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Options 4 Options Listing Rules
Section 1. Designation of Securities

The Exchange trades options contracts, each of which is designated by reference to the issuer of the underlying security, expiration month or expiration date, exercise price and type (put or call).

[Adopted June 6, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-17).]

Section 2. Rights and Obligations of Holders and Writers

The rights and obligations of holders and writers shall be set forth in the Rules of the Clearing Corporation.

Adopted June 6, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-17).

Section 3. Criteria for Underlying Securities

(a) Underlying securities with respect to which put or call options contracts are approved for listing and trading on the Exchange must meet the following criteria:

(1) the security must be registered and be an "NMS stock" as defined in Rule 600 of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act; and

(2) the security shall be characterized by a substantial number of outstanding shares that are widely held and actively traded.

(b) In addition, the Exchange shall from time to time establish guidelines to be considered in evaluating potential underlying securities for Exchange options transactions. There are many relevant factors which must be considered in arriving at such a determination, and the fact that a particular security may meet the guidelines established by the Exchange does not necessarily mean that it will be selected as an underlying security. Further, in exceptional circumstances an underlying security may be selected by the Exchange even though it does not meet all of the guidelines. The Exchange may also give consideration to maintaining diversity among various industries and issuers in selecting underlying securities. Notwithstanding the forgoing, however, absent exceptional circumstances, an underlying security will not be selected unless:

(1) There are a minimum of seven (7) million shares of the underlying security which are owned by persons other than those required to report their stock holdings under Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act.

(2) There are a minimum of 2,000 holders of the underlying security.

(3) The issuer is in compliance with any applicable requirements of the Exchange Act.

(4) Trading volume (in all markets in which the underlying security is traded) has been at least 2,400,000 shares in the preceding twelve (12) months.

(5) Either:

(i) If the underlying security is a "covered security" as defined under Section 18(b)(1)(A) of the Securities Act of 1933: (A) the market price per share of the underlying security has been at least $3.00 for the previous three consecutive business days preceding the date on which the Exchange submits a certificate to the Clearing Corporation for listing and trading, as measured by the closing price reported in the primary market in which the underlying security is traded; however, (B) the requirements set forth in (5)(i)(A) will be waived during the three days following its initial public offering day for an underlying security having a market capitalization of at least $3 billion based upon the offering price of its initial public offering, and may be listed and traded starting on or after the second business day following the initial public offering day; or

(ii) If the underlying security is not a "covered security," the market price per share of the underlying security has been at least $7.50 for the majority of business days during the three calendar months preceding the date of selection, as measured by the lowest closing price reported in any market in which the underlying security traded on each of the subject days.

(6) Notwithstanding the requirements set forth in Paragraphs 1, 2, 4 and 5 above, the Exchange may list and trade an options contract if (i) the underlying security meets the guidelines for continued approval in Options 4, Section 4; and (ii) options on such underlying security are traded on at least one other registered national securities exchange.

(c) Securities of Restructured Companies.

(1) Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to the provisions of this paragraph (c):

(A) "Restructuring Transaction" refers to a spin-off, reorganization, recapitalization, restructuring or similar corporate transaction.

(B) "Restructure Security" refers to an equity security that a company issues, or anticipates issuing, as the result of a Restructuring Transaction of the company.

(C) "Original Equity Security" refers to a company's equity security that is issued and outstanding prior to the effective date of a Restructuring Transaction of the company.

(D) "Relevant Percentage" refers to either:

(i) twenty-five percent (25%), when the applicable measure determined with respect to the Original Equity Security or the business it represents includes the business represented by the Restructure Security; or

(ii) thirty-three and one-third percent (33-1/3%), when the applicable measure determined with respect to the Original Equity Security or the business it represents excludes the business represented by the Restructure Security.

(2) "Share" and "Number of Shareholder" Guidelines. In determining whether a Restructure Security satisfies the share guideline set forth in Options 4, Section 3(b)(1) (the "Share Guideline") or the number of holders guideline set forth in Options 4, Section 3(b)(2) (the "Number of Shareholders Guideline"), the Exchange may rely upon the facts and circumstances that it expects to exist on the option's intended listing date, rather than on the date on which the Exchange selects for options trading the underlying Restructure Security.

(A) The Exchange may assume that:

(i) both the "Share" and "Number of Shareholders" Guidelines are satisfied if, on the option's intended listing date, the Exchange expects no fewer than forty (40) million shares of the Restructure Security to be issued and outstanding; and

(ii) either such Guideline is satisfied if, on the option's intended listing day, the Exchange expects the Restructure Security to be listed on an exchange or automatic quotation system that has, and is subject to, an initial listing requirement that is no less stringent than the Guideline in question.

(B) The Exchange may not rely on any such assumption, however, if a reasonable Exchange investigation or that of another exchange demonstrates that either the Share Guideline or Number of Shareholders Guideline will not in fact be satisfied on an option's intended listing date.

(C) In addition, in the case of a Restructuring Transaction in which the shares of a Restructure Security are issued or distributed to the holders of shares of an Original Equity Security, the Exchange may determine that either the Share Guideline or the Number of Shareholders Guideline is satisfied based upon the Exchange's knowledge of the outstanding shares or number of shareholders of the Original Equity Security.

(3) "Trading Volume" Guideline. In determining whether a Restructure Security that is issued or distributed to the holders of shares of an Original Equity Security (but not a Restructure Security that is issued pursuant to a public offering or rights distribution) satisfies the trading volume guideline set forth in Options 4, Section 3(b)(4) (the "Trading Volume Guideline"), the Exchange may consider the trading volume history of the Original Equity Security prior to the "ex-date" of the Restructuring Transaction if the Restructure Security satisfies the "Substantiality Test" set forth in subparagraph (c)(5) below.

(4) "Market Price" Guideline. In determining whether a Restructure Security satisfies the market price history guideline set forth in Options 4, Section 3(b)(5) (the "Market Price Guideline"), the Exchange may consider the market price history of the Original Equity Security prior to the "ex-date" of the Restructuring Transaction if:

(A) the Restructure Security satisfies the "Substantiality Test" set forth in subparagraph (c)(5) below; and

(B) in the case of the application of the Market Price Guideline to a Restructure Security that is distributed pursuant to a public offering or a rights distribution:

(i) the Restructure Security trades "regular way" on an exchange or automatic quotation system for at least the five trading days immediately preceding the date of selection; and

(ii) at the close of trading on each trading day on which the Restructure Security trades "regular way" prior to the date of selection, and the opening of trading on the date of selection, the market price of the Restructure Security was at least $7.50, or, if the Restructure Security is a "covered security," as defined in Options 4, Section 3(b)(5)(I), the market price of the Restructure Security was at least $3.00.

(5) The "Substantiality Test." A Restructure Security satisfies the "Substantiality Test" if:

(A) the Restructure Security has an aggregate market value of at least $500 million; or

(B) at least one of the following conditions is met:

(i) the aggregate market value of the Restructure Security equals or exceeds the Relevant Percentage of the aggregate market value of the Original Equity Security;

(ii) the aggregate book value of the assets attributed to the business represented by the Restructure Security equals or exceeds both $50 million and the Relevant Percentage of the aggregate book value of the assets attributed to the business represented by the Original Equity Security; or

(iii) the revenues attributed to the business represented by the Restructure Security equals or exceeds both $50 million and the Relevant Percentage of the revenues attributed to the business represented by the Original Equity Security.

(6) A Restructure Security's aggregate market value may be determined from "when issued" prices, if available.

(7) In calculating comparative aggregate market values for the purpose of assessing whether a Restructure Security qualifies to underlie an option, the Exchange shall use the Restructure Security's closing price on its primary market on the last business day prior to the selection date or the Restructure Security's opening price on its primary market on the selection date and shall use the corresponding closing or opening price of the related Original Equity Security.

(8) In calculating comparative asset values and revenues, the Exchange shall use (i) the issuer's latest annual financial statements or (ii) the issuer's most recently available interim financial statements (so long as such interim financial statements cover a period of not less than three months), whichever are more recent. Those financial statements may be audited or unaudited and may be pro forma.

(9) Except in the case of a Restructure Security that is distributed pursuant to a public offering or rights distribution, the Exchange may not rely upon the trading volume or market price history of an Original Equity Security as this paragraph (c) permits for any trading day unless it relies upon both of those measures for that trading day.

(10) Once the Exchange commences to rely upon a Restructure Security's trading volume and market price history for any trading day, the Exchange may not rely upon the trading volume and market price history of the security's related Original Equity Security for any trading day thereafter.

(11) "When Issued" Trading Prohibited. The Exchange shall not list for trading options contracts that overlie a Restructure Security that is not yet issued and outstanding, regardless of whether the Restructure Security is trading on a "when issued" basis or on another basis that is contingent upon the issuance or distribution of shares.

(d) In considering underlying securities, the Exchange shall ordinarily rely on information made publicly available by the issuer and/or the markets in which the security is traded.

(e) The word "security" shall be broadly interpreted to mean any equity security, as defined in Rule 3a11-1 under the Exchange Act, which is appropriate for options trading, and the word "shares" shall mean the unit of trading of such security.

(f) Securities deemed appropriate for options trading shall include nonconvertible preferred stock issues and American Depositary Receipts ("ADRs") if they meet the criteria and guidelines set forth in this Rule and if, in the case of ADRs:

(1) the Exchange has in place an effective surveillance sharing agreement with the primary exchange in the home country where the security underlying the ADR is traded;

(2) the combined trading volume of the ADR and other related ADRs and securities (as defined below) occurring in the U.S. ADR market or in markets with which the Exchange has in place an effective surveillance sharing agreement represents (on a share equivalent basis) at least fifty percent (50%) of the combined worldwide trading volume in the ADR, the security underlying the ADR, other classes of common stock related to the underlying security, and ADRs overlying such other stock (together "other related ADRs and securities") over the three month period preceding the date of selection of the ADR for options trading;

(3) (i) the combined trading volume of the ADR and other related ADRs and securities occurring in the U.S. ADR market and in markets where the Exchange has in place an effective surveillance sharing agreement, represents (on a share equivalent basis) at least twenty percent (20%) of the combined worldwide trading volume in the ADR and in other related ADRs and securities over the three month period preceding the date of selection of the ADR for options trading, (ii) the average daily trading volume for the security in the U.S. markets over the three (3) months preceding the selection of the ADR for options trading is 100,000 or more shares, and (iii) the trading volume is at least 60,000 shares per day in U.S. markets on a majority of the trading days for the three (3) months preceding the date of selection of the ADR for options trading ("Daily Trading Volume Standard"); or

(4) the SEC otherwise authorizes the listing.

