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Options 2 Options Market Participants
Section 1. Registration of Market Makers

(a) A Market Maker is a Member with Designated Trading Representatives registered pursuant to Options 2, Section 2. Market Makers are registered with the Exchange for the purpose of making transactions as dealer-specialist in accordance with the provisions of this Rule. Registered Market Makers are designated as specialists on the Exchange for all purposes under the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations thereunder.

(b) To register as a Competitive or Primary Market Maker, a Member shall file an application in writing on such forms as the Exchange may prescribe. Applications shall be reviewed by the Exchange, which shall consider an applicant's market making ability and such other factors as the Exchange deems appropriate. After reviewing the application, the Exchange shall either approve or disapprove the applicant's registration as a Competitive or Primary Market Maker.

(c) The registration of any Member as a Competitive or Primary Market Maker may be suspended or terminated by the Exchange upon a determination that such Member has failed to properly perform as a Market Maker.

[Adopted July 8, 2019 (SR-MRX-2019-15).]

Section 2. Designated Trading Representatives

(a) Market Maker quotations and orders may be submitted to the Exchange's System only by Designated Trading Representatives ("DTRs"). A DTR is permitted to enter quotes and orders only for the account of the Market Maker with which he is associated.

(b) Registration of Designated Trading Representatives. The Exchange may, upon receiving an application in writing from a Market Maker on a form prescribed by the Exchange, approve a person as a DTR.

(1) DTRs may be:

(A) individual Members registered with the Exchange as Market Makers, or

(B) officers, partners, employees or associated persons of Members that are registered with the Exchange as Market Makers.

(2) The Exchange may require a Market Maker to provide additional information the Exchange considers necessary to establish whether a person should be approved.

(3) A person may be conditionally approved as a DTR subject to any conditions the Chief Regulatory Officer considers appropriate in the interests of maintaining a fair and orderly market.

(c) Suspension or Withdrawal of Registration.

(1) The Exchange may suspend or withdraw the registration previously given to a person to be a DTR if the Exchange determines that:

(A) the person has caused the Market Maker to fail to comply with the Rules of the Exchange;

(B) the person is not properly performing the responsibilities of a DTR;

(C) the person has failed to meet the conditions set forth under paragraph (b) above; or

(D) the Exchange believes it is in the best interest of fair and orderly markets.

(2) If the Exchange suspends the registration of a person as a DTR, the Market Maker must not allow the person to submit quotes and orders into the Exchange's System.

(3) The registration of a DTR will be withdrawn upon the written request of the Member for which the DTR is registered. Such written request shall be submitted on the form prescribed by the Exchange.

[Adopted July 8, 2019 (SR-MRX-2019-15).]

Section 3. Appointment of Market Makers

(a) In the manner prescribed by the Exchange, a Market Maker may seek appointment to one or more options classes traded on the Exchange. The Board or a committee designated by the Board shall appoint classes of options contracts traded on the Exchange to Market Makers taking into consideration: (i) the financial resources available to the Market Maker, (ii) the Market Maker's experience and expertise in market making or options trading, and (iii) the maintenance and enhancement of competition among Market Makers in each class of options contracts to which they are appointed. The Board or designated committee shall make appointments in the best interest of the Exchange to provide competitive markets. No appointment of a Market Maker shall be without the Market Maker's consent to such appointment, provided that refusal to accept an appointment may be deemed sufficient cause for termination or suspension of a Market Maker's registration.

(b) Appointments to Primary Market Makers. A Primary Market Maker shall be appointed to each options class traded on the Exchange.

(1) A Primary Market Maker seeking appointment to options on equity indexes, foreign currency indexes, foreign currency options and Exchange-Traded Fund Shares (collectively "Index-Based Products") shall provide, at the discretion of the Exchange, and upon its request, specific performance commitments, which shall include, at a minimum, commitments regarding (i) the average quotation size it will disseminate in the Index-Based Product, and (ii) the maximum quotation spread it will disseminate in such product at least ninety percent of the time.

