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Options 2 Options Market Participants
Section 1. Registration of Market Makers

Options Participants registered as Market Makers have certain rights and bear certain responsibilities beyond those of other Options Participants. All Market Makers are designated as specialists on BX Options for all purposes under the Exchange Act or Rules thereunder.

(a) To register as a Market Maker, a Participant must file an application in writing on such forms as BX Regulation may prescribe. BX Regulation reviews applications and considers an applicant's market making ability and such other factors as BX Regulation deems appropriate in determining whether to approve an applicant's registration as a Market Maker.

(b) The registration of any Participant as a Market Maker may be suspended or terminated by BX Regulation upon a determination that such Participant has failed to properly perform as a Market Maker.

(c) These Rules place no limit on the number of qualifying entities that may become Market Makers. However, based on system constraints, capacity restrictions or other factors relevant to protecting the integrity of the BX Options Trading System, the Board or its designee may limit access to the Trading System, for a period to be determined in the Board's discretion, pending any action required to address the issue of concern to the Board. To the extent that the Board places limitations on access to the Trading System on any Participant(s), such limits shall be objectively determined and submitted to the Commission for approval pursuant to a rule change filing under Section 19(b) of the Act.

(d) An Options Participant that has qualified as an Options Market Maker may register to make markets in individual options.

(e) An Options Market Maker may become registered in an option by entering a registration request via a BX approved electronic interface with BX's systems. Registration shall become effective on the day the registration request is entered.

(f) An Options Market Maker's registration in an option shall be terminated if the Market Maker fails to enter quotations in the option within five (5) business days after the Market Maker's registration in the option becomes effective.

Adopted October 23, 2019 (SR-BX-2019-039).

Section 2. Reserved


Adopted October 23, 2019 (SR-BX-2019-039).

Section 3. Lead Market Maker Allocations

A. LMM Appointment

(a) Approved BX Options Market Makers may become LMMs. Only one LMM may be allocated to an options class.

(b) Initial application(s) to become an LMM shall be in a form and/or format prescribed by the Exchange and shall include the following: (1) background information on the prospective LMM including experience in trading options; (2) the LMM's clearing arrangements; (3) adequacy of capital; and (4) adherence to Exchange rules and ability to meet obligations of an LMM.

(c) Subsequent applications shall be in a form and/or format prescribed by the Exchange and shall include the information requested therein, including, but not limited to, an account of the abilities and background of the applicant as well as any other special requirements that the Exchange may require.

(d) Once an applicant is approved by the Exchange as an LMM, any material change in capital shall be reported in writing to the Exchange and in no circumstances shall be reported more than two business days after the change.

B. LMM Allocation Application

(a) When an options class is to be allocated or reallocated by the Exchange, the Exchange will solicit applications from all eligible LMMs. If the Exchange determines that special qualifications should be sought in the successful applicant, it shall indicate such desired qualifications in the notice.

(b) An allocation application shall be submitted in writing to the Exchange's designated staff and shall include, at a minimum, the name and background of the LMM, the LMM's experience and capitalization demonstrating an ability to trade the particular options class sought, and any other reasons why the LMM believes it should be assigned or allocated the security. In addition, the Exchange may also require that the application include other information such as system acceptance/execution levels and guarantees. The Exchange may re-solicit applications for any reason, including if it determines that its initial solicitation resulted in an insufficient number of applicants.

(c) Allocation decisions and automatic allocations, as noted in subsection (g) below, shall be communicated in writing to Exchange members.

(d) Once the LMM is allocated an issue, such LMM shall immediately notify the Exchange in writing any change to the respective system acceptance/execution levels or any other material change in the application for any assigned issue.

(e) If an LMM seeks to withdraw from allocation in a security, it should so notify the Exchange at least one business day prior to the desired effective date of such withdrawal.

(f) Definition of Related Securities. For purposes of this Rule, the term "Related Securities" means, but is not limited to: securities of a partially or wholly owned subsidiary; securities that are convertible into the securities of the issuer; warrants on securities of the issuer; securities issued in connection with a name change; securities issued in a reverse stock split; contingent value rights; "tracking" securities designed to track the performance of the underlying security or corporate affiliate thereof; securities created in connection with the merger or acquisition of one or more companies; securities created in connection with a "spinoff" transaction; convertible on non-convertible senior securities; and securities into which a listed security is convertible, where such Related Securities emanate from or are related to securities underlying options that are currently allocated to an LMM on the Exchange ("Currently Allocated Options"). The term Related Securities does not include Exchange Traded Funds.