(g) Securities deemed appropriate for options trading shall include shares issued by registered closed-end management investment companies that invest in the securities of issuers based in one or more foreign countries ("International Funds") if they meet the criteria and guidelines set forth in this Rule and either:

(1) the Exchange has a market information sharing agreement with the primary home exchange for each of the securities held by the fund, or

(2) the International Fund is classified as a diversified fund as that term is defined by Section 5(b) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and the securities held by the fund are issued by issuers based in five or more countries.

(h) Securities deemed appropriate for options trading shall include shares or other securities ("Exchange-Traded Fund Shares") that are traded on a national securities exchange and are defined as an "NMS" stock under Rule 600 of Regulation NMS, and that (i) represent interests in registered investment companies (or series thereof) organized as open-end management investment companies, unit investment trusts or similar entities that hold portfolios of securities and/or financial instruments, including, but not limited to, stock index futures contracts, options on futures, options on securities and indices, equity caps, collars and floors, swap agreements, forward contracts, repurchase agreements and reverse repurchase agreements (the "Financial Instruments"), and money market instruments, including, but not limited to, U.S. government securities and repurchase agreements (the "Money Market Instruments") comprising or otherwise based on or representing investments in broad-based indexes or portfolios of securities and/or Financial Instruments and Money Market Instruments (or that hold securities in one or more other registered investment companies that themselves hold such portfolios of securities and/or Financial Instruments and Money Market Instruments) or (ii) represent interests in a trust or similar entity that holds a specified non-U.S. currency or currencies deposited with the trust when aggregated in some specified minimum number may be surrendered to the trust or similar entity by the beneficial owner to receive the specified non-U.S. currency or currencies and pays the beneficial owner interest and other distributions on the deposited non-U.S. currency or currencies, if any, declared and paid by the trust ("Currency Trust Shares") or (iii) represent commodity pool interests principally engaged, directly or indirectly, in holding and/or managing portfolios or baskets of securities, commodity futures contracts, options on commodity futures contracts, swaps, forward contracts and/or options on physical commodities and/or non-U.S. currency ("Commodity Pool ETFs") or (iv) represent interests in the SPDR® Gold Trust, the iShares COMEX Gold Trust, the iShares Silver Trust, the Aberdeen Standard Physical Gold Trust, or the iShares Bitcoin Trust or (v) represents an interest in a registered investment company ("Investment Company") organized as an open-end management company or similar entity, that invests in a portfolio of securities selected by the Investment Company’s investment adviser consistent with the Investment Company's investment objectives and policies, which is issued in a specified aggregate minimum number in return for a deposit of a specified portfolio of securities and/or a cash amount with a value equal to the next determined net asset value ("NAV"), and when aggregated in the same specified minimum number, may be redeemed at a holder's request, which holder will be paid a specified portfolio of securities and/or cash with a value equal to the next determined NAV ("Managed Fund Share"); provided that:

(1) The Exchange-Traded Fund Shares either (i) meet the criteria and guidelines set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) above; or (ii) the Exchange-Traded Fund Shares are available for creation or redemption each business day from or through the issuing trust, investment company, commodity pool or other entity in cash or in kind at a price related to net asset value, and the issuer is obligated to issue Exchange-Traded Fund Shares in a specified aggregate number even if some or all of the investment assets and/or cash required to be deposited have not been received by the issuer, subject to the condition that the person obligated to deposit the investment assets has undertaken to deliver them as soon as possible and such undertaking is secured by the delivery and maintenance of collateral consisting of cash or cash equivalents satisfactory to the issuer of the Exchange-Traded Fund Shares, all as described in the Exchange-Traded Fund Shares' prospectus.

(2) Exchange-Traded Fund Shares based on international or global indexes, or portfolios that include non-U.S. securities, shall meet the following criteria:

(A) are listed pursuant to generic listing standards under which a comprehensive surveillance sharing agreement is not required; or

(B) any non-U.S. component securities of an index on which the Exchange-Traded Fund Shares are based or if not available or applicable, the Exchange-Traded Fund’s  portfolio of securities that are not subject to comprehensive surveillance sharing agreements do not in the aggregate represent more than 50% of the weight of the index or portfolio;

(C) component securities of an index on which the Exchange-Traded Fund Shares are based or if not available or applicable, the Exchange-Traded Fund’s portfolio of securities for which the primary market is in any one country that is not subject to a comprehensive surveillance sharing agreement do not represent 20% or more of the weight of the index or portfolio; and

(D) component securities of an index on which the Exchange-Traded Fund Shares are based or if not available or applicable, the Exchange-Traded Fund’s portfolio of securities for which the primary market is in any two countries that are not subject to comprehensive surveillance sharing agreements do not represent 33% or more of the weight of the index or portfolio.

(E) For Currency Trust Shares, the Exchange has entered into an appropriate comprehensive surveillance sharing agreement with the marketplace or marketplaces with last sale reporting that represent(s) the highest volume in derivatives (options or futures) on the specified non-U.S. currency or currencies, which are utilized by the national securities exchange where the underlying Currency Trust Shares are listed and traded; and

(F) For Commodity Pool ETFs that engage in holding and/or managing portfolios or baskets commodity futures contracts, options on commodity futures contracts, swaps, forward contracts, options on physical commodities, options on non-U.S. currency and/or securities, the Exchange has entered into a comprehensive surveillance sharing agreement with the marketplace or marketplaces with last sale reporting that represent(s) the highest volume in such commodity futures contracts and/or options on commodity futures contracts on the specified commodities or non-U.S. currency, which are utilized by the national securities exchange where the underlying Commodity Pool ETFs are listed and traded.

(i) A "market information sharing agreement" for purposes of this Rule is an agreement that would permit the Exchange to obtain trading information relating to the securities held by the fund including the identity of the Member of the foreign exchange executing a trade. International Fund shares not meeting criteria of paragraph (h) shall be deemed appropriate for options trading if the SEC specifically authorizes the listing.

(j) Securities deemed appropriate for options trading shall include shares or other securities ("Trust Issued Receipts") that are principally traded on a national securities exchange or through the facilities of a national securities association and reported as a national market security, and that represent ownership of the specific deposited securities held by a trust, provided:

(A) the Trust Issued Receipts (i) meet the criteria and guidelines for underlying securities set forth in paragraph (b) to this Rule; or (ii) must be available for issuance or cancellation each business day from the Trust in exchange for the underlying deposited securities; and

(B) not more than 20% of the weight of the Trust Issued Receipt is represented by ADRs on securities for which the primary market is not subject to a comprehensive surveillance agreement.

(k) Securities deemed appropriate for options trading shall include shares or other securities ("Equity Index-Linked Securities," "Commodity-Linked Securities," "Currency-Linked Securities," "Fixed Income Index-Linked Securities," "Futures-Linked Securities," and "Multifactor Index-Linked Securities," collectively known as "Index-Linked Securities" or “ETNs”) that are principally traded on a national securities exchange and an "NMS Stock" (as defined in Rule 600 of Regulation NMS under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934), and represent ownership of a security that provides for the payment at maturity, as described below:

(1) Equity Index-Linked Securities are securities that provide for the payment at maturity of a cash amount based on the performance or the leveraged (multiple or inverse) performance of an underlying index or indexes of equity securities ("Equity Reference Asset");

(A) Commodity-Linked Securities are securities that provide for the payment at maturity of a cash amount based on the performance or the leveraged (multiple or inverse) performance of one or more physical commodities or commodity futures, options on commodities, or other commodity derivatives or Commodity-Based Trust Shares or a basket or index of any of the foregoing ("Commodity Reference Asset");

(B) Currency-Linked Securities are securities that provide for the payment at maturity of a cash amount based on the performance or the leveraged (multiple or inverse) performance of one or more currencies, or options on currencies or currency futures or other currency derivatives or Currency Trust Shares (as defined in Options 4, Section 3(h)), or a basket or index of any of the foregoing ("Currency Reference Asset");

(C) Fixed Income Index-Linked Securities are securities that provide for the payment at maturity of a cash amount based on the performance or the leveraged (multiple or inverse) performance of one or more notes, bonds, debentures or evidence of indebtedness that include, but are not limited to, U.S. Department of Treasury securities ("Treasury Securities"), government-sponsored entity securities ("GSE Securities"), municipal securities, trust preferred securities, supranational debt and debt of a foreign country or a subdivision thereof or a basket or index of any of the foregoing ("Fixed Income Reference Asset");

(D) Futures-Linked Securities are securities that provide for the payment at maturity of a cash amount based on the performance or the leveraged (multiple or inverse) performance of an index or indexes of futures contracts or options or derivatives on futures contracts ("Futures Reference Asset"); and

(E) Multifactor Index-Linked Securities are securities that provide for the payment at maturity of a cash amount based on the performance or the leveraged (multiple or inverse) performance of any combination of two or more Equity Reference Assets, Commodity Reference Assets, Currency Reference Assets, Fixed Income Reference Assets, or Futures Reference Assets ("Multifactor Reference Asset");

(2) For purposes of this Options 4, Section 3(k), Equity Reference Assets, Commodity Reference Asset, Currency Reference Assets, Fixed Income Reference Assets, Futures Reference Assets together with Multifactor Reference Assets, collectively will be referred to as "Reference Assets."

(3) (A) The Index-Linked Securities must meet the criteria and guidelines for underlying securities set forth in Options 4, Section 3(b); or (B) the Index-Linked Securities must be redeemable at the option of the holder at least on a weekly basis through the issuer at a price related to the applicable underlying Reference Asset. In addition, the issuing company is obligated to issue or repurchase the securities in aggregation units for cash, or cash equivalents, satisfactory to the issuer of Index-Linked Securities which underlie the option as described in the Index-Linked Securities prospectus.

(4) The Exchange will implement surveillance procedures for options on Index-Linked Securities, including adequate comprehensive surveillance sharing agreements with markets trading in non-U.S. components, as applicable.

Adopted June 6, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-17); amended November 6, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-38); amended June 9, 2021 (SR-ISE-2021-14); amended Aug. 4, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-16); amended Sep. 20, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-03).