(c) Appointments to Competitive Market Makers. Competitive Market Makers may request appointments to options classes traded on the Exchange, subject to the trading licensing requirements of Options 4A, Section 16 with respect to index options.

(1) On a quarterly basis, the Exchange shall assign points to each options class equal to its percentage of overall industry volume (not including exclusively traded index options), rounded down to the nearest one hundredth of a percentage with a maximum of 15 points. New listings will be assigned a point value of zero for the remainder of the quarter in which it was listed.

(2) A Competitive Market Maker may seek appointments to options classes that total: (A) 20 points for the first CMM Right it holds; and (B) 10 points for the second and each subsequent CMM Right it holds.

(3) A Competitive Market Maker may request changes to its appointments at any time upon advance notification to the Exchange in a form and manner prescribed by the Exchange.

(d) The Exchange may suspend or terminate any appointment of a Market Maker under this Rule and may make additional appointments whenever, in the Exchange's judgment, the interests of a fair and orderly market are best served by such action. In the case of an Index-Based Product, during the term of that appointment, the Exchange may also base a decision to suspend or terminate a Primary Market Maker's appointment on the failure of the Primary Market Maker to meet the terms of its commitments under paragraph (b)(1) above.

(e) Market Maker Performance. In making appointments to Market Makers, the Exchange may evaluate the performance of Market Makers relating to, among other things, quality of markets, competition among Market Makers, observance of ethical standards, and administrative factors. The Exchange may consider any relevant information, including but not limited to the results of a Market Maker evaluation questionnaire, trading data, a Market Maker's regulatory history and such other factors and data as may be pertinent in the circumstances. Moreover, failure by a Market Maker to meet minimum performance standards may result in, among other things: (1) suspension, termination or restriction of an appointment to one or more of the options classes appointed to the Market Maker; (2) restriction of appointments to additional options classes; or (3) suspension, termination, or restriction of the Market Maker's registration.

Supplementary Material to Options 2, Section 3

.01 Index-Based Options. Pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) of Options 2, Section 3, a Primary Market Maker shall specify the average size and maximum quotation spread to which it will commit on a quarterly basis for four successive calendar quarters. The Primary Market Maker may specify differing size and quotation commitments for different series of an options class, such as by committing to a larger size and narrower quotations for the at-the-money series or series nearer to expiration. A Primary Market Maker also may, but is not required to, provide commitments regarding marketing or other support with respect to the Index-Based Product. In addition, a Primary Market Maker may, but is not required to, provide information regarding order flow arrangements with order flow providers. When an Index-Based Product is allocated to a Primary Market Maker, that Primary Market Maker's size and spread quotations for the fourth quarter following listing shall remain in effect thereafter on a quarter-to-quarter basis unless the Primary Market Maker has requested, and the Exchange or designated committee has approved, a change in such commitments. Any other commitments that a Primary Market Maker has made also shall remain in effect until modified by the Exchange or designated committee upon the request of the Primary Market Maker.

.02 A Member that is approved to act in the capacity of a Competitive Market Maker with respect to one or more CMM Rights may voluntarily be appointed to act as an "Alternative Primary Market Maker," so long as the Exchange has determined that such Member has the appropriate systems and procedures in place to undertake the responsibilities of a Primary Market Maker.

(a) The Exchange may appoint an Alternative Primary Market Maker to an options class only in the event that no Primary Market Makers seek allocation of the security.

(b) If no Primary Market Makers seek allocation of an options class, all eligible Competitive Market Makers will be given notice and an opportunity to seek allocation of the security as an Alternative Primary Market Maker. Such allocations will be made by the Allocation Committee according to the guidelines contained in Options 2, Section 3.

(c) An Alternative Primary Market Maker shall have all of the responsibilities and privileges of a Primary Market Maker under the Rules with respect to all appointed options classes.

(d) If an Alternative Primary Market Maker ceases trading of an options class, the class will be reallocated by the Exchange to a Primary Market Maker or another Alternative Primary Market Maker, as appropriate.

