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  Listing Council Decision 2021-01
Identification Number 1781

Filing Delinquency

Rule 5250(c)(1): A Company shall timely file all required periodic financial reports with the Commission through the EDGAR System or with the Other Regulatory Authority. A Company that does not file through the EDGAR System shall supply to Nasdaq two (2) copies of all reports required to be filed with the Other Regulatory Authority or email an electronic version of the report to Nasdaq at All required reports must be filed with Nasdaq on or before the date they are required to be filed with the Commission or Other Regulatory Authority. Annual reports filed with Nasdaq shall contain audited financial statements.

Rule 5820(d)(4): In the case of a Company that fails to file a periodic report (e.g., Form 10-K, 10-Q, 20-F, 40-F, or N-CSR), the Listing Council may grant an exception for a period not to exceed 360 days from the due date of the first such late periodic report. The Company can regain compliance with the requirement by filing that periodic report and any other delinquent reports with due dates falling before the end of the exception period. In determining whether to grant an exception, and the length of any such exception, the Listing Council will consider the Company's specific circumstances, including the likelihood that the filing can be made within the exception period, the Company's past compliance history, the reasons for the late filing, corporate events that may occur within the exception period, the Company's general financial status, and the Company's disclosures to the market. This review will be based on information provided by a variety of sources, which may include the Company, its audit committee, its outside auditors, the staff of the SEC and any other regulatory body.

Issue: At issue is whether the Listing Council has discretion to allow a company to remain listed notwithstanding that it has been and remains delinquent in filing its periodic financial reports for more than a year.

Determination: Affirm the decision to suspend and delist the Company.

In light of the facts and circumstances of this matter, which include the fact that the Company has been delinquent in filing its periodic financial reports with the SEC for more than a year, in violation of Rule 5250(c), and that it has failed to regain compliance with the Rule notwithstanding its receipt from the Staff and the Hearing Panel of multiple extensions of time within which to do so, the Listing Council finds that it lacks discretion under Rule 5820(d)(4) to grant any further compliance extensions, and that delisting of the Company’s securities is required.      

Delisting does not bar the Company from applying to relist on Nasdaq, or another U.S. exchange. In this regard, should the Company resolve the issues that give rise to this matter it may reapply to list on Nasdaq.

Publication Date*: 2/1/2021 Mailto Link Identification Number: 1781
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