Section 4. Withdrawal of Approval of Underlying Securities

(a) Whenever the Exchange determines that an underlying security previously approved for Exchange options transactions does not meet the then current requirements for continuance of such approval or for any other reason should no longer be approved, the Exchange will not open for trading any additional series of options of the class covering that underlying security and may prohibit any opening purchase transactions in series of options of that class previously opened (except that opening transactions by Market Makers executed to accommodate closing transactions of other market participants may be permitted) to the extent it deems such action necessary or appropriate; provided, however, that where exceptional circumstances have caused an underlying security not to comply with the Exchange's current approval maintenance requirements regarding number of publicly held shares, number of shareholders, trading volume or market price, the Exchange may, in the interest of maintaining a fair and orderly market or for the protection of investors, determine to continue to open additional series of options contracts of the class covering that underlying security. When all options contracts with respect to any underlying security that is no longer approved have expired, the Exchange may make application to the SEC to strike from trading and listing all such options contracts.

(b) Absent exceptional circumstances, an underlying security will not be deemed to meet the Exchange's requirements for continued approval whenever any of the following occur:

(1) There are fewer than 6,300,000 shares of the underlying security held by persons other than those who are required to report their security holdings under Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act.

(2) There are fewer than 1,600 holders of the underlying security.

(3) The trading volume (in all markets in which the underlying security is traded) has been less than 1,800,000 shares in the preceding twelve (12) months.

(4) The underlying security ceases to be an "NMS stock" as defined in Rule 600 of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act.

(5) If an underlying security is approved for options listing and trading under the provisions of Options 4, Section 3(c), the trading volume of the Original Security (as therein defined) prior to but not after the commencement of trading in the Restructure Security (as therein defined), including "when-issued" trading, may be taken into account in determining whether the trading volume requirement of (3) of this paragraph (b) is satisfied.

(c) In considering whether any of the events specified in paragraph (b) of this Rule have occurred with respect to an underlying security, the Exchange shall ordinarily rely on information made publicly available by the issuer and/or the markets in which such security is traded.

(d) If prior to the delisting of a class of options contracts covering an underlying security that has been found not to meet the Exchange's requirements for continued approval, the Exchange determines that the underlying security again meets the Exchange's requirements, the Exchange may open for trading additional series of options of that class and may lift any restriction on opening purchase transactions imposed by this Rule.

(e) Whenever the Exchange announces that approval of an underlying security has been withdrawn for any reason or that the Exchange has been informed that the issuer of an underlying security has ceased to be in compliance with SEC reporting requirements, each Member shall, prior to effecting any transaction in options contracts with respect to such underlying security for a customer, inform such customer of such fact and of the fact that the Exchange may prohibit further transactions in such options contracts to the extent it shall deem such action necessary and appropriate.

(f) If an ADR was initially deemed appropriate for options trading on the grounds that fifty percent (50%) or more of the worldwide trading volume (on a share-equivalent basis) in the ADR and other related ADRs and securities takes place in U.S. markets or in markets with which the Exchange has in place an effective surveillance sharing agreement, or if an ADR was initially deemed appropriate for options trading based on the daily trading volume standard Options 4, Section 3(f)(3), the Exchange may not open for trading additional series of options on the ADR unless:

(1) The percentage of worldwide trading volume in the ADR and other related securities that takes place in the U.S. and in markets with which the Exchange has in place effective surveillance sharing agreements for any consecutive three (3) month period is either (i) at least thirty percent (30%) without regard to the average daily trading volume in the ADR, or (ii) at least fifteen percent (15%) when the average U.S. daily trading volume in the ADR for the previous three (3) months is at least 70,000 shares; or

(2) the Exchange then has in place an effective surveillance sharing agreement with the primary exchange in the home country where the security underlying the ADR is traded; or

(3) the SEC has otherwise authorized the listing.

(g) Exchange-Traded Fund Shares approved for options trading pursuant to Options 4, Section 3(h) will not be deemed to meet the requirements for continued approval, and the Exchange shall not open for trading any additional series of option contracts of the class covering such Exchange-Traded Fund Shares if the Exchange-Traded Fund Shares are delisted from trading as provided in subparagraph (b)(5) of this Rule or the Exchange-Traded Fund Shares are halted or suspended from trading on their primary market. In addition, the Exchange shall consider the suspension of opening transactions in any series of options of the class covering Exchange-Traded Fund Shares in any of the following circumstances:

(1) In the case of options covering Exchange-Traded Fund Shares approved pursuant to Options 4, Section 3(h)(i), in accordance with the terms of subparagraphs (b)(1), (2), (3) and (4) of this Rule;

(2) In the case of options covering Fund Shares approved pursuant to Options 4, Section 3(h)(ii), following the initial twelve-month period beginning upon the commencement of trading in the Exchange-Traded Fund Shares on a national securities exchange and are defined as an "NMS stock" under Rule 600 of Regulation NMS, there were fewer than 50 record and/or beneficial holders of such Exchange-Traded Fund Shares for 30 or more consecutive trading days;

(3) the value of the index or portfolio of securities or non-U.S. currency, portfolio of commodities including commodity futures contracts, options on commodity futures contracts, swaps, forward contracts, options on physical commodities and/or Financial Instruments and Money Market Instruments, on which the Exchange-Traded Fund Shares are based is no longer calculated or available; or

(4) such other event occurs or condition exists that in the opinion of the Exchange makes further dealing in such options on the Exchange inadvisable.

(h) Absent exceptional circumstances, securities initially approved for options trading pursuant to paragraph (j) of Options 4, Section 3 (such securities are defined and referred to in that paragraph as "Trust Issued Receipts") shall not be deemed to meet the Exchange's requirements for continued approval, and the Exchange shall not open for trading any additional series of option contracts of the class covering such Trust Issued Receipts, whenever the Trust Issued Receipts are delisted and trading in the Receipts is suspended on a national securities exchange, or the Trust Issued Receipts are no longer traded as national market securities through the facilities of a national securities association. In addition, the Exchange shall consider the suspension of opening transactions in any series of options of the class covering Trust Issued Receipts in any of the following circumstances:

(1) in accordance with the terms of paragraph (b) this Rule in the case of options covering Trust Issued Receipts when such options were approved pursuant to subparagraph (j)(1)(i) under this Rule;

(2) the Trust has more than 60 days remaining until termination and there are fewer than 50 record and/or beneficial holders of Trust Issued Receipts for 30 or more consecutive trading days;

(3) the Trust has fewer than 50,000 receipts issued and outstanding;

(4) the market value of all receipts issued and outstanding is less than $1,000,000; or

(5) such other event shall occur or condition exist that in the opinion of the Exchange makes further dealing in such options on the Exchange inadvisable.

(i) For Holding Company Depositary Receipts (HOLDRs), the Exchange will not open additional series of options overlying HOLDRs (without prior Commission approval) if:

(1) the proportion of securities underlying standardized equity options to all securities held in a HOLDRs trust is less than 80% (as measured by their relative weightings in the HOLDRs trust); or

(2) less than 80% of the total number of securities held in a HOLDRs trust underlie standardized equity options.

(j) Absent exceptional circumstances, Index-Linked Securities ("Securities") initially approved for options trading pursuant to Options 4, Section 3(k) shall not be deemed to meet the Exchange's requirements for continued approval, and the Exchange shall not open for trading any additional series or option contracts of the class covering such Securities whenever the underlying Securities are delisted and trading in the Securities is suspended on a national securities exchange, or the Securities are no longer an "NMS Stock" (as defined in Rule 600 of Regulation NMS under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934). In addition, the Exchange shall consider the suspension of opening transactions in any series of options of the class covering Index-Linked Securities in any of the following circumstances:

(1) The underlying Index-Linked Security fails to comply with the terms of Options 4, Section 3(k);

(2) In accordance with the terms of paragraph (b), in the case of options covering Index-Linked Securities when such options were approved pursuant to Options 4, Section 3(k), except that, in the case of options covering Index-Linked Securities approved pursuant to Options 4, Section 3(k)(3)(ii) that are redeemable at the option of the holder at least on a weekly basis, then option contracts of the class covering such Securities may only continue to be open for trading as long as the Securities are listed on a national securities exchange and are "NMS" stock as defined in Rule 600 of Regulation NMS;

(3) In the case of any Index-Linked Security trading pursuant to Options 4, Section 3(k), the value of the Reference Asset is no longer calculated; or

(4) Such other event shall occur or condition exist that in the opinion of the Exchange make further dealing in such options on the Exchange inadvisable.

Supplementary Material to Options 4, Section 4

.01 If an option series is listed but restricted to closing transactions on another national securities exchange, the Exchange may list such series (even if such series would not otherwise be eligible for listing under the Exchange's Rules), which shall also be restricted to closing transactions on the Exchange.

Adopted June 6, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-17); amended Sep. 20, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-03).

Section 5. Series of Options Contracts Open for Trading

(a) After a particular class of options has been approved for listing and trading on the Exchange, the Exchange from time to time may open for trading series of options in that class. Only options contracts in series of options currently open for trading may be purchased or written on the Exchange. Prior to the opening of trading in a given series, the Exchange will fix the type of option, expiration month, year and exercise price of that series. Exercise-price setting parameters adopted as part of the Options Listing Procedures Plan ("OLPP") are set forth in Options 4, Section 6(b). For Short Term Option Series, the Exchange will fix a specific expiration date and exercise price, as provided in Supplementary Material .03. For Quarterly Options Series, the Exchange will fix a specific expiration date and exercise price, as provided in Supplementary Material .04. For Monthly Options Series, the Exchange will fix a specific expiration date and exercise price, as provided in Supplementary Material .09.

(1) Notwithstanding the requirements set forth in this section and any Supplementary Material thereto, the Exchange may list additional expiration months on options classes opened for trading on the Exchange if such expiration months are opened for trading on at least one other registered national securities exchange.

(b) At the commencement of trading on the Exchange of a particular class of options, the Exchange will open a minimum of one (1) series of options in that class. The exercise price of that series will be fixed at a price per share, relative to the underlying stock price in the primary market at about the time that class of options is first opened for trading on the Exchange.