.03 There is no restriction on a Competitive Market Maker seeking appointment to options classes in which it or an affiliated Market Maker holds a Competitive Market Maker or Primary Market Maker appointment, provided that such Member has sufficient Competitive Market Maker points for each such appointment.

[Adopted July 8, 2019 (SR-MRX-2019-15).]

Section 4. Obligations of Market Makers

(a) General. Transactions of a Market Maker should constitute a course of dealings reasonably calculated to contribute to the maintenance of a fair and orderly market, and Market Makers should not make bids or offers or enter into transactions that are inconsistent with such a course of dealings.

(b) Appointment. With respect to each options class to which a Market Maker is appointed under Options 2, Section 3, the Market Maker has a continuous obligation to engage, to a reasonable degree under the existing circumstances, in dealings for his own account when there exists, or it is reasonably anticipated that there will exist, a lack of price continuity, a temporary disparity between the supply of and demand for a particular options contract, or a temporary distortion of the price relationships between options contracts of the same class. Without limiting the foregoing, a Market Maker is expected to perform the following activities in the course of maintaining a fair and orderly market:

(1) To compete with other Market Makers to improve the market in all series of options classes to which the Market Maker is appointed.

(2) To make markets that, absent changed market conditions, will be honored for the number of contracts entered into the Exchange's System in all series of options classes to which the Market Maker is appointed.

(3) To update market quotations in response to changed market conditions in all series of options classes to which the Market Maker is appointed.

(4) Intra-day Bid/Ask Differentials. To price options contracts fairly by, among other things, bidding and offering so as to create differences of no more than $5 between the bid and offer following the opening rotation in an equity or index options contract. The Exchange may establish differences other than the above for one or more series or classes of options.

(i) The bid/offer differentials stated in subparagraph (b)(4) of this Rule shall not apply to in-the-money options series where the underlying securities market is wider than the differentials set forth above. For these series, the bid/ask differential may be as wide as the spread between the national best bid and offer in the underlying security.

(ii) The Exchange or its authorized agent may calculate bids and asks for various indices for the sole purpose of determining permissible bid/ask differentials on options on these indices. These values will be calculated by determining the weighted average of the bids and asks for the components of the corresponding index. These bids and asks will be disseminated by the Exchange at least every fifteen (15) seconds during the trading day solely for the purpose of determining the permissible bid/ask differential that market-makers may quote on an in-the-money option on the indices. For in-the-money series in index options where the calculated bid/ask differential is wider than the applicable differential set out in subparagraph (b)(4) of this Rule, the bid/ask differential in the index options series may be as wide as the calculated bid/ask differential in the underlying index. The Exchange will not make a market in the basket of stock comprising the indices and is not guaranteeing the accuracy or the availability of the bid/ask values.

(iii) Bid/ask differentials shall not apply to any options series until the time to expiration is less than nine (9) months for equity options and exchange-traded products. Bid/ask differentials shall not apply to any options series until the time to expiration is less than twelve (12) months for index options.

(c) Classes of Options To Which Not Appointed. With respect to classes of options to which a Market Maker is not appointed, it should not engage in transactions for an account in which it has an interest that are disproportionate in relation to, or in derogation of, the performance of his obligations as specified in paragraph (b) above with respect to those classes of options to which it is appointed. Market Makers should not:

(1) Individually or as a group, intentionally or unintentionally, dominate the market in options contracts of a particular class, or

(2) Effect purchases or sales on the Exchange except in a reasonable and orderly manner.

Supplementary Material to Options 2, Section 4

.01 A Primary Market Maker must act with due diligence in handling orders of Public Customers and must accord priority to such orders addressed pursuant to paragraph (c) of this Rule over the Primary Market Maker's principal orders.

Adopted July 8, 2019 (SR-MRX-2019-15); amended June 15, 2021 (SR-MRX-2021-07), operative July 15, 2021.

