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Home > Nasdaq BX > BX General 3 Versions:
General 3 Membership and Access
Section 1. Membership, Registration and Qualification Requirements

Series 1000 of the Rules of the Nasdaq Stock Market, LLC ("Nasdaq"), as such rules may be in effect from time to time (the "Nasdaq Rule 1000 Series"), are hereby incorporated by reference into this Nasdaq BX Rule 1000 Series (other than Nasdaq Rules 1031, 1050, 1090, 1130, 1150, 1160, and 1170), and are thus Nasdaq BX Rules and thereby applicable to Nasdaq BX Members, Associated Persons, and other persons subject to the Exchange's jurisdiction. Nasdaq BX Members, Associated Persons, and other persons subject to the Exchange's jurisdiction shall comply with the Nasdaq Rule 1000 Series as though such rules were fully set forth herein. All defined terms, including any variations thereof, contained in the Nasdaq Rule 1000 Series shall be read to refer to the Nasdaq BX-related meaning of such term. The defined terms "Exchange" or "Nasdaq" shall be read to refer to the Nasdaq BX Exchange; "Rule" or "Exchange Rule" shall be read to refer to the Exchange Rules; the defined term "Applicant" in the Nasdaq Rule 1000 Series shall be read to refer to an Applicant to the Nasdaq BX Exchange; the defined terms "Board" or "Exchange Board" in the Nasdaq Rule 1000 Series shall be read to refer to the Nasdaq BX Board of Directors; the defined term "Director" in the Nasdaq Rule 1000 Series shall be read to refer to a Director of the Board of the Nasdaq BX Exchange; the defined term "Exchange Review Council" in the Nasdaq Rule 1000 Series shall be read to refer to the Nasdaq BX Exchange Review Council; the defined term "Subcommittee" in the Nasdaq Rule 1000 Series shall be read to refer to a Subcommittee of the Nasdaq BX Exchange Review Council; the defined term "Interested Staff" in the Nasdaq Rule 1000 Series shall be read to refer to Interested Staff of Nasdaq BX; the defined term "Member" in the Nasdaq Rule 1000 Series shall be read to refer to a Nasdaq BX Member; the defined term "Associated Person" shall be read to refer to a Nasdaq BX Associated Person; the defined terms "Exchange Membership Department" or "Membership Department" shall be read to refer to the Nasdaq BX Membership Department; and the defined term "Exchange Regulation Department" shall be read to refer to the Nasdaq BX Regulation Department.

Additionally, cross references in the Nasdaq Rule 1000 Series to "Rule 0120" shall refer to Nasdaq BX General 1 and Equity 1, cross references in the Nasdaq Rule 1000 Series to Rule 3010 shall refer to Nasdaq BX Rule 3010; cross references in the Nasdaq Rule 1000 Series to Rule 3011 shall refer to Nasdaq BX Rule 3011; and cross references to "General 4, Section 1200 Series" shall be read to refer to Nasdaq BX General 4, Section 1.

Adopted October 23, 2019 (SR-BX-2019-039); amended April 27, 2021 (SR-BX-2021-012); amended March 8, 2021 (SR-BX-2021-006), operative Jan. 24, 2022.

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