(c) Additional series of options of the same class may be opened for trading on the Exchange when the Exchange deems it necessary to maintain an orderly market, to meet customer demand or when the market price of the underlying stock moves more than five strike prices from the initial exercise price or prices. The opening of a new series of options shall not affect the series of options of the same class previously opened. New series of options on an individual stock may be added until the beginning of the month in which the options contract will expire. Due to unusual market conditions, the Exchange, in its discretion, may add a new series of options on an individual stock until the close of trading on the business day prior to the business day of expiration, or, in the case of an option contract expiring on a day that is not a business day, on the second business day prior to expiration.

(d) Except as otherwise provided in the Supplementary Material hereto, the interval between strike prices of series of options on individual stocks will be:

(1) $2.50 or greater where the strike price is $25.00 or less;

(2) $5.00 or greater where the strike price is greater than $25.00; and

(3) $10.00 or greater where the strike price is greater than $200.00.

The interval between strike prices of series of options on Exchange-Traded Fund Shares approved for options trading pursuant to Section 3(h) of this Options 4 will be $1 or greater where the strike price is $200 or less and $5.00 or greater where the strike price is greater than $200 or shall be fixed at a price per share which is reasonably close to the price per share at which the underlying security is traded in the primary market at or about the same time such series of options is first open for trading on the Exchange, or at such intervals as may have been established on another options exchange prior to the initiation of trading on the Exchange.

(e) Notwithstanding any other provision regarding the interval of strike prices of series of options on Exchange-Traded Fund Shares in this Rule, the interval of strike prices on SPDR S&P 500 ETF ("SPY"), iShares Core S&P 500 ETF ("IVV"), PowerShares QQQ Trust ("QQQ"), iShares Russell 2000 Index Fund ("IWM"), the SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF ("DIA"), SPDR® Gold Trust (“GLD”) options will be $1 or greater.

(f) $0.50 and $1.00 Strike Price Intervals for Options Used to Calculate Volatility Indexes. Notwithstanding the requirements set forth in this section and Supplementary Material .01, .05, and subparagraph (e) above, the Exchange may open for trading series at $0.50 or greater strike price intervals where the strike price is less than $75 and $1.00 or greater strike price intervals where the strike price is between $75 and $150 for options that are used to calculate a volatility index.

(g) The Exchange will open at least one expiration month for each class of options open for trading on the Exchange.

(h) The interval between strike prices of series of options on Index-Linked Securities, as defined in Options 4, Section 3(k), will be $1 or greater when the strike price is $200 or less and $5 or greater when the strike price is greater than $200.

(i) The interval between strike prices of series of options on Trust Issued Receipts, including Holding Company Depository Receipts (HOLDRs), will be $1 or greater where the strike price is $200 or less and $5 or greater where the strike price is greater than $200.

(j) The interval of strike prices may be $2.50 in any multiply-traded option class to the extent permitted on the Exchange by the Commission or once another exchange trading that option lists strike prices of $2.50 on such options class.

(k) New series of equity options, options on Exchange Traded Funds, and options on Trust Issued Receipts opened for trading shall be subject to the range limitations set forth in Options 4, Section 6(b).

Supplementary Material to Options 4, Section 5

.01 $1 Strike Price Interval Program

(a) Program Description. The interval between strike prices of series of options on individual stocks may be $1.00 or greater strike price intervals where the strike price is $50.00 or less, but not less than $1. Except as provided in subparagraph (c) below, the listing of $1 strike price intervals shall be limited to options classes overlying no more than 150 individual stocks as specifically designated by the Exchange. The Exchange may list $1 strike price intervals on any other option classes if those classes are specifically designated by other national securities exchanges that employ a $1 Strike Price Interval Program under their respective rules. If a class participates in the $1 Strike Price Interval Program, $2.50 strike price intervals are not permitted between $1 and $50 for non-LEAPS and LEAPs.

(b) Initial and Additional Series. To be eligible for inclusion into the $1 Strike Price Interval Program, an underlying stock must close below $50 in its primary market on the previous trading day. After a security is added to the $1 Strike Price Interval Program, the Exchange may list $1 strike price intervals from $1 to $50 according to the following parameters:

(1) If the price of the underlying stock is equal to or less than $20, the Exchange may list series with an exercise price up to 100% above and 100% below the price of the underlying stock. However, the foregoing restriction shall not prohibit the listing of at least five (5) strike prices above and below the price of the underlying stock per expiration month in an option class. For example, if the price of the underlying stock is $2, the Exchange would be permitted to list the following series: $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 and $7.

(2) If the price of the underlying stock is greater than $20, the Exchange may list series with an exercise price up to 50% above and 50% below the price of the underlying security up to $50.

(3) For the purpose of adding strikes under the $1 Strike Price Interval Program, the "price of the underlying stock" shall be measured in the same way as "the price of the underlying security" is as set forth in Options 4, Section 6(b)(i).

(4) No additional series in $1 strike price intervals may be listed if the underlying stock closes at or above $50 in its primary market. Additional series in $1 strike price intervals may not be added until the underlying stock closes again below $50.

(5) Long-Term Options Series or "LEAPS". For stocks in the $1 Strike Price Interval Program, the Exchange may list one $1 strike price interval between each standard $5 strike interval, with the $1 strike price interval being $2 above the standard strike for each interval above the price of the underlying stock, and $2 below the standard strike for each interval below the price of the underlying stock ("$2 wings"). For example, if the price of the underlying stock is $24.50, the Exchange may list the following standard strikes in $5 intervals: $15, $20, $25, $30 and $35. Between these standard $5 strikes, the Exchange may list the following $2 wings: $18, $27 and $32.

In addition, the Exchange may list the $1 strike price interval which is $2 above the standard strike just below the underlying price at the time of listing. In the above example, since the standard strike just below the underlying price ($24.50) is $20, the Exchange may list a $22 strike. The Exchange may add additional long-term options series strikes as the price of the underlying stock moves, consistent with the OLPP. Additional long-term option strikes may not be listed within $1 of an existing strike until less than nine months to expiration. A security shall remain in the $1 Strike Price Interval Program until otherwise designated by the Exchange.

(c) The Exchange may list $1 strike prices up to $5 in LEAPS in up to 200 option classes on individual stocks. The Exchange may not list $1 strike price intervals within $0.50 of an existing $2.50 strike in the same expiration.

(d) Delisting Policy. For options classes selected to participate in the $1 Strike Price Program, the Exchange will, on a monthly basis, review series that were originally listed under the $1 Strike Price Program with strike prices that are more than $5 from the current value of an options class and delist those series with no open interest in both the put and the call series having a: (i) strike higher than the highest strike price with open interest in the put and/or call series for a given expiration month; and (ii) strike lower than the lowest strike price with open interest in the put and/or call series for a given expiration month.

If the Exchange identifies series for delisting pursuant to this policy, the Exchange shall notify other options exchanges with similar delisting policies regarding eligible series for delisting, and shall work jointly with such other exchanges to develop a uniform list of series to be delisted so as to ensure uniform series delisting of multiply listed options classes.

Notwithstanding the above delisting policy, Member requests to add strikes and/or maintain strikes in series of options classes traded pursuant to the $1 Strike Price Interval Program that are eligible for delisting may be granted.

.02 $2.50 Strike Price Interval Program. The Exchange may select up to 60 options classes on individual stocks for which the interval of strike prices will be $2.50 where the strike price is greater than $25 but less than $50 (the "$2.50 Strike Price Program"). On any option class that has been selected as part of this $2.50 Strike Price Program, $2.50 strike prices between $50 and $100 may be listed, provided that $2.50 strike prices between $50 and $100 are no more than $10 from the closing price of the underlying stock in its primary market on the preceding day. For example, if an options class has been selected as part of the $2.50 Strike Price Program, and the underlying stock closes at $48.50 in its primary market, the Exchange may list the $52.50 strike price and the $57.50 strike price on the next business day. If an underlying security closes at $54, the Exchange may list the $52.50 strike price, the $57.50 strike price and the $62.50 strike price on the next business day. The Exchange may list a strike price interval of $2.50 in any multiply-traded option once an exchange selects an option as part of the $2.50 Strike Price Program.

.03 Short Term Option Series Program. After an option class has been approved for listing and trading on the Exchange as a Short Term Option Series pursuant to Options 1, Section 1(a)(49), the Exchange may open for trading on any Thursday or Friday that is a business day ("Short Term Option Opening Date") series of options on that class that expire at the close of business on each of the next five Fridays that are business days and are not Fridays in which standard expiration options series, Monthly Options Series, or Quarterly Options Series expire ("Friday Short Term Option Expiration Dates"). The Exchange may have no more than a total of five Short Term Option Expiration Dates (“Short Term Option Weekly Expirations”). If the Exchange is not open for business on the respective Thursday or Friday, the Short Term Option Opening Date for Short Term Option Weekly Expirations will be the first business day immediately prior to that respective Thursday or Friday. Similarly, if the Exchange is not open for business on a Friday, the Short Term Option Expiration Date for Short Term Option Weekly Expirations will be the first business day immediately prior to that Friday.

Short Term Option Daily Expirations

In addition to the above, the Exchange may open for trading series of options on the symbols provided in Table 1 below that expire at the close of business on each of the next two Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, respectively, that are business days beyond the current week and are not business days in which standard expiration options series, Monthly Options Series, or Quarterly Options Series expire (“Short Term Option Daily Expirations”). The Exchange may have no more than a total of two Short Term Option Daily Expirations beyond the current week for each of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday expirations at one time. Short Term Option Daily Expirations would be subject to this Supplementary Material .03.

Table 1


Number of Expirations














































With respect to Monday expirations for symbols defined in Table 1 above (“Monday Expirations”), the Exchange may open for trading on any Friday or Monday that is a business day series of options on the symbols provided in Table 1 above that expire at the close of business on each of the next two Mondays that are business days and are not business days in which standard expiration options series, Monthly Options Series, or Quarterly Options Series expire (“Monday Short Term Option Expiration Date”), provided that Monday Expirations that are listed on a Friday must be listed at least one business week and one business day prior to the expiration.

With respect to Tuesday expirations for symbols defined in Table 1 above (“Tuesday Expirations”), the Exchange may open for trading on any Monday or Tuesday that is a business day series of options on the symbols provided in Table 1 above that expire at the close of business on each of the next two Tuesdays that are business days and are not business days in which standard expiration options series, Monthly Options Series, or Quarterly Options Series expire (“Tuesday Short Term Option Expiration Date”).