Section 5. Market Maker Quotations

Changes have been approved that are not yet operative. For more information, see the attached document (SR-MRX-2024-27).

(a) Options Classes. A quotation only may be entered by a Market Maker, and only in the options classes to which the Market Maker is appointed under Options 2, Section 3.

(b) Price and Size Associated with Quotes. A Market Maker's bid and offer for a series of options contracts shall state a price accompanied by the number of contracts at that price the Market Maker is willing to buy or sell upon receipt of an order or upon interaction with a quotation entered by another Market Maker on the Exchange.

(1) Price. The price of Market Maker quotes shall be in the minimum trading increments applicable to the security under Options 3, Section 3.

(2) Size. Unless the Exchange has declared a fast market pursuant to Options 3, Section 6, the initial size of a Market Maker's opening quote must be for the minimum number of contracts determined by the Exchange on a class by class basis, which minimum shall be at least one contract.

(c) Two-Sided Quotes. A Market Maker that enters a bid (offer) on the Exchange must enter an offer (bid) within the spread allowable under Options 2, Section 4(b)(4).

(d) Firm Quotes.

(1) Market Maker bids and offers are firm for orders and Exchange Market Maker quotations both under this Rule and Rule 602 of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act ("Rule 602 of Reg NMS") for the number of contracts specified according to the requirements of paragraph (b) above. Market Maker bids and offers are not firm under this Rule and Rule 602 of Reg NMS if:

(i) a System malfunction or other circumstance impairs the Exchange's ability to disseminate or update market quotes in a timely and accurate manner;

(ii) the level of trading activities or the existence of unusual market conditions is such that the Exchange is incapable of collecting, processing, and making available to quotation vendors the data for the option in a manner that accurately reflects the current state of the market on the Exchange, and as a result, the market in the option is declared to be "fast" pursuant to Options 3, Section 6;

(iii) during trading rotations; or

(iv) any of the circumstances provided in paragraph (c)(3) of Rule 602 of Reg NMS exist.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) above, if a Market Maker's bid (offer) can trade with the offer (bid) of another Market Maker, the Exchange shall have the authority to implement a delay so that no execution shall occur between such quotations for a period of no more than one second. During such period, the System will update quotations that may be received; provided however, that during such period all quotations shall otherwise remain firm and the System shall automatically execute all incoming orders against such quotations.

(e) Intra-day Quotes. A Market Maker must enter bids and offers for the options to which it is appointed, except in an assigned options series listed intra-day on the Exchange. On a daily basis, a Market Maker must make markets consistent with the applicable quoting requirements specified below. A Member will be required to meet each market making obligation separately. Quotes submitted through the Specialized Quote Feed interface, utilizing badges and options series assigned to a Primary Market Maker, will be counted toward the requirement to provide two-sided quotations in 90% of the cumulative number of seconds, or such higher percentage as MRX may announce. Quotes submitted through the Specialized Quote Feed interface, utilizing badges and options series assigned to a Competitive Market Maker, will be counted toward the requirement to provide two-sided quotations in 60% of the cumulative number of seconds, or such higher percentage as MRX may announce. A Member that is a Competitive Market Maker in an options series where the Member is also assigned as the Primary Market Maker in an options series will be held to both the Primary Market Maker and Competitive Market Maker obligations, pursuant to Options 2, Section 5(e), separately, in that options series. A Competitive Market Maker who receives a Preferenced Order, as described in Options 2, Section 10 and Options 3, Section 10, ("Preferred CMM") shall be held to the standard of a Preferred CMM in the options series of any options class in which it receives the Preferenced Order.