(g) Allocation of Options on Related Securities. Options on Related Securities ("Related Options") shall be automatically allocated to the LMM that is already the LMM in Currently Allocated Options.

C. LMM Allocation

(a) Allocations. The Exchange shall allocate new options classes, or reallocate existing options classes to applicants based on the results of such factors as the Exchange deems appropriate. Among the factors that the Exchange may consider in making such decisions are: the number and type of securities in which applicants are currently registered; the capital and other resources of the applicant; recent allocation decisions within the past eighteen months; the desirability of encouraging the entry of new LMMs into the Exchange's market; order flow commitments; any prior transfers of LMM privileges by the applicant and the reasons therefore and such policies as the Board instructs the Exchange to follow in allocating or reallocating securities. The Exchange may also consider: quality of markets data; and observance of ethical standards and administrative responsibilities. Solely with respect to options class allocations or reallocations, past or contemplated voluntary delisting of options classes by LMMs, done in the best interest of the Exchange, will not be viewed negatively by the Exchange in making allocation and reallocation decisions. The Exchange is empowered to allocate option classes for a limited period of time or subject to such other terms and conditions as it deems appropriate.

D. LMM Allocation, Reallocation and Transfer of Issues

(a) Requests to allocate or transfer allocation or transfer of an options class request must be made in writing to the Exchange and such transfer may only be made to an approved LMM. The LMM shall be assigned LMM to an options class for a period defined by the Exchange. The Exchange will communicate such period in solicitation applications (notices) pursuant to Section B (LMM Allocation Application) herein. The Exchange may re-allocate an options class after the defined period has expired.

Adopted October 23, 2019 (SR-BX-2019-039).

Section 4. Obligations of Market Makers and Lead Market Makers

(a) In registering as a Market Maker, an Options Participant commits himself to various obligations. Transactions of a Market Maker in its market making capacity must constitute a course of dealings reasonably calculated to contribute to the maintenance of a fair and orderly market, and Market Makers should not make bids or offers or enter into transactions that are inconsistent with such course of dealings. Ordinarily, Market Makers are expected to:

(1) During trading hours, a Market Maker must maintain a two-sided market, pursuant to Section 5(d)(1) of Options 2, in those options in which the Market Maker is registered to trade, in a manner that enhances the depth, liquidity and competitiveness of the market.

(2) Engage, to a reasonable degree under the existing circumstances, in dealings for their own accounts when there exists, or it is reasonably anticipated that there will exist, a lack of price continuity, a temporary disparity between the supply of (or demand for) a particular option contract, or a temporary distortion of the price relationships between option contracts of the same class.

(3) Compete with other Market Makers in all options in which the Market Maker is registered to trade.

(4) Make markets that will be honored for the number of contracts entered into BX Options' System in all options in which the Market Maker is registered to trade.

(5) Update quotations in response to changed market conditions in all options in which the Market Maker is registered to trade.

(6) Maintain active markets in all options in which the Market Maker is registered.

(7) Honor all orders that the Trading System routes to away markets pursuant to Options 5 of these Rules.

(b) Options Market Makers should not effect purchases or sales on BX Options except in a reasonable and orderly manner.

(c) If BX Regulation finds any substantial or continued failure by an Options Market Maker to engage in a course of dealings as specified in paragraph (a) of this Rule, such Options Market Maker will be subject to disciplinary action or suspension or revocation of registration in one or more of the securities in which the Market Maker is registered. Nothing in this Rule will limit any other power of the Board under these Rules, or procedures of BX Options with respect to the registration of a Market Maker or in respect of any violation by a Market Maker of the provisions of this Rule.

(d) Reserved.

(e) Transactions of an LMM should constitute a course of dealings reasonably calculated to contribute to the maintenance of a fair and orderly market, and no LMM should enter into transactions or make bids or offers that are inconsistent with such a course of dealings.