With respect to Wednesday expirations for symbols defined in Table 1 above (“Wednesday Expirations”), the Exchange may open for trading on any Tuesday or Wednesday that is a business day series of options on the symbols provided in Table 1 above that expire at the close of business on each of the next two Wednesdays that are business days and are not business days in which standard expiration options series, Monthly Options Series, or Quarterly Options Series expire (“Wednesday Short Term Option Expiration Date”).

With respect to Thursday expirations for symbols defined in Table 1 above (“Thursday Expirations”), the Exchange may open for trading on any Wednesday or Thursday that is a business day series of options on the symbols provided in Table 1 above that expire at the close of business on each of the next two Thursdays that are business days and are not business days in which standard expiration options series, Monthly Options Series, or Quarterly Options Series expire (“Thursday Short Term Option Expiration Date”).

Monday Short Term Option Expiration Dates, Tuesday Short Term Option Expiration Dates, Wednesday Short Term Option Expiration Dates, and Thursday Short Term Option Expiration Dates, together with Friday Short Term Option Expiration Dates, are collectively “Short Term Option Expiration Dates.”

Regarding Short Term Option Series:

(a) Classes. The Exchange may select up to fifty (50) currently listed option classes on which Short Term Option Series may be opened on any Short Term Option Opening Date. In addition to the 50 option class restriction, the Exchange may also list Short Term Option Series on any option classes that are selected by other securities exchanges that employ a similar program under their respective rules. For each option class eligible for participation in the Short Term Option Series Program, the Exchange may open up to 30 Short Term Option Series for each expiration date in that class. The Exchange may also open Short Term Option Series that are opened by other securities exchanges in option classes selected by such exchanges under their respective short term option rules.

(b) Expiration. With the exception of Short Term Option Daily Expirations, no Short Term Option Series may expire in the same week in which standard expiration option series on the same class expire. In the case of Monthly Options Series and Quarterly Options Series, no Short Term Option Series may expire on the same day as an expiration of a Monthly Options Series or Quarterly Options Series.

(c) Initial Series. The Exchange may open up to 30 initial series for each option class that participates in the Short Term Option Series Program. The strike price of each Short Term Option Series will be fixed at a price per share, with approximately the same number of strike prices being opened above and below the value of the underlying security at about the time that the Short Term Option Series are initially opened for trading on the Exchange (e.g., if seven series are initially opened, there will be at least three strike prices above and three strike prices below the value of the underlying security). Any strike prices listed by the Exchange shall be reasonably close to the price of the underlying equity security and within the following parameters: (i) if the price of the underlying security is less than or equal to $20, strike prices shall be not more than one hundred percent (100%) above or below the price of the underlying security; and (ii) if the price of the underlying security is greater than $20, strike prices shall be not more than fifty percent (50%) above or below the price of the underlying security.

(d) Additional Series. If the Exchange opens less than thirty (30) Short Term Option Series for a Short Term Option Expiration Date, additional series may be opened for trading on the Exchange when the Exchange deems it necessary to maintain an orderly market, to meet customer demand or when the market price of the underlying security moves substantially from the exercise price or prices of the series already opened.

Any additional strike prices listed by the Exchange shall be reasonably close to the price of the underlying equity security and within the following parameters: (i) if the price of the underlying security is less than or equal to $20, additional strike prices shall be not more than one hundred percent (100%) above or below the price of the underlying security; and (ii) if the price of the underlying security is greater than $20, additional strike prices shall be not more than fifty percent (50%) above or below the price of the underlying security.

The Exchange may also open additional strike prices on Short Term Option Series that are more than 50% above or below the current price of the underlying security (if the price is greater than $20); provided that demonstrated customer interest exists for such series, as expressed by institutional, corporate or individual customers or their brokers. Market makers trading for their own account shall not be considered when determining customer interest under this provision.

In the event that the underlying security has moved such that there are no series that are at least 10% above or below the current price of the underlying security, the Exchange will delist any series with no open interest in both the call and the put series having a: (i) strike higher than the highest strike price with open interest in the put and/or call series for a given expiration week; and (ii) strike lower than the lowest strike price with open interest in the put and/or the call series for a given expiration week. The opening of new Short Term Option Series shall not affect the series of options of the same class previously opened. Notwithstanding any other provisions in this Rule, Short Term Option Series may be added up to and including on the Short Term Option Expiration Date for that options series.

(e) Strike Interval. During the month prior to expiration of an option class that is selected for the Short Term Option Series Program pursuant to this Rule ("Short Term Option"), the strike price intervals for the related non-Short Term Option ("Related non-Short Term Option") shall be the same as the strike price intervals for the Short Term Option. The Exchange may open for trading Short Term Option Series at strike price intervals of (i) $0.50 or greater where the strike price is less than $100, and $1 or greater where the strike price is between $100 and $150 for all option classes that participate in the Short Term Options Series Program; (ii) $0.50 for option classes that trade in one dollar increments and are in the Short Term Option Series Program; or (iii) $2.50 or greater where the strike price is above $150.

(f) Notwithstanding (e) above, when Short Term Options Series in equity options, excluding Exchange-Traded Funds (“ETFs”) and ETNs, have an expiration more than twenty-one days from the listing date, the strike interval for each options class shall be the greater of the strike price interval specified in Supplementary Material .03(e) and the strike price interval specified in the table in Supplementary Material .07.

.04 Quarterly Options Series Program. The Exchange may list and trade options series that expire at the close of business on the last business day of a calendar quarter ("Quarterly Options Series"). The Exchange may list Quarterly Options Series for up to five (5) currently listed options classes that are either index options or options on exchange traded funds ("ETFs"). In addition, the Exchange may also list Quarterly Options Series on any options classes that are selected by other securities exchanges that employ a similar program under their respective rules.

(a) Expiration. The Exchange may list series that expire at the end of the next consecutive four (4) calendar quarters, as well as the fourth quarter of the next calendar year.

(b) The Exchange will not list a Short Term Option Series on an options class whose expiration coincides with that of a Quarterly Options Series on that same options class.

(c) Initial Series. The strike price of each Quarterly Options Series will be fixed at a price per share, with at least two, but no more than five, strike prices above and at least two, but no more than five, strike prices below the value of the underlying index or price of the underlying security at about the time that a Quarterly Options Series is opened for trading on the Exchange. The Exchange will list strike prices for Quarterly Options Series that are reasonably related to the current price of the underlying security or current index value of the underlying index to which such series relates at about the time such series of options is first opened for trading on the Exchange. The term “reasonably related to the current price of the underlying security or index value of the underlying index” means that the exercise price is within 30% of the current underlying security price or index value.

(d) Additional Series. Additional Quarterly Options Series of the same class may be opened for trading on the Exchange when the Exchange deems it necessary to maintain an orderly market, to meet customer demand or when the market price of the underlying security moves substantially from the initial exercise price or prices. To the extent that any additional strike prices are listed by the Exchange, such additional strike prices shall be within thirty percent (30%) above or below the closing price of the underlying ETF (or "Exchange-Traded Fund Shares") as defined in Options 4, Section 3(h)) on the preceding day. The Exchange may also open additional strike prices of Quarterly Options Series in ETF options that are more than 30% above or below the current price of the underlying ETF provided that demonstrated customer interest exists for such series, as expressed by institutional, corporate or individual customers or their brokers. Market Makers trading for their own account shall not be considered when determining customer interest under this provision. The opening of new Quarterly Options Series shall not affect the series of options of the same class previously opened.

(e) Strike Interval. The interval between strike prices on Quarterly Options Series shall be the same as the interval for strike prices for series in that same options class that expire in accordance with the normal monthly expiration cycle.


(1) Delisting Policy. With respect to Quarterly Options Series in ETF options added pursuant to the above paragraphs, the Exchange will, on a monthly basis, review series that are outside a range of five (5) strikes above and five (5) strikes below the current price of the underlying ETF, and delist series with no open interest in both the put and the call series having a: (a) strike higher than the highest strike price with open interest in the put and/or call series for a given expiration month; and (b) strike lower than the lowest strike price with open interest in the put and/or call series for a given expiration month.

(2) Notwithstanding the above referenced delisting policy, customer requests to add strikes and/or maintain strikes in Quarterly Options Series in ETF options in series eligible for delisting shall be granted.

(3) In connection with the above referenced delisting policy, if the Exchange identifies series for delisting, the Exchange shall notify other options exchanges with similar delisting policies regarding eligible series for delisting, and shall work with such other exchanges to develop a uniform list of series to be delisted, so as to ensure uniform series delisting of multiply listed Quarterly Options Series in ETF options.

.05 $0.50 Strike Program: The interval of strike prices of series of options on individual stocks may be $0.50 or greater beginning at $0.50 where the strike price is $5.50 or less, but only for options classes whose underlying security closed at or below $5.00 in its primary market on the previous trading day and which have national average daily volume that equals or exceeds 1000 contracts per day as determined by The Options Clearing Corporation during the preceding three calendar months. The listing of $0.50 strike prices shall be limited to options classes overlying no more than 20 individual stocks (the "$0.50 Strike Program") as specifically designated by the Exchange. The Exchange may list $0.50 strike prices on any other option classes if those classes are specifically designated by other securities exchanges that employ a similar $0.50 Strike Program under their respective rules. A stock shall remain in the $0.50 Strike Program until otherwise designated by the Exchange.

.06 $5 Strike Program: The interval of strike prices may be $5 or greater where the strike price is more than $200 in up to five (5) option classes on individual stocks or on any other option classes if those classes are specifically designated by other securities exchanges that employ a similar $5 Strike Program under their respective rules.

.07 With respect to listing Short Term Option Series in equity options, excluding Exchange-Traded Fund Shares and ETNs, which have an expiration date more than twenty-one days from the listing date, the following table, which specifies the applicable interval for listing, will apply as noted within Supplementary Material .03(f). To the extent there is a conflict between applying Supplementary Material .03(e) and the below table, the greater interval would apply.









Share Price


Average Daily Volume

Less than $2.50

$2.50 to less than $25

$25 to less than $75

$75 to less than $150

$150 to less than $500

$500 or greater


Greater than 5,000








Greater than 1,000 to 5,000








0 to 1,000







The Share Price would be the closing price on the primary market on the last day of the calendar quarter.

The Average Daily Volume would be the total number of options contracts traded in a given security for the applicable calendar quarter divided by the number of trading days in the applicable calendar quarter.