(1) On any given day, a Competitive Market Maker is not required to enter quotations in the options classes to which it is appointed. A Competitive Market Maker may initiate quoting in options classes to which it is appointed intra-day. If a Competitive Market Maker initiates quoting in an options class, the Competitive Market Maker, associated with the same Member, is collectively required to provide two-sided quotations in 60% of the cumulative number of seconds, or such higher percentage as the Exchange may announce in advance, for which that Member's assigned options class is open for trading. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Competitive Market Maker shall not be required to make two-sided markets pursuant to this Rule in any Quarterly Options Series, any adjusted options series, and any option series with an expiration of nine months or greater for options on equities and exchange-traded funds ("ETFs") or with an expiration of twelve months or greater for index options. Competitive Market Makers may choose to quote such series in addition to regular series in the options class, but such quotations will not be considered when determining whether a Competitive Market Maker has met the obligation contained in this paragraph (e)(1).

(i) An adjusted options series is an options series wherein, as a result of a corporate action by the issuer of the underlying security, one option contract in the series represents the delivery of other than 100 shares of underlying stock or Exchange-Traded Fund Shares ("Adjusted Options Series").

(ii) A Competitive Market Maker may be called upon by an Exchange official designated by the Board to submit a single quote or maintain intra-day quotes in one or more of the series of an options class to which the Competitive Market Maker is appointed whenever, in the judgment of such official, it is necessary to do so in the interest of fair and orderly markets.

(2) Primary Market Makers, associated with the same Member, are collectively required to provide two-sided quotations in 90% of the cumulative number of seconds, or such higher percentage as the Exchange may announce in advance, for which that Member's assigned options class is open for trading. Primary Market Makers shall be required to make two-sided markets pursuant to this Rule in any Quarterly Options Series, any Adjusted Options Series, and any option series with an expiration of nine months or greater for options on equities and ETFs or with an expiration of twelve months or greater for index options.

(3) Preferred CMMs, associated with the same Member, are collectively required to provide two-sided quotations in 90% of the cumulative number of seconds, or such higher percentage as the Exchange may announce in advance, for which that Member's assigned options class is open for trading. A Member shall be considered preferenced in an assigned options class once the Member receives a Preferenced Order in any option class in which they are assigned and shall be considered preferenced for that day in all series for that option class in which it received the Preferenced Order. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Preferred CMM shall not be required to make two-sided markets pursuant to this Rule in any Quarterly Options Series, any Adjusted Options Series, and any options series with an expiration of nine months or greater for options on equities and ETFs or with an expiration of twelve months or greater for index options. Preferred CMMs may choose to quote such series in addition to regular series in the options class, but such quotations will not be considered when determining whether a Preferred CMM has met the obligation contained in this paragraph (e)(3). A Preferred CMM may be preferenced in such series and receive enhanced allocations pursuant to Nasdaq MRX Options 3, Section 10, Supplementary Material .02, only if it complies with the heightened 90% quoting requirement contained in this paragraph (e)(3).

(4) Specifically, the Exchange will calculate subparagraphs (1) - (3) above by (i) taking the total number of seconds the Member disseminates quotes in each assigned options series, excluding, for Competitive Market Makers and Preferred CMMs, Quarterly Options Series, any Adjusted Options Series, and any option series with an expiration of nine months or greater for options on equities and ETFs or with an expiration of twelve months or greater for index options; and (ii) dividing that time by the eligible total number of seconds each assigned option series in the options class is open for trading that day. Quoting is not required in every assigned options series. Compliance with this requirement is determined by reviewing the aggregate of quoting in assigned options series for the Member.

(5) MRX Regulation may consider exceptions to the above-referenced requirement to quote based on demonstrated legal or regulatory requirements or other mitigating circumstances. For purposes of the Exchange's surveillance of Member compliance with this Rule, the Exchange will determine compliance on a monthly basis. The Exchange's monthly compliance evaluation of the quoting requirement does not relieve a Member of the obligation to provide two-sided quotes on a daily basis, nor will it prohibit the Exchange from taking disciplinary action against a Member for failing to meet the quoting obligation each trading day.

(6) If a technical failure or limitation of a System of the Exchange prevents a Market Maker from maintaining, or prevents a Member from communicating to the Exchange, timely and accurate quotes, the Member shall promptly notify the Exchange and the duration of such failure or limitation shall not be included in any of the calculations under this subparagraph (e) with respect to the affected quotes.

