3)(D). If the limit price of a buy (sell) Non-Displayed Order in a Test Group Three Pilot Security would lock or cross a Protected Quotation of another market center, the Order will be ranked on the Nasdaq Book at either one minimum price increment below (above) the National Best Offer (National Best Bid) or at the midpoint of the NBBO, whichever is higher (lower). If a resting Non-Displayed Order in a Test Group Three Pilot Security entered through RASH, QIX, or FIX becomes locked or crossed by a Protected Quotation due to a change in the NBBO, or if the Non-Displayed Order is at an impermissible price under Regulation NMS or the Plan, the Non-Displayed Order will be repriced to a price that is at either one minimum price increment below (above) the National Best Offer (National Best Bid) or at the midpoint of the NBBO, whichever is higher (lower) and will receive a new timestamp.

For a Non-Displayed Order in a Test Group Three Pilot Security entered through OUCH or FLITE, if after such a Non-Displayed Order is posted to the Nasdaq Book, the NBBO changes so that the Non-Displayed Order would no longer be executable at its posted price due to the requirements of Regulation NMS or the Plan, the Non-Displayed Order will be cancelled back to the Participant.

A Non-Displayed Order in a Test Group Three Pilot Security entered through OUCH or FLITE may be adjusted in the following manner after initial entry and posting to the Nasdaq Book:

• If entered at a price that locked a Protected Quotation, and if the NBBO changes such that it can be ranked at the price of the Protected Quotation that it locked, the Non-Displayed Order will be adjusted to rank at its original entered limit price.

• If entered at a price that crossed a Protected Quotation, and if the NBBO changes such that it can be ranked at the price of the Protected Quotation it crossed, the Order, based on the Participant's choice, may either be (i) cancelled or (ii) adjusted to rank at the price of the Protected Quotation it crossed.

• If entered at a price that locked or crossed a Protected Quotation, and if the NBBO changes such that it cannot be ranked at the price of the Protected Quotation it locked or crossed but can be ranked closer to its original limit price, the Non-Displayed Order will be adjusted to the new midpoint of the NBBO.

• If, after being posted on the Nasdaq Book, the Non-Displayed Order becomes locked or crossed by a Protected Quotation due to a change in the NBBO, or if the Non-Displayed Order is at an impermissible price under Regulation NMS or the Plan and it cannot otherwise be adjusted as above, the Non-Displayed Order will be cancelled.

(4) Post-Only Order. A Post-Only Order in a Test Group Pilot Security will operate as described in Rule 4702(b)(4) except as provided under this paragraph. For orders that are not attributable, if the limit price of a buy (sell) Post-Only Order in a Test Group Three Pilot Security would lock or cross a Protected Quotation of another market center, the Order will display at one minimum price increment below (above) the Protected Quotation, and the Order will be ranked on the Nasdaq Book at the current midpoint of the NBBO.

A Non-Attributable Post-Only Order in a Test Group Three Pilot Security entered through OUCH or FLITE may be adjusted in the following manner after initial entry and posting to the Nasdaq Book:

• If entered at a price that locked a Protected Quotation, and if the NBBO changes such that it can be ranked and displayed at the price of the Protected Quotation that it locked,, the Post-Only Order will be adjusted to rank and display at its original entered limit price.

• If entered at a price that crossed a Protected Quotation, and if the NBBO changes such that it can be ranked at the price of the Protected Quotation it crossed, the Post-Only Order, based on the Participant's choice, may either be (i) cancelled or (ii) adjusted to rank at the price of the Protected Quotation it crossed upon entry with its displayed price remaining unchanged.

• If, after being posted on the Nasdaq Book, the non-displayed price of a resting Post-Only Order becomes locked or crossed by a Protected Quotation due to a change in the NBBO, or if the Post-Only Order is at an impermissible price under Regulation NMS or the Plan and it cannot otherwise be adjusted as above, the Post-Only Order will be cancelled.

(5) Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order. A Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order in a Test Group Pilot Security will operate as described in Rule 4702(b)(5) except as provided under this paragraph. A Midpoint Peg Post-Only Order in a Test Group Pilot Security may execute at the midpoint of the NBBO in an increment other than the minimum price increment.

(6) Supplemental Order. A Supplemental Order in a Test Group Pilot Security will operate as described in Rule 4702(b)(6) except as provided under this paragraph. A Supplemental Order in a Test Group Three Pilot Security will not be accepted by the System.

(7) Market Maker Peg Order. A Market Maker Peg Order in a Test Group Pilot Security will operate as described in Rule 4702(b)(7) except as provided under this paragraph. The displayed price of a Market Maker Peg Order in a Test Group Pilot Security will be rounded up (down) to the nearest minimum price increment for bids (offers), if it would otherwise display at an increment smaller than the minimum price increment. For example, if the NBB is $10.05 and NBO is $10.15, and the Designated Percentage (as defined in Equity 2, Section 5) is 28%, the displayed price of a Market Maker Peg Order to buy 100 shares of a Test Group Pilot Security would be $7.25 (i.e., $10.05 - ($10.05 x 0.28) = $7.236, rounded up to $7.25). Using the same market, but with a Market Maker Peg Order to sell 100 shares, the displayed price of the Order would be $12.95 (i.e., $10.15 + ($10.15 x 0.28) = $12.992, rounded down to $12.95).