Beginning on the second trading day in the first month of each calendar quarter, the Average Daily Volume shall be calculated by utilizing data from the prior calendar quarter based on Customer-cleared volume at The Options Clearing Corporation. For options listed on the first trading day of a given calendar quarter, the Average Daily Volume shall be calculated using the quarter prior to the last trading calendar quarter.

Short Term Options Series that are newly eligible for listing pursuant to Options 4, Section 3 will not be subject to this proposed Supplementary .07 until after the end of the first full calendar quarter following the date the option class was first listed for trading on any options market.

In the event of a corporate action, the Share Price of the surviving company would be utilized.

.08 Low Priced Stock Strike Price Interval Program.

(a) Eligibility for the Low Priced Stock Strike Price Interval Program. To be eligible for inclusion in the Low Priced Stock Strike Price Interval Program, an underlying stock must (i) close below $2.50 in its primary market on the previous trading day; and (ii) have an average daily trading volume of at least 1,000,000 shares per day for the three (3) preceding calendar months.

(b) Strike Prices to be Added. After a stock is added to the Low Priced Stock Strike Price Interval Program, the Exchange may list $0.50 strike price intervals from $0.50 up to $2.00.

(1) For the purpose of adding strikes under the Low Priced Stock Strike Price Interval Program, the “price of the underlying stock” shall be measured in the same way as “the price of the underlying security” is as set forth in Options 4, Section 6(b)(i).

(2) No additional series in $0.50 intervals may be listed if the underlying stock closes above $2.50 in its primary market. Additional series in $0.50 intervals may not be added until the underlying stock again closes below $2.50.

.09 Monthly Options Series Program. The Exchange may list and trade options series that expire at the close of business on the last business day of a calendar month (“Monthly Options Series”).

(a) Classes. The Exchange may list Monthly Options Series for up to five currently listed option classes that are either index options or options on ETFs. In addition, the Exchange may also list Monthly Options Series on any options classes that are selected by other securities exchanges that employ a similar program under their respective rules.

(b) Expiration. The Exchange may list 12 expirations for Monthly Options Series. Monthly Options Series expirations need not be for consecutive months; however, the expiration date of a nonconsecutive expiration may not be beyond what would be considered the last expiration date if the maximum number of expirations were listed consecutively. No Monthly Options Series may expire on a date that coincides with an expiration date of a Quarterly Options Series in the same index or ETF class. Other expirations in the same class are not counted as part of the maximum numbers of Monthly Options Series expirations for a class.

(c) Settlement. Monthly Options Series will be P.M.-settled.

(d) Initial Series. The strike price of each Monthly Options Series will be fixed at a price per share, with at least two, but no more than five, strike prices above and at least two, but no more than five, strike prices below the value of the underlying index or price of the underlying security at about the time that a Monthly Options Series is opened for trading on the Exchange. The Exchange will list strike prices for Monthly Options Series that are reasonably related to the current price of the underlying security or current index value of the underlying index to which such series relates at about the time such series of options is first opened for trading on the Exchange. The term “reasonably related to the current price of the underlying security or index value of the underlying index” means that the exercise price is within 30% of the current underlying security price or index value.

(e) Additional Series. Additional Monthly Options Series of the same class may be open for trading on the Exchange when the Exchange deems it necessary to maintain an orderly market, to meet customer demand, or when the market price of the underlying security moves substantially from the initial exercise price or prices. To the extent that any additional strike prices are listed by the Exchange, such additional strike prices will be within 30% above or below the closing price of the underlying index or security on the preceding day. The Exchange may also open additional strike prices of Monthly Options Series that are more than 30% above or below the current price of the underlying index or security, provided that demonstrated customer interest exists for such series, as expressed by institutional, corporate, or individual customers or their brokers. Market Makers trading for their own account will not be considered when determining customer interest under this provision. The opening of the new Monthly Options Series will not affect the series of options in the same class previously opened.

(f) Strike Interval. The interval between strike prices on Monthly Options Series will be the same as the interval for strike prices for series in that same options class that expire in accordance with the normal monthly expiration cycle.

(g) Delisting Policy.

(1) With respect to Monthly Options Series added pursuant to subparagraphs (a) through (f) above, the Exchange will, on a monthly basis, review series that are outside a range of five strikes above and five strikes below the current price of the underlying index or security, and delist series with no open interest in both the put and the call series having a: (i) strike higher than the highest strike price with open interest in the put and/or call series for a given expiration month; and (ii) strike lower than the lowest strike price with open interest in the put and/or call series for a given expiration month.

(2) Notwithstanding the above referenced delisting policy, customer requests to add strikes and/or maintain strikes in Monthly Options Series in series eligible for delisting shall be granted.

(3) In connection with the above referenced delisting policy, if the Exchange identifies series for delisting, the Exchange will notify other options exchanges with similar delisting policies regarding eligible series for delisting and will work with such other exchanges to develop a uniform list of series to be delisted, so as to ensure uniform series delisting of multiply listed Monthly Options Series.

Adopted June 6, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-17); amended March 18, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-11), operative April 17, 2020; amended November 6, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-38); amended April 21, 2021 (SR-ISE-2021-07); amended May 5, 2021 (SR-ISE-2021-09), operative July 1, 2021; amended September 30, 2021 (SR-ISE-2021-20); amended Jun. 10, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-10), operative Aug. 1, 2022; amended Nov. 9, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-18), operative Nov. 14, 2022; amended Nov. 13, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-11); amended Nov. 20, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-30); amended Nov. 29, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-32); amended Apr. 11, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-06); amended Jun. 28, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-17); amended Jul. 15, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-31), operative Aug. 14, 2024; amended Aug. 27, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-21), operative Aug. 30, 2024.

Section 6. Select Provisions of Options Listing Procedures Plan

(a) The provisions set forth in this Rule were adopted by the Exchange as a quote mitigation strategy and are codified in the OLPP. A complete copy of the current OLPP may be accessed at: plan.pdf.

(b) The exercise price of each options series listed by the Exchange shall be fixed at a price per share which is reasonably close to the price of the underlying equity security, Exchange Traded Fund ("ETF" and referred to as Exchange Traded Fund Shares in Options 4, Section 3(h)) or Trust Issued Receipt ("TIR") at or about the time the Exchange determines to list such series. Additionally,

(i) Except as provided in subparagraphs (ii) through (iv) below, if the price of the underlying security is less than or equal to $20, the Exchange shall not list new options series with an exercise price more than 100% above or below the price of the underlying security. However, the foregoing restriction shall not prohibit the listing of at least three exercise prices per expiration month in an options class. Except as provided in Supplementary Material .02(d) to Options 3, Section 5, if the price of the underlying security is greater than $20, the Exchange shall not list new options series with an exercise price more than 50% above or below the price of the underlying security.

The price of the underlying security is measured by:

(1) for intra-day add-on series and next-day series additions, the daily high and low of all prices reported by all national securities exchanges;

(2) for new expiration months, the daily high and low of all prices reported by all national securities exchanges on the day the Exchange determines its preliminary notification of new series; and

(3) for options series to be added as a result of pre-market trading, the most recent share price reported by all national securities exchanges between 8:45 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time.

(ii) The series exercise price range limitations contained in subparagraph (i) above do not apply with regard to:

(1) the listing of $1 strike prices in options classes participating in the $1 Strike Program. Instead, the Exchange shall be permitted to list $1 strike prices to the fullest extent as permitted under its Rules for the $1 Strike Program; or

(2) the listing of series of Flexible Exchange Options.

(iii) The Exchange may designate up to five options classes to which the series exercise price range may be up to 100% above and below the price of the underlying security (which underlying security price shall be determined in accordance with subparagraph (i) above). Such designations shall be made on an annual basis and shall not be removed during the calendar year unless the options class is delisted by the Exchange, in which case the Exchange may designate another options class to replace the delisted class. If a designated options class is delisted by the Exchange but continues to trade on at least one options exchange, the options class shall be subject to the limitations on listing new series set forth in subparagraph (i) above unless designated by another exchange.

(iv) If the Exchange that has designated five options classes pursuant to subparagraph (iii) above requests that one or more additional options classes be excepted from the limitations on listing new series set forth in subparagraph (i) above, the additional options class(es) shall be so designated upon the unanimous consent of all exchanges that trade the options class(es). Additionally, pursuant to the Exchange's request, the percentage range for the listing of new series may be increased to more than 100% above and below the price of the underlying security for an options class, by the unanimous consent of all exchanges that trade the designated options class.

Exceptions for an additional class or for an increase of the exercise price range shall apply to all standard expiration months existing at the time of the vote, plus the next standard expiration month to be added, and also to any non-standard expirations that occur prior to the next standard monthly expiration.

(v) The provisions of this subparagraph (b) shall not permit the listing of series that are otherwise prohibited by the Rules of the Exchange or the OLPP. To the extent the Rules of the Exchange permit the listing of new series that are otherwise prohibited by the provisions of the OLPP, the provisions of the OLPP shall govern.

(vi) The Exchange may list an options series that is listed by another options exchange, provided that at the time such series was listed it was not prohibited under the provisions of the OLPP or the rules of the exchange that initially listed the series.

[Adopted June 6, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-17).]

Section 7. Adjustments

Options contracts shall be subject to adjustments in accordance with the Rules of the Clearing Corporation. When adjustments have been made, the Exchange will announce that fact, and such changes will be effective for all subsequent transactions in that series at the time specified in the announcement.

[Adopted June 6, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-17).]

Section 8. Long-Term Options Contracts

(a) Notwithstanding conflicting language in Options 3, Section 5, the Exchange may list long-term options contracts that expire from twelve (12) to thirty-nine (39) months from the time they are listed. There may be up to ten expiration months for options on the SPDR® S&P 500® exchange-traded fund (the "SPY ETF") and up to six (6) expiration months for options on all other securities. Strike price interval and continuity rules shall not apply to such options series until the time to expiration is less than nine (9) months. Bid/ask differentials for long-term options contracts are specified within Options 2, Section 4(b)(4)(i)(A).

(b) After a new long-term options contract series is listed, such series will be opened for trading either when there is buying or selling interest, or forty (40) minutes prior to the close, whichever occurs first. No quotations will be posted for such options series until they are opened for trading.

Adopted June 6, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-17); amended June 9, 2021 (SR-ISE-2021-14).