(f) Temporary Withdrawal of Quotations by Primary Market Makers. A Primary Market Maker may apply to the Exchange to withdraw temporarily from its Primary Market Maker status in an options class. The Primary Market Maker must base its request on demonstrated legal or regulatory requirements that necessitate its temporary withdrawal, or provide the Exchange an opinion of counsel certifying that such legal or regulatory basis exists. The Exchange will act promptly on such a request, and, if the request is granted, the Exchange will temporarily reassign the options class to another Primary Market Maker.

(1) The Exchange Review Council shall have jurisdiction over proceedings brought by Primary Market Makers seeking review of the denial of an excused withdrawal pursuant to this Rule or the conditions imposed on their reentry.

(g) In order to control the number of quotations the Exchange shall disseminate an updated bid and offer price, together with the size associated with such bid and offer, when: (1) the Exchange's disseminated bid or offer price increases or decreases; (2) the size associated with the Exchange's disseminated bid or offer decreases; or (3) the size associated with the Exchange's bid (offer) increases by an amount greater than or equal to a percentage (never to exceed 20%) of the size associated with previously disseminated bid (offer). Such percentage, which shall never exceed 20%, shall be determined on an issue-by-issue basis by the Exchange and announced to membership via an Exchange Options Trader Alert.

Adopted July 8, 2019 (SR-MRX-2019-15); amended August 28, 2019 (SR-MRX-2019-17), operative September 27, 2019; amended June 30, 2021 (SR-MRX-2021-08), operative August 2, 2021; amended Jul. 24, 2024 (SR-MRX-2024-27), operative on or before April 30, 2025.

Section 6. Market Maker Orders

(a) Market Makers may enter all order types defined in Options 3, Sections 7 and 14 in the options classes to which they are appointed and non-appointed under Options 2, Section 3, except Reserve Orders and Customer Cross Orders.

(b) Options Classes Other Than Those to Which Appointed.

(1) Competitive Market Makers. The total number of contracts executed during a quarter by a Competitive Market Maker in options classes to which it is not appointed may not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total number of contracts traded by such Competitive Market Maker in classes to which it is appointed and with respect to which it was quoting pursuant to Options 2, Section 5(e)(1).

(2) Primary Market Makers. The total number of contracts executed during a quarter by a Primary Market Maker in options classes to which it is not appointed may not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total number of contracts traded per each Primary Market Maker Membership.

Adopted July 8, 2019 (SR-MRX-2019-15); amended July 24, 2019 (SR-MRX-2019-16), operative August 23, 2019; amended Jul. 24, 2024 (SR-MRX-2024-27), operative Aug. 23, 2024.

Section 7. Securities Accounts and Orders of Market Makers

(a) Identification of Accounts. A Primary Market Maker in the Exchange-Traded Fund Shares, as defined in Options 4, Section 3(h), is obligated to conduct all trading in the Exchange-Traded Fund Shares in account(s) that have been reported to the Exchange. In addition, in a manner prescribed by the Exchange, each Market Maker shall file with the Exchange and keep current a list identifying all accounts for stock, options, non-U.S. currency, non-U.S. currency options, futures or options on futures on such currency, or any other derivatives based on such currency, physical commodities, physical commodity options, commodity futures contracts, options on commodity futures contracts, any other derivatives based on such commodity and related securities trading in which the Market Maker may, directly or indirectly, engage in trading activities or over which it exercises investment direction. No Market Maker shall engage in stock, options, non-U.S. currency, non-U.S. currency options, futures or options on futures on such currency, physical commodities, physical commodity options, commodity futures contracts, options on commodity futures contracts, any other derivatives based on such commodity or any other derivatives based on such currency or related securities trading in an account which has not been reported pursuant to this Rule.

