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Home > > Nasdaq Options 2A Versions:
Options 2A Options Participation
Section 1. Options Participation

(a) These Rules establish a new category of Nasdaq member participation called "Options Participant." Only Options Participants may transact business on NOM via the Trading System. Options Participants may trade options for their own proprietary accounts or, if authorized to do so under applicable law, and consistent with these NOM Rules and with applicable law and SEC rules and regulations, may conduct business on behalf of Customers.

(b) A prospective Options Participant must:

(1) complete an Options Participant Application in the form prescribed by the Exchange;

(2) provide such other information as required by the Exchange;

(3) be an existing member or become a member of the Exchange, pursuant to the 1000 rules series, and continue to abide by the requirements of the 1000 Series with respect to participation in NOM.; and

(4) enter into an Options Participant Agreement in the form specified by the Exchange, agree to abide by the same as it has been or shall be from time to time amended, and pledge to abide by the Rules of the Exchange as amended from time to time, and by all circulars, notices, directives or decisions adopted pursuant to or made in accordance with the Rules of the Exchange; and

(5) be under the supervision and control of a Responsible Person.

(c) Upon completion of the application, the Exchange, or person(s) designated by the Exchange ("designee") shall consider whether to approve the application, unless there is just cause for delay. In its consideration process, the Exchange may conduct such investigation as it deems appropriate and may take such steps as it deems necessary to confirm the information provided by the applicant. Within 30 days after the Exchange or its designee has completed its consideration of an application, it shall provide written notice of the action of the Exchange, specifying in the case of disapproval of an application the grounds therefore.

(d) These NOM Rules place no limit on the number of qualifying entities that may become Options Participants. However, based on system constraints or capacity restrictions, approval of qualifying applications for Options Participants may, in limited circumstances, be temporarily deferred. To the extent that the Board places limitations on otherwise qualified applicants to act as Options Participants, such limits shall be objectively determined and submitted to the Commission for approval pursuant to a rule change filing under Section 19(b) of the Exchange Act.

(e) Options Participant status cannot be leased or transferred except in the event of a change in control or corporate reorganization involving an Options Participant. In such a case, Options Participant status may be transferred to a qualified affiliate or successor upon written notice to the Exchange or its designee.

(f) Every Options Participant shall file with NOM and keep current an address where notices may be served, including current addresses of each Responsible Person, as specified in paragraph (b)(5) of this Rule.

Adopted Dec. 6, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-098).

Section 2. Requirements for Options Participation

(a) Options Participants may be corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies or sole proprietorships organized under the laws of a jurisdiction of the United States, or such other jurisdictions as the Exchange may approve.

(b) Options Participants must be Options Clearing Participants or establish a clearing arrangement with a Clearing Participant.

(c) Options Participants must have demonstrated ability to adhere to all applicable Exchange, SEC, Clearing Corporation and Federal Reserve Board policies, rules and regulations related to the trading of options, including those concerning record-keeping, reporting, finance and trading procedures and be able to satisfactorily demonstrate reasonably adequate systems capability and capacity.

(d) All associated persons of Options Participants who are not themselves Responsible Persons must be under the supervision of a U.S.-based Responsible Person.

(e) Every Options Participant shall have as the principal purpose of being a Participant the conduct of a securities business. Such a purpose shall be deemed to exist if and so long as:

(1) the Participant has qualified and acts in respect of its business on NOM as either an OEF or a Options Market Maker, or both; and

(2) all transactions effected by the Participant are in compliance with Section 11(a) of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations adopted thereunder.

(f) Every Options Participant shall at all times maintain membership in another registered options exchange that is not registered solely under Section 6(g) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or in FINRA. Options Participants that transact business with customers shall at all times be members of FINRA.

Adopted Dec. 6, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-098).

Section 3. Persons Associated with Options Participants

(a) Persons associated with Options Participants shall be bound by the Rules of the Exchange and the Rules of the Clearing Corporation.

(b) Each Options Participant shall file with the Exchange and keep current a list and descriptive identification of those persons associated with the Options Participant who are its executive officers, directors, principal shareholders, and general partners. Such persons shall file with the Exchange a Uniform application for Securities Industry Registration or Transfer (Form U- 4).

Adopted Dec. 6, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-098).

Section 4. Good Standing for Options Participants

(a) To remain in good standing, all Options Participants must:

(1) continue to satisfy the qualification requirements specified by the Exchange, as amended from time to time by the Exchange;

(2) comply with the Rules of the Exchange; and

(3) pay on a timely basis such participation, transaction and other fees as the Exchange and/or NOM shall prescribe.

(b) The good standing of an Options Participant may be suspended, terminated or otherwise withdrawn, as provided in the Nasdaq 9550 Rules, if any of the conditions of Options 2A, Section 2 or 3 are not met or the Options Participant violates any of its agreements with the Exchange and/or NOM or any of the provisions of the Exchange Rules.

(c) Unless an Options Participant is in good standing, the Participant shall have no rights or privileges of options participation except as otherwise provided by law or the Rules, shall not hold himself or itself out for any purpose as a Participant, and shall not deal with the Exchange and/or NOM on any basis except as a non-Participant.

Adopted Dec. 6, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-098).

Section 5. Reserved


Adopted Dec. 6, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-098).

Section 6. Reserved


Adopted Dec. 6, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-098).

Section 7. Reserved


Adopted Dec. 6, 2019 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-098).

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