Section 9. Limitation on the Liability of Index Licensors for Options on Fund Shares

(a) The term "index licensor" as used in this Rule refers to any entity that grants the Exchange a license to use one or more indexes or portfolios in connection with the trading of options on Fund Shares (as defined in Options 4, Section 3(h)).

(b) No index licensor with respect to any index or portfolio underlying an option on Fund Shares traded on the Exchange makes any warranty, express or implied, as to the results to be obtained by any person or entity from the use of such index or portfolio, any opening, intra-day or closing value therefor, or any data included therein or relating thereto, in connection with the trading of any option contract on Fund Shares based thereon or for any other purpose. The index licensor shall obtain information for inclusion in, or for use in the calculation of, such index or portfolio from sources it believes to be reliable, but the index licensor does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such index or portfolio, any opening, intra-day or closing value therefor, or any data included therein or related thereto. The index licensor hereby disclaims all warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use with respect to any such index or portfolio, any opening, intra-day or closing value therefor, any data included therein or relating thereto, or any option contract on Fund Shares based thereon. The index licensor shall have no liability for any damages, claims, losses (including any indirect or consequential losses), expenses or delays, whether direct or indirect, foreseen or unforeseen, suffered by any person arising out of any circumstance or occurrence relating to the person's use of such index or portfolio, any opening, intra-day or closing value therefor, any data included therein or relating thereto, or any option contract on Fund Shares based thereon, or arising out of any errors or delays in calculating or disseminating such index or portfolio.

[Adopted June 6, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-17).]

Section 10. Back-up Trading Arrangements

(a) Nasdaq ISE is Disabled Exchange.

(1) Nasdaq ISE Exclusively Listed Options.

(i) For purposes of this Rule, the term "exclusively listed option" means an option that is listed exclusively by an exchange (because the exchange has an exclusive license to use, or has proprietary rights in, the interest underlying the option).

(ii) The Exchange ("Nasdaq ISE") may enter into arrangements with one or more other exchanges (each a "Back-up Exchange") to permit Nasdaq ISE and its Members to use a portion of the Back-up Exchange's facilities to conduct the trading of some or all of Nasdaq ISE's exclusively listed options in the event that the functions of Nasdaq ISE are severely and adversely affected by an emergency or extraordinary circumstances (a "Disabling Event"). Such option classes shall trade as listings of Nasdaq ISE. The facility of the Back-up Exchange used by Nasdaq ISE for this purpose will be deemed to be a facility of Nasdaq ISE.

(iii) Trading of Nasdaq ISE exclusively listed options on Nasdaq ISE's facility at the Back-up Exchange shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of the Back-up Exchange, except that (A) such trading shall be subject to Nasdaq ISE rules with respect to doing business with the public, margin requirements, net capital requirements, listing requirements and position limits and (B) Nasdaq ISE Members that are trading on Nasdaq ISE's facility at the Back-up Exchange (not including members of the Back-up Exchange who become temporary Members of Nasdaq ISE pursuant to paragraph (a)(1)(vi)) will be subject to Nasdaq ISE rules governing or applying to the maintenance of a person's or a firm's status as a Member of Nasdaq ISE. In addition, Nasdaq ISE and the Back-up Exchange may agree that other Nasdaq ISE rules will apply to such trading. Nasdaq ISE and the Back-up Exchange have agreed to communicate to their members which rules apply in advance of trading. The Back-up Exchange rules that govern trading on Nasdaq ISE's facility at the Back-up Exchange shall be deemed to be Nasdaq ISE rules for purposes of such trading.

(iv) The Back-up Exchange has agreed to perform the related regulatory functions with respect to trading of Nasdaq ISE exclusively listed options on Nasdaq ISE's facility at the Back-up Exchange, in each case except as Nasdaq ISE and the Back-up Exchange may specifically agree otherwise. The Back-up Exchange and Nasdaq ISE have agreed to coordinate with each other regarding surveillance and enforcement respecting trading of Nasdaq ISE exclusively listed options on Nasdaq ISE's facility at the Back-up Exchange. Nasdaq ISE shall retain the ultimate legal responsibility for the performance of its self-regulatory obligations with respect to Nasdaq ISE's facility at the Back-up Exchange.

(v) Nasdaq ISE shall have the right to designate its Members that will be authorized to trade Nasdaq ISE exclusively listed options on Nasdaq ISE's facility at the Back-up Exchange and, if applicable, its Member(s) that will be a PMM or CMM in those options. If the Back-up Exchange is unable to accommodate all Nasdaq ISE Members that desire to trade on Nasdaq ISE's facility at the Back-up Exchange, Nasdaq ISE may determine which Members shall be eligible to trade at that facility. Factors to be considered in making such determinations may include, but are not limited to, any one or more of the following: whether the Member is a PMM or CMM in the applicable product(s), the number of contracts traded by the Member in the applicable product(s), market performance, and other factors relating to a Member's contribution to the market in the applicable product(s).

(vi) Members of the Back-up Exchange shall not be authorized to trade in any Nasdaq ISE exclusively listed options, except that (i) Nasdaq ISE may deputize willing brokers of the Back-up Exchange as temporary Nasdaq ISE Members to permit them to execute orders as brokers in Nasdaq ISE exclusively listed options traded on Nasdaq ISE's facility at the Back-up Exchange, and (ii) the Back-up Exchange has agreed that it will, at the instruction of Nasdaq ISE, select members of the Back-up Exchange that are willing to be deputized by Nasdaq ISE as temporary Nasdaq ISE Members authorized to trade Nasdaq ISE exclusively listed options on Nasdaq ISE's facility at the Back-up Exchange for such period of time following a Disabling Event as Nasdaq ISE determines to be appropriate, and Nasdaq ISE may deputize such members of the Back-up Exchange as temporary Nasdaq ISE Members for that purpose.

(2) Nasdaq ISE Singly Listed Options.

(i) For purposes of this Rule, the term "singly listed option" means an option that is not an "exclusively listed option" but that is listed by an exchange and not by any other national securities exchange.

(ii) Nasdaq ISE may enter into arrangements with a Back-up Exchange under which the Back-up Exchange will agree, in the event of a Disabling Event, to list for trading singly listed option classes that are then singly listed only by Nasdaq ISE and not by the Back-up Exchange. Any such option classes listed by the Back-up Exchange shall trade on the Back-up Exchange and in accordance with the rules of the Back-up Exchange. Such option classes shall be traded by members of the Back-up Exchange and by Nasdaq ISE Members selected by Nasdaq ISE to the extent the Back-up Exchange can accommodate Nasdaq ISE Members in the capacity of temporary members of the Back-up Exchange. If the Back-up Exchange is unable to accommodate all Nasdaq ISE Members that desire to trade singly listed options at the Back-up Exchange, Nasdaq ISE may determine which Members shall be eligible to trade such options at the Back-up Exchange. Factors to be considered in making such determinations may include, but are not limited to, any one or more of the following: whether the Member is a PMM or CMM in the applicable product(s), the number of contracts traded by the Member in the applicable product(s), market performance, and other factors relating to a Member's contribution to the market in the applicable product(s).

(iii) Any options class listed by the Back-up Exchange pursuant to paragraph (a)(2)(ii) that does not satisfy the standard listing and maintenance criteria of the Back-up Exchange will be subject, upon listing by the Back-up Exchange, to delisting (and, thus, restrictions on opening new series, and engaging in opening transactions in those series with open interest, as may be provided in the rules of the Back-up Exchange).

(3) Multiply Listed Options. Nasdaq ISE may enter into arrangements with a Back-up Exchange to permit Nasdaq ISE Members to conduct trading on a Back-up Exchange of some or all of Nasdaq ISE's multiply listed options in the event of a Disabling Event. Such options shall trade as a listing of the Back-up Exchange and in accordance with the rules of the Back-up Exchange. Such options shall be traded by members of the Back-up Exchange and by Nasdaq ISE Members selected by Nasdaq ISE to the extent the Back-up Exchange can accommodate Nasdaq ISE Members in the capacity of temporary members of the Back-up Exchange. If the Back-up Exchange is unable to accommodate all Nasdaq ISE Members that desire to trade multiply listed options at the Back-up Exchange, Nasdaq ISE may determine which Members shall be eligible to trade such options at the Back-up Exchange. Factors to be considered in making such determinations may include, but are not limited to, any one or more of the following: whether the Member is a PMM or CMM in the applicable product(s), the number of contracts traded by the Member in the applicable product(s), market performance, and other factors relating to a Member's contribution to the market in the applicable product(s).

(b) Nasdaq ISE is Back-up Exchange.

(1) Disabled Exchange Exclusively Listed Options.

(i) Nasdaq ISE may enter into arrangements with one or more other exchanges (each a "Disabled Exchange") to permit the Disabled Exchange and its members to use a portion of Nasdaq ISE's facilities to conduct the trading of some or all of the Disabled Exchange's exclusively listed options in the event of a Disabling Event. Such option classes shall trade as listings of the Disabled Exchange. The facility of Nasdaq ISE used by the Disabled Exchange for this purpose will be deemed to be a facility of the Disabled Exchange.

(ii) Trading of the Disabled Exchange's exclusively listed options on the Disabled Exchange's facility at Nasdaq ISE shall be conducted in accordance with Nasdaq ISE rules, except that (A) such trading shall be subject to the Disabled Exchange's rules with respect to doing business with the public, margin requirements, net capital requirements, listing requirements and position limits, and (B) members of the Disabled Exchange that are trading on the Disabled Exchange's facility at Nasdaq ISE (not including Nasdaq ISE Members who become temporary members of the Disabled Exchange pursuant to paragraph (b)(1)(iv)) will be subject to the rules of the Disabled Exchange governing or applying to the maintenance of a person's or a firm's status as a member of the Disabled Exchange. In addition, the Disabled Exchange and Nasdaq ISE may agree that other Disabled Exchange rules will apply to such trading. The Disabled Exchange and Nasdaq ISE have agreed to communicate to their members which rules apply in advance of trading.

(iii) Nasdaq ISE will perform the related regulatory functions with respect to trading of the Disabled Exchange's exclusively listed options on the Disabled Exchange's facility at Nasdaq ISE, in each case except as the Disabled Exchange and Nasdaq ISE may specifically agree otherwise. Nasdaq ISE and the Disabled Exchange have agreed to coordinate with each other regarding surveillance and enforcement respecting trading of the Disabled Exchange's exclusively listed options on the Disabled Exchange's facility at Nasdaq ISE. The Disabled Exchange has agreed that it shall retain the ultimate legal responsibility for the performance of its self-regulatory obligations with respect to the Disabled Exchange's facility at Nasdaq ISE.