(f) Obligations in Appointed Classes. With respect to each class of options in his or her appointment, an LMM is expected to engage, to a reasonable degree under the existing circumstances, in dealings for his own account when there exists, or it is reasonably anticipated that there will exist, a lack of price continuity, a temporary disparity between the supply of and demand for a particular option contract, or a temporary distortion of the price relationships between option contracts of the same class. Without limiting the foregoing, an LMM is expected to perform the following activities in the course of maintaining a fair and orderly market.

(1) To compete with other LMMs and Market Makers to improve the market in all series of options classes to which the LMM is appointed.

(2) To make markets that will be honored for the number of contracts entered into the Trading System in all series of options classes within the LMM's appointment.

(3) To update market quotations in response to changed market conditions in all series of options classes within the LMM's appointment.

(4) Intra-Day Bid/Ask Differentials (Quote Spread Parameters). Options on equities (including Exchange-Traded Fund Shares), and on index options must be quoted with a difference not to exceed $5 between the bid and offer regardless of the price of the bid. However, respecting in-the-money series where the market for the underlying security is wider than $5, the bid/ask differential may be as wide as the spread between the national best bid and offer in the underlying security. The Exchange may establish differences other than the above for one or more series or classes of options.

(g) Reserved.

(h) In Classes of Option Contracts Other Than Those to Which Appointed. With respect to classes of option contracts outside of their appointment, LMMs should not engage in transactions for an account in which they have an interest that are disproportionate in relation to, or in derogation of, the performance of their obligations as specified in this Rule with respect to the classes in their appointment. Furthermore, LMMs should not:

(1) Individually or as a group, intentionally or unintentionally, dominate the market in option contracts of a particular class; and

(2) Effect purchases or sales on the Exchange except in a reasonable and orderly manner.

(i) Prohibited Practices and Procedures.

(1) Any practice or procedure whereby LMMs trading any particular option issue determine by agreement the spreads or option prices at which they will trade that issue is prohibited.

(2) Any practice or procedure whereby LMMs trading any particular option issue determine by agreement the allocation of orders that may be executed in that issue is prohibited.

(j) LMM Quotations. An LMM must enter two-sided quotations. An LMM that enters a bid (offer) in a series of an option in which he is registered on BX must enter an offer (bid), except in an assigned options series listed intra-day on BX. These quotations must meet the legal quote width requirements specified in Options 2, Section 4 subsection (f)(4). An Options Participant will be required to meet each market making obligation separately. Quotes submitted through the Specialized Quote Feed interface, utilizing badges and options series assigned to a Lead Market Maker, will be counted toward the requirement to provide two-sided quotations in 90% of the cumulative number of seconds, or such higher percentage as BX may announce. An Options Participant that is a Market Maker in an options series where the Options Participant is also assigned as the Lead Market Maker, pursuant to Options 2, Section 4, in an option series will be held to both the Lead Market Maker and Market Maker obligations, pursuant to Options 2, Section 5(d), separately, in that options series.

(1) LMMs, associated with the same Options Participant, are collectively required to provide two-sided quotations in 90% of the cumulative number of seconds, or such higher percentage as BX may announce in advance, for which that Option Participant's assigned options series are open for trading. An LMM shall not be required to make two-sided markets in any Quarterly Option Series, any Adjusted Option Series, and any option series with an expiration of nine months or greater for options on equities and exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”) or with an expiration of twelve months or greater for index options. However, an LMM may still receive a participation entitlement in such series if it elects to quote in such series and otherwise satisfies the requirements of Options 3, Section 10.

(a) An adjusted option series is defined as an option series wherein one option contract in the series represents the delivery of other than 100 shares of underlying stock or Exchange-Traded Fund Shares ("Adjusted Options Series").

(2) Specifically, the Exchange will calculate subparagraph (1) above by (i) taking the total number of seconds the Options Participant disseminates quotes in each assigned options series, excluding Quarterly Option Series, any Adjusted Option Series, and any option series with an expiration of nine months or greater for options on equities and ETFs or with an expiration of twelve months or greater for index options; and (ii) dividing that time by the eligible total number of seconds each assigned option series is open for trading that day. Quoting is not required in every assigned options series. Compliance with this requirement is determined by reviewing the aggregate of quoting in assigned options series for the Options Participant.