(8) Midpoint Pegging. An Order with Midpoint Pegging in a Test Group Pilot Security will operate as described in Rule 4703(d) except as provided under this paragraph. An Order in a Test Group Pilot Security with Midpoint Pegging may execute at the midpoint of the NBBO in an increment other than the minimum price increment.

(9) Reserve Size. An Order with Reserve Size in a Test Group Pilot Security will operate as described in Rule 4703(h) except as provided under this paragraph. A resting Order in a Test Group Three Pilot Security with a Reserve Size (either a Price to Comply Order or a Price to Display Order through RASH, FIX or QIX) may not execute the non-displayed Reserve Size at the price of a Protected Quotation of another market center unless the incoming Order otherwise qualifies for an exception to the Trade-at prohibition provided under Rule 4770(c)(3)(D). If an Order with Reserve Size for a Test Group Three Pilot Security is partially executed upon entry and the remainder would lock a Protected Quotation of another market center, the unexecuted portion of the Order will be cancelled. If the Order is not executable against any previously posted orders on the Nasdaq Book, and the limit price of a buy (sell) Price to Comply Order with Reserve Size in a Test Group Three Pilot Security would lock or cross a Protected Quotation of another market center, the displayed portion of the Order will display at one minimum price increment below (above) the Protected Quotation, and the displayed and non-displayed portions of the Order will be ranked on the Nasdaq Book at the current midpoint of the NBBO. If the Order is not executable against any previously posted orders on the Nasdaq Book, and the limit price of a buy (sell) Price to Display Order with Reserve Size in a Test Group Three Pilot Security would lock or cross a Protected Quotation of another market center, the displayed portion of the Order will display and be ranked at one minimum price increment below (above) the Protected Quotation, and the non-displayed portion of the Order will be ranked on the Nasdaq Book at the current midpoint of the NBBO. If after being posted to the Nasdaq Book, the NBBO changes so that the Order with Reserve Size in a Test Group Three Pilot Security would no longer be executable at its ranked price due to the requirements of Regulation NMS or the Plan, the order will be adjusted in the same manner as described above.

(10) Good-till-Cancelled. An Order with a Time-in-Force of Good-till-Cancelled in a Test Group Pilot Security will operate as described in Rule 4703(a)(3) except as provided under this paragraph. An Order in a Test Group Security with a Good-till-Cancelled Time-in-Force that is adjusted pursuant to Rule 4761(b) will be adjusted based on a $0.05 increment.


.01 The terms used in this Rule 4770 shall have the same meaning as provided in the Plan, unless otherwise specified.

.02 For purposes of the reporting requirement in Appendix B.II.(n), a Trading Center shall report "Y" to their DEA where it is relying upon the Retail Investor Order exception to Test Groups Two and Three, and "N" in all other instances.

.03 For purposes of Appendix B.I, the field "Affected by Limit-Up Limit-Down bands" shall be included. A Trading Center shall report a value of "Y" to their DEA when the ability of an order to execute has been affected by the Limit-Up Limit-Down (LULD) bands in effect at the time of order receipt. A Trading Center shall report a value of "N" to their DEA when the ability of an order to execute has not been affected by the LULD bands in effect at the time of order receipt. For purposes of Appendix B.I, the Participants shall classify all orders in Pilot and Pre-Pilot Securities that may trade in a foreign market as: (1) fully executed domestically or (2) fully or partially executed on a foreign market. For purposes of Appendix B.II, the Participants shall classify all orders in Pilot and Pre-Pilot Securities that may trade in a foreign market as: (1) directed to a domestic venue for execution; (2) may only be directed to a foreign venue for execution; or (3) fully or partially directed to a foreign venue at the discretion of the Member.

.04 (a) For purposes of Appendix B.I.a(14), B.I.a(15), B.I.a(21) and B.I.a(22), the time ranges shall be changed as follows:

(1) Appendix B.I.a(14A): The cumulative number of shares of orders executed from 100 microseconds to less than 1 millisecond after the time of order receipt;

(2) Appendix B.I.a(15): The cumulative number of shares of orders executed from 1millisecond to less than 100 milliseconds after the time of order receipt;

(3) Appendix B.I.a(21A): The cumulative number of shares of orders canceled from 100 microseconds to less than 1 millisecond after the time of order receipt; and

(4) Appendix B.I.a(22): The cumulative number of shares of orders canceled from 1 millisecond to less than 100 milliseconds after the time of order receipt.

(b) For purposes of Appendix B.I.a(21) through B.I.a(27), unexecuted Immediate or Cancel orders shall be categorized separately irrespective of the duration of time after order receipt.

.05 For purposes of Appendix B.I.a(31)-(33), the relevant measurement is the time of order receipt.