(b) Reports of Orders. Each Market Maker shall, upon the request of the Exchange and in the prescribed form, report to the Exchange every order entered by the Market Maker for the purchase or sale of (i) a security underlying options traded on the Exchange, or (ii) a security convertible into or exchangeable for such underlying security, as well as opening and closing positions in all such securities held in each account reported pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Rule. The report pertaining to orders must include the terms of each order, identification of the brokerage firms through which the orders were entered, the times of entry or cancellation, the times report of execution were received and, if all or part of the order was executed, the quantity and execution price.

(c) Joint Accounts. No Market Maker shall, directly or indirectly, hold any interest or participate in any joint account for buying or selling any options contract unless each participant in such joint account is a Member and unless such account is reported to and not disapproved by the Exchange. Such reports in a form prescribed by the Exchange shall be filed with the Exchange before any transaction is effected on the Exchange for such joint account. A participant in a joint account must:

(1) Be either a Market Maker or a Clearing Member that carries the joint account.

(2) File and keep current a completed application on such form as is prescribed by the Exchange.

(3) Be jointly and severally responsible for assuring that the account complies with all the Rules of the Exchange.

(4) Not be a Market Maker appointed to the same options classes to which the joint account holder is also appointed as a Market Maker.

[Adopted July 8, 2019 (SR-MRX-2019-15).]

Section 8. Financial Requirements for Market Makers

(a) Primary Market Makers. Every Primary Market Maker shall maintain net liquidating equity of not less than $3,250,000 plus $25,000 excess equity for each underlying security upon which appointed options are open for trading in excess of the initial ten (10) underlying securities.

(b) Competitive Market Makers. Every Competitive Market Maker shall maintain net liquidating equity of not less than $1,000,000.

(c) Each Market Maker that makes an arrangement to finance his transactions as a Market Maker must identify to the Exchange the source of the financing and its terms. The Exchange must be informed immediately of the intention of any party to terminate or change any such arrangement.

Supplementary Material to Options 2, Section 8

.01 For purposes of Options 2, Section 8, the term "net liquidating equity" means the sum of positive cash balances and long securities positions less negative cash balances and short securities positions.

[Adopted July 8, 2019 (SR-MRX-2019-15).]

Section 9. Reserved


[Adopted July 8, 2019 (SR-MRX-2019-15).]

Section 10. Preferenced Orders

(a) Preferenced Orders. An Electronic Access Member may designate a “Preferred Market Maker” on orders it enters into the System.

(1) Definitions

(i) The term “Preferenced Order” means any order to buy or sell which has been directed to a particular Market Maker by an Order Flow Provider.

(ii) The term “Order Flow Provider” means any Member that submits, as agent, orders to the Exchange.

(iii) A Preferred Market Maker may be the Primary Market Maker appointed to the options class or any Competitive Market Maker appointed to the options class.

(2) If the Preferred Market Maker is not quoting at a price equal to or better than the better of the internal BBO or the NBBO at the time the Preferenced Order is received, the allocation procedure described in Options 3, Section 10(c)(1)(C) shall not be applied to the execution of the Preferenced Order.

(3) If the Preferred Market Maker is quoting at the better of the internal BBO or the NBBO at the time the Preferenced Order is received, the allocation procedure described in Options 3, Section 10(c)(1)(C) shall be applied to the execution of the Preferenced Order.

Adopted July 8, 2019 (SR-MRX-2019-15); amended August 28, 2019 (SR-MRX-2019-17), operative September 27, 2019; amended Sep. 9, 2022 (SR-MRX-2022-16), operative Nov. 7, 2022; amended Jul. 24, 2024 (SR-MRX-2024-27), operative Aug. 23, 2024.

Section 11. Reserved


[Adopted March 10, 2020 (SR-MRX-2020-07), operative April 9, 2020.]

Section 12. Reserved


[Adopted March 10, 2020 (SR-MRX-2020-07), operative April 9, 2020.]

Section 13. Reserved


[Adopted March 10, 2020 (SR-MRX-2020-07), operative April 9, 2020.]

Section 14. Reserved


[Adopted March 10, 2020 (SR-MRX-2020-07), operative April 9, 2020.]

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