(3) BX Regulation may consider exceptions to the requirement to quote 90% (or higher) of the trading day based on demonstrated legal or regulatory requirements or other mitigating circumstances. For purposes of the Exchange's surveillance of an Options Participant compliance with this Rule, the Exchange may determine compliance on a monthly basis. The Exchange's monthly compliance evaluation of the quoting requirement does not relieve an Options Participant of the obligation to provide two-sided quotes on a daily basis, nor will it prohibit the Exchange from taking disciplinary action against an Options Participant for failing to meet the quoting obligation each trading day.

(4) If a technical failure or limitation of a System of the Exchange prevents an LMM from maintaining, or prevents an LMM from communicating to the Exchange, timely and accurate electronic quotes in an issue, the duration of such failure shall not be considered in determining whether the LMM has satisfied the 90% quoting standard with respect to that option issue. The Exchange may consider other exceptions to this intra-day electronic quote obligation based on demonstrated legal or regulatory requirements or other mitigating circumstances.

(k) Required Submission of Quotations. An LMM may be called upon by BX Regulation to submit a single quote or maintain intra-day quotes in one or more series of an option issue within its appointment whenever, in the judgment of BX Regulation, it is necessary to do so in the interest of maintaining fair and orderly markets.

(l) Firm Quotes. An LMM shall be compelled to buy/sell a specified quantity of option contracts at the disseminated bid/offer pursuant to his obligations with respect to firm quotes.

(1) All quotes and orders entered into the System by Options Participants are firm under this Rule and Rule 602 of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act ("SEC Rule 602") for the number of contracts specified and according to the size requirements set forth herein.

(2) Market Maker bids and offers are not firm under this Rule and SEC Rule 602:

(a) for the period prior to the Opening Cross; or

(b) if any of the circumstances provided in paragraph (b)(3) or (c)(4) of SEC Rule 602 exist.

Adopted October 23, 2019 (SR-BX-2019-039); amended January 29, 2020 (SR-BX-2020-001); amended July 23, 2020 (SR-BX-2020-017), operative September 14, 2020; amended September 1, 2020 (SR-BX-2020-016), operative September 14, 2020; amended July 19, 2021 (SR-BX-2021-031), operative August 2, 2021; amended August 10, 2021 (SR-BX-2021-034), operative September 30, 2021.

Section 5. Market Maker Quotations

(a) Size Associated with Quotes. A Market Maker's bid and offer for a series of options contracts shall be accompanied by the number of contracts at that price the Market Maker is willing to buy or sell. The best bid and best offer entered by a Market Maker must have a size of at least one (1) contract.

(b) Two-Sided Quotes. A Market Maker that enters a bid (offer) in a series of an option in which he is registered on BX Options must enter an offer (bid).

(c) Firm Quotes.

(1) All quotes and orders entered into the System by Options Participants are firm under this Rule and Rule 602 of Regulation NMS under the Exchange Act ("Rule 602") for the number of contracts specified and according to the requirements of paragraph (a) above.

(2) Market Maker bids and offers are not firm under this Rule and Rule 602:

(i) for the period prior to the Opening Cross; or

(ii) if any of the circumstances provided in paragraph (b)(3) or (c)(4) of Rule 602 exist.

(d) Intra-day Quotes. A Market Maker must enter bids and offers for the options to which it is registered, as follows:

(1) A Market Maker must enter bids and offers for the options to which it is registered, except in an assigned options series listed intra-day on the Exchange. On a daily basis, a Market Maker must make markets consistent with the applicable quoting requirements specified below. An Options Participant will be required to meet each market making obligation separately. Quotes submitted through the Specialized Quote Feed interface, utilizing badges and options series assigned to a Market Maker, will be counted toward the requirement to provide two-sided quotations in 60% of the cumulative number of seconds, or such higher percentage as BX may announce. An Options Participant that is a Market Maker in an options series where the Options Participant is also assigned as the Lead Market Maker, pursuant to Options 2, Section 4, in an option series will be held to both the Lead Market Maker and Market Maker obligations, pursuant to Options 2, Section 5(d), separately, in that options series.

(A) Market Makers, associated with the same Options Participant, are collectively required to provide two-sided quotations in 60% of the cumulative number of seconds, or such higher percentage as BX may announce in advance, for which that Options Participant's assigned options series are open for trading. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Market Maker shall not be required to make two-sided markets pursuant to this subparagraph in any Quarterly Option Series, any Adjusted Option Series, and any option series with an expiration of nine months or greater for options on equities and exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”) or with an expiration of twelve months or greater for index options.