.06 For purposes of Appendix B, the following order types and numbers shall be included and assigned the following numbers: "not held" orders (18); clean cross orders (19); auction orders (20); and orders that cannot otherwise be classified, including orders received when the NBBO is crossed (21); and limit order priced more than $0.10 away from the NBBO (22). For purposes of order types 12-14 in Appendix B, such order types shall include all orders and not solely "resting" orders.

.07 A Member shall not be deemed a Trading Center for purposes of Appendix B of the Plan where that Member only executes orders otherwise than on a national securities exchange for the purpose of: (i) correcting a bona fide error related to the execution of a customer order; (ii) purchases a security from a customer at a nominal price solely for purposes of liquidating the customer's position; or (iii) completing the fractional share portion of an order.

.08 A Trading Center shall begin the data collection required pursuant to Appendix B.I.a(1) through B.II.(y) of the Plan and Item I of Appendix C of the Plan on April 4, 2016. The requirement that the Exchange or their DEA provide information to the SEC within 30 days following month end pursuant to Appendix B and C of the Plan shall commence at the beginning of the Pilot Period. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (b)(2)(B), (b)(3)(C), and (b)(5) of this Rule, with respect to data for the Pre-Pilot and Pilot Period, the requirement that the Exchange or DEA make Appendix B data publicly available on the Exchange's or DEA's web site shall commence on August 31, 2017. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (b)(4) of this Rule, the Exchange or DEA shall make Appendix C data for the Pre-Pilot Period through January 2017 publicly available on the Exchange or DEA's web site by February 28, 2017.

.09 For purposes of Appendix B.IV, the count of the number of Market Makers used in the calculation of share (trade) participation shall be added to each category. For purposes of Appendix B.IV(b) and (c), share participation and trade participation shall be calculated by using a total count instead of a share-weighted average or a trade-weighted average. For purposes of Appendix B, B.IV(d) (cross-quote share (trade) participation), (e) (inside-the-quote share (trade) participation), (f) (at-the-quote share (trade) participation), and (g) (outside-the-quote share (trade) participation), shall be calculated by reference to the National Best Bid or National Best Offer in effect immediately prior to the trade.

.10 For purposes of Item I of Appendix C, the Participants shall calculate daily Market Maker realized profitability statistics for each trading day on a daily last in, first out (LIFO) basis using reported trade price and shall include only trades executed on the subject trading day. The daily LIFO calculation shall not include any positions carried over from previous trading days. For purposes of Item I.c of Appendix C, the Participants shall calculate daily Market Maker unrealized profitability statistics for each trading day on an average price basis. Specifically, the Participants must calculate the volume weighted average price of the excess (deficit) of buy volume over sell volume for the current trading day using reported trade price. The gain (loss) of the excess (deficit) of buy volume over sell volume shall be determined by using the volume weighted average price compared to the closing price of the security as reported by the primary listing exchange. In calculating unrealized trading profits, the Participant also shall report the number of excess (deficit) shares held by the Market Maker, the volume weighted average price of that excess (deficit), and the closing price of the security as reported by the primary listing exchange used in reporting unrealized profit.

.11 "Pre-Pilot Data Collection Securities" are the securities designated by the Participants for purposes of the data collection requirements described in Items I, II and IV of Appendix B and Item I of Appendix C of the Plan for the period beginning six months prior to the Pilot Period through thirty-one days prior to the Pilot Period. The Participants shall compile the list of Pre-Pilot Data Collection Securities by selecting all NMS stocks with a market capitalization of $5 billion or less, a Consolidated Average Daily Volume (CADV) of 2 million shares or less and a closing price of $1 per share or more. The market capitalization and the closing price thresholds shall be applied to the last day of the Pre-Pilot measurement period, and the CADV threshold shall be applied to the duration of the Pre-Pilot measurement period. The Pre-Pilot measurement period shall be the three calendar months ending on the day when the Pre-Pilot Data Collection Securities are selected. The Pre-Pilot Data Collection Securities shall be selected thirty days prior to the commencement of the six-month Pre-Pilot Period.

.12 This Rule shall be in effect during a pilot period to coincide with the pilot period for the Plan (including any extensions to the pilot period for the Plan).

.13 For purposes of qualifying for the Block Size exception under paragraph (c)(3)(D)(iii) of this Rule, the Order must have a size of 5,000 shares or more and the resulting execution upon entry must have a size of 5,000 shares or more in aggregate.

Adopted July 28, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-019); amended Oct. 4, 2006 (SR-NASDAQ-2006-042); amended Sept. 1, 2008 (SR-NASDAQ-2008-068); deleted Aug. 10, 2010 (SR-NASDAQ-2010-101), operative Sept. 13, 2010; amended Mar. 23, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-043); amended June 24, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-093), operative July 24, 2016; amended Aug. 29, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-123); amended Oct. 7, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-126); amended Oct. 17, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-143); amended Oct. 31, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-151); amended Nov. 14, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-159); amended Nov. 30, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-165); amended Dec. 13, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-171); amended Feb. 28, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-024); amended Apr. 28, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-044); amended Nov. 23, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-079).

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