(iv) Nasdaq ISE Members shall not be authorized to trade in any exclusively listed options of the Disabled Exchange, except (A) that the Disabled Exchange may deputize willing Nasdaq ISE Electronic Access Members as temporary members of the Disabled Exchange to permit them to execute orders as Electronic Access Members in exclusively listed options of the Disabled Exchange traded on the facility of the Disabled Exchange at Nasdaq ISE, and (B) at the instruction of the Disabled Exchange, Nasdaq ISE shall select Nasdaq ISE Members that are willing to be deputized by the Disabled Exchange as temporary members of the Disabled Exchange authorized to trade the Disabled Exchange's exclusively listed options on the facility of the Disabled Exchange at Nasdaq ISE for such period of time following a Disabling Event as the Disabled Exchange determines to be appropriate, and the Disabled Exchange may deputize such Nasdaq ISE Members as temporary members of the Disabled Exchange for that purpose.

(2) Disabled Exchange Singly Listed Options.

(i) Nasdaq ISE may enter into arrangements with a Disabled Exchange under which Nasdaq ISE will agree, in the event of a Disabling Event, to list for trading singly listed option classes that are then singly listed only by the Disabled Exchange and not by Nasdaq ISE. Any such option classes listed by Nasdaq ISE shall trade on Nasdaq ISE and in accordance with Nasdaq ISE rules. Such option classes shall be traded by Nasdaq ISE Members and by members of the Disabled Exchange selected by the Disabled Exchange to the extent Nasdaq ISE can accommodate members of the Disabled Exchange in the capacity of temporary Members of Nasdaq ISE. Nasdaq ISE may allocate such option classes to a Nasdaq ISE PMM in advance of a Disabling Event, without utilizing the allocation process under Nasdaq ISE Options 2, Section 3, to enable Nasdaq ISE to quickly list such option classes upon the occurrence of a Disabling Event.

(ii) Any options class listed by Nasdaq ISE pursuant to paragraph (b)(2)(i) that does not satisfy the listing and maintenance criteria under Nasdaq ISE rules will be subject, upon listing by Nasdaq ISE, to delisting (and, thus, restrictions on opening new series, and engaging in opening transactions in those series with open interest, as may be provided in Nasdaq ISE rules).

(3) Multiply Listed Options. Nasdaq ISE may enter into arrangements with a Disabled Exchange to permit the Disabled Exchange's members to conduct trading on Nasdaq ISE of some or all of the Disabled Exchange's multiply listed options in the event of a Disabling Event. Such options shall trade as a listing of Nasdaq ISE and in accordance with Nasdaq ISE rules. Such options shall be traded by Nasdaq ISE Members and by members of the Disabled Exchange to the extent Nasdaq ISE can accommodate members of the Disabled Exchange in the capacity of temporary Members of Nasdaq ISE.

(c) Member Obligations.

(1) Temporary Members of the Disabled Exchange

(i) A Nasdaq ISE Member acting in the capacity of a temporary member of the Disabled Exchange pursuant to paragraph (b)(1)(iv) shall be subject to, and obligated to comply with, the rules that govern the operation of the facility of the Disabled Exchange at Nasdaq ISE, including the rules of the Disabled Exchange to the extent applicable during the period of such trading. Additionally, (A) such Nasdaq ISE Member shall be deemed to have satisfied, and the Disabled Exchange has agreed to waive specific compliance with, rules governing or applying to the maintenance of a person's or a firm's status as a member of the Disabled Exchange, including all dues, fees and charges imposed generally upon members of the Disabled Exchange based on their status as such, (B) such Nasdaq ISE Member shall have none of the rights of a member of the Disabled Exchange except the right to conduct business on the facility of the Disabled Exchange at Nasdaq ISE to the extent described in this Rule, (C) the Nasdaq ISE Member shall be responsible for all obligations arising out its activities on or relating to the Disabled Exchange, and (D) the Clearing Member of such Nasdaq ISE Member shall guarantee and clear the transactions of such Nasdaq ISE Member on the Disabled Exchange.

(ii) A member of a Back-up Exchange acting in the capacity of a temporary Member of Nasdaq ISE pursuant to paragraph (a)(1)(vi) shall be subject to, and obligated to comply with, the rules that govern the operation of the facility of Nasdaq ISE at the Back-up Exchange, including Nasdaq ISE rules to the extent applicable during the period of such trading. Additionally, (A) such temporary Member shall be deemed to have satisfied, and Nasdaq ISE will waive specific compliance with, rules governing or applying to the maintenance of a person's or a firm's status as a Member of Nasdaq ISE, including all dues, fees and charges imposed generally upon Nasdaq ISE Members based on their status as such, (B) such temporary Member shall have none of the rights of a Nasdaq ISE Member except the right to conduct business on the facility of Nasdaq ISE at the Back-up Exchange to the extent described in this Rule, (C) the member organization associated with such temporary Member, if any, shall be responsible for all obligations arising out of that temporary Member's activities on or relating to Nasdaq ISE, and (D) the Clearing Member of such temporary Member shall guarantee and clear the transactions on Nasdaq ISE of such temporary Member.

(2) Temporary Members of the Back-up Exchange

(i) A Nasdaq ISE Member acting in the capacity of a temporary member of the Back-up Exchange pursuant to paragraphs (a)(2)(ii) or (a)(3) shall be subject to, and obligated to comply with, the rules of the Back-up Exchange that are applicable to the Back-up Exchange's own members. Additionally, (A) such Nasdaq ISE Member shall be deemed to have satisfied, and the Back-up Exchange has agreed to waive specific compliance with, rules governing or applying to the maintenance of a person's or a firm's status as a member of the Back-up Exchange, including all dues, fees and charges imposed generally upon members of the Back-up Exchange based on their status as such, (B) such Nasdaq ISE Member shall have none of the rights of a member of the Back-up Exchange except the right to conduct business on the Back-up Exchange to the extent described in this Rule, (C) the Nasdaq ISE Member shall be responsible for all obligations arising out of its activities on or relating to the Back-up Exchange, (D) the Clearing Member of such Nasdaq ISE Member shall guarantee and clear the transactions of such Nasdaq ISE Member on the Back-up Exchange, and (E) such Nasdaq ISE Member shall only be permitted (x) to act in those capacities on the Back-up Exchange that are authorized by the Back-up Exchange and that are comparable to capacities in which the Nasdaq ISE Member has been authorized to act on Nasdaq ISE, and (y) to trade in those option classes in which the Nasdaq ISE Member is authorized to trade on Nasdaq ISE.

(ii) A member of a Disabled Exchange acting in the capacity of a temporary Member of Nasdaq ISE pursuant to paragraphs (b)(2)(i) or (b)(3) shall be subject to, and obligated to comply with, Nasdaq ISE rules that are applicable to Nasdaq ISE's own Members. Additionally, (A) such temporary Member shall be deemed to have satisfied, and Nasdaq ISE will waive specific compliance with, rules governing or applying to the maintenance of a person's or a firm's status as a Member of Nasdaq ISE, including all dues, fees and charges imposed generally upon Nasdaq ISE Members based on their status as such, (B) such temporary Member shall have none of the rights of a Nasdaq ISE Member except the right to conduct business on Nasdaq ISE to the extent described in this Rule, (C) the member organization associated with such temporary Member, if any, shall be responsible for all obligations arising out of that temporary Member's activities on or relating to Nasdaq ISE, (D) the Clearing Member of such temporary Member shall guarantee and clear the transactions of such temporary Member on the Nasdaq ISE, and (E) such temporary Member shall only be permitted (x) to act in those Nasdaq ISE capacities that are authorized by Nasdaq ISE and that are comparable to capacities in which the temporary Member has been authorized to act on the Disabled Exchange, and (y) to trade in those option classes in which the temporary Member is authorized to trade on the Disabled Exchange.

(d) Member Proceedings.

(1) If Nasdaq ISE initiates an enforcement proceeding with respect to the trading during a back-up period of the singly or multiply listed options of the Disabled Exchange by a temporary Member of Nasdaq ISE or the exclusively listed options of the Disabled Exchange by a member of the Disabled Exchange (other than a Nasdaq ISE Member who is a temporary member of the Disabled Exchange), and such proceeding is in process upon the conclusion of the back-up period, Nasdaq ISE may transfer responsibility for such proceeding to the Disabled Exchange following the conclusion of the back-up period. Arbitration of any disputes with respect to any trading during a back-up period of singly or multiply listed options of the Disabled Exchange or of exclusively listed options of the Disabled Exchange on the Disabled Exchange's facility at Nasdaq ISE will be conducted in accordance with Nasdaq ISE rules, unless the parties to an arbitration agree that it shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of the Disabled Exchange.

(2) If the Back-up Exchange initiates an enforcement proceeding with respect to the trading during a back-up period of Nasdaq ISE singly or multiply listed options by a temporary member of the Back-up Exchange or Nasdaq ISE exclusively listed options by a Nasdaq ISE Member (other than a member of the Back-up Exchange who is a temporary Member of Nasdaq ISE), and such proceeding is in process upon the conclusion of the back-up period, the Back-up Exchange may transfer responsibility for such proceeding to Nasdaq ISE following the conclusion of the back-up period. Arbitration of any disputes with respect to any trading during a back-up period of Nasdaq ISE singly or multiply listed options on the Back-up Exchange or of Nasdaq ISE exclusively listed options on the facility of Nasdaq ISE at the Back-up Exchange will be conducted in accordance with the rules of the Back-up Exchange, unless the parties to an arbitration agree that it shall be conducted in accordance with Nasdaq ISE rules.

(e) Member Preparations. Nasdaq ISE Members are required to take appropriate actions as instructed by Nasdaq ISE to accommodate Nasdaq ISE's back-up trading arrangements with other exchanges and Nasdaq ISE's own back-up trading arrangements.

Supplementary Material to Options 4, Section 10

.01 This Rule reflects back-up trading arrangements that Nasdaq ISE has entered into or may enter into with one or more other exchanges. To the extent that this Rule provides that another exchange will take certain action, the Rule is reflecting what that exchange has agreed to do by contractual agreement with Nasdaq ISE, but the Rule itself is not binding upon the other exchange.

[Adopted June 6, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-17).]

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