(i) An adjusted option series is defined as an option series wherein one option contract in the series represents the delivery of other than 100 shares of underlying stock or Exchange-Traded Fund Shares ("Adjusted Options Series").

(B) Specifically, the Exchange will calculate subparagraph (A) above by (i) taking the total number of seconds the Options Participant disseminates quotes in each assigned options series, excluding Quarterly Option Series, any Adjusted Option Series, and any option series with an expiration of nine months or greater for options on equities and ETFs or with an expiration of twelve months or greater for index options for Market Makers; and (ii) dividing that time by the eligible total number of seconds each assigned option series is open for trading that day. Quoting is not required in every assigned options series. Compliance with this requirement is determined by reviewing the aggregate of quoting in assigned options series for the Options Participant.

(C) BX Regulation may consider exceptions to the requirement to quote 60% (or higher) of the trading day based on demonstrated legal or regulatory requirements or other mitigating circumstances. For purposes of the Exchange's surveillance of an Options Participant's compliance with this Rule, the Exchange may determine compliance on a monthly basis. The Exchange's monthly compliance evaluation of the quoting requirement does not relieve an Options Participant of the obligation to provide two-sided quotes on a daily basis, nor will it prohibit the Exchange from taking disciplinary action against an Options Participant for failing to meet the quoting obligation each trading day.

(D) If a technical failure or limitation of a System of BX prevents a Market Maker from maintaining, or prevents a Market Maker from communicating to BX Options timely and accurate quotes, the duration of such failure or limitation shall not be included in any of the calculations under this subparagraph (D) with respect to the affected quotes.

(2) Intra-Day Bid/Ask Differentials (Quote Spread Parameters). Options on equities (including Exchange-Traded Fund Shares), and on index options must be quoted with a difference not to exceed $5 between the bid and offer regardless of the price of the bid. However, respecting in-the-money series where the market for the underlying security is wider than $5, the bid/ask differential may be as wide as the spread between the national best bid and offer in the underlying security. The Exchange may establish differences other than the above for one or more series or classes of options.

(A) Bid/ask differentials shall not apply to any options series until the time to expiration is less than nine (9) months for equity options, exchange-traded products, and foreign currencies. Bid/ask differentials shall not apply to any options series until the time to expiration is less than twelve (12) months for index options.

(3) A Market Maker may be called upon by BX Regulation to submit a single bid or offer or maintain continuous bids and offers in one or more of the series in options to which the Market Maker is registered whenever, in the judgment of BX Regulation, it is necessary to do so in the interest of fair and orderly markets.

Adopted October 23, 2019 (SR-BX-2019-039); amended January 29, 2020 (SR-BX-2020-001); amended July 23, 2020 (SR-BX-2020-017), operative September 14, 2020; amended July 19, 2021 (SR-BX-2021-031), operative August 2, 2021; amended July 20, 2021 (SR-BX-2021-032); amended August 10, 2021 (SR-BX-2021-034), operative September 30, 2021; amended Aug. 15, 2024 (SR-BX-2024-029).

Section 6. Market Maker Orders

(a) Market Makers may enter all order types defined in Options 3, Section 7 in the options classes to which they are appointed and non-appointed except Customer Cross Orders.

(b) Options Classes Other Than Those in Which Registered. A Market Maker shall be considered an OEF under the Rules in all classes of options listed on BX Options. The total number of contracts executed by a Market Maker in options in which it is not registered as a Market Maker shall not exceed 25 percent of the total number of all contracts executed by the Market Maker in any calendar quarter.

Adopted October 23, 2019 (SR-BX-2019-039); amended January 29, 2020 (SR-BX-2020-001); amended Jul. 2, 2024 (SR-BX-2024-023), operative Aug. 1, 2024.

Section 7. Securities Accounts and Orders of Market Makers

(a) Identification of Accounts. In a manner prescribed by BX Regulation, each Market Maker shall file with BX Regulation and keep current a list identifying all accounts for stock, options and related securities trading in which the Market Maker may, directly or indirectly, engage in trading activities or over which it exercises investment discretion. No Market Maker shall engage in stock, options or related securities trading in an account which has not been reported pursuant to this Rule.

