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Frequently Asked Questions
  When may a company request a hearing?  Will a company's securities be delisted before the hearing?
Identification Number 424
A company must request a hearing within seven calendar days of the date of Nasdaq's delisting determination letter. In most cases, a request for a hearing will stay the delisting pending a decision by a Hearing Panel - meaning no delisting action will be taken until the company has had its hearing and the Hearing Panel has issued a written decision. However, if the company's deficiencies include the failure to timely file a periodic report, the hearing request will stay the suspension only for a period of 15 calendar days from the date the request is due. This 15 day automatic stay typically expires before a hearing is scheduled. A "late filer" may, however, request that the 15-day stay be extended until the hearing takes place and a decision is issued. This request for an extension should accompany the request for a hearing, and should explain why the company believes an extension is appropriate.
Publication Date*: 7/31/2012 Mailto Link Identification Number: 424
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