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Frequently Asked Questions
  What is the compliance process for filing delinquencies?
Identification Number 372
In general, Nasdaq rules provide a company that is delinquent in its periodic filing obligations with 60 days to submit a plan of compliance to the Listing Qualifications Staff, although this timeframe can be shortened at Staff's discretion. Based on that plan, the Staff may grant the company up to 180 days from the due date for the periodic report to regain compliance. In determining whether to grant a company additional time, Staff will consider the company's specific circumstances, including the company's past compliance history, the reasons for the late filing, corporate events that may occur within the exception period, the company's general financial status, the company's disclosures to the market, and the likelihood that the filing can be made within the exception period.
In addition, Nasdaq will broadcast an indicator over its market data dissemination network noting the company's non-compliance. The indicator will be displayed with quotation information related to the company's securities on and by other third-party providers of market data information. Also, Nasdaq posts a list of all non-compliant Nasdaq companies and the reason(s) for such non-compliance on our website. Click here to view the list. The company will be included in this list commencing five business days from the date of the delinquency notification.
The company can regain compliance with the requirement by filing the late periodic report and any other delinquent reports with due dates falling before the end of the exception period. If a company fails to regain compliance prior to the expiration of a Staff exception or if Staff does not accept the plan of compliance, Staff will issue a Staff Determination indicating that the company is subject to delisting. If that occurs, the company may request a hearing before a Hearing Panel to review the determination. However, in this circumstance only, that request will operate to stay the delisting action for only 15 calendar days from the deadline to request a hearing. In order to obtain a longer stay, the company must, in its request for a hearing, ask that the Panel grant such a longer stay. If it does, the Panel can permit the company to remain listed for up to 180 days from the date of the Staff Determination letter, but in no event more than 360 days from the due date of the company's first late filing. See Hearings FAQs for additional information.
Should the company fail to comply with the terms of the Panel's exception or the Panel determines not to grant an exception, the Panel will issue a delist letter. The company may then appeal the Panel's decision to the Nasdaq Listing and Hearing Review Council (Listing Council). The request for an appeal will not stay the delisting of the company's securities from Nasdaq. Please note that the Listing Council may not grant an exception for a period to exceed 360 days from the due date of the first such late periodic report. See Listing Council Appeals FAQs for additional information.
Publication Date*: 7/31/2012 Mailto Link Identification Number: 372
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