(b) Reports of Orders. Each Market Maker shall, upon request and in the prescribed form, report to BX Regulation every order entered by the Market Maker for the purchase or sale of (i) a security underlying options traded on BX Options, or (ii) a security convertible into or exchangeable for such underlying security, as well as opening and closing positions in all such securities held in each account reported pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Rule. The report pertaining to orders must include the terms of each order, identification of the brokerage firms through which the orders were entered, the times of entry or cancellation, the times report of execution were received and, if all or part of the order was executed, the quantity and execution price.

(c) Joint Accounts. No Market Maker shall, directly or indirectly, hold any interest or participate in any joint account for buying or selling any options contract unless each participant in such joint account is an Options Participant and unless such account is reported to, and not disapproved by, BX Regulation. Such reports in a form prescribed by BX Regulation shall be filed with BX Regulation before any transaction is effected on BX Options for such joint account. A participant in a joint account must:

(1) Be either a Market Maker or a Clearing Participant that carries the joint account.

(2) File and keep current a completed application on such form as is prescribed by BX Regulation.

(3) Be jointly and severally responsible for assuring that the account complies with all the Rules of the Exchange.

(4) Not be a Market Maker registered to the same options classes to which the joint account holder is also registered as a Market Maker.

(d) Reports of accounts and transactions required to be filed with BX Options pursuant to this Rule relate only to accounts in which a Market Maker, as an individual, directly or indirectly controls trading activities or has a direct interest in the profits or losses of such account. Such reports would be required for accounts over which a Market Maker exercises investment discretion as well as a Market Maker's proprietary accounts.

Adopted October 23, 2019 (SR-BX-2019-039).

Section 8. Financial Requirements for Market Makers

(a) Each Market Maker shall maintain (i) net liquidating equity in its Market Maker account of not less than $200,000, and in conformity with such guidelines as the Board may establish from time to time, and (ii) net capital sufficient to comply with the requirements of Exchange Act Rule 15c3-1. Each Market Maker which is a Clearing Participant shall also maintain net capital sufficient to comply with the requirements of the Clearing Corporation. This equity requirement, as well as all other provisions of the section (including capital maintenance requirements), applies to each Market Maker account, without regard to the number of Market Maker accounts per firm. The term "net liquidating equity" means the sum of positive cash balances and long securities positions less negative cash balances and short securities positions.

(b) Each Market Maker that makes an arrangement to finance his transactions as a Market Maker must identify in writing to BX Regulation the source of the financing and its terms. BX Regulation must be informed immediately of the intention of any party to terminate or change any such arrangement.

Adopted October 23, 2019 (SR-BX-2019-039).

Section 9. Good Standing for Market Makers

(a) To remain in good standing as a Market Maker, the Market Maker must:

(1) continue to meet the requirements established in SEC Rule 15c3-1(a)(6)(i), and the general membership requirements set forth in the Rule 1010 Series of the BX Rules and the requirements for Market Makers as set forth in BX Rule 4611.

(2) continue to satisfy the Market Maker qualification requirements specified by BX, as amended from time to time by BX;

(3) comply with the Rules of the Exchange as well as the Rules of the OCC and the Federal Reserve Board; and

(4) pay on a timely basis such Participation, transaction and other fees as the Exchange and BX Options shall prescribe.

(b) The good standing of a Market Maker may be suspended, terminated or otherwise withdrawn, as provided in the Rules, if any of said conditions for approval cease to be maintained or the Market Maker violates any of its agreements with the Exchange or any of the provisions of the Rules.

Adopted October 23, 2019 (SR-BX-2019-039).

Section 10. Reserved

Adopted October 23, 2019 (SR-BX-2019-039); amended February 17, 2021 (SR-BX-2021-003), operative March 19, 2021; amended September 14, 2021 (SR-BX-2021-041); amended Jul. 2, 2024 (SR-BX-2024-023), operative Aug. 1, 2024; amended Aug. 15, 2024 (SR-BX-2024-029).

Section 11. Reserved


Adopted January 29, 2020 (SR-BX-2020-001).

Section 12. Reserved


Adopted January 29, 2020 (SR-BX-2020-001).

Section 13. Reserved


Adopted January 29, 2020 (SR-BX-2020-001).

Section 14. Reserved


Adopted January 29, 2020 (SR-BX-